FM Vs GT - Discussion Thread (read the first post before you post)

  • Thread starter Scaff
The key here is that you don't own FM4 and are just going by what the videos seem to be. I own both and IMO the physics argument is over now that Forza 4 is out.

Meaning GT5 is better?

I read a few review of FM4 and they said that GT5 still has the better physics and after seeing what i saw in a few FM4 videos, it can best be compared to NFS.
Meaning GT5 is better?

I read a few review of FM4 and they said that GT5 still has the better physics and after seeing what i saw in a few FM4 videos, it can best be compared to NFS.

Again the key here is that you haven't played or don't own the game again i disagree but that's just my opinion. Also it's evident by the need for speed statement that just going by the reviews and vids aren't enough. Go rent the game or find someone that has it near you that would be willing to let you play. IMO both games tie when it comes to physics.
I've GT5 since release , played a lot. Today got FM4 , played 3 hours in World Tour mode , I must say its beautiful, the cars , the scenery, the cars sounds are amazing. Its fun, its great to drive , you can simply fall in love with FM4 , I am not a fanboy but this time only xbox360 nothing else.
In terms of physics, both GT5 and FM4 are great games. I have them both and spent 7 hours racing FM4 last night, and have spent the past many months loving GT5. FM4 is a fantastic game in it's own right. I don't compare the two, but rather enjoy each of them for what they are. It cracks me up that people fight over which is the better one. Just get them both and enjoy!

FM4 has a great sense of speed, awesome sounds, and gorgeous graphics. It doesn't have any anti-aliasing issues like GT5 does, so it looks so much better. It has more of the tracks I like as well. For DLC, I'll still be watching what comes down the pipeline for GT5 add-ons, and hopefully they will release more real world road courses.

Get them both and compare all you want. But if you haven't tried the full version of FM4, you're not giving it a fair chance... if only basing opinion on YouTube videos. You need to try it first hand for a better impression. Just my two cents.
Scaff you may mod me for this but I have to come out and say it.

Honestly you GT apologists in here are trying too hard and posting some of the weakest arguments in defense of GT. All of the "I heard" and "I saw on YouTube" and let's not forget "but the Ring" argument all of it is starting to sound terribly weak. Let go of the Stockholm syndrome, open your mind a minute and actually PLAY FM4 then come back with an opinion. Looking at the GT5 forum its full of threads about valid complaints about the game being disappointing and now threads about spec 2.0 being the last gasp for some fans. I have GT5 trophies on my profile and have played the game, I never gave criticism about the game that I haven't experienced while I owned it until a few weeks ago.

Let's see how this get quoted and over analyzed with terrible analogies.
Anyone try the photomode? compare to GT5?
Here is an example of the ''photomode'' in FM4-
I've GT5 since release , played a lot. Today got FM4 , played 3 hours in World Tour mode , I must say its beautiful, the cars , the scenery, the cars sounds are amazing. Its fun, its great to drive , you can simply fall in love with FM4 , I am not a fanboy but this time only xbox360 nothing else.

I agree with you, prymtime and hawkeye one word for me describes Forza 4 AMAZING!!!! The other thing that i am impressed about it is the short amount of time that they had to develop it. I mean if we gave turn 10 6 years to release the next Forza think of what it would be. Not to mention at release Forza doesn't have nearly as many bugs and GT5 had and needed to get patched. I think GT5 is a good game but it was an incomplete product at release and PD has been trying to patch it up and catch up. I think the problem with most people is they don't want to give credit where it's due especially since there was so much hype and promises that came with GT5. I def think owning both games and being able to compare helps. I hope that PD learns from this and that GT6 will be a lot better. We've been promised that it won't take as long to develop but i won't hold my breath as GT5 still doesn't have an upgrade for brakes, The ability to tune tire pressure, diameter or width, the lack of a livery editor, generic tuning menus, sound that's horrible in some cases and sub par in others, paint that i have to earn and can use once, damage that is subpar or nonexistent, a worse online community than Forza. I can go on and on and on but my point is at the end of the day IMO the most complete and closest thing we have to a "Real Race/Driving simulator" is Forza 4. Maybe when this is realized PD will make a better attempt at the next version.

There a couple of pics in there that are extremely impressive. Its very close between the two games. I would give Forza 4 the edge, in that they are consistent from what I have seen. In GT5, we have all these "standard cars" and now with the inside view, its less then pleasing. IS more always better? I think not. Its about quality as opposed to quantity.

Had the game come with fewer cars and all of them premium then the difference between Forza 4 and GT5 graphically would be apples and oranges.

When I see the Ring in its glory in GT5, then its wow. But you can also see some very nice tracks rendered in Forza now.

I think Forza 4, has made the whole thing come of age and that is actually a good thing.

I would like to play Forza 4 to really compare it more, but in my thinking graphically you can't go wrong and both games seem to offer something very unique depending on the needs of the people.

There a couple of pics in there that are extremely impressive. Its very close between the two games. I would give Forza 4 the edge, in that they are consistent from what I have seen. In GT5, we have all these "standard cars" and now with the inside view, its less then pleasing. IS more always better? I think not. Its about quality as opposed to quantity.

Had the game come with fewer cars and all of them premium then the difference between Forza 4 and GT5 graphically would be apples and oranges.

When I see the Ring in its glory in GT5, then its wow. But you can also see some very nice tracks rendered in Forza now.

I think Forza 4, has made the whole thing come of age and that is actually a good thing.

I would like to play Forza 4 to really compare it more, but in my thinking graphically you can't go wrong and both games seem to offer something very unique depending on the needs of the people.

Well your getting into something different now I was just going off what game looks better in Photo mode.
Why are graphics even in this argument. Its total opinion when it comes to graphics since both games look good. Its THE physics. Both games have to be hacked to tell which one processes physics the best. I dont expect a human to tell what physical kinematics are being processed for each tire. At least compare the UI or what offers more. Also leave the fanboyism aside, it wont help.
Well your getting into something different now I was just going off what game looks better in Photo mode.

Yes I know. But look at it this way. You come into a new nicely built house. You see beautiful paintings and designs, but then you start see absolutely horrid rooms that are more in line with something dirty and dingy. Even though it is not directly connected, you might wonder whats going.

The ability within the photo mode, being that it is so impressive should be seen throughout the game.
Why are graphics even in this argument. Its total opinion when it comes to graphics since both games look good. Its THE physics. Both games have to be hacked to tell which one processes physics the best. I dont expect a human to tell what physical kinematics are being processed for each tire. At least compare the UI or what offers more. Also leave the fanboyism aside, it wont help.

Wow I'm starting to see more and more people tell it like it is...a refreshing change of pace. Too bad the fan boys don't know how to give it up when they're wrong.
Yes I know. But look at it this way. You come into a new nicely built house. You see beautiful paintings and designs, but then you start see absolutely horrid rooms that are more in line with something dirty and dingy. Even though it is not directly connected, you might wonder whats going.

The ability within the photo mode, being that it is so impressive should be seen throughout the game.

No doubt man the standards are last gen I get it but we where talking about comparing photo mode. FM4 looks very good man big step up from 3, however the GT5 premiums are better in my opinion and GT5 photo mode is better to me. What I like about FM though is how you can create liveries making photo mode great when you want to get a picture of your creation. LMS I would chill with the fan boy stuff just read the first post not worth getting in trouble. 👍
Well I have been debating on whether or not to get Forza 4. I have Forza 3 (bought an xbox for it) and it was a good game (still is). The two reasons why I personally haven't played it as much as GT5 is one - I don't have a wheel for the xbox (use G25) and Two - is I like to play online and the only game I play on the xbox is Forza which the $60 a year is a deal breaker for me. Yes I know its only $60, but when its the only game I would play and don't use any of the other features for the xbox it seems like a lot.

I have played the demo. Since I play with the controller its a little hard to judge the physics of the game so all I can say is it does feel like there is better weight transfer than 3 but from a controller stand point its similar to 3.

As far as graphics go I like them not really sure which is better GT or Forza again like most sensible people say its opinion. However there is a lot more on track items like extra trees, parked cars, banners etc. on Forza. What people do tend to forget is that the PS3 only has 256mb of ram while the 360 has 512mb. This for those that don't now allows the 360 to load more data a keep it there or load entire tracks. If you all remember there were sometimes when the road would disappear on the 24hr of the ring, thats because PD didn't have the resources to load the entire track at once. Hence why we didnt have rewind and fast forward and now only have skips. They can only do so much with the hardware that they have.

So while I was slightly disappointed with GT5 I do realize what they have to work with. Thats why im not one of those people that say PD sucks now and what were they doing for the 5 or so years. I believe most of their time went to dealing with the game engine and how to allocate all the data into that limited space. To bad they don't make GT for the PC, one can dream though.

Anyways on to Forza 4. The main thing im a little dissapointed with the game (have not played the full one) is that there is no night or weather racing.(correct me if im wrong). Not sure why that wasn't put in there since most of the tracks are carryovers from 3 although "spruced up" same with the cars. I would think that would have been top priority especially with their new lighting engine. But other than that from what I have read and seen it looks great. The feature that I think adds the most to the racing aspect is the two class racing. God I wish GT had that especially for the ring or the larger tracks. I think that adds a huge dynamic when racing because if your in the slower class you have to be constantly aware of the faster class as to not block them and with being in the faster class there is the danger that one of the slower cars don't see you as you try passing and come into your line. Speaking of multiclass racing, for anyone that has done that, are there blue flags in Forza 4 or flags in general? I haven't seen anything on that.

Also for anyone that has a CSR from fanatec the wheel rim is a two piece with a seam. I hear that the seam is also where the grips are and some people are complaining about it hurting the hands. Anyone experience this? Also anyone who has had a GT2 and now has a CSR, is the CSR that much better than the GT2. Everyone seems to agree that the paddle shifters are better but im looking for the forcefeed back and sound. Is one quieter than the other or has better force feedback? I was thinking of getting the CSR or GT2 in the next month or two and dont like the look of the CSR and am worried about the seam making it uncomfortable to hold, while I love the way the GT2 looks but I hear the paddles don't feel as good as the G25.
I have both games and enjoy both, but GT provides something special imo.

The graphics in FM4 are still FM3-like but with shinier cars, (IBL does help) but the game just seems like it caters to a younger audience, or more user friendly, idk yet
With limited steering wheel options, permanent assists, lack of different weather conditions, easy difficulty, FM does have it's issues (for me)
But, rivals mode, livery editor, and autovista are cool:)

GT5 is still the game to offer a true driving experience. FFB is more precise and stronger, levels (tracks) are more diverse and varied (snow, wet, night, sand, etc). The little things like horns, wipers, lights, illuminated dash, interior views (l/r, and rear) really add more to the car and to the immersive experience. The physics presented in 2.0 feel tight and responsive...

Remember, these are just my impressions and time will tell which game will reign supreme, but I'm still going to enjoy both as they are both fun, imo;)
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No doubt man the standards are last gen I get it but we where talking about comparing photo mode. FM4 looks very good man big step up from 3, however the GT5 premiums are better in my opinion and GT5 photo mode is better to me. What I like about FM though is how you can create liveries making photo mode great when you want to get a picture of your creation. LMS I would chill with the fan boy stuff just read the first post not worth getting in trouble. 👍

I agree with you completely. Its not my intention, to change the topic you have there regarding GT5's photo mode, as I think the proof(quality of the premiums) is there for all to see.
As one of the Forza devs said in interview "this is the beginning". Forza might not offer different environments to race in, but it still has areas strong areas that surpass GT5s like more suspension parameters to modify, a livery system, and rivals. Not sure if this is okay but tell if so. In GT5, is it official if I buy a R33 GT-R and do a time trial and the engine gains hp from the break in process and set a fast time, is that fair? That is what has been bugging me for the longest. Its a video game why not just set the hp to a certain value to make it fair. Or does the individual not notice it from the motivation of beating ones time. If im wrong please tell:tup:
Well I have been debating on whether or not to get Forza 4. I have Forza 3 (bought an xbox for it) and it was a good game (still is). The two reasons why I personally haven't played it as much as GT5 is one - I don't have a wheel for the xbox (use G25) and Two - is I like to play online and the only game I play on the xbox is Forza which the $60 a year is a deal breaker for me. Yes I know its only $60, but when its the only game I would play and don't use any of the other features for the xbox it seems like a lot.

I am in a similar situation but i already preordered Forza 4 and i have got a X-box wireless wheel i bought for Forza 3. The Gold Membership costs 60€ here and i don't do anything except playing Forza online with it. The majority of my games are bought on PC for steam and i play lots of League of Legends, which is a free game. (But i bought lots of pay content for it). I just don't like the concept of having to pay for a service which should be free. Sure the online features of Forza 3 are awesome , FM4 might even have improved them and they clearly outshine GT in this category and it might make it the better game for people who enjoy to play multiplayer or like to customize their cars. But why I do have to pay for matchmaking? I paid for the game , i bought all the FM3 DLC and i would even pay 60€ once if it provides me online features for as long as i play the game. But i am not willing to pay for that on a monthly base because the money would be wasted if i don't play that much or if something else caught my interest. I don't mind to buy a expensive wheel , a rig or a big TV for my Hobby, but i know i can do that because i don't waste money elsewhere. I wouldn't play LoL, Starcraft 2 or the upcoming Diablo 3 if i had to pay for online play. for me the Forza Package is not the right thing. I don't use X-Box Live except for this one game and i don't want to become a second class customer when i cancel my subscription.
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I have both games and enjoy both, but GT provides something special imo.

The graphics in FM4 are still FM3-like but with shinier cars, (IBL does help) but the game just seems like it caters to a younger audience, or more user friendly, idk yet
With limited steering wheel options, permanent assists, lack of different weather conditions, easy difficulty, FM does have it's issues (for me)
But, rivals mode, livery editor, and autovista are cool:)

GT5 is still the game to offer a true driving experience. FFB is more precise and stronger, levels (tracks) are more diverse and varied (snow, wet, night, sand, etc). The little things like horns, wipers, lights, illuminated dash, interior views (l/r, and rear) really add more to the car and to the immersive experience. The physics presented in 2.0 feel tight and responsive...

Remember, these are just my impressions and time will tell which game will reign supreme, but I'm still going to enjoy both as they are both fun, imo;)

Yeah but with Forza theres no screen tearing and blocky shadows or cars with wheel arches that are shaped like an octagon.

GT5 is an incomplete game even with 2.0 - Forza might not be everything to suit everyones needs and has glitches / issues like all games but at least its always a complete package and delivers on content every time.

I actually think Forza 4 looks every bit as good as GT5
The Gold Membership costs 60€ here and i don't do anything except playing Forza online with it.

Seriously, shop around on the internet.. I never pay more then about 35 Euro's a year for mine..

And yes, in someways, Gold is expensive.. especially if it's for 1 game and you don't have a network of 360 friends that you are sociable with..
I have both games and enjoy both, but GT provides something special imo.

The little things like horns, wipers, lights, illuminated dash, interior views (l/r, and rear) really add more to the car and to the immersive experience. The physics presented in 2.0 feel tight and responsive...

Remember, these are just my impressions and time will tell which game will reign supreme, but I'm still going to enjoy both as they are both fun, imo;)

I agree with a lot of things you are saying. I play a lot of GT5 online with friends that don't own 360's.

But when you talk about the immersive experience, I can't help but to think that GT5 lacks badly soundwise and to me, this is a BIG and I mean BIG part of the immersion. Forza 4 now got such good engine and tire sounds and the improved physics is now very nice if not to GT level just yet. I have not tried headtracking for GT5 (I don't own their cam) but Kinect makes it work very good for Forza right now and it ads to the experience.

So overall for me Forza is the most immersive right now. But hey, GT5 is still right up there... is it not a wonderful time for racing fans!!!:D:D:D
I think what matters most is the physics!

Between GT5 and FM4, i think we can all agree GT5 is way better/real.

Both games are supposed to be RACING SIMULATORS and that is what GT5 seems to be doing well with the most important factor of the game itself and also what FM4 fails to do.

After watching numerous videos of FM4 gameplay (i don't own FM4), i can say it looks more fun/arcade-like.

GT5 may seem boring but it does well with what it has to do, and that's being a simulator.

You realise GT5s physics look laughable when you watch youtube videos of it, right? Hell, IMO when I've played it, it feels laughable. Very little in the way of realistic simulation and just feels like they've tried to make the game hard.
I love it when players make judgement on a game without even playing it. We are on after all. It's impossible to make a logical argument without running into a GT fanboy.

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