FITT - Federation of International Tuners and Test-Drivers

  • Thread starter DigitalBaka
In regards to the challenge I am currently get set up, Spec class open to all?
I would think leaving it open for all would be fine. If you are having 4 classes like it sounds it would make sense to limit tuners to pick 2 and my guess is the spec class would somewhat naturally be mostly "newcomers". Plus the spec class I think would generally be very tight regardless of who enters just because of the nature of the limitations. I think limiting tuners to picking 2 classes works. Otherwise testers will be overwhelmed and there can be reasonably short time limits for testing and tuning.
Yes, limited to 2 classes per tuner. Spec class will likely be newcomers but not limited to them only. The "Pros" would likely hit the upper classes and leave us "freshman" to decide where we would like to tune.
@Bowtie-muscle I'd recommend to limit the spec class to drivers that have X number of podiums or less. Don't forget in all the chassis of setting this up to set the custom (aero) parts limits for the spec class.

On another note had an idea for a future challenge would be a pain to run would a royal pain to tune and test drive but I bet it would be fun.
A versatility challenge, street car, one tune, three tracks, one if them dirt or snow. stability would key so that would be part off the ranking so thinking, the combined time-stability score wins time portion. DC separate as always.
@Bowtie-muscle I'd recommend to limit the spec class to drivers that have X number of podiums or less. Don't forget in all the chassis of setting this up to set the custom (aero) parts limits for the spec class.
Any suggestions on the number of podiums that should be? Spec will have front aero only, mainy for looks, Other can also be used as its just trim and does not but change appearance. Rims to be revealed later. Added the 120i and d to go with 4wd, nothing else really seems to fit. The biggest issue is whether or not to do something about the 905 as it is so much lighter. Any thoughts? Mandatory weight added to 1 car? Not sure.
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In regards to the challenge I am currently get set up, Spec class open to all? Seems it would be close competition similar to Spec Miata so why not leave it open to any and all until points system or "Pro Tag" gets sorted. Will give more details soon and get everyones feedback, if good will finalize and post. Would 10 days to tune and 10 to test work? Alot of questions this early in the morning(here anyway) I know, but as a community event, community should help with some of the decisions right? Looking at starting either April 10 or 13.
I don't see any harm in having it open. If you like you could use only podium finishers from GT6. Hami laid it out pretty well in his results. Don't remember if I did. :embarrassed: Once we work out the system we'll probably go off only GT6 anyway.

Your timeframe looks good depending on number of classes and cars to choose from. I'm thinking that's about the sweet spot to keep things interesting. My recommendation would be start on the 10th, skip over Easter Sunday and finish up on the 30th. The 20th will likely be an off day for many. Use your best judgment there. :)

Any suggestions on the number of podiums that should be? Spec will have front aero only, many for looks, Other can also be used as its just trim and does not but change appearance. Rims to be revealed later. Added the 120i and d to go with 4wd, nothing else really seems to fit. The biggest issue is whether or nor to do something about the 905 as it is so much lighter. Any thoughts? Mandatory weight added to 1 car? Not sure.
As long as the performance is similar on the track you've chosen I'd leave it. With the PP system the way it is light weight usually pays for it in straight speed more than it gains in corners. Or it did. For most cars. And stuff.
I don't see any harm in having it open. If you like you could use only podium finishers from GT6. Hami laid it out pretty well in his results. Don't remember if I did. :embarrassed: Once we work out the system we'll probably go off only GT6 anyway.

Your timeframe looks good depending on number of classes and cars to choose from. In thinking that's about the sweet spot to keep things interesting. My recommendation would be start on the 10th, skip over Easter Sunday and finish up on the 30th. The 20th will likely be an off day for many. Use your best judgment there. :)
Hami brought up a good point of running out of newbies if you will, that is why I was thinking open to any one. If I started on the 10th, testing to begin on the 21st and end the 30th(what I was thinking), only question would be if that is enough time for testers. No way I am gonna get much time on the 20th but I'm good with that. Suggestions? Edit: Tuning would end at midnight on the 19th! Launch would be the 10th but in the evening leaving 9 days to tune, 10 to test.
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@Bowtie-muscle if you did podium finish limit is say no more than 3 podiums in gt6, we have had two challenges and 36 podium spots between time and dc so that seems like a fair number. Maximum number of podium spots available to a single player is 8 thus far in gt6.

As for Easter Sunday I know alot of people observe it but there are people who use weekends and evenings for play time only so losing a day of tuning time could hurt. But chances are it won't hurt anyone.
@Bowtie-muscle if you did podium finish limit is say no more than 3 podiums in gt6, we have had two challenges and 36 podium spots between time and dc so that seems like a fair number. Maximum number of podium spots available to a single player is 8 thus far in gt6.

As for Easter Sunday I know alot of people observe it but there are people who use weekends and evenings for play time only so losing a day of tuning time could hurt. But chances are it won't hurt anyone.
This sounds like a good idea, so I guess that means I'm out of spec class now. 4th event in and I'm no longer considered a beginner. I guess I should try to step up my game some more now. Lol.
How about splitting the difference and say 4 podiums (@DaBomm4 your moving up in class son:lol:) in GT6 for this challenge. But I don't want to lose too many beginners in Spec and have, say, only 5 tuners and then they could all theoretically podium with 6 spots to podium.......wait, I'm still eligible:embarrassed:.......if I managed to(:nervous:doubt it) grab 2 podiums in Spec I could move up after 2 challenges? Maybe leave it open to all and see how it goes. I'm sure Hami and Praiano would use better judgement than to toy with freshman (or risk getting beaten by them:idea:):lol::lol::lol:

EDIT: How about making it 3 top podium finishes in GT6 make you ineligible?
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@Bowtie-muscle by top podium do you mean 1st place or just podiums?
and I'm sure your right Hami and Praiano would go for the upper class cars and leave the Spec cars to the freshmen players. as Hami said earlier to my inquiry on how the SCCA does it while the pro's can enter they generaly don't as they are too busy with the Pro races.
@Bowtie-muscle by top podium do you mean 1st place or just podiums?
and I'm sure your right Hami and Praiano would go for the upper class cars and leave the Spec cars to the freshmen players. as Hami said earlier to my inquiry on how the SCCA does it while the pro's can enter they generaly don't as they are too busy with the Pro races.
Yes, just 1st place. Even if you have 4 podiums like DaBomm for example, you could still choose to enter Spec if you wanted. DaBomm had 4 in the last challenge.
Might it be an idea to start fresh (everyone back to zero) and have some kind of running points system based on where you finish in the contests. Once points were established you could set a value on the various classes, if you have between X points and Y points you can enter class B, if you have lower than X you can enter class C, if you have higher than Y then you can enter class A. You can only enter classes equal to or higher than your rating but not lower.
Does that make sense?
Might it be an idea to start fresh (everyone back to zero) and have some kind of running points system based on where you finish in the contests. Once points were established you could set a value on the various classes, if you have between X points and Y points you can enter class B, if you have lower than X you can enter class C, if you have higher than Y then you can enter class A. You can only enter classes equal to or higher than your rating but not lower.
Does that make sense?
Great idea Dolhaus, someone else mentioned this already and I liked it then too. We could have a points table in the thread somewhere (maybe at the front) so we could all see who the wizards and wanna-be-wizards are.
Might it be an idea to start fresh (everyone back to zero) and have some kind of running points system based on where you finish in the contests. Once points were established you could set a value on the various classes, if you have between X points and Y points you can enter class B, if you have lower than X you can enter class C, if you have higher than Y then you can enter class A. You can only enter classes equal to or higher than your rating but not lower.
Does that make sense?
Going on the basis of 5 times in 3rd is the mark of elite tuner, I would say 6 3rd place finish's would move you to pro ranks, So just have to figure out the point scale, than set the pro level to 6 times the points for 3rd place. I would personally say that the points are also equal to 3 times the 1st place points, so if someone gets lucky with a tune and just rocks a comp they don't get shot into the pro ranks when they are not ready for the pro rank.

Tossing an idea example.
1st 10 points
2nd 7 points
3rd 5 points
4th 3 points
5th 1 point
Pro rank is 30 points earned plus three podium's, in the course of the game's life.

The podium requirement is an incentive for the 4th and 5th place finishers to get that much better. If your consistently pulling 4th or 5th place your skill level is very good just need a tad more to be called a pro.
So, something like this just broken into classes instead of above and below one point? I like the idea.
Might it be an idea to start fresh (everyone back to zero) and have some kind of running points system based on where you finish in the contests. Once points were established you could set a value on the various classes, if you have between X points and Y points you can enter class B, if you have lower than X you can enter class C, if you have higher than Y then you can enter class A. You can only enter classes equal to or higher than your rating but not lower.
Does that make sense?
An ongoing discussion that is unsettled and not likely to be before the next challenge. Trying to figure out Spec regulations for the next one. I think just leaving it open and figuring out a system before the following challenge.
An ongoing discussion that is unsettled and not likely to be before the next challenge. Trying to figure out Spec regulations for the next one. I think just leaving it open and figuring out a system before the following challenge.
Fair enough, I think it will work in the long run but it needs the details working out before being put into action. Just don't want it to keep being stalled for ever as these things often do.
I will have a think about how it could work fairly and post it if I come up with anything. My first thought is how do we make the points system work with new tuners coming in, the top tuners and the ones who enter all the contests will be miles ahead on points of someone who has entered late and has 0. Maybe an average points per contest style of rating?
Sorry, I'm just thinking and typing, rambling if you will lol
If you have testing start after the 20th or even a little before then, I couldn't be a tuner(which is fine...tired of coming in third anyways:crazy:) but I'd be able to test since I'm back on the 19th and could use some GT6 time...heck my kingdom for a TV channel that I can understand! But it sounds like a good challenge you're setting up, Bowtie!👍
If you have testing start after the 20th or even a little before then, I couldn't be a tuner(which is fine...tired of coming in third anyways:crazy:) but I'd be able to test since I'm back on the 19th and could use some GT6 time...heck my kingdom for a TV channel that I can understand! But it sounds like a good challenge you're setting up, Bowtie!👍
Will miss ya in the tuning portion but hey another test driver is a good thing :)
I do like myself some BBC shows, Touchwood is my current favorite :) the Starz take on it was umm interesting...
Check oil change cars done, put car on auto drive and am watching a movie :)
Auto drive =TCS 1 ASM, SRF, Active steering strong, a hair tie and Daytona. Use the hair tie to hold the right stick up up for throttle the aids keep the car going in the right direction. Be sure your turn off the vibration function :P
Note make sure your LSD is tuned to balanced wheel spin or you will start spinning out and get no miles.
Check oil change cars done, put car on auto drive and am watching a movie :)
Auto drive =TCS 1 ASM, SRF, Active steering strong, a hair tie and Daytona. Use the hair tie to hold the right stick up up for throttle the aids keep the car going in the right direction. Be sure your turn off the vibration function :P
Note make sure your LSD is tuned to balanced wheel spin or you will start spinning out and get no miles.
This is a serious giggle :lol:
Homemade B-spec :cheers:
Check oil change cars done, put car on auto drive and am watching a movie :)
Auto drive =TCS 1 ASM, SRF, Active steering strong, a hair tie and Daytona. Use the hair tie to hold the right stick up up for throttle the aids keep the car going in the right direction. Be sure your turn off the vibration function :P
Note make sure your LSD is tuned to balanced wheel spin or you will start spinning out and get no miles.
:lol::lol:Even funnier, I believe you meant to post in the OTHER FITT thread.
well the homemade B-Spec is not quite working as planned have to baby, seems to have been a change to the daytona track that digs in the outside front every ten laps.

Oye forgot to run a clean lap at the end and lost all the mileage.

Ok so here is bug in arcade mode and it won't save your miles aside if the tone. Test drive mode works tho.
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Ok, I am pretty confident that I have done all my homework, research and brain numbing decision making for the next challenge. This is where I'm heading but won't give all details. Instead of 4 classes, I'm going with 3: Spec(1 car), Hot Hatch(18 cars, all FF), Pro-Spec(1 car). Decided to remove AWD class and save those for another challenge where they can compete against the JDM AWD. Picked Scirocco Base Model alone, Megane can be used in a MR challenge, plus Scirocco has something that made me say, "Now that will make things interesting". Classes will all be "Open to All", those tuners who are on the "Pro" level can decide if they want to enter lower Spec(you know who you are). First two classes will have a ride height restriction but not crazy, each class will vary slightly with rules. IF everyone likes this I will be ready to launch Weds night, April 9 - giving 10 days to tune, 20th an off day and testing begin on 21st, ending on the 30th. Tell me your thoughts and whether or not it's a go. Or ask questions:)

bowtie (Chris)
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Ok, I am pretty confident that I have done all my homework, research and brain numbing decision making for the next challenge. This is where I'm heading but won't give all details. Instead of 4 classes, I'm going with 3: Spec(1 car), Hot Hatch(18 cars, all FF), Pro-Spec(1 car). Decided to remove AWD class and save those for another challenge where they can compete against the JDM AWD. Picked Scirocco Base Model alone, Megane can be used in a MR challenge, plus Scirocco has something that made me say, "Now that will make things interesting". Classes will all be "Open to All", those tuners who are on the "Pro" level can decide if they want to enter lower Spec(you know who you are). First two classes will have a ride height restriction but not crazy, each class will vary slightly with rules. IF everyone likes this I will be ready to launch Weds night, April 9 - giving 10 days to tune, 20th an off day and testing begin on 21st, ending on the 30th. Tell me your thoughts and whether or not it's a go. Or ask questions:)

bowtie (Chris)
Can you tell us the drivetrain layout of the Spec class for newbies?
well the homemade B-Spec is not quite working as planned have to baby, seems to have been a change to the daytona track that digs in the outside front every ten laps.

Oye forgot to run a clean lap at the end and lost all the mileage.

Ok so here is bug in arcade mode and it won't save your miles aside if the tone. Test drive mode works tho.
Try your auto drive at Indy. I would think it being flatter would be better for that method.
Try your auto drive at Indy. I would think it being flatter would be better for that method.
I did the corners are too sharp and noses in every 3-5 turns. I found that leaving the controller next to me while I worked on the spreadsheet and corrected the turning when it started to nose in worked well, just not a zero maintenance like it was in GT5. So phuesdo B-sepc :) still better than mindless driving for 300 km lol