What it can hit....CAN. On average it is a solid 60fps and 45-50 fps when night or rainy. Also glad you mention 3D which hugely taxes the graphics engine.
When digital foundry tested this the found that GT5 can hit mid 45-50 fps with no rain and in the day.
Source -
I've seen footage of GT5 hitting sub-30 fps at night with rain, and 3D drops that more.
Source -
I really don't see how that is an acceptable hit for anyone who wants anything close to a sim.
Guess I did not word it properly. I mean it should offer different interior colours that most sport cars have. Gt5 does this partially with PREMIUM cars.
Also the cockpits are still textured really badly.
No you didn't and to be honest you need to start making sure you say exactly what you mean, as this is starting to become a pattern.
Yes the best GT5 can offer is currently unmatched (and I have never said otherwise, but that best is only 20%.
I know right how could he possibly mix that up.
Given that you will find nothing to even remotely corroberate the claim anywhere on the web, then yes I do have to wonder how such a mistake was made.
Ah thanks for reminding me. I tested it a long while ago like you said, and though I have no proof the car did not spin out like in Forza. However the car is far more twitchy in GT5.
Oh I know the car doesn't behave correctly in GT5, its a hole in the low speed physics that has been around for far too long now.
Now please define twitchy. When, what type of corner, under what conditions.
Or is this another one of your throwaway claims, such as all FM4 sports cars having the. COG set too high and RUFs with wheels at 90 degrees when they clearly don't
Also I want to ask you something. If the cause is due to the different and sometimes random loss of grip in the rear tyres than can you justify to me that the cobra in FM4 can spin the other way. Please show cockpit view also. Thanks in advance just curious.
At what point did I say random?
I didn't, I said....
So why does this happen, well in the real world its a combination of factors, the main one being load, with a few rare exceptions cars are are not of equal lateral weight when static, throw in a driver and they certainly aren't. You also have issues with sidewall deformation (which with unequal load will not be the same) not being equal which changes the contact patch shape and size. Oh and you can potentially look at unequal diff and driveshaft torque distribution.
...and I would suggest you don't misquote me again.
It not random and its repeatable, which is close to how it is in the real world.
Now while I am happy to post up the cockpit view, I am going to ask why.
Wow. I think that has pretty much summed your biased tendencies towards Forza. Seen it in Gt forums too.
No side is exactly innocent in this regard including yourself, or even me.
Any claim of no bias is nonsense, as humans we are pretty much incapable of discussing any topic without bias.
Also many people think that by playing both games that how somehow invalidates their bias. Yes it gives you a more informed opinion but at the end of the day it is still an opinion that is affected by bias.
You know what Slip said about bias and GT history, you can apply that to me.
Go back and review my posting history and tell me that I don't historically have a massive GT bias (download my GT tuning guides and when you have read them consider how long it took to test all of that and write it - that's a fraction of my time with GT4, let alone the full series), when you have done so ask why I now have a FM4 bias (and note the 4 its important).
Could it possible be that after hundreds of hours invested in the GT series over more than a decade I simply decided on a whim to say 'screw it I'll just like Forza for a laugh", or possible that I found in FM4 what the GT series is now missing?
I can even tell you what the final straw was in it for me (and its not the tyre model - which as someone who has spent many, many hours working with real world tyre data is strange), its the tuning. I love vehicle dynamics with a passion, every single part of it from the basics to the physics behind it, I loved teaching it, I still keep up to date with SAE and Racecar Engineering publications. I loved that while not perfect I could, in GT1 to 4 apply the basic fundamentals of tuning to cars and they would act roughly as they should do. Along came GT5 and the first thing I find is that for months I can't change gear ratios, only the final drive!!! Then I start tuning cars and all of a sudden real world theory isn't working as it should, and not by a small way, ride height does things it shouldn't, spring and damper rates have gone mad. Don't believe me, take a look at the tuning sub-forums here and see the volume of posts on it. Even more strange are the number of people who are happy to accept it.
I prefer FM4 to GT5 simply because in the areas that matter to me its a better sim, to be blunt the standards vs Premiums has never bothered me, the crappy menus are just a part of GT for me, the car wash, the oil change. None of these bother me at all. However when the tuning starts to get lost then I start to wonder, and when something else comes along that does allow me to tune (and in a way that reflects the real world), has a pretty good tyre model, with a solid frame rate then its going to appeal.
My choice is an informed one, one based on what appeals to me, so yes a bias exists, but I can explain and track the changes in mine and I think that gives me a degree of informed and balanced credibility. Can you say the same?