Formula One 6th World Championship [2010 Edition]F1 2010-2016 

Beware: The patch might mess up your race. I was racing earlier and my times dissapeared, came back, gave the wrong positions and then I got disconnected.
That race was awesome guys.. thanks for having me. Had 2nd place for most of it until 0% grip came on the last lap.. happy enough though since it was my first properly organized race online. looking forward to doing it again soon
Apologies to all for me missing my race. It was due to reasons out of my control and at short notice, I didn't have time to post about my absence either. I look forward to next week instead, hope it was a good race.
The patch works well.:) Last time when I went in rain, the hard tyres were good enough, but now absolutly 🤬 and it's good, even if my race wasn't that. The 🤬 last lap. I believed that I can make it on hards:lol:
Sounded like sepang threw up unpredictable weather again. Who won the race if it wasn't shark.
I bet it was DOUQA.

Edit. Good race fellas. Felt like I didn't deserve a 4th place finish. Especially after qualifying 10th lol.

Was running in 7th place behind captain. Even pitted at the same time, prior to the patch his lollipop man might not have released him it was that close. Anyhow he proceeded out infront of me and started to edge a lead on me.

I was running a high downforce on that track thinking about the 58% chance of rain. Captain had much more straight line speed and demolished me.... Until the rain.
Last but one lap I had nothing to lose, risk dropping a place to 8th or all to play for. On go the inter and on the last lap it was like the parting of the red sea.

Captain is floundered, shark is beached, dessy is messy and over I go into a 4th place Finish.
All in half a lap.

Look forward to next week.
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Woah, that sounded awesome. There was no league race for the URS this week so I like to hear what the other league is doing.
Yeah, so it was a 17 lap race.. changed to prime on lap 6.. rain came about lap 8 and got heavier progressively. Was very drivable on the primes until the end of lap 16 and then 17 was just a joke. I couldn't even accelerate in a straight line. My final lap must have been near 4 minutes and I lost 3 places on that lap. Looking back on it, pitting for inters would have guaranteed me at least a 3rd place. Lesson learned.
Not that bad, I lost 11 places and 50 seconds on the leader before the end of the first lap. AGAIN!!!!!

It's strange, that start glitch has been happening more and more recently. It's happened to me about 4 times now. Me and a few other drivers get the lights out a second or two before the rest of the pack. This must have something to do with lag and everyones race not syncing up exactly. Very unlucky anyway DOUQA. Everyone had it rough in the race but you probably came off the worst.

Wow!!! Where to start start? Thrilling race this one turned out to be! To begin with qualifying went off without a hitch this week. I shook off the cobwebs in the warm up race and by the time I was putting in hot laps for grid position the track was coming back to me. I qualified 6th, but was pretty sure I could've got fith if I had time to polish up a few corners.

Start of the race didnt go quite as well however, I got a terrible start, and up ahead of me so did someone else. The starting glitch made sure of a little carnage no sooner had we pulled off from our grid boxes. Turn one was also a bit of a poor show. Apologies to zeekon for making contact, however it wasnt my fault as the video this week will make clear. Down to 8th and out of turns 1 through 3, I was all over the back of Zeekon coming up to four. Made a late braking maneuver which stuck and I was promoted to 7th. Making up for lost ground I got to within striking distance by around turn 12, and I was really back in the mix by turn one of lap 2. Coming up to turn four again I attempted the exact same move i'd made on zeekon the lap previous. I dont think D34NO expected the move and he turned in as I was a nose ahead and just on the apex. There was a coming together and D34NO made a brief excursion from the track. Naturally not considering the pass as clean I slowed down to concede the position.

During the next lap or so events took a comical turn. 5 corners after mine and D34NO's touch up he made an unforced error promoting me and spagetti back to sixth and seventh respectively. However 5 turns after that I made a similar mistake which promoted them both back past, only to see D34NO get a bit lairy on the exit of 14 which put me back ahead. And then,.. :lol: Spagetti gets it all wrong 5 corners later and promotes me and D34NO to where we were just one lap previous.

Moving on slightly and lap 5 was a dreadful affair. Coming off the last corner to start the lap I got on the throttle a bit too early, causing me to spin and giving D34NO the easy pass. Turn 4 and I was out wide on the grass slightly, 5 and 6 were really untidy, making me throttle off and roll through the exit almost, out of 8 I straddled the curb and got poor traction, then at 11 I was off the track competely and in the gravel :( This brought Spagetti right onto my six and I had to put in a great next lap to put some air between us. I think I managed it, putting almost half the back straight length between us, but then kindly handed him back the advantage with a terrible pit entry.

Still, I was up into 5th and lapping well. Came out in 7th behind some late pitters, and then it was just a case of bringing it home with no mistakes for 5th, maybe a possible podium pending other drivers misfortune. Well, thats what I thought anyway. Seems mother nature wanted to have her say!

I think it was around lap 9/10 when the first spots of rain started to come down. It held off for quite a while, making the drive on primes no different as the racing line was nice and dry. I continued with all confidence. Lap 13 however things were getting a little worse. It was getting harder to see and I felt a bit of doubt creeping in. At this point there were small puddles forming around the circuit and the racing line was becoming ever more hard to see. Lap 15 and I was commited, I'd gotten this far and I was determined to finish the race on primes. Conditions were really tricky and by the time I got to near the end of the lap mistakes were creeping in. Lap 16 and I'm just in a world of hurt. Nothing is working, about half way around the lap and the grip just fell off. Completely! I couldnt stear, I couldnt brake, I couldnt accelarate, I was in trouble! Like most of the guys who decided to brave the weather, it was all you could do to just watch cars drive on by as you tried to tip toe a formula one car around an ice rink. Finally I managed it though, and on lap 17 I was in the pits and putting on inters. Too little too late, the damage was already done. Dropping positions like flies on lap 16 I had to really go all out to try and salvage something out of this. By the very last corner of the race I came across a struggling Douqa, it was bitter sweet, but I had managed to pull back at least one position right in the closing seconds. Needless to say, lesson learned!




And with this, the post race report for Sepang is concluded 👍 Dont forget to check the opening post for new race schedules and championship standings!


It is with regret that this week I have to hand out my first warning. As I witnessed first hand this weeks incident, and have also read complaints regarding an incident in Melbourne, lbsf1 recieves a warning for unsportsman like conduct in reference to the rules outlined in the OLR.

Participants will recieve one warning only. Failure to change their attitude in the next race meeting will result in exclusion from the championship.

This should serve as a reminder to us all that overly aggressive driving and failure to yeild after causing a collision is very much a violation of the rules, and will eventually result in exclusion from future championship participation.

I will also ask that members speak up and notify me of such untoward behavior as I cant see eveything. Everyone knows the rules, and if there are a minority that think they dont apply I need to know about them. It isnt fair on everyone else.

Thank you.

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God, what must of gone through your head when it started raining. As far as I can tell it started the lap when you pitted. It must of been a panic attack for you.

lbsf1 recieves a warning for unsportsman like conduct in reference to the rules outlined in the OLR.


May I ask what that is for? Since I don't recall any incedients that would have been directly my fault. Off the grid the guy two cars infront of me didn't get away however I didn't see this untill too late and hit him however I wouldn't see that as my fault as lots of other people hit him aswell. On the last lap going into the final corner I tapped Zeekon under braking however I was lapping him and lost time myself.

Edit: Looking at the replay I see what it was for (the first corner), In my defence I had a damaged front wing so had reduced braking (I know I should have compensated for that) Also if I had realised how much I had hit you then I would have pulled back, I thought I had just hit the the kerb and maybe gently nudged you. I appolagise for that incident.
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Well guys sounds like another good one that I missed. I don't know why I can't even manage to finish a race without loosing connection or some other random BS. I know that you guys want to race with a full grid and with all my problems that I have been having I was wondering if you may want me to quite your series so you can find somebody else that may be able to finish?
Don't get me wrong I don't want to quite, I'll keep trying I just don't want people mad when I can't finish. So let me know what you think I should do. Thanks
Very exhaustive report as always Captain:tup:
Not that bad, I lost 11 places and 50 seconds on the leader before the end of the first lap. AGAIN!!!!!
Hmm that's tasty:lol:

Maybe next time you won't have a problem Oct!

Edit: I was 8th if I remember well.
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Well guys sounds like another good one that I missed. I don't know why I can't even manage to finish a race without loosing connection or some other random BS. I know that you guys want to race with a full grid and with all my problems that I have been having I was wondering if you may want me to quite your series so you can find somebody else that may be able to finish?
Don't get me wrong I don't want to quite, I'll keep trying I just don't want people mad when I can't finish. So let me know what you think I should do. Thanks

Junky stay put mate.You are a fast clean racer dont go anywhere yet 👍
Indeed mate, no one wants you to quit Junky!

It is very strange that it keeps happening though. There seems to be no problem with you hanging around in the lobby and completing the warm up. Yet after qualifying and a little way into the race you disconnect. !?! :boggled:

Do you have problems with any other online games? How is your PS3 connected to the net? Wireless, ethernet, via a router, straight to the modem? It may be worth trying to optimise your router if you're using one. Static IP, port forwarding etc. Also wireless is kind of unstable which I'm sure you know already.

It is definately worth trying something different next week though dude. If you have time maybe you can experiment during the week? Certainly dont want to lose you anyway. I totally understand if you get fed up with trying though. I'd say give it atleast one more week. And after China, if you still want to quit, then I guess I'll have no choice but to let you.

All the best buddy.

I was 8th if I remember well.

You remember poorly :P lol :

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Thank you guys for encourgement keeping me on track.

Captan I can race all week online with little or no problems, for some reason when it comes time to race in this series all hell brakes loose (Why I don't know) I am connected via a wireless route to PS3. As for what you said about
"It may be worth trying to optimise your router if you're using one. Static IP, port forwarding etc."
You kinda lost me I'm not that savey with this computer stuff. Can you explain how I do this? Thanks
Thank you guys for encourgement keeping me on track.

Captan I can race all week online with little or no problems, for some reason when it comes time to race in this series all hell brakes loose (Why I don't know) I am connected via a wireless route to PS3. As for what you said about
"It may be worth trying to optimise your router if you're using one. Static IP, port forwarding etc."
You kinda lost me I'm not that savey with this computer stuff. Can you explain how I do this? Thanks

I hope that this(and a Ethernet cable linking your router to Your PS3) might help:

If you have problems where you connect to certain lobbies but never make it in you may have a NAT negotiation failure due to your PS3 having a NAT type 3 according to your Network Settings dialog in the XMB (sometimes a NAT type 3 situation has been reported as NAT type 2 by this dialog). What has happened is somebody else in the lobby already has NAT type 3. It might be the host or one of the other clients and NAT type 3 PS3s can't successfully connect directly to each other. As our game uses peer to peer networking this means that as you can't connect to one of the existing members you aren't properly in the game and have to be disconnected.

The good news is this situation can be easily solved.

Make sure that your PS3 is connected to your router and this same router is directly connected to the internet. If you have a more complicated setup than this more work will be more involved and depend highly on the setup of your network.

There are three options for improving your NAT type on PS3:

1. Use DMZ - refer to the instructions in your routers manual

2. Use port forwarding
Follow the instructions in your routers manual for forwarding the following TCP and UDP ports to your PS3 make sure you are forwarding from external to the internal ip address of your PS3 and the same port number if there is an option


Note that you may need other ports forwarded for other PS3 games these are only the ports needed by our games.

3. Use UPnP - only possible if your router supports it. If you do use it you cannot do any port forwarding on your router as it needs to have full control over ports.

Only use one of these solutions for your PS3 at a time. If you use UPnP you shouldn't use portforwarding for any device connected to your router.

Finally these solutions will only help in the case you have joining problems they won't help reduce latency or lag and they won't improve the stability of an error prone connection. For these problems you may want to consider stopping anything else using your connection at the same time as you're playing online games. However bear in mind some network issues with a particular connection between 2 peers are not solvable.

Further information with regards to port forwarding can be found here:
WOW arvore,
That is alot for this simple mind to compute LOL. Honestly I have no idea what this means (Sorry). I did not realize that there was so much involved in trying to play a game.

Ok, this is what I have and maybe you can tell me what I can do?
Internet provider- Clearwireless
Wireless Router- Netgear (with 4 ports)
Game councel- Playstation 3

Now I was having a problem with my internet provider, I was getting very low download speeds, Like a quarter of what I should be getting. (That problem has been solved according to Clear). So maybe it will work better.

Now if I understand correctly I can take a Ethernet cable directly from wireless router and connect it to PS3 and that should work better with out going to the extream of port forwarding as this action is way above my education level. Where do you guys learn about this stuff?

Thank you Thank you for all the help from everybody and hope to see you or should I say hope to finish a race with you soon!!!
Now if I understand correctly I can take a Ethernet cable directly from wireless router and connect it to PS3 and that should work better with out going to the extream of port forwarding as this action is way above my education level.

Yes. Then go into the network settings menu on the ps3 and change connection.