Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
Lol no you did not. Look at the bold words. GT had already had the license in the first place so there was no chance and so he did not pass them up....modelling began for FIA GT and DTM cars (lexus concept being one of the only premium DTM) but obviously did not meet the time constraints.

We can get into semantics if you wish but the point is PD failed spectacularly by not prioritising the acquisition of two very high profile racing series and getting the work done. In effect, they had to pass on the licence due to poor project management.
Lol no you did not. Look at the bold words. GT had already had the license in the first place so there was no chance and so he did not pass them up....modelling began for FIA GT and DTM cars (lexus concept being one of the only premium DTM) but obviously did not meet the time constraints.

Am I the only one that seems to remember that GT5 had the longest production cycle of any car game in history, something to the tune of 5 years? while only including 200 new cars to the series and a handfull of new tracks, "Time constraints" is not really a legitimate excuse that can be used. Infact every time ive heard a fa...... Extremely Vocal GT5 Enthusiast throw the words "time constraints" around as a blanket explination about every one of the hundreds of aspects of GT5 that are unfinished, unstarted and explained for, or just mysteriously absent I almost fall out of my chair with laughter. Sure there are MANY excuses that can be used for the shortcomings of GT5. Low staff due to poor company management. Lack of direction due to the head of the company running off every 2 weeks to a race or event and being unable to focus on the project. poor project management. Poor financial management. but "Time constraints" is NOT and excuse that can be used for any title that was released 5 years after it was announced regardless of HOW ambitious it was or who was producing it.

-my 2 c
It's almost like they take the 'real driving simulator' tag to heart and neglect real race cars in favour of an encyclopaedia of Japanese Econo-boxes with no race heritage.
PD does take the "Real Driving Simulator" tag to heart -- that's why they put it there. :confused:

I'm not sure why you want to drive purpose-built racecars shoehorned into a game purpose-built for roadcar simulation and designed for a broad audience. Even "outdated" PC sims can do the things you're looking for, and better than GT/Forza ever will. We're pretty much playing the videogame equivalent of a Best Motoring video; I'm certain PD had BM in mind when they made GT1, and Forza is just a GT clone.

While GT/Forza seem to include racecars as an afterthought, it's totally intentional -- they're just another category in the car list, nothing more. Which makes the racing series license-grabbing all the more misguided.
One of the other things i always found a bit depressing with GT5 was the fact from what i gathered off the official forum and others, was that the vast majority of the players were quite used to simply getting the computer bot to race the longer races.
And not to mention the amount of folks who left their console on all day to complete the 24 hour race..........

Now i will hire a driver sometimes in Forza mainly for the swiss alps fantasy track as its a bit 'ridge racer' for my tastes, but i know some GT5 players who have barely even driven at all!

Odd thing is how they will think it totally normal to do this? in a driving game....

sometimes for me GT5 had its moments, beyond the 80% last gen game cars, the poor looking tracks, the shadows, the rubbish community, the no paint customisation, the lack of good tuning options, it had occasional momnets where was wowed.....

But then there would just be that flat feeling of...."i'm soooo bored playing this'

its a grind, its dull its lifeless.
Lol no you did not. Look at the bold words. GT had already had the license in the first place so there was no chance and so he did not pass them up....modelling began for FIA GT and DTM cars (lexus concept being one of the only premium DTM) but obviously did not meet the time constraints.

I do hope then that if these cars ever appear as DLC you will be as critical and scathing about as you have been with Forza's DLC.

After all this is clearly development work started during the normal development of the game and not then included in the final product (however I don't hold out much hope for that as the Scirocco already falls into that category and you are quite happy to ignore it).

Wearing my GT pants for a moment, I do like the fact that cockpit view shows the interior when looking back.

Hope next Forza implements this.
Wearing my GT pants for a moment, I do like the fact that cockpit view shows the interior when looking back.

Hope next Forza implements this.

I hope it does too, but again the care and attention that went into 200 odd cars has meant that 800 of them dont have any interior what so ever!

It cant be ignored how ever much you try......

I will also say this, Forza 5 will I guess be rolled out on the new XBOX 720. And i can only imagine what turn 10 can do with more power. I'll wager now that they wont go backwards on it like PD did with the PS3......

I'll say also if Turn 10 ever think of taking away the interior views on all cars in game....i will be as scathing of that too.. but i bet my hat they wont let me down...

^ Well, people play how they want. That's not how I play, but to each his own.

There's whole threads devoted to this on Official GT5 forums..... people going to work leaving PS3 on all day just to 'complete' the enduro races.
Wearing my GT pants for a moment, I do like the fact that cockpit view shows the interior when looking back.

Hope next Forza implements this.

For discussion sake, features or behavior of the combatants may either be praised or discounted depending on preference or agenda. Many of the topics (features/behavior) focus on how well reality is simulated and while looking back and seeing a rear interior may be simulating reality, how many times to you turn your head around IRL when driving/racing. Backing out of my driveway or mall parking spot, yes. I use the rear view mirror...I may be strange that way :)

If I was going to give kudos to GT5 for something, something that would entice me to move my Fanatec from my Xbox to my PS3, I would choose...,, not that...maybe, er no, I got to go. I may come up with something later :D

Note, if I didn't have an Xbox GT5 would be my "driving" game of choice. My racing fix would need to be satisfied by something else. To each their own...
Wearing my GT pants for a moment, I do like the fact that cockpit view shows the interior when looking back.

Hope next Forza implements this.
The lack of interior side/rear views in Forza might be intentional. With how much Turn 10 focuses on the online experience, it would make sense if they wanted to preserve visibility to help prevent accidents. It also makes things "equal," since some cars have less rear visibility than others.

I miss the feature too (even NFS4: High Stakes had an all-around 3D interior view), but it might never show up in a Forza game.
The lack of interior side/rear views in Forza might be intentional. With how much Turn 10 focuses on the online experience, it would make sense if they wanted to preserve visibility to help prevent accidents. It also makes things "equal," since some cars have less rear visibility than others.

I miss the feature too (even NFS4: High Stakes had an all-around 3D interior view), but it might never show up in a Forza game.
I guess it would be twice as much work to model the back halves of cars which could impact on their budget and workload. I think the cars in Autovista have fully modelled interiors though so this work may already have begun.

Going back to the differences between the two games FM seems to me to have a greater emphasis on usability and workflow. I suspect more of its budget was used to playtest the game than PD, or at any rate more of the game had reached the testable stage before release.
Actually, there's already a boatload of (arguably unnecessary) detail in the interiors of the normal, non-Autovista cars. I've never looked closely at the back half of anything, but you can use Photomode to zoom in on all of the clear and easily-readable buttons and dials and things on the dashboard, even the text on the steering column stalks. It's kinda crazy.

I'm sure the interiors are good enough to visually support side/rear views. It's just not implemented.
I remember on FM3 the E30 M3's stereo had 'Electrolic' written on it. A typo presumably...
I guess it would be twice as much work to model the back halves of cars which could impact on their budget and workload. I think the cars in Autovista have fully modelled interiors though so this work may already have begun.
All cars already have fully modeled interiors. The cockpit view is "cut in half" for performance reasons.
Actually, there's already a boatload of (arguably unnecessary) detail in the interiors of the normal, non-Autovista cars. I've never looked closely at the back half of anything, but you can use Photomode to zoom in on all of the clear and easily-readable buttons and dials and things on the dashboard, even the text on the steering column stalks. It's kinda crazy.

I'm sure the interiors are good enough to visually support side/rear views. It's just not implemented.

Do the cars have this much detail :sly:

Do the cars have this much detail :sly:


In interests of balance......i'll just leave this here... (oh and the answer is yes and Forza has no standard cars...thankfully)

Max, its becoming very apparent that you dont even own or have played Forza 4. frankly this puts you in an ever worse position to defend your trolling on other threads not realted to this discussion.

If you owned Forza you'd know that we can get close up shots of head lights with all the detail you show here , not to metion the level of detail in autovista......whats the story bro? do you own forza 4?
i have plenty of standard car shots to post.....theres 80% of the game made up with will lose..

To be fair, ab, the Berlinette, or better still most (if not all) of the Standards no longer have that atrocious level of detail.

Or the lack thereof.
In interests of balance......i'll just leave this here... (oh and the answer is yes and Forza has no standard cars...thankfully)

Max, its becoming very apparent that you dont even own or have played Forza 4. frankly this puts you in an ever worse position to defend your trolling on other threads not realted to this discussion.

If you owned Forza you'd know that we can get close up shots of head lights with all the detail you show here , not to metion the level of detail in autovista......whats the story bro? do you own forza 4?
i have plenty of standard car shots to post.....theres 80% of the game made up with will lose..

Forza also has no premium cars unfortunately :lol:
It sound to me like your one of those rabid forza fans. Afraid of some criticism or questioning of your precious game.
I have played Forza not own it though.
Please show me a shot of such detail on a headlight in Forza 4 please (honestly was a genuine question but it seems most the people on this thread take any insult to Forza 4 personally).
So I see it looks like you have given up and are admitting that GT5 premiums have a greater level of detail than Forza cars. Well that was easy.
But how do you defined Premium in this sense when you said 'no premium cars unfortunately' ? It's as if you're saying that having details on headlights alone are only worthy of Premium. Not all Premium of GT5 are nice though. I wish they could replace SL55 interior with a better one
I'm not sure why you want to drive purpose-built racecars shoehorned into a game purpose-built for roadcar simulation and designed for a broad audience. Even "outdated" PC sims can do the things you're looking for, and better than GT/Forza ever will. We're pretty much playing the videogame equivalent of a Best Motoring video; I'm certain PD had BM in mind when they made GT1, and Forza is just a GT clone.

Why do you think either game 'shoehorned' racecars into a roadcar simulation? Both go to great lengths with the racecar aspects of either games. PD provide race-modded car conversions alongside plenty of race cars from the first game. & T10 has partnered with race teams for game input and also had plenty of race cars since the first game. Just because the race cars are outnumbered doesn't mean they are an afterthought.

Road cars outnumber race cars in the real world too.

Funny because it's true.
Forza also has no premium cars unfortunately :lol:
And that GT5 has a split car list is something to be proud of?

It sound to me like your one of those rabid forza fans. Afraid of some criticism or questioning of your precious game.
An accusation that could be just as easily levelled at yourself.

I have played Forza not own it though.
It more than shows.

Please show me a shot of such detail on a headlight in Forza 4 please (honestly was a genuine question but it seems most the people on this thread take any insult to Forza 4 personally).
A question.

Why do you feel the need to insult Forza?

What we expect here is a reasoned discussion, something that has no place for insults and certainly we have no place for a member that openly admits to using insults to obtain a reaction from other members.

That's the very definition of flame-bait and you will find we have a low level of tolerance for it.

So I see it looks like you have given up and are admitting that GT5 premiums have a greater level of detail than Forza cars. Well that was easy.
You have not responded to a post I made yesterday, can I also take it that you have conceded that point?

And given that its the Christrmas and New Year how about you given people a chance to reply.

Right now you are bordering on a formal warning for your behaviour, either start to discuss things in a reasoned manner or expect a PM from the staff in the near future.

Forza also has no premium cars unfortunately :lol:
It sound to me like your one of those rabid forza fans. Afraid of some criticism or questioning of your precious game.
I have played Forza not own it though.
Please show me a shot of such detail on a headlight in Forza 4 please (honestly was a genuine question but it seems most the people on this thread take any insult to Forza 4 personally).
So I see it looks like you have given up and are admitting that GT5 premiums have a greater level of detail than Forza cars. Well that was easy.

And it seems to me you're here, primarily, to rile people up with what basically amounts to hearsay and flame-bait.

Let's try this: Stick only to what you know concerning both games. Any further opinionated comments passed off as fact on yours or anyone elses behalf will be seen as an AUP violation and Infractions will be issued.

Also, from this point on no one will refer to another member as a "troll" or "fanboy". This is the last general warning you'll get from me. Now, if you can, continue onward.
I've seen a lot of people get those sort of close up shots with the camera in Forza 4, but I can never figure out how to do it. Is there a general tip or something i'm missing in the camera controls?
Frankly, I always thought that having that level of detail in both games is purely a marketing exercise. It adds nothing to a driving game, but adds everything to how the games can be advertised. Kind of how photo modes were initially introduced so that the games could publish high quality bullshots as "in-game" photos. Autovista is the latest game mode to be guilty of this, but at least it teaches you stuff about the car.

Having a car that looks good from 5 feet away is fine. It shouldn't have to stand up to inspection from 3 inches away (although it is kind of cool that they do).
GT5's Premium cars, came at a terrible cost to the overall game though. IMHO.
A price I'm happy T10 didn't want to pay.

That amazing attention to detail (and it really is) has meant that the game is unbalanced, devoid of events, mediocre tuning/telemetry options and other things I won't go over.

For some. A realistic headlight might be worth that sacrifice. (I would imagine the player is an unbalanced as the game).

For me I prefer the overall package and consistency of Forza.

Do like the internal look back view of GT. think I mentioned that before.

Happy new year and hope the patches are good.