Forza 4 Nordschleife

  • Thread starter azrael1965
Deadpool with race licence and real life ring experience > DS3 user sat in living room (IMO of course...)

If anything this thread has put me off buying Forza 4 and stretching myself to a Fanatec wheel. Having driven the ring and more importantly been driven round it by someone who's fast I just can't accept messing around with layout for online 'fun'. I want driving games to reflect reality as closely as possible.

Are any other tracks in Forza 4 tinkered with?

Actually GT5 isn't on the technical level of T10, especially since it takes PD 6 years to make 200 cars, while it takes T10 2 years to make 500+
Also, I have the same gripe with PD
Why is Laguna Seca so far off?
The best track and it's not even fairly represented?
pfft, I shake my head at PD

Its not just 6 years to make those cars... you seem to forget that there was also a little game called Gran Turismo PSP being made in that time, which requires different coding than that of PS3.. therefore, more time. There are cars in GT5 that weren't in GT1, 2 or 3 and came from GT-PSP. Also Take into account the OTHER real world tracks that are new to GT5, those take time too.. especially with PD's process of going to the location and taking thousands of pictures from countless angles to make sure that their interpretation is spot-on.
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After spending countless hours in both FM3, GT5 and a couple of days in FM4, the Nordschleife is not very accurate in any Forza game. I have never even driven on the track yet, which is a goal of mine. But I have watched many videos of cars lapping the Nurb and Turn 10 has taken many liberties with the Nurb and pretty much every real course in the game. They are always slightly wider in game as opposed to real life, some sections seem much longer, some seem shorter but it is certain that they are modeled to be close to reality just not too close for the sake of fun.

This is where the difference come in having both games to enjoy, one is more clinical and the other slightly less and going on it's own thing. Give you two games that you can delve deeply into and not really have much to complain about since when one isn't doing it for you, you just fire up the other. I am having a ball in FM4 it's a great game but as I said, many things from FM3 are just carried over with a new coat of paint and no real statistical changes.
I enjoy playing the Ring on both games about equally, let me tell you why.

GT5 Nurb is, as many people states here, very accurate. Never driven on it, but those who did are saying so and video evidence seems to point toward that. GT5 physics is making it a pure joy too.

Forza is another beast. I'm ok with the fact that its less accurate because in my opinion and contrary to what some exagerated comments are stating, it looks and feel like the Ring and its VERY recognizable.

But its immersion I want to point at. Lets say I watch a video of a Corvette ZR-1 breaking the production lap record on said Ring and it gives me the uncontrolable urge to play it on my rig (happens a lot!) If I play it with GT5 right away I will be immediately reminded that I play a game because the sound of everything tells my mind its so. It looks like the Ring, it feels like a ZR-1 through my hands on the Fanatec wheel but it sounds like a toy.:confused:

Forza on the other end immerses me totally with accurate and powerful sound from engine, tires and with FM4, very beleivable physics. So even though the rendition of the track is a little bit off compared to the other game, I don't care 'cause FM4 gives me most of what GT5 gives me + better immersion through sound. Oh! and headtracking that works perfectly and camera motion that really ads to the speed effect.

So, I did talk a lot about Forza 'cause its the one getting the hate here but both games are giving me satisfaction with this track in different ways and thats why they both need to exist. Beacause competition improves the breed my friends.👍
Its not just 6 years to make those cars... you seem to forget that there was also a little game called Gran Turismo PSP being made in that time, which requires different coding than that of PS3.. therefore, more time. There are cars in GT5 that weren't in GT1, 2 or 3 and came from GT-PSP. Also Take into account the OTHER real world tracks that are new to GT5, those take time too.. especially with PD's process of going to the location and taking thousands of pictures from countless angles to make sure that their interpretation is spot-on.

So because they made a PSP game, that means they get a pass on making an half-assed game?

After spending countless hours in both FM3, GT5 and a couple of days in FM4, the Nordschleife is not very accurate in any Forza game. I have never even driven on the track yet, which is a goal of mine. But I have watched many videos of cars lapping the Nurb and Turn 10 has taken many liberties with the Nurb and pretty much every real course in the game. They are always slightly wider in game as opposed to real life, some sections seem much longer, some seem shorter but it is certain that they are modeled to be close to reality just not too close for the sake of fun.

This is where the difference come in having both games to enjoy, one is more clinical and the other slightly less and going on it's own thing. Give you two games that you can delve deeply into and not really have much to complain about since when one isn't doing it for you, you just fire up the other. I am having a ball in FM4 it's a great game but as I said, many things from FM3 are just carried over with a new coat of paint and no real statistical changes.

Such as? I dont see anything with a new paint of coat with no changes......
So have I, the difference is I don't use it to then insult other members and given the AUP here at GT Planet you should think twice about doing so in the future as well.

I wasn't insulting him, it was actually him trying to insult me and then using sarcasm. I was stern in my comments but that's all.

Now while the FM2 version of the 'ring is far, far too wide the version in FM3 is not as bad as many make it out to be, and quite frankly the version in GT5 still has some serious issues with it and is quite a way from being 99% accurate.

Yes FM2 was really bad and FM3 made it a little better, but it's still bad. Give us a example of these "serious issues" with GT5's.

I would also question the members here who are saying that GT's version gets the elevation changes right, because it most certainly doesn't. In reality parts of the 'ring look like a wall of tarmac is in front of you and nothing in GT's version comes close to that.

They do a decent job at elevation changes, but nothing will ever compare to being there. Not even real videos can capture the elevation changes. It's like looking at a photo of the Grand Canyon vs being there, no photo or video will be able to capture that.

The bottom line is that both inaccurate and accurate lap times can be obtained in both FM and GT, neither get it right with FM's being too wide in sections (which was far worse in FM2 and a lot better in FM3) and GT's messing up the elevation changes (which again improved between GT4 and GT5).

The elevation changes are more accurate in GT5 than any of the Forzas. And as I said before, it's impossible to truly capture the elevation changes. The reason lap times mean nothing in Forza is due to the track being 2 miles too long and also too wide on critical corners. As you can see in the videos they are able to go 20mph+ faster on most corners in FM3 and FM4.

Interesting, you appear to insist that only those who have experience of the real 'ring and its in game versions can comment on how accurate it is in games (and dismiss the opinions of those who have 'only' watched videos of the real thing. However here you seem to throw you normal standards aside and damn FM4s 'ring without having played it and without providing source material to back up your claim.

Did you even bother to watch the video in the OP's post????? It's a video of the Zonda R in FM4 doing a lap of the Ring. THIS is the video I'm talking about. So no, I didn't contradict myself.

I don't have to play FM4's Ring to be able to tell if it's accurate. Watching it on a video is essentially the same as playing it, visually I will be seeing the same thing in terms of track length/width. I can't comment on bumps etc, but that's not what I've been doing. Because I and you have driven the real track, we can look at a video of FM or GT5 and comment on the track accuracy.

It's like if you and I were having a conversation and I was one of the troops in Mogadishu, you were just a civilian. You come to me and say "Hey I watched Black Hawk down, it was really accurate, I know what it was like etc"...... then I would turn to you with a dumbfounded look on my face and tell you that you don't have the slightest clue what it was like.

All you are offering here is inflammatory flame-bait and GT Planet has no time for this kind of behaviour or members who post it, as such I would strongly suggest that you provide some detail and evidence to back it up, and be willing to discuss it in a level-headed manner.

I am discussing it in a level-headed manner, and I have provided plenty of evidence to back up everything I've said. It's not my fault you didn't see the video on the first page. Even if the video was never posted in this thread, it's pretty easy to pull up youtube and watch a video.

T10 didn't do anything initially to the 'ring. They got the assets for the 'ring in FM2 from the dev team behind PGR (after MS bought them) and used that with minor tweaks in FM2, which is why the 'ring in FM2 is quite nasty. However those assets underwent some serious work between FM2 and FM3, and the version in FM3 is much better (still not good enough - but no in-game version is and certainly none of them are the 99% that has been claimed). I can't yet state what the version in FM4 is like as I am still waiting on my copy of FM4, but once it arrives and I have some time on it I will be more than happy to post my (good or bad) opinion of it.

FM4's Ring looks like they went back to the FM2 specs, some sectors are unbelievably wide.

Everyone has an opinion to bring to the discussion, those who have been to the 'ring obviously can offer a first hand view, however that doesn't mean they get to dismiss the opinions of others and to do so seriously risks action from the staff.

So if someone says that gravity doesn't exist we can't dismiss their opinion as ignorance??? Because that's essentially what you are saying. Bogie provided no evidence of any kind, he was making comments about a track he has never been on, hence the dismissal of his opinion of the track. This doesn't mean he can't express his opinion, it just means that we dismiss it as wrong and invalid. It would be different if I were attacking him personally, but I'm not, I am attacking the idea....... which is what you do in a debate/discussion.

But its immersion I want to point at. Lets say I watch a video of a Corvette ZR-1 breaking the production lap record on said Ring and it gives me the uncontrolable urge to play it on my rig (happens a lot!) If I play it with GT5 right away I will be immediately reminded that I play a game because the sound of everything tells my mind its so. It looks like the Ring, it feels like a ZR-1 through my hands on the Fanatec wheel but it sounds like a toy.:confused:

What are you using for audio? For me the ZR-1 in GT5 sounds a lot like the real thing, but FM4's is a little better.
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What are you using for audio? For me the ZR-1 in GT5 sounds a lot like the real thing, but FM4's is a little better.[/QUOTE]

Denon A/V 5.1 amp with Boston Accoustic speakers. Not the best but good enough I'd say.

And I took the ZR-1 for example so that nobody would tell me I took the worst example. Care to compare with other cars? Tire sounds? You have not even played FM4, how can you judge the sound of it from a YouTube video?

Fact is I agree with the fact that GT5 Nurb is modeled better. I know because I played it...:sly:
Denon A/V 5.1 amp with Boston Accoustic speakers. Not the best but good enough I'd say.

And I took the ZR-1 for example so that nobody would tell me I took the worst example. Care to compare with other cars? Tire sounds? You have not even played FM4, how can you judge the sound of it from a YouTube video?

Fact is I agree with the fact that GT5 Nurb is modeled better. I know because I played it...:sly:

My only judgement is that even in a youtube video the ZR-1 on FM4 sounds a little better. Part of my thinking on this is what I thought of FM3, where the cockpit view sounded great, but was louder than it would be in real life. GT5's is a little too quiet, and doesn't have a few of the subtler noises that Forza has, the sound isn't as accurate at high rpm with GT5.

Point is, I fully agree FM sounds better, it's been one of my big critiques of GT for years. Thankfully with GT5 they made a big improvement in this area, but there is still a lot of work to do as FM have really nailed all the sounds (tires noise especially).
I wasn't insulting him, it was actually him trying to insult me and then using sarcasm. I was stern in my comments but that's all.

Wrong AGAIN.

I don't have to play FM4's Ring to be able to tell if it's accurate. Watching it on a video is essentially the same as playing it, visually I will be seeing the same thing in terms of track length/width.

And the truth shall set you free.
What are you using for audio? For me the ZR-1 in GT5 sounds a lot like the real thing, but FM4's is a little better.

Having heard real life Corvette race cars with their race exhausts, neither GT nor Forza gets that sheer amount of balls sound from them. Not ZR1 but I'd assume that a ZR1 built to race spec, like the C5R and C6R are, would have such a deep growl to it, just sheer awesomeness.
The ZR-1 in GT5 sounds nothing like the real thing. I have already raced them around Road America. So my personal experience is that GT5 is way off the mark in getting the ZR1 sound accurate.
from wiki:
Full lap
A full lap of the Nordschleife, bypassing the modern GP track, is 20.832 km (12.944 mi) long. Most laps are completed 200 metres (656 ft) shorter for safety reasons. Full uninterrupted flying laps can only be done in closed sessions and race events like Castrol-Haugg-Cup.

In F4, track description states that the track in 12.9 mi long. Where is this extra 2 miles that people are saying? It should only be 10 mi long? I think not.
So because they made a PSP game, that means they get a pass on making an half-assed game?

No smart guy it means that they had to stop work and work on something entirely different for a different format, which drew resources and time away from the main game. Not an excuse, but since you needed an explanation since you can't put two and two together, I might as well give you the sum.

Such as? I dont see anything with a new paint of coat with no changes......

Really? You must be more than blind then. The nurburgring GP and nordshleife are both identical to the one's found in FM3, just now they have different visual appearance, the tracks length, width and lack of bumps. Circuit de la Sarthe is identical as well, the road is almost smooth as eggs, just has a bump nead the end just before rounding the corner to Mulsanne straight. Seriously I don't know what Forza game you are playing but you can't be so biased to say the courses have changed. Every returning course received a face lift nothing more, the layouts are entirely the same; like for like with FM3. All the inaccuracies that FM3 had with those courses are carried into FM4.

In fact the inaccurate course building continues with the new courses, take Indy road course for example, the first corner has zero markers thereby allowing you to cut across a path that realistically you should be able to because there is usually a tire wall there. Then moving on the turns 8 through 12, this is a hideous mess, looks rushed or something, corners are extremely wide, lengths are wrong and markings are missing everywhere. Indy Road is an F1 layout so the corners are tight and nearly 90º. You can look up the courses in the game online and get drive through videos and play FM4 and you'll see the inaccuracies, but that is besides the point.

The game is still a lot of fun with lots to do and plenty of shiny cars to fling around the fantasy courses in. I for one was stoked to get my hands on the E39 M5, as I passed up on buying one in real life and got a E90 330xi, the car looks awesome in the game. I am just bummed that there are no realistic looking add-ons for a majority of cars just generic FM front lip and rear wing. This is one thing GT5 and FM4 fall flat on, many of these cars actually have manufacturer branded upgrades like these why the hell aren't these in the game? No I don't want the BMW roof ski rack, but I would like the rear bumper swap and front end swap different rim types(BMW has lots of rims).
When either PD or T10 show me and others some track layouts with the exact elevation changes then i will believe them to be really accurate, until then is just accurate visually, as for the bumps, no track has prominent bumps, just because very few roads have them.I mean visually.The way the car responds to those bumps which depends on the suspension is what matters and can't for the life of me understand why you're going on about it when just by looking at videos is really noticeable that they are in fact there.

I live in a place in Portugal where the roads are crap and even with my crappy Opel Corsa the car ain't jumping all over the place and it's even less noticeable in a Clio and these are very weak cars when it comes to suspension etc.

As for the OT, yes the GT5 seems to be more accurate on a visually standpoint, other than that and since i know what i'm talking about here, i believe the 99% value only when i see the whole layout with the elevations, or where i could measure this.But these are only games so no biggie.

This is what Dan had to say about bumps and ripples on an interview:

The tracks have bumps and ripples. These were honed using the experience of professional race car drivers we bring into the studio. If you play Forza Motorsport 3 and watch the replays, you’ll see that there are lots of bumps. The biggest issue is that the suspension of the car absorbs the perception of bumps and ripples. In the real-world you feel the bumps. Some games increase the perception of the bumps by unrealistically adding huge (3+ inches or more) bumps where they don’t exist on the real track. That’s great for making hyper-action, but it isn’t our way.
For Forza Motorsport 4, we did two things:

1. We re-evaluated the different concrete and tarmac surface types on all of the tracks. We looked at the age of the surface and gave each of them a general smoothness score. This variety of surface types and corresponding scores translate into far more bumps and grooves than in Forza 3--but at realistic levels.

2. Of course, the car’s suspension still obfuscates much of the perception of these bumps, because our suspension modelling is realistic. So, we also added more player camera layers to help the bumps make it past the suspension and into the drivers view. This increases the perception of the bumps without sacrificing the simulation.

It depends on the dev at how much they want to transmit the bumps and ripples to the cockpit. And he is right, they are definetly there if you watch the replays.The preception of it is what changes in cockpit mode.In F4 it looks pretty good
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Really? You must be more than blind then. The nurburgring GP and nordshleife are both identical to the one's found in FM3, just now they have different visual appearance, the tracks length, width and lack of bumps. Circuit de la Sarthe is identical as well, the road is almost smooth as eggs, just has a bump nead the end just before rounding the corner to Mulsanne straight. Seriously I don't know what Forza game you are playing but you can't be so biased to say the courses have changed. Every returning course received a face lift nothing more, the layouts are entirely the same; like for like with FM3. All the inaccuracies that FM3 had with those courses are carried into FM4.

Not sure what copy of the game you got, but that is NOT the experience many of us have had. There are numerous more noticeable bumps on Circuit de la Sarthe. I was completely surprised by how much the cockpits were shaking this time compared to FM3, as well as the feedback in the wheel. Early on, as well as near the chicanes (x2) and near the end are noticeable improvements.

I am glad that they didn't carry over many of those inaccuracies from FM3.

Not even sure where to get started with your Indy complaint. Again, you should sign up for the lotto, because you are dang lucky to get a different copy from everyone else
Wrong AGAIN.

Care to point out where I was wrong? I'm not the one making blind accusations here. You have yet to back up ANY of your claims. It's become obvious that you have no defense for your stance (a wrong one) and have resorted to just yelling "WRONG WRONG WRONG". Please explain to us HOW I am wrong. Were waiting.

And the truth shall set you free.

What truth? The part where I proved you wrong? As I said earlier, I've driven the real thing, and when comparing FM4 to the real thing, FM4 (and 1,2,3) are 2 miles too long, and they are too wide. Many corners are different as well. This isn't up for debate. Go look at the videos, it's painfully obvious. If you want, I can go through and label each and every corner that is too wide. What is your defense for the cars in Forza going 20-30mph faster through corners yet posting slower times? Quit ducking the questions.

from wiki:
Full lap
A full lap of the Nordschleife, bypassing the modern GP track, is 20.832 km (12.944 mi) long. Most laps are completed 200 metres (656 ft) shorter for safety reasons. Full uninterrupted flying laps can only be done in closed sessions and race events like Castrol-Haugg-Cup.

In F4, track description states that the track in 12.9 mi long. Where is this extra 2 miles that people are saying? It should only be 10 mi long? I think not.

It says 12.9 in the description but it's been proven that it's not 12.9 in the game but 14.9. This has been proven numerous times. A few people have taken cars around the ring at a max of like 20mph to calculate the distance. This is why if you look at the video of the FM3 ZR-1 it is going significantly faster than the one IRL, yet the real car posts a faster time. You can also visually see that the track is too long.
The ZR-1 in GT5 sounds nothing like the real thing. I have already raced them around Road America. So my personal experience is that GT5 is way off the mark in getting the ZR1 sound accurate.

Actually it does sound pretty close, but that's just my opinion ;)
Not even sure where to get started with your Indy complaint. Again, you should sign up for the lotto, because you are dang lucky to get a different copy from everyone else

Here is the problem with Indy, it's really wide, and the back chicane is way off.

Funny thing is, I think they did a excellent job with Sebring. I just wish they would have spent the same amount of time on other tracks making them perfect. But after seeing Indy I honestly believe they intentionally made them too wide to allow for "better" online racing.
I wasn't insulting him, it was actually him trying to insult me and then using sarcasm. I was stern in my comments but that's all.
The staff make that decision not you and if you feel someone is attacking you the use the report button, do not attack them back.

Yes FM2 was really bad and FM3 made it a little better, but it's still bad. Give us a example of these "serious issues" with GT5's.
A number of the corner profiles and cambers are out in GT version and regardless of your following claims the elevation changes in GT are poorly done and its no more of a 'illusion' that the track being too wide in FM being an illusion.

They do a decent job at elevation changes, but nothing will ever compare to being there. Not even real videos can capture the elevation changes. It's like looking at a photo of the Grand Canyon vs being there, no photo or video will be able to capture that.
The job they did with elevation changes is not decent at all, Shift 2 messed up almost every thing about the 'ring, but the one thing they did get close to is elevation changes. Its not an 'illusion' brought on by the medium at all.

The elevation changes are more accurate in GT5 than any of the Forzas. And as I said before, it's impossible to truly capture the elevation changes. The reason lap times mean nothing in Forza is due to the track being 2 miles too long and also too wide on critical corners. As you can see in the videos they are able to go 20mph+ faster on most corners in FM3 and FM4.
Having driven the track for real and in GT4, GT5, Enthusia, Shift 2, FM2, FM3 and FM4 you are (in my opion) wrong on two points here, elevation changes in GT are not more accurate than in FM4 and its not impossiable to capture elevation changes.

Oh and I can annihilate real world cornering speeds in GT4 and GT5 as well, as unless you know exactly what tyres are used in comparison to real footage then the comparison is inaccurate.

Did you even bother to watch the video in the OP's post????? It's a video of the Zonda R in FM4 doing a lap of the Ring. THIS is the video I'm talking about. So no, I didn't contradict myself.
Attitude - watch it.

In regard to contradicting yourself you have banged on in a very aggressive manner about how only those who have real experience should be able to post an opinion, yet when it comes to FM4 that suddenly doesn't matter.

I don't have to play FM4's Ring to be able to tell if it's accurate. Watching it on a video is essentially the same as playing it, visually I will be seeing the same thing in terms of track length/width. I can't comment on bumps etc, but that's not what I've been doing. Because I and you have driven the real track, we can look at a video of FM or GT5 and comment on the track accuracy.
No you don't have to have driven FM4's ;ring to have an opinion on it, however that opinion will for most people carry less weight than those who have. Something you should bear in mind when you start trying to tell other when they should or should not have an opinion.

I am discussing it in a level-headed manner, and I have provided plenty of evidence to back up everything I've said. It's not my fault you didn't see the video on the first page. Even if the video was never posted in this thread, it's pretty easy to pull up youtube and watch a video.
This is not level headed....

I've driven the real thing, have should I put this..... ^^ FAIL

So instead of just admitting your wrong you turn to sarcasm. Bottom line is, if you haven't driven the real track, you don't have a say in the matter.

....telling other that they have no say in a matter and attacks (regardless of the provocation - the staff deal with that not you) is simply not acceptable and will stop now.

FM4's Ring looks like they went back to the FM2 specs, some sectors are unbelievably wide.
Well having first hand experience of both I would disagree that its back to FM2.

So if someone says that gravity doesn't exist we can't dismiss their opinion as ignorance??? Because that's essentially what you are saying. Bogie provided no evidence of any kind, he was making comments about a track he has never been on, hence the dismissal of his opinion of the track. This doesn't mean he can't express his opinion, it just means that we dismiss it as wrong and invalid. It would be different if I were attacking him personally, but I'm not, I am attacking the idea....... which is what you do in a debate/discussion.
Of course you can tell someone who says that gravity doesn't exist that you disagree with them and provide evidence to substantiate that.

What you will not do is tell them they do not have a say in the matter.

I did not say that you can't argue against someone's opinion, what you can't do is stop them making it nor attack them for it.

So if someone says that gravity doesn't exist we can't dismiss their opinion as ignorance??? Because that's essentially what you are saying. Bogie provided no evidence of any kind, he was making comments about a track he has never been on, hence the dismissal of his opinion of the track. This doesn't mean he can't express his opinion, it just means that we dismiss it as wrong and invalid. It would be different if I were attacking him personally, but I'm not, I am attacking the idea....... which is what you do in a debate/discussion.

Wrong AGAIN. You keep lying over and over. I never once claimed as a fact that the ring is accurate (more or less) than GT5's ring or to real life. That is your first mistake.

Your second mistake is lying. I never once said I had ANY real life experience on the track. My opinion of the accuracy (or lack of) comes from videos, shows, and of course each respective game.

What evidence do I need to provide. I never claimed anything OTHER than someone stated that you CAN'T get ANYWHERE near the real times in Forza 3 on the ring compared to real life. I posted 2 videos showing 9 seconds apart, real life and Forza 3. I did back up my claim from what I have researched. I have also stated that many have been able to get similar times.

I personally HAVE NOT been able to reproduce the ZR1 time in GT5 or FM3 for that matter. I am about 20 seconds minimum off (I take too long).

Not sure who this "we" is, but "we" are not dismissing anything, as I haven't claimed ANYTHING. It is YOU that are claiming things.

As soon as you stop providing WRONG and deceptive posts, maybe "WE" will give you a little more credibility. Until then, step away from the keyboard and think before you post next time.
It says 12.9 in the description but it's been proven that it's not 12.9 in the game but 14.9. This has been proven numerous times. A few people have taken cars around the ring at a max of like 20mph to calculate the distance. This is why if you look at the video of the FM3 ZR-1 it is going significantly faster than the one IRL, yet the real car posts a faster time. You can also visually see that the track is too long.

As its been proven numerous time would you be so kind as to provide links to this proof for FM2, FM3 and FM4.


Here is the problem with Indy, it's really wide, and the back chicane is way off.

Funny thing is, I think they did a excellent job with Sebring. I just wish they would have spent the same amount of time on other tracks making them perfect. But after seeing Indy I honestly believe they intentionally made them too wide to allow for "better" online racing.

Actually, it's NOT really wide and the chicane is NOT way off. I have raced amateur at the speedway, so yes, my real life experience TRUMPS your little video comparison.

See what I did there?
Actually, it's NOT really wide and the chicane is NOT way off. I have raced amateur at the speedway, so yes, my real life experience TRUMPS your little video comparison.

See what I did there?

Go to the F1 video and move it to 54 seconds and play that clip stop at 1:11. Now play the FM4 clip starting at 1:30 and stop at 1:40. Those S curves are all sorts of wrong, the first part looks correct but when you make the first curve you realize that the second curve is basically right on you. In fact if you look at the map of the course those curves actually show up as it is built in the game, but if you look at the real map of the course you can clearly see FM4 curves are indeed inaccurate. Yea the FOV thing doesn't hold up because I actually play the game and it's still the same thing, FOV doesn't change the length of a section of track. I just think this course was a little rushed as it's missing markings on the track surface as well.
Here is the problem with Indy, it's really wide, and the back chicane is way off.

Funny thing is, I think they did a excellent job with Sebring. I just wish they would have spent the same amount of time on other tracks making them perfect. But after seeing Indy I honestly believe they intentionally made them too wide to allow for "better" online racing.

Amazing! You can compare the current layout (Forza) to the old outdated layout (2007 F1 video). Congratulations.

Skip to about 2:40
Go to the F1 video and move it to 54 seconds and play that clip stop at 1:11. Now play the FM4 clip starting at 1:30 and stop at 1:40. Those S curves are all sorts of wrong, the first part looks correct but when you make the first curve you realize that the second curve is basically right on you. In fact if you look at the map of the course those curves actually show up as it is built in the game, but if you look at the real map of the course you can clearly see FM4 curves are indeed inaccurate. Yea the FOV thing doesn't hold up because I actually play the game and it's still the same thing, FOV doesn't change the length of a section of track. I just think this course was a little rushed as it's missing markings on the track surface as well.

You are not getting it, are you.

Edit: Never mind, I was beaten to the punch.
Not it's not really wide, pause both videos at around 0:14 and see it taking in mind the POV in each one.

I'm talking about different corners. The front straight is fine, but look at the width through the rest of the track.
Having heard real life Corvette race cars with their race exhausts, neither GT nor Forza gets that sheer amount of balls sound from them. Not ZR1 but I'd assume that a ZR1 built to race spec, like the C5R and C6R are, would have such a deep growl to it, just sheer awesomeness.
Not sure if you are racing on the inside view or outside view but if racing with inside view.........
Install the most expensive racing exhaust AND install the most expensive weight reduction. Plus buy the most expensive cam.

Amazing! You can compare the current layout (Forza) to the old outdated layout (2007 F1 video). Congratulations.

Skip to about 2:40

And guess what, I'm man enough to admit I was wrong. I was unaware of the layout change. BUT the rest of the track is still too wide.