First Impressions

  • Thread starter IsmokeGT
Right now I'm amazed at how much fun I'm having with such a teeny, tiny demo. I loved the Indy track in F1:CE and I love it in GT. This demo should keep me busy for a while.

2 thumbs up
Anyone mess around with the crash physics yet? I just had a chance to mess around a bit. Spun the car out on purpose on the front stretch by weaving back and forth until it lost control. It nosed into the inside wall, spun around a couple times, then hit the outside wall with the right front of the car and came to a stop. Looks pretty real. :D
Anyone mess around with the crash physics yet? I just had a chance to mess around a bit. Spun the car out on purpose on the front stretch by weaving back and forth until it lost control. It nosed into the inside wall, spun around a couple times, then hit the outside wall with the right front of the car and came to a stop. Looks pretty real. :D

Agreed, now if only we'd have damage :lol:
I'm getting screen freezes several times a lap, it's really annoying! :grumpy:
Can we stay on topic so this thread isn't ruined with worthless post? Send a PM if you have something to say to someone specific. Weeding through garbage to find a post that is on topic is real annoying.
I'm getting screen freezes several times a lap, it's really annoying! :grumpy:

Same here. Wonder what's going on.

Anyone else notice the surface gets very slippery on those yellow lines? Why is that?

I think you're not supposed to go there, so they have a slippery surface so you can't. It may be there in the real track also.
Anyone else notice the surface gets very slippery on those yellow lines? Why is that?

Prolly because in real life paint tends to be slippery since oil and paint = instant death. Much like the grass in this game... for some weird reason? I've been 80 and had part of my rear tire in grass but they know what they're doing so I'm not going to question them. Nor have I had the chance to test drive a 370 yet either.
It's pretty awesome, but I hate having to drive with traction control on. I really do. I hate that when you turn, the car's throttle is reduced as the game controls your car.
It's pretty awesome, but I hate having to drive with traction control on. I really do. I hate that when you turn, the car's throttle is reduced as the game controls your car.

Turn it off in the driving options. Not in the options menu. In the menu just before you start the trial, like in GT5P.
Found something I like. During a replay, press X then toggle though the camera view to get to roof cam. Then you can use the right analog stick (on the controller) to rotate the view around. Pretty slick. :)
That's not true. One, X changes camera. 2 you can't rotate around the car. :|
Turn it off in the driving options. Not in the options menu. In the menu just before you start the trial, like in GT5P
You can only turn it off with the tuned version. But I noticed that I don't have traction control with the stock, while my friend using a pad has it on. Can we assume wheel users using the stock 370z has TCS off and pad users have it on?

That's not true. One, X changes camera. 2 you can't rotate around the car. :|

He said tap X to go into roof cam and right analogue to rotate the view, not rotate around the car.
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Uhm... Back on topic, physics seem to be realistic with the DFGT wheel. I thought they had implemented the full 900 degrees for the steering wheels though but i guess not. The damage possibility is going to be insane. I can tell from the impacts of the car when 'accidentally' wrecking it.
You can only turn it off with the tuned version. But I noticed that I don't have traction control with the stock, while my friend using a pad has it on. Can we assume wheel users using the stock 370z has TCS off stock and pad users have it on?

I'm using a G25 and mine is definitely off.
You guys should really go to an appropriate thread.

2 on topic post on this page. There are several threads that are specifically for your guy's questions and answers.