FITT - Federation of International Tuners and Test-Drivers

  • Thread starter DigitalBaka
In the time I have been watching (and participating in) FITT threads, I have always wanted to propose a budget challenge. Like 450pp on sports hards with a trans for under a total cost of 60,000 credits on a track like deep forest reverse. You could use any car or maybe limit it to a single drivetrain but spend your money as you see fit as long as it meets those 3 requirements. Parts choices and initial car cost would be crucial as there would not be a lot of money for hop ups after purchasing a car, trans, and tires. This would be a best bang for the buck car challenge.

I too like this idea, sounds good.
Wouldn't mind giving this one a go :) 👍
Is there a way of downloading the tracks to the PS3s hard drive? I had a look last night and they were only available if you're signed in
That's the million dollar question right there. If that's possible, when I get the green light to do the update at my Brother's, I'll copy as many as I can. That'll include the @Otaliema version of Pikes Peak. We HAVE to have the full version of Pikes Peak included in GT7.
Are you reading this Kazunori San?
@Pete05 @DolHaus You must be signed into PSN network to access user created tracks. even ones you created yourself. So sadly Pete it wont do you a any good to do this update. So no rushing it.
Yeah I thought that was the case, had hoped it would install in the same way the other tracks do after you use them for the first time, thats me more or less out as well unfortunately :grumpy:
@Pete05 @DolHaus You must be signed into PSN network to access user created tracks. even ones you created yourself. So sadly Pete it wont do you a any good to do this update. So no rushing it.
I've always signed into the network whenever I do an update though. I'm always getting messages from them to change my password too.
Now I'm confused.
I've always signed into the network whenever I do an update though. I'm always getting messages from them to change my password too.
Now I'm confused.
You have to be signed in to use the tracks even after updating. The 1.21 update was only for the track creator, so you don't have to rush to update the game as you will not be able to use the tracks unless you're at your brothers house.
You have to be signed in to use the tracks even after updating. The 1.21 update was only for the track creator, so you don't have to rush to update the game as you will not be able to use the tracks unless you're at your brothers house.
You still get the four sampler tracks though.
If it wasn't for the sampler tracks I probably wouldn't bother with it. Having a quick sift through the update thread, apparently PD have seen it fit to up & change the sounds for certain vehicles and, not always for the better. Pre-update the C6 Corvette Z06 & ZR1 had different sounds. Now they're the same :irked: They've also changed the WRX's flat four uneven burble to something completely different :odd:
So instead of taking steps to improve our audio experience, we somehow end up traveling backwards :rolleyes:
A happy announcement and an apology.

I am happy to announce that my tuning garage for Forza 6 is now open. I am still working to fully understand the physics in Forza 6, but finally feel good enough about it to post my first tune. Driving in Forza 6 is tougher than GT6 so far. Almost all cars oversteer vs. the typical GT6 understeer, so I have been sideways and backwards more times than I can count. There are a lot of cool features in Forza 6 and some things that I miss about GT6.

An apology that Forza 6 is currently consuming all of my game time. My new wheel shows up in a couple of weeks along with a copy of Project Cars. These two games are likely to take all of my free time through the end of November. I plan to tune for all three games, Forza 6, Project Cars and GT6 so I will be looking for the difficult car of the month and FITT tuning competition in December.
A happy announcement and an apology.

I am happy to announce that my tuning garage for Forza 6 is now open. I am still working to fully understand the physics in Forza 6, but finally feel good enough about it to post my first tune. Driving in Forza 6 is tougher than GT6 so far. Almost all cars oversteer vs. the typical GT6 understeer, so I have been sideways and backwards more times than I can count. There are a lot of cool features in Forza 6 and some things that I miss about GT6.

An apology that Forza 6 is currently consuming all of my game time. My new wheel shows up in a couple of weeks along with a copy of Project Cars. These two games are likely to take all of my free time through the end of November. I plan to tune for all three games, Forza 6, Project Cars and GT6 so I will be looking for the difficult car of the month and FITT tuning competition in December.
Was wondering what had happened to you. Enjoy the new toy when it shows up and I look forward to seeing if Forza and PC influence your tuning in GT6 come December.
Proposed rule set for contests where the tune may not be modified once posted:


1) Once a tune is posted it must remain unedited/unchanged

  • Spelling mistakes/formatting
  • Incorrect base figures (bhp/torque/weight/distribution) providing it meets regulations

2) The post is the responsibility of the tuner, any mistakes regarding the modifiable aspects of the car (tyres/suspension/brakes/transmission/differential/aero/ballast) cannot be changed so be very careful to check it over before posting. If you post it wrong then its on you, it runs as its written.

  • If the tune is posted incorrectly by a third party on behalf of a tuner then changes may be made provided sufficient evidence is provide that it is indeed a mistake by the poster
3) If a tune is posted with missing/unachievable figures (tyres/suspension/brakes/transmission/differential/aero/ballast/engine/weight parts) then you have 24hrs after the initial questioning (can be by anyone) to update or you will be substituted the default setting (select reset to default) regardless of negative effect on performance

  • Obvious spelling/formatting errors where common sense should be applied
4) No place holder tunes unless express permission is granted by event organiser


1) Disputes must be made publicly before they are discussed in detail in private to give testers opportunity to alter their plans and avoid retests. No need to explain the whole situation, just state that an error may be present in your post to the event organiser in the public thread.

2) When a dispute is made it is the responsibility of the event organiser to follow up and examine the case. If something needs to be altered then the event organiser should ask the listed testers if anyone has already tested, if the majority have already tested the car then change will be denied regardless of circumstance. If insufficient feedback is available then the event organiser has the deciding vote.

3) When a public dispute is made any member may object, objections do not have to be made publicly but must be brought to the event organiser for consideration in a clear and reasoned fashion

This is all I can think of so far, if anyone else has any better ideas then please speak up 👍
Proposed rule set for contests where the tune may not be modified once posted:


1) Once a tune is posted it must remain unedited/unchanged

  • Spelling mistakes/formatting
  • Incorrect base figures (bhp/torque/weight/distribution) providing it meets regulations

2) The post is the responsibility of the tuner, any mistakes regarding the modifiable aspects of the car (tyres/suspension/brakes/transmission/differential/aero/ballast) cannot be changed so be very careful to check it over before posting. If you post it wrong then its on you, it runs as its written.

  • If the tune is posted incorrectly by a third party on behalf of a tuner then changes may be made provided sufficient evidence is provide that it is indeed a mistake by the poster
3) If a tune is posted with missing/unachievable figures (tyres/suspension/brakes/transmission/differential/aero/ballast/engine/weight parts) then you have 24hrs after the initial questioning (can be by anyone) to update or you will be substituted the default setting (select reset to default) regardless of negative effect on performance

  • Obvious spelling/formatting errors where common sense should be applied
4) No place holder tunes unless express permission is granted by event organiser


1) Disputes must be made publicly before they are discussed in detail in private to give testers opportunity to alter their plans and avoid retests. No need to explain the whole situation, just state that an error may be present in your post to the event organiser in the public thread.

2) When a dispute is made it is the responsibility of the event organiser to follow up and examine the case. If something needs to be altered then the event organiser should ask the listed testers if anyone has already tested, if the majority have already tested the car then change will be denied regardless of circumstance. If insufficient feedback is available then the event organiser has the deciding vote.

3) When a public dispute is made any member may object, objections do not have to be made publicly but must be brought to the event organiser for consideration in a clear and reasoned fashion

This is all I can think of so far, if anyone else has any better ideas then please speak up 👍
Well done, well thought out and concise 👍
I approve.
Proposed rule set for contests where the tune may not be modified once posted:


1) Once a tune is posted it must remain unedited/unchanged

  • Spelling mistakes/formatting
  • Incorrect base figures (bhp/torque/weight/distribution) providing it meets regulations

2) The post is the responsibility of the tuner, any mistakes regarding the modifiable aspects of the car (tyres/suspension/brakes/transmission/differential/aero/ballast) cannot be changed so be very careful to check it over before posting. If you post it wrong then its on you, it runs as its written.

  • If the tune is posted incorrectly by a third party on behalf of a tuner then changes may be made provided sufficient evidence is provide that it is indeed a mistake by the poster
3) If a tune is posted with missing/unachievable figures (tyres/suspension/brakes/transmission/differential/aero/ballast/engine/weight parts) then you have 24hrs after the initial questioning (can be by anyone) to update or you will be substituted the default setting (select reset to default) regardless of negative effect on performance

  • Obvious spelling/formatting errors where common sense should be applied
4) No place holder tunes unless express permission is granted by event organiser


1) Disputes must be made publicly before they are discussed in detail in private to give testers opportunity to alter their plans and avoid retests. No need to explain the whole situation, just state that an error may be present in your post to the event organiser in the public thread.

2) When a dispute is made it is the responsibility of the event organiser to follow up and examine the case. If something needs to be altered then the event organiser should ask the listed testers if anyone has already tested, if the majority have already tested the car then change will be denied regardless of circumstance. If insufficient feedback is available then the event organiser has the deciding vote.

3) When a public dispute is made any member may object, objections do not have to be made publicly but must be brought to the event organiser for consideration in a clear and reasoned fashion

This is all I can think of so far, if anyone else has any better ideas then please speak up 👍
I'm a big fan of transparency so besides putting all this down to experience, we can only learn from it for future events. Well done.
No, its not complete.

1) Any negative, personal attack, on a tuner/tester's abilities, philosophies, settings, results, etc., and offender's entry is disqualified. Questions, conserns, objections need to be voiced in a courtious professional mannner.
There is something in the main FITT rules regarding member conduct, this is purely regarding the specifics of tune posting under certain circumstances.
The way I see it. FITT has always had an un written rule about posted tunes being final to allow for early testing. The final call on mods has always fallen to the ES(host) of the event on a case by case. As for conducting yourself. Above and beyond being an adult and respectful the sites aup covers everything else.
As far as what I saw happen in the last event and past events the existing rules of FITT have been followed. If you feel a change is in order then one can be looked at. I would recommend starting a PM with all reaming active FITT council and putting it past them first.
Then if we're not going to enforce the existing rules, then I guess I fail to see the need to re-word, clairify, re-write or make up any more.
The way I see it. FITT has always had an un written rule about posted tunes being final to allow for early testing. The final call on mods has always fallen to the ES(host) of the event on a case by case. As for conducting yourself. Above and beyond being an adult and respectful the sites aup covers everything else.
As far as what I saw happen in the last event and past events the existing rules of FITT have been followed. If you feel a change is in order then one can be looked at. I would recommend starting a PM with all reaming active FITT council and putting it past them first.
The structure has always been tuning/testing schedule, allowing people to access the cars early is an ungoverned liberty. As you mentioned its an unwritten law, unwritten laws tend to be full of holes and problems, all I'm doing is writing down some ground rules to be fallen back on in times of need.
We don't have a council, this group is owned and run by anyone who cares enough to get involved, I feel that public discussion is the best way to approach this. These rules don't change anything, they just act as basic infrastructure.
Then if we're not going to enforce the existing rules, then I guess I fail to see the need to re-word, clairify, re-write or make up any more.
Most of the time, the rule is enforced.... I never like to see anyone's tuning/testing ability or lap times called into question. But, it also becomes difficult to read and "hear" text tone. I say, throw your tune back in, put it behind us and let's all grow from it. I must have missed most of the situation by not getting alerts. But would always defend others being attacked if I felt that we're the case.

This is all a big misunderstanding gone Out of control.