Thinking that we simply won't get any "updates" for the current F1 game on PS3, so here are the suggestions for the next version [if there even is one].
1. Force Feedback for steering wheels
2. Lap Timing and scoring colors like we see on TV: green = best sector time compared to everyone in the session [and not your previous laps' time]
3. Trackside Flag Waving Marshals for blue flags, yellow flags [a feature on the 2005 version on PS2]
4. Voice chat in Online Mode [a feature on the 2005 version on PS2]
5. Optional Full Distance online races [a feature of NASCAR 06 on PS2]
6. Car Setups in Online Mode [a feature of NASCAR 06 on PS2]
7. Rear View Mirrors / Rear View on the screen for c0ckpit view [not necessarily actual 'wing mirrors' if a car's design would not have them placed on the screen, but an optional
screen layout option to show a rear view from each side of the car that appears on the screen]
This could be done regardless of how any F1 Team wants their car to be represented, as these views would simply be like the Lap Time, Lap Counter or car condition indicator ie: not 'part of the car', but a rear view / side views that you could enable or disable. A feature of the game, not a part of the car; like the pit indicator.
They've already have 'real time' TV Screens all around the track, so graphically, it's not an issue to render them. The BEST way to implement them is to have a button on the wheel toggle the mirrors [or mirror 'views' so to speak] ON/ OFF of the screen. That way, you could press a buton in an area of the track where you need those views [or are in traffic], and could quickly disable them [take them OFF the screen] when you don't need those views.
8. If they continue to advertise the PSP mirror feature, actually having it function would be great.
9. If it can be done correctly, the Safety Car - but only if it works correctly.
10. Only "solid cars" online, be it 11 or 22 [or the option for 'Solid cars only']
I'll post more later if I think of any, curious to see whaty you guys want.
**Please keep your suggestions out of the "Impossible to do" category.