Forza 4 Nordschleife

  • Thread starter azrael1965
I'm confused about something azrael1965, you want to make the same time as the ones displayed on magazines right? I mean the times obtained by professional drivers? Don't you think it would be a little unrealistic that you or me could achieve those times on a game that it's supposed to be close to reality?
It took me a long time to get the GT-R achievement on GT5, but i would have wasted hundreds of cars until i finally suceeded. It did even take me a lot of tries even to match the 7:37 of the Sportauto test (a popular german sportscar magazine which test a car on the Nordschleife every month). On Forza 3 i had lots of problems to get even near the 8 minutes mark with a GT-R V-Spec(canmt remember exact time anymore) although i was faster then 98% of the leaderboard. I am pretty sure I could be faster in a real GTR, if I didn't kill myself by crashing while driving so aggressive.

Type into your address bar and see what site you end up on.

Yes this did originate as a GT based site, however it has grown way beyond that and embraced much, much more and that most certainly does include Forza and a lot more title along the way.

If you are unable to embrace that world view and simply wish to remain tightly focused on one title then I must respectfully suggest that maybe this is not the right site for you.

No problems at all with that. Just as I said I own both series and F1 2010& 2011 as well. So this is the right place to be. :)
It took me a long time to get the GT-R achievement on GT5, but i would have wasted hundreds of cars until i finally suceeded. It did even take me a lot of tries even to match the 7:37 of the Sportauto test (a popular german sportscar magazine which test a car on the Nordschleife every month). On Forza 3 i had lots of problems to get even near the 8 minutes mark with a GT-R V-Spec(canmt remember exact time anymore) although i was faster then 98% of the leaderboard. I am pretty sure I could be faster in a real GTR, if I didn't kill myself by crashing while driving so aggressive.

Ah ok, but did you check the leaderboards if someone had that time? I mean, if the time is there then it is possible to do the time posted on the magazine obviously.
It almost the same track as in Forza 3 and it doesn't look like the real one. Also the lap time of the Zonda R is over 8 Minutes! That is just so wrong!!! The real car did it in 6:47 Even if you add some time for the standing start, the time is totally off.

You cannot be serious? Have you ever considered the person playing is no where near the skill level of the driver who done it in 6:47 lol 👎

edit: should of read the rest of the thread lol
Aren't the times set in the real world usual using the Bridge-to-Gantry method, therefore cutting out some of the home straight that you have to cross in Forza?
So anyone who is critizing Forza, has never played it? You kidding me? It takes more than a few red big letters to mute me. Well it might be different at

Lol the only on-line forum related account I have to do with video games is on this site. I have it because I own the majority of the GT series and the Forza series, this site caters for both. Unfortunately I see people all the time who don't quite have the same breadth of experience as me, in that generally if I make a controversial point I usually can back it up. Making a controversial point and backing it up (properly) is the difference between flamebait and an ensuing fight, and a genuine discussion.

I'm biased toward Forza, I will openly admit that, but I maintain that it is because this generation, Forza has been the lesser disappointment. Forza franchise has released better, more complete games with modern UI and on line modes. I'm not about to let one track (knowingly) being a bit off turn me off the game, and I'm certainly not (knowing it's a sore point amongst a lot of ForzaPlanet users :sly:) going to make an inflammatory thread about it. It's been discussed to death, analysed, brought back up, fought over, video'd, screen shot'd, fought over again, complained about, locked, and so on. We don't need it anymore. Not on the eve of the new Forza release anyway, these are exciting times, lets try and keep the spoilt little boy moaning under wraps for at least ten minutes yeah?
GT5 Sceptic
Aren't the times set in the real world usual using the Bridge-to-Gantry method, therefore cutting out some of the home straight that you have to cross in Forza?

I was thinking the same there mate. Not a true lap. Around 30 seconds cut off.
No, magazines and manufacturers do a full lap, because they can. Bridge-to-Gantry is used by Touristenfahrten because it's not possible to do a full lap.

Zonda R on Nordschleife. I dont like this.

From what I've seen :

-Driver view cam is nice, however there's a little problem, if you check the left mirror, it's not made right, you can't view it in full and it looks stupid to me. On the other hand tho, it's really nice because you can read the info on the car dashboard really good. Maybe i'll be able to turn hud off on fm4.

-Tracks arent really new tracks, they took the old one from forza 3, remodelled some trees, changed lightning, updated the publicity and that's about it. Pretty sad.

-Nurburgring looks too flat, not enough elevation change.

-Other car on track looks a lot cartoonish I think during that movie. I didnt got that impression when I played the demo so I'll put that on youtube video quality atm.
I'm biased toward Forza, I will openly admit that, but I maintain that it is because this generation, Forza has been the lesser disappointment. Forza franchise has released better, more complete games with modern UI and on line modes. I'm not about to let one track (knowingly) being a bit off turn me off the game, and I'm certainly not (knowing it's a sore point amongst a lot of ForzaPlanet users :sly:) going to make an inflammatory thread about it. It's been discussed to death, analysed, brought back up, fought over, video'd, screen shot'd, fought over again, complained about, locked, and so on. We don't need it anymore. Not on the eve of the new Forza release anyway, these are exciting times, lets try and keep the spoilt little boy moaning under wraps for at least ten minutes yeah?

Well what was discussed to death was the Forza 3 Nordschleife not the Forza 4 one. Maybe you expected them to be the same, i didn't. Just as you said this has been discussed, analyzed, fought over and so on. I am just as tired of this as you are. So Turn 10 should know about this, so why not make a few changes to the track and make customers like me happy and create the best Nordschleife ever on consoles or at least get rid of the known problem. I wouldn't complain if they just make a 1:1 copy of the GT5 Track, which should be a rather easy task. I know for most people is just a track, but in germany it has a almost legendary status in motorsport. It's been part of so many tragedies and victories. It's only rival would be the Le Mans track, which is much shorter. But what makes the ring special is its layout, its narrowness, so why change it, why corrupt it? Give the ring the respect it deserves.

This i s a video of the ring by Porsche which captures the spirit quite well. Gives me goosebumps every time.
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Well what was discussed to death was the Forza 3 Nordschleife not the Forza 4 one. Maybe you expected them to be the same, i didn't. Just as you said this has been discussed, analyzed, fought over and so on. I am just as tired of this as you are. So Turn 10 should know about this, so why not make a few changes to the track and make customers like me happy and create the best Nordschleife ever on consoles or at least get rid of the known problem. I wouldn't complain if they just make a 1:1 copy of the GT5 Track, which should be a rather easy task. I know for most people is just a track, but in germany it has a almost legendary status in motorsport. It's been part of so many tragedies and victories. It's only rival would be the Le Mans track, which is much shorter. But what makes the ring special is its layout, its narrowness, so why change it, why corrupt it? Give the ring the respect it deserves.

Actually the real rival of the nurburgring was Spa but the old tracks, that was very long too (around 15km). I agree with the rest tho XD

Well what was discussed to death was the Forza 3 Nordschleife not the Forza 4 one. Maybe you expected them to be the same, i didn't. Just as you said this has been discussed, analyzed, fought over and so on. I am just as tired of this as you are. So Turn 10 should know about this, so why not make a few changes to the track and make customers like me happy and create the best Nordschleife ever on consoles or at least get rid of the known problem. I wouldn't complain if they just make a 1:1 copy of the GT5 Track, which should be a rather easy task. I know for most people is just a track, but in germany it has a almost legendary status in motorsport. It's been part of so many tragedies and victories. It's only rival would be the Le Mans track, which is much shorter. But what makes the ring special is its layout, its narrowness, so why change it, why corrupt it? Give the ring the respect it deserves.
This i s a video of the ring by Porsche which captures the spirit quite well. Gives me goosebumps every time.

Because I realise 'we' as in the hardcore sim users are not the mainstream target consumer that T10 targets with this game. You know how I know this? Because I am not great at racing sims, I appreciate the depth of physics and am perfectly capable of turning an opinion on them, however I suck at actually driving them. Yet, I am still in the top 1% (top 1000 in two of the challenges) for all the rivals modes. I think you will find that the chances of the majority of people not knowing the 'Ring is incorrect outside of these, and other, forums is squat. You are a minority of anger, a Province of disappointment if you will. The chances of T10 remodelling the entire ring to satisfy maybe 10,000 people of the 6-7 million who will probably buy the game is squat. This is something I hold to be self evident, so it does not anger me.

Indeed, I think you will find that the majority of people if told of the inaccuracies and why they were like that would simply shrug and then go back to having fun with the game.
This is something I hold to be self evident, so it does not anger me.
Well, I hold it to be self evident too, but it still angers me :lol:

But does the inaccuracies of "Forza's 'ring" prevent me from enjoying it ? No. Nothing is going to be perfect. Not in this world at least. So I'll enjoy racing on this "inaccurate" ring as long as the actual driving mechanics feel good.

'cause it's all that matters. If I wanted to drive on a perfectly accurate ring, I'd just go to Germany and drive it in, you know, a real car, with my real self in it.
Because I realise 'we' as in the hardcore sim users are not the mainstream target consumer that T10 targets with this game. You know how I know this? Because I am not great at racing sims, I appreciate the depth of physics and am perfectly capable of turning an opinion on them, however I suck at actually driving them. Yet, I am still in the top 1% (top 1000 in two of the challenges) for all the rivals modes. I think you will find that the chances of the majority of people not knowing the 'Ring is incorrect outside of these, and other, forums is squat. You are a minority of anger, a Province of disappointment if you will. The chances of T10 remodelling the entire ring to satisfy maybe 10,000 people of the 6-7 million who will probably buy the game is squat. This is something I hold to be self evident, so it does not anger me.

Indeed, I think you will find that the majority of people if told of the inaccuracies and why they were like that would simply shrug and then go back to having fun with the game.

Well that might be true but this will not stop me from complaining even if i know that there just 10.000 of us. Actually i believe there might be more people wanting a more accurate ring, the european market for racing sims is not as small as you believe and the chance to get one in Forza 5 will not increase if i keep my mouth shut and in the end that is all i want. The question is also , do the estimated 6 million buyers deserve a accurate nordschleife, even if they don't know about it? I believe they do, they payed for something called nordschleife , they are driving on a track called nordschleife, so they should get a as accurate as possible version of it and not one the developers know, that it is faulty. In the end it is still missing respect. Missing respect to a track that is a sacred place to german motorsport and also missing respect to their customers, because they know what is wrong with the track and don't correct it. They have so many great fantasy tracks which which they can show their creativity but please don't change the legend that is the Nordschleife.
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I used to drop quarters in the local pizza shops and arcades to play this, do you think I'm really all that hurt because 17 foot drop is only 13 in a video game?

I used to drop quarters in the local pizza shops and arcades to play this, do you think I'm really all that hurt because 17 foot drop is only 13 in a video game?

Haha I know right. Some of the guys on here kill me. Just need something to complain about in the slightest, and I did a memory refresher last night with GT5 and F3 of the ring. Both are great.
Well that might be true but this will not stop me from complaining even if i know that there just 10.000 of us. Actually i believe there might be more people wanting a more accurate ring, the european market for racing sims is not as small as you believe and the chance to get one in Forza 5 will not increase if i keep my mouth shut and in the end that is all i want. The question is also , do the estimated 6 million buyers deserve a accurate nordschleife, even if they don't know about it? I believe they do, they payed for something called nordschleife , they are driving on a track called nordschleife, so they should get a as accurate as possible version of it and not one the developers know, that it is faulty. In the end it is still missing respect. Missing respect to a track that is a sacred place to german motorsport and also missing respect to their customers, because they know what is wrong with the track and don't correct it. They have so many great fantasy tracks which which they can show their creativity but please don't change the legend that is the Nordschleife.

I think it's pretty much accepted that we all would prefer a more accurate ring, i didn't see anyone stating the opposite.It's just that most people aren't as passionate about the track as you are or they just prefer to enjoy the game and the track for what it is and don't let it interfere with their fun.I know this track is some sort of ammo between diferent car games fans but in the end is the feeling of it that matters.

Myself, i will wait until i can go there and drive a real car in the real track, until then i'll just enjoy it like it is, not that i think it's well done, it just doesn't bother me to a point of not playing the game.
Just some quick input from someone who owns both GT5 and Forza, and has driven the 'ring in real life. (Albeit in a rental car and not balls to the wall.) For the record, I love both GT5 and Forza. I just recently bought an Xbox so I could get Forza 4. In the mean time, I have been hammering the 'ring on Forza 3 with a Porsche 550 :)

In my opinion, and this might sound strange, Forza's 'ring feels more accurate than GT5. Its strange because the Forza 'ring is indeed longer, and I admit, that's probably not the only inaccuracy. So, I'm not sure exactly what makes it feel more accurate, but I'm thinking it may actually be the color, the three dimensional trees, or maybe an ethereal quality that just makes it have more personality. After driving the Forza 'ring for a few hours straight, I went back to GT 5. GT's 'ring is still fun, but something is missing. It just feels a little...well, dead.

Technically speaking, I also want to weigh in on the track width issue. I honestly believe that Forza's track width is exaggerated in places, and GT 5 is definitely narrow...or rather, the perception of track width in both games is off at times. Overall, I again prefer Forza's rendition of the 'ring, it somehow feels like I remember in real life. While GT 5's actual model of the 'ring is more accurate physically, there is something distorted about the way the cockpit view of the track comes at the driver. It seems like the track is flowing out of a pinhole, and it is really more difficult than it should be to see the track ahead. I don't know how else to put it. To me, it feels like the game is artificially limiting my ability to see to the level of a very near-sighted individual.

I'm very excited to see the 'ring in Forza 4. I don't know where all the rumors are coming from that these tracks are just up-res'd versions from Forza 3. This is simply not true. Head on over to and watch the video on how Turn 10 modeled the Hockenheim track. From what I can see, the ring has been pretty thoroughly revisited at the very least for the fourth edition of Forza.
I'm very excited to see the 'ring in Forza 4. I don't know where all the rumors are coming from that these tracks are just up-res'd versions from Forza 3. This is simply not true. Head on over to and watch the video on how Turn 10 modeled the Hockenheim track. From what I can see, the ring has been pretty thoroughly revisited at the very least for the fourth edition of Forza.
This was what i was hoping for: A new version of the ring for the fourth edition. The one in forza 3 was not so bad for a first attempt, but it needs to be corrected. I got especially exited a few months ago when i learned that some Turn 10 empolyee travelled to germany to attend the 24h Nürburgring race
I did follow the progress of the game on as i consider myself a fan of both GT and Forza. So i thought that they were gaining some more data and got my hopes up. But i got really disappointed when i couldn't see any improvements in the Zonda R video. :( The higher the expectations , the bigger the disappointment. Also my main problem with the forza track is its length. I just love to drive stock cars on the ring and compare the lap times with real life lap times recorded in videos or on
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I'm very excited to see the 'ring in Forza 4. I don't know where all the rumors are coming from that these tracks are just up-res'd versions from Forza 3. This is simply not true. Head on over to and watch the video on how Turn 10 modeled the Hockenheim track. From what I can see, the ring has been pretty thoroughly revisited at the very least for the fourth edition of Forza.

I've based what I said on the few video I saw here, about Road Atlanta, Road America and the Ring. If you see both video of Road America side to side you'll notice that even cloud are the same. Dont tell me they modelled the exact same cloud at the exact same place in 2 games.

I didnt saw hockenheim and it's all good if they did better race tracks. Honestly the track on the demo was great and feel great but the videos I just saw about the 3 tracks I mentionned didnt had the wow factor. I just feel like I was in a PC version of FM3 with an updated graphic card.

Again it's just what I notice, I didnt said I dont like FM4 or I prefer GT5 or anything, it's juste the way I feel about the videos i've seen.

I also been to the ring twice and I find the GT5 version much closer.
This was what i was hoping for: A new version of the ring for the fourth edition. The one in forza 3 was not so bad for a first attempt, but it needs to be corrected. I got especially exited a few months ago when i learned that some Turn 10 empolyee travelled to germany to attend the 24h Nürburgring race
I did follow the progress of the game on as i consider myself a fan of both GT and Forza. So i thought that they were gaining some more data and got my hopes up. But i got really disappointed when i couldn't see any improvements in the Zonda R video. :( The higher the expectations , the bigger the disappointment. Also my main problem with the forza track is its length. I just love to drive stock cars on the ring and compare the lap times with real life lap times recorded in videos or on

Lots of tracks are off in these console sim racers. I don't think we are going to get perfection.

I've based what I said on the few video I saw here, about Road Atlanta, Road America and the Ring. If you see both video of Road America side to side you'll notice that even cloud are the same

Road America in FM4 is much improved over FM3. They added new asphalt to the same turns that NASCAR mandated when the National Series debuted there. They added the missing bumps, and they also fixed the last turn (FM3 had it way too tight, and has been fixed for FM4). They also fixed the rumble strips and added some missing strips from FM3. They also changed the overpass to the new Corvette overpass that replaced the Toyota one.

Then again, I would notice that stuff since I am at Road America all the time (I live by Road America ;))
Road America in FM4 is much improved over FM3. They added new asphalt to the same turns that NASCAR mandated when the National Series debuted there. They added the missing bumps, and they also fixed the last turn (FM3 had it way too tight, and has been fixed for FM4). They also fixed the rumble strips and added some missing strips from FM3. They also changed the overpass to the new Corvette overpass that replaced the Toyota one.

Then again, I would notice that stuff since I am at Road America all the time (I live by Road America ;))

Good to know that at least Road America got a major overhaul. 👍
Sorry for my rant, but i just wished they would have done that to my favourite track as well.
Lots of tracks are off in these console sim racers. I don't think we are going to get perfection.

Road America in FM4 is much improved over FM3. They added new asphalt to the same turns that NASCAR mandated when the National Series debuted there. They added the missing bumps, and they also fixed the last turn (FM3 had it way too tight, and has been fixed for FM4). They also fixed the rumble strips and added some missing strips from FM3. They also changed the overpass to the new Corvette overpass that replaced the Toyota one.

Then again, I would notice that stuff since I am at Road America all the time (I live by Road America ;))

It's all about the clouds! No new clouds = no new buy! :scared: