Forza 4 Nordschleife

  • Thread starter azrael1965
Well, it's still the best virtual version of the track you can buy with money. And i have so much fun by driving on it, even if it's just to beat my own records. I hoped Forza 4 would up the ante or at least come closer. But i don't see this in the video.
Well, it's still the best virtual version of the track you can buy with money. And i have so much fun by driving on it, even if it's just to beat my own records. I hoped Forza 4 would up the ante or at least come closer. But i don't see this in the video.

I didn't say it isn't and I'm fairly certain no one else has claimed it isn't. However, you castigate T10 for their inaccuracies yet heap ultimate praise on PD despite their inaccuracies. Does that not seem like double standards to you? Better to say both get it wrong but PD do a better job of it don't you think?
I didn't say it isn't and I'm fairly certain no one else has claimed it isn't. However, you castigate T10 for their inaccuracies yet heap ultimate praise on PD despite their inaccuracies. Does that not seem like double standards to you? Better to say both get it wrong but PD do a better job of it don't you think?
Actually i believe you are right. Maybe i am just disappointed, because had too high expectations. I am pretty sure Forza 4 will still be worth its 50€. Well i would just pay that for autovista alone. But i would leally like to see a Nordschleife which in on par to at least Gt5 Standards in the next Forza.
Of course not if they got the easy to earn money of yours. :dunce: So why do the extra work??

And yet GT5 got yours. It's quite obvious where you're coming from. I don't know why anyone will continue to entertain this guy. I know I'm done, my first and last post to this guy.
And yet GT5 got yours. It's quite obvious where you're coming from. I don't know why anyone will continue to entertain this guy. I know I'm done, my first and last post to this guy.
Bye and thanks for the entertainment you provided! :dunce: Well there must be no other reason to post your one and last post to me other than to entertain me.
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Good catch ;)

Thanks, lol. I feel guilty taking credit though when it's that easy. You'd think he'd at least put some effort into hiding it. LOL

Man this game can't come fast enough. I want it yesterday. The Giants just made the wait longer by losing a heartbreaker to the Seahawks. :( Usually a Giants win lasts a few days to take my mind off stuff like this , now I don't even feel like watching football for the rest of the week. lol

Think I'll take some Australian V8's around Road Atlanta on FM3. Do a multiplayer and load it up with AI and have some fun. Anybody wants to join me just let me know. I'll be getting on in about 15 minutes or so. Gotta go finish cursing and crying :mad:
Uh...did you not see that he was racing other cars on the track, vs a hot lap in the real footage?
Uh... and that is the reason why he is 1 Minute and 14 seconds slower? Even if you consider he has a standing start and that he is not very skilled, that is ridiculous.

As disgusting as in FM3 (Nordschleife) :(

At least the other real tracks are accurate 👍
Good to know that at least germans know what i am talking about. Well the americans can have 'their' version of nordschleife and have fun on it. :)
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Uh... and that is the reason why he is 1 Minute and 14 seconds slower? Even if you consider he has a standing start and that he is not very skilled, that is ridiculous.

Good to know that at least germans know what i am talking about. Well the americans can have 'their' version of nordschleife and have fun on it. :)


Traffic + unskilled =\= hot lap + skill

I do not understand how you do not comprehend this as many times as it has been said.
Uh... and that is the reason why he is 1 Minute and 14 seconds slower? Even if you consider he has a standing start and that he is not very skilled, that is ridiculous.

Good to know that at least germans know what i am talking about. Well the americans can have 'their' version of nordschleife and have fun on it. :)

What ever your problem is with Americans is, take it out of this thread. We don't want that crap here.
What ever your problem is with Americans is, take it out of this thread. We don't want that crap here.
I don't have any problems with americans, but it's only natural that germans are more likely to have first hand experience with Nordschleife than americans. I am totally ignorant about road america and i don't claim to know anything about american tracks or how accurate they are. Let's face it: Likely you know as much about Nordschleife as i know about Laguna Seca. Not very much

How many people need to tell you your wrong before you get it? AI is NOT EVEN CLOSE to real life or even what a fast human is in the game for that matter.
But in my point of view it should be or at least simulate humans depending on difficulty. At least this is what is done in most racing games. What is the point of letting people drive against a SR8 which is as fast a M3 in real life?
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But in my point of view it should be or at least simulate humans depending on difficulty. At least this is what is done in most racing games.

If you drive a fast car slowly, it doesn't go fast.

Same thing happens in real life.

For example:

I know there's not an official record, but this car should be much, much faster. I guess this guy bought the unrealistic model and drove it around the unrealistic version of the 'Ring.
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If you drive a fast car slowly, it doesn't go fast.

Same thing happens in real life.

So why drive against a real racecar like the SR8 with a 8 min Laptime, when a stock Panamera or M5 would do the trick? To make the crappy player feel better?

Exactly and @azrael1965 no AI is not all that fast in most racing games. GT5 AI is pretty slow as well.
But i am pretty sure that the B-Spec driver or its opponents won't do a Nordschliefe laptime of 8 minutes in a Zonda R. But i am not sure until have tried it out.
So why drive against a real racecar like the SR8 with a 8 min Laptime, when a stock Panamera or M5 would do the trick? To make the crappy player feel better?

But i am pretty sure that the B-Spec driver or its opponents won't do a Nordschliefe laptime of 8 minutes in a Zonda R. But i am not sure until have tried it out.

To make the crappy player enjoy the game just like the really good players. It's called different skill levels. You know the things called easy, medium, and hard.
So why drive against a real racecar like the SR8 with a 8 min Laptime, when a stock Panamera or M5 would do the trick? To make the crappy player feel better?


The game; You know, Forza Motosport 4, has multiple difficulty settings. The higher the difficulty, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is, the faster they AI are.

So following that logic, the AI on the lower difficulties are ______ ?
I can see where the time went. Braking on the kinks that are easily flat out in the bewinged Zonda R, standing start, fighting with traffic... If the resident 'Ring armchair experts cannot see that, I suggest they remove their lederhosen from around their heads, it must be obscuring their vision.

Be careful what you post in this section, either people are out to lay deliberate flame bait, or they just have absolute zero experience dealing with this section of the forum. Every now and then, we have a new poster wander in, be it a GT fan, 'Ring fan etc. and will arrogantly pile into the conversation with inflammatory statements, mostly presented as 'FACTS' (tm) that ride totally rough shod over the previous discourse.

We know the 'Ring is too wide in places, we know the lap is too long, we know the radii of the corners is off due to the stretch, but it is a fantastic track nonetheless. In FM4 it looks incredible, flying along at 60fps with sun burning through the fog and with a sense of speed GT wishes it could recreate by simulating your eyeballs being beaten about by pixies with softball bats.

Removed by staff
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We know the 'Ring is too wide in places, we know the lap is too long, we know the radii of the corners is off due to the stretch, but it is a fantastic track nonetheless.
I knew this for the Forza 3, but i hoped this wouldn't be the case anymore in Forza 4. And for me it is not fantastic at all rather a real huge disappointment. But maybe because i am german and i am a ring fan.
Some people just want a nice track to race others want it to be as realistic as possible. I belong to the later.
And well about your threats in red. Well this is still a subforum of Gtplanet, isn't it? Or is this Or has it been renamed to FMplanet recently? So anyone who is critizing Forza, has never played it? You kidding me? It takes more than a few red big letters to mute me. Well it might be different at
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And well about your threats in red. Well this is still a subforum of Gtplanet, isn't it? Or is this Or has it been renamed to FMplanet recently? So anyone who is critizing Forza, has never played it? You kidding me?

Yes, this is a sub forum of GTPlanet. A Forza Motorsport sub forum. One for the discussion of Forza Motorsport. Meaning coming here having never played the game and with the single purpose of talking trash about it is something you shouldn't do.

And those weren't threats, they were warnings. There's a huge difference. Anyone who comes in here acting like they know what they're talking about, while clearly demonstrating that they don't, will not be well received by other members.

Where did he say anyone who criticizes it hasn't played it?

Azreak, you buying it or not?
Not at all Spagetti :dunce:

Yes, this is a sub forum of GTPlanet. A Forza Motorsport sub forum. One for the discussion of Forza Motorsport. Meaning coming here having never played the game and with the single purpose of talking trash about it is something you shouldn't do.

And i was complaining about the Forza 4 Nordschleife. Does that belong to the Gran Turismo Forum? If this is a Forza Motorsport Forum. This belongs here. I played Forza 3 with almost all DLC and i preordered Forza 4. maybe i should wait until i have tried the new ring for myself, but the video shattered my hopes for a better and reworked track. I didn't intend to trashtalk about Forza 4. I believe in the long run the Forza series makes GT better and vice versa. But unfortunatly it seems that didn't work for the Forza Nordschleife.
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Isn´t it easier for someone to boot the xbox with f3 and check out the lap times, especially in this track there can be a lot of difference between a average driver like myself and a top driver, i was off by 40 seconds or more even when staying in the top 1%.

I'm confused about something azrael1965, you want to make the same time as the ones displayed on magazines right? I mean the times obtained by professional drivers? Don't you think it would be a little unrealistic that you or me could achieve those times on a game that it's supposed to be close to reality?

To be honest i can't remember which car, but i remember seeing some times on the leaderboards pretty much on par with the time displayed on a site about Nordschleife.

I think it was this

I would check those times, but as of now my xbox died some days ago.


Just wanted to add that i know that there are inconsistencies between the track on F3 and reality.
And i was complaining about the Forza 4 Nordschleife. Does that belong to the Gran Turismo Forum? If this is a Forza Motorsport Forum. This belongs here. I played Forza 3 with almost all DLC and i preordered Forza 4. maybe i should wait until i have tried the new ring for myself, but the video shattered my hopes for a better and reworked track.

No. It does belong here, I was just clearing up what he said because for some reason you didn't seem to understand it.

Now care to address my point?

So following that logic, the AI on the lower difficulties are ______ ?
I knew this for the Forza 3, but i hoped this wouldn't be the case anymore in Forza 4. And for me it is not fantastic at all rather a real huge disappointment. But maybe because i am german and i am a ring fan.
Some people just want a nice track to race others want it to be as realistic as possible. I belong to the later.
And well about your threats in red. Well this is still a subforum of Gtplanet, isn't it? Or is this Or has it been renamed to FMplanet recently? So anyone who is critizing Forza, has never played it? You kidding me? It takes more than a few red big letters to mute me. Well it might be different at

Type into your address bar and see what site you end up on.

Yes this did originate as a GT based site, however it has grown way beyond that and embraced much, much more and that most certainly does include Forza and a lot more title along the way.

If you are unable to embrace that world view and simply wish to remain tightly focused on one title then I must respectfully suggest that maybe this is not the right site for you.
