Formula One 6th World Championship [2010 Edition]F1 2010-2016 

Another thing possibly worth trying is another host. I use a wireless connection and have no issues, though I know wireless is much worse than a wired connection. (Im just too far from the router to wire it without making a mess) My PS3 is in a DMZ though, something that was neccesary to join my brothers on COD5.
We did find though that connection issues would arise for my littlest bro if my other bro was host. I never had an issue. If me or my littlest bro were host there were no issues. I dont know how the net works in that much detail so I just talk from personal experience but I think some connections just dont connect well to others.

If everyones ok to show up early on Sunday we could run a practice to ensure your problems are sorted. It must be so frustrating for you.

I'd definitely put your PS in a DMZ (De-Millitarized Zone) though as this can sort lots off connectivity issues on the PS without having to set up port forwarding.

Hopefully you can see a chequered flag on Sunday.
WOW arvore,
That is alot for this simple mind to compute LOL. Honestly I have no idea what this means (Sorry). I did not realize that there was so much involved in trying to play a game.

Me neither,at first,but then I ha so much disconnection issues,like you do,in the Leagues I was running,that eventually I had to try to do something.

Now if I understand correctly I can take a Ethernet cable directly from wireless router and connect it to PS3 and that should work better with out going to the extream of port forwarding as this action is way above my education level. Where do you guys learn about this stuff?

Yes.Over the Internet...but mostly from other fellow GTPeers having those same issues.

Yes. Then go into the network settings menu on the ps3 and change connection.

I'm not ,absolutely sure,but I believe that if he turns on the PS3 with the cable connected that,might, not be even necessary.As I believe the PS3 will assume the wired connection by default.

Mohamu had the same problem.

Cheers,Shark(fast as always I see:tup: ).We all did at some point.

Another thing possibly worth trying is another host. I use a wireless connection and have no issues, though I know wireless is much worse than a wired connection. (Im just too far from the router to wire it without making a mess).

It is not decisive but it helps...
My PS3 is in a DMZ though, something that was neccesary to join my brothers on COD5.
We did find though that connection issues would arise for my littlest bro if my other bro was host. I never had an issue. If me or my littlest bro were host there were no issues. I dont know how the net works in that much detail so I just talk from personal experience but I think some connections just dont connect well to others.

Yup there are P2P incompatibilities,I've experienced that myself,also,with some friends.And it varies from game to game.:confused:

I'd definitely put your PS in a DMZ (De-Millitarized Zone) though as this can sort lots off connectivity issues on the PS without having to set up port forwarding.

Me too.Octane just check the brand and model of Your router,google it.
Enter that page ,then You have a number under a bar code in Your router(default web key-32 numbers I believe) dial it ,You will enter Your router web page.Check for the DMZ option and then You'll have an option to dmz a secondary IP(check thee PS3 Internet definitions for Your PS3 secondary IP),do it ,save changes.That will do it,I think.Hope it helped,there's nothing worse(in gaming that is:) )than waiting for a league race,practice to do well at it and in the middle of the race BANG your gone,sour feeling...
I can't beleve how helpfull everybody is on this subject, Thanks you all from the bottom of my hart:tup:. I hope that trying all these different things will enable me to atleast finish one race.
You all have done so much to help me that I couldn't even ask to take time from your day to show up early to see if my problem is solved, altho that would be great if you could. Thanks again, you guys are the best and this series is awsome glad to be apart of it:)👍:)👍

1 last thing where do I go to do the DMZ change, Is this in the settings ? Sorry if you said i must have missed it. Thanks
I can't beleve how helpfull everybody is on this subject, Thanks you all from the bottom of my hart:tup:. I hope that trying all these different things will enable me to atleast finish one race.

That's (and clean fair racing of course) what we're here for.👍:)

You all have done so much to help me that I couldn't even ask to take time from your day to show up early to see if my problem is solved, altho that would be great if you could. Thanks again, you guys are the best and this series is awsome glad to be apart of it:)👍:)👍

Unfortunately I can't since I haven't bought the game,yet.But if the release date of the white unicorn doesn't come out soon who knows...

1 last thing where do I go to do the DMZ change, Is this in the settings ? Sorry if you said i must have missed it. Thanks

Once you're in your router page(mine is netgear,in yours it's probably different) look for "dmz host" option!
I can't beleve how helpfull everybody is on this subject, Thanks you all from the bottom of my hart:tup:. I hope that trying all these different things will enable me to atleast finish one race.
You all have done so much to help me that I couldn't even ask to take time from your day to show up early to see if my problem is solved, altho that would be great if you could. Thanks again, you guys are the best and this series is awsome glad to be apart of it:)👍:)👍

1 last thing where do I go to do the DMZ change, Is this in the settings ? Sorry if you said i must have missed it. Thanks

The best thing to do is to get the exact model of your router(should be on the router somewhere) and do an online search of how to do it, or at least how to get to your routers login page. You normally have to type in the routers ip address into the address bar in your web browser.

I have a Netgear router from Sky(tv) and my routers ip is
Then I have to enter the username and password which is admin/sky.
I think my DMZ setting is under the advanced tab but I'm not sure. The first time I did it I looked through every page until I found it.
Then you need to enter the ip address you want to set in a DMZ.
Every device thats connected to the router is given the same ip address as the router apart from the last number gets changed eg. PC1= "" PC2= "" PS3= ""

Now then; Im fairly sure the routers assigns an ip address to devices in the order that they connect so if you set your DMZ to192.168.0.3 you have to ensure your PS3 always uses this ip. If you were to switch on the PS3 while another PC is already connected it would be assigned a different ip than if no other devices were connected.i.e. if a device was already connected and .2 if it was the first device to connect.

For this reason you should set your PS3 to use a static ip address by going to Network Settings and choosing custom setup. When you get to ip settings you must select custom and input your selected ip. Choose a last value that is higher than the amount of devices you would ever connect to your router at once. In my case mine is set to This avoids another device being assigned your PS3s ip if the PS3 is not yet connected.

So, I input into my DMZ box in the routers setup page(Called "Primary DMZ Server" on my router) tick the "Use DMZ" box and save it. Job done.

Hope this helps. Use Google to guide you though thats how I found out how to do mine. To be honest Google seems to teach me everything these days.:dopey:
Looks like you guys are ahving fun.

Just letting you all know, URS has moved to a flashy new website with it's own forum :embarrassed:. Division 1 is full, but Division 2 is empty, and needs filling. Head over to the website for any more info, if you're interested.
Looks like you guys are ahving fun.

Just letting you all know, URS has moved to a flashy new website with it's own forum :embarrassed:. Division 1 is full, but Division 2 is empty, and needs filling. Head over to the website for any more info, if you're interested.

Are you poaching our members, bloody cheek.

Good race tonight guys.
Well i did my first online race doing manual shifting....mmm that was fun. At some point at turn one I changed from 210mph straight into reverse. Still got whiplash today. That annoying engineer had a heart attack back in the pits. Serves him right for all the times he keeps on telling me 'Truli is faster than you...whe whe whe'
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I thought I'd give myself a head start for Shanghai, I was fed up of coming home in the midfield, so I put aside a little seat time to set up my car and do a few TT laps. Things went alright early sunday, I saved my tune and waited patiently for the evenings meet. Well, what a waste of time that turned out to be! Not quite sure why it happened, but my car felt completely different than it did earlier. Like night and day different!

Douqa told me that fuel and tyre simulation arent on in the TT, but even so the differences were dramatic. My preperation during the TT actually hindered my performance in the race and qualifying, which was annoying to say the least. Anyway I just had to get on with it. I tried my best to set up my car and qualify, but I finished 5th again where I've ended up most weeks. Felt good about the race to come and so I took my grid spot and settled in.

Turn one was a pretty good show this week 👍 Well done guys. I think it was just myself that had a little incident actually. Going into the corner was fine, but almost all the way around and into turn 2 I managed to collect Stevi. God knows how though :lol: I was going as slow and tight as I could and all of a sudden I was in the sidepod of an HRT. I dont know if it was me, or lag, or if Stevi was about to spin and I actually saved him, but I looked back to see if he was ok and before I knew it I was off the track and on the grass :ouch: I couldnt be sure I hadnt cause the accident though so I hung back and rejoined the track in last place.

By the time I got to turn 6 there looked to have been an absolutely massive coming together. I took the corner with three people parked on the outside and D34NO waiting which promoted me back up to 7th pretty quickly. Tucked right up behind Spagetti I got good traction out of turn 10 and made a move at 11. Hard on the brakes I took a really tight line around 11 and took a sweeping line through 12, not quite sure what happened to Spagetti but out of 13 and on the back straight he was no where to be seen, so I kept the hammer down and set my sights on my next target. Lap 2 and I was just about reeling in Junky bar a slight mistake in turn 1. I kept the pressure on though and at turn 10 he got a little tail happy and I managed to take the position as he tried to tame the oversteer. Comfortably past the next thing I hear is 'WOAH GOD DAMN!!' as Junky misses his braking point and flies off track :lol: Good for me as now I have no pressure and continue on with the car hunt.

Next in line was lbsf. He was keeping his ground well and I could only gain a tenth or two here and there. Made a few unforced errors as well which gave him the time back, but by lap 5 he made a critical mistake and I passed a Force India facing the wrong way in turn 3. Made a mistake or two myself on the next couple of laps but immediately made my pit stop afterward.

Not a particularly thrilling race after that. I entered the pits in 3rd and rejoined the race in 5th. It was all about bringing the car home at that point, and if I'm honest I didnt drive a brilliant second half of the race. I was pushing hard and I made a lot of mistakes, I'm happy with my overall position but I do believe had I not made so many mistakes I could of been on the podium this week. At one point I overtook LewyOs in the pits, and had the pleasure of doing battle with him for a lap or two. Inevitably though he got past me, on fresh rubber and driving more consitantly than I, he put his better talent to use and left me floundering. I only finished behind 3rd place man Stevi by 12 seconds though, which I know I'd left out on track, there's no mistake about that. But, consitancy is key, and I need to work on racing lap after lap without getting ditracted. It will come, I hope. Maybe I can pull an Alonso in the middle of the season ;)



  • Congratulations to Octane Junky this week for eventually succeeding to complete a full race! :lol: Not only that he managed to beat off 3 of his competitors to take a deserved 8th place!
  • Zeekon took the plunge and decided to give manual gears a go. Unfortunately his sequential box took a beating and he had to retire to the outside of turn 8 before race distance was complete.
  • Stevi made his return after a weekend break to make a personal best performance with a solid 3rd placing.
  • While elsewhere on the podium Douqa takes his first visit to the top step, beating off stiff competition from a blood thirsty Sharky.
  • A little down the grid and a surprise performance from LewyOs in 4th. Possibly revealing a chink in his armour and giving us hope in the face of a white wash we all might have been expecting.



And with this, the post race report for Sepang is concluded 👍 Dont forget to check the opening post for new race schedules and championship standings!


Nasty business first. I nodded to having noticed a crash on the first lap in my race report. However I dont think it should just be left there as it was obviously a big one. I've received no complaints, I've read no apologies, so I can only assume that it was all dealt with on track as it should of been. I cant take any action if no one tells me the details, but this kind of coming together is not becoming of the series and so I'd like to get to the bottom of it. Hopefully stop it happening in future, but also because someone was being ridiculously too aggressive into turn 6.

Right. I'd also like to know how you all feel about the practice races. I always wait until 9.10 anyway, and then the 3 lap practice gives a little more time to wait for stragglers as well. Its also in my opinion, a good way to guage how the first corner will pan out before the actual race. The original reason was to make sure everyone was happy with settings and everything, but now we're all up to speed I thought maybe it was just a bother and extra time you'd rather not take. Discuss :)

Thank you.

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Nice race report as always Roh.
I can fill you in on a couple of the incidents.

Qualified 3rd on the primes, took a wide line through turn 1 and was down to 4th by turn 2.
Was following lbsf I believe into turn 6 braked early to avoid any contact but I was still on his gearbox, no contact, then I took a big hit from behind and was knocked out wide. Not sure who hit me, can't be all that acurate from the replay either.
Set off again and I was behind you Roh and Spag both fighting for position, saw you sneak past at turn 11, whilst I tried to get alongside spag on the inside but accidently gave him a nudge. Sorry Spag.
He went into the gravel and looked like he was having a tough time getting out, I waited on the outside of turn 13 untill he retook the position.

So I was dead last and had to make up some places, was already on the primes and so went nice and long into the race, overtook a few cars, someone let me through not sure who it was but thanks.

Up into 2nd eventually whilst cars around me had pitted, after pitting I was behind you again Roh I think?
Nice little battle there, and I was then chasing down Stevi, clawed back around 6 seconds on the final 2 laps I think but wasn't enough and finished in 4th.

Fun race coming from the back, but I don't want to make a habit of it haha.
Douqa told me that fuel and tyre simulation arent on in the TT (Roh's post).

Does anyone know if they are on in GP mode? Nice race report as usual Roh. I was too far behind to have witnessed the incident you were talking no complaints from me lol

I am in favour of keeping the 3 lap practice race before the GP. It sort of settle the nerves for me a bit (yeah have a laugh but I still get a bit nervous racing you fast guys) :nervous:
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Not a problem Lewy.

Had the captain on my outside at the sweeping turn before the long straight.
Driving from cockpit as you know doesn't help.
Any how I decided to let captain pass and I think you clipped me from behind. I must have been boxed in at that time.

I did actually mention to captain it's your posistion ( don't know if he heard me )

My setup felt awful in the Sauber. Like captain I had been using the TT for the base tune. I used a Mclaren, thinking that when all cars are set to equal it would apply ok.

Not sure about the best way to try to set up the Sauber. I work off the gearbox alot, maximising the ratio's for the corners etc. If I use a 2010 Sauber to set up on. Then surely come race night when all cars are equal my tune will be out.

Anyhow, looking forward to Spain, raced a lot there in the past.
Douqa told me that fuel and tyre simulation arent on in the TT (Roh's post).

Does anyone know if they are on in GP mode?

GP mode would be the best way to set up your car .
All options are available , tires , fuel sim , race length, etc.
Nice race report as always Roh.
I can fill you in on a couple of the incidents.

Qualified 3rd on the primes, took a wide line through turn 1 and was down to 4th by turn 2.
Was following lbsf I believe into turn 6 braked early to avoid any contact but I was still on his gearbox, no contact, then I took a big hit from behind and was knocked out wide. Not sure who hit me, can't be all that acurate from the replay either.
Set off again and I was behind you Roh and Spag both fighting for position, saw you sneak past at turn 11, whilst I tried to get alongside spag on the inside but accidently gave him a nudge. Sorry Spag.
He went into the gravel and looked like he was having a tough time getting out, I waited on the outside of turn 13 untill he retook the position.

So I was dead last and had to make up some places, was already on the primes and so went nice and long into the race, overtook a few cars, someone let me through not sure who it was but thanks.

Up into 2nd eventually whilst cars around me had pitted, after pitting I was behind you again Roh I think?
Nice little battle there, and I was then chasing down Stevi, clawed back around 6 seconds on the final 2 laps I think but wasn't enough and finished in 4th.

Fun race coming from the back, but I don't want to make a habit of it haha.

Yeah. I avoided the HRT who span infront of me by braking hard and turning right as you see when you looked back captain you see me running over the edge of the hrt car as I avoid it. I think that then everyone consetiaed up and caused the contact, I don't think there was any malicious intent by anyone in there just an unavoidable racing incident.

Great battle on the last lap D34N0. ;)
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Thank you Nitro. I had the same problem as Roh and Spa. Setup in TT and it felt like a completely different car in the race. I am going to use GP from now on for tuning/practicing. Do the baseline in TT and take it to the track in GP. I suppose if you set the GP for like 50% and forget about the race aspect, it will leave you with enough time to return to the pits and do some tuning etc.
WoW, I finaly have some points in the books LOL. If it wasn't for all the help of everybody I would still be sitting on the bench. Thanks again and hope it keeps working!!!
Well I hope I didn't get in anybodies way I tried to let the faster racers pass easly (LewyOs, Shark) as I still need alot of practice. look forward to next week.
As for looking to fill 1 spot jamie posted that he may be interested, I have raced with him before and he is a clean driver and fast too. I would vouch for him if you are looking to fill the postion. Good luck Jamie
There's no position to fill junky, Jordy is in Vegas thats all, he'll be back next week. Sorry Jamie.

And to lbsf1, I was actually talking about the big pile up in turn 6. Three cars got taken off the track with another having to wait off line. It was carnage. Something I rather hoped we would avoid in this series.
As for looking to fill 1 spot jamie posted that he may be interested, I have raced with him before and he is a clean driver and fast too. I would vouch for him if you are looking to fill the postion. Good luck Jamie

Cheers for that Octane but it seems there is no spaces :( Oh well. If someone ever drops out or is kicked out be sure to let me know as I'd gladly join.

You're welcome to join the URS if you want to.

Hook me up :)
There's no position to fill junky, Jordy is in Vegas thats all, he'll be back next week. Sorry Jamie.

And to lbsf1, I was actually talking about the big pile up in turn 6. Three cars got taken off the track with another having to wait off line. It was carnage. Something I rather hoped we would avoid in this series.

Ok sorry my bad.
Hey guys, sounded like a dramatic race you guys had. Sad I missed it but I'm back now so looking forward to Catalunya even though the last few turns there always get me lol.
sorry to post so late , that was a good race on sunday but i made too many mistakes including the crash at turn 4 i think, i wasnt trying to out brake lewyos and had no plans of diving down the inside but i was a tiny bit later on the brake pedal and found myself half way down his inside with nowhere to go, i would of made the apex but hit lewyos instead.
i would like to say sorry to lewyos for messing up his race and any one else who was involed , i dont race like that and was gutted at what i had done, any punishment will be taken on the chin and got on with.
great battle at the end lbsf1 ,really wanted those extra points , we will pick that up at catalunya
Looking forward to tonight and trying out my makeshift cotpit. (A deckchair and a shaped piece of wood attached to the dfgt to stop it moving.
sorry to post so late , that was a good race on sunday but i made too many mistakes including the crash at turn 4 i think, i wasnt trying to out brake lewyos and had no plans of diving down the inside but i was a tiny bit later on the brake pedal and found myself half way down his inside with nowhere to go, i would of made the apex but hit lewyos instead.
i would like to say sorry to lewyos for messing up his race and any one else who was involed , i dont race like that and was gutted at what i had done, any punishment will be taken on the chin and got on with.
great battle at the end lbsf1 ,really wanted those extra points , we will pick that up at catalunya

I'll give you the benefit of doubt on this one mate. I appreciate the post, and it was clear you had pulled over after the accident as expected. I've been in a few close battles with you and so I know this was an isolated incident. It's still not ok by any means. And I don't want to give the impression that scuffles in the races to come will be tolerated, we should all do our best to avoid such comings together in future, as if people become repeat offenders they will get warnings and eventual exclusions. Accidents do happen though I know that, just be sure to take the proper actions on track if you cause one! Cheers guys, catch you on track later ;)
Wondering how many people here use a pad and how many use a wheel, don't think the wheel gives as much of an advantage as it did on F1CE but was just curious as to how many use it or a pad. I use a pad, never been bothered to buy a wheel lol