Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
I couldn't tell you about engine revs in GT on a Fanatec. My response was based on what Fanatec themselves offer.

Actually in Forza. When screaming the engine/redlining, I can get engine rumble to feature with ABS wheel settings on. Effectively, wheel vibration under lock up with engine rumble at top revs. A feature that's not supposed to happen.
Don't know when they changed that but Thomas needs to know what his products do Lol.
Nice bonus.

A little secret.
I've never used a Fanatec on GT, always my G27. Could not be bothered trying to map out buttons and whatnot.
Is the Fanatec better in GT than G27?
I couldn't tell you about engine revs in GT on a Fanatec. My response was based on what Fanatec themselves offer.

Actually in Forza. When screaming the engine/redlining, I can get engine rumble to feature with ABS wheel settings on. Effectively, wheel vibration under lock up with engine rumble at top revs. A feature that's not supposed to happen.
Don't know when they changed that but Thomas needs to know what his products do Lol.
Nice bonus.

A little secret.
I've never used a Fanatec on GT, always my G27. Could not be bothered trying to map out buttons and whatnot.
Is the Fanatec better in GT than G27?
Lightyears! Well, keep in mind that I do have the clubsport pedals. However even without the clubsport pedals it's still better. IMO belt driven beats gears, well at least in this case. It's just so much smoother and more to what a car feels like. Unfortunately the Fanatec can't do but so much till you have to start point fingers at the source you're feeding it and that's when NO wheel is going to help. Like getting the hottest HDTV on the market and you keep watching 480p material.
What made me get a fanatec over the G27 was the horrible knocking noises due to the way the G27 delivers FFB. The GT2 is quiet all of the time
I was just curious TBH.
I can't be arsed setting up the GT2 for GT.
Also an update awaits for me to download the minute I fire up GT.

I've got to much to do in Forza.

I love my G27 though. The old reliable fella.
I preferred the G25 to the GT2 in a lot of ways, yeah GT2 is smoother and quieter but the G25 was faster and could go far lighter when it needed to. GT2's heavy rim may have been the cause of it's issues, it certainly dampened some of the effects.

iirc the CSR does better now with a lighter rim but that has caused complaints regarding quality.
I preferred the G25 to the GT2 in a lot of ways, yeah GT2 is smoother and quieter but the G25 was faster and could go far lighter when it needed to. GT2's heavy rim may have been the cause of it's issues, it certainly dampened some of the effects.

iirc the CSR does better now with a lighter rim but that has caused complaints regarding quality.

You can make the GT2 go really light by setting the drift mode to about 2 or 3
Yeah I tried drift mode but never got on with it.

I think the new firmware might have made an improvement, I found 742b too light on the CSRE, would have appreciated some of that weight removed from the GT2 at the time.
Yeah after owning a G27 and a GT2, I really have no clue what you are talking about. The GT2 gets way lighter way faster. And of course you have to turn drift mode on. That's like not having the headlights on in your car and then complaining that you can't see at night.
Had the G25 for a year, GT2 for a year and now the Elite for 6 months.

You said it yourself, use Drift mode. If the wheel was fast enough you wouldn't need assistance from the motor to countersteer. A gear drive wheel can drop all resistance and spin quite freely when needed, I guess the tension of the belt in the GT2 means there always a dragging feeling when turning fast.
Had the G25 for a year, GT2 for a year and now the Elite for 6 months.

You said it yourself, use Drift mode. If the wheel was fast enough you wouldn't need assistance from the motor to countersteer. A gear drive wheel can drop all resistance and spin quite freely when needed, I guess the tension of the belt in the GT2 means there always a dragging feeling when turning fast.

My "problem" is the Fanatec wheel feels exactly how it should feel if you ask me. When in my real life car I can just spin the wheel around like a toy, even with powersteering there's resistance. And, believe it or not, for safety reasons it's probably designed that way on purpose. Could you imagine what kind of accidents on the road there would be if people just spin there wheels with no resistance at all because a cat ran out on the road or something happened in front of them.

There's enough resistance for you to react and get the car where you want it to go and giving you that hundredth of a second for the mind to comprehend what's going on and let you make other corrections.
Ok guys I just brought my wheel back into the living room , wife cleaning the MAN CAVE/office/2nd bedroom so I took the rig out. Decided to give GT Academy a run. Would you believe there's engine revs in the game!!!! You guys were right .... but wait a minute .... after a few runs with the wheel something feels definitely WRONG with the engine rev. This thing feels horrible and fake. Then it hits me, and pretty quick. Just from what I've felt it seems the game is not simulating engine revs at all. All the wheel is doing is vibrating the motor according to how much you press the gas. Not like Forza where the game itself is doing the work and sending the signals to the motors.

Completely different beast guys. Again, GT5 doesn't do engine.

Feels great to me, Forza only rumbles when you get to High RPM which is great but leaves so much more to desire It is also very weak and I use 100 SHO. If Forza had at the rumble effect happen sooner through the RPM band I would be extremely happy. What SHO are you using when you play with GT5? I use 60 anything higher than that feels bad IMO. @ Spag How can you not use you Fanatec wheel with GT5? I have G27 also and Fanatec feels WAY better. Remember when you play GT5 you can still use your controller while you use your wheel. You cannot do this on XBOX. I use my Fanatec and my DS3 when I play GT5.
Feels great to me, Forza only rumbles when you get to High RPM which is great but leaves so much more to desire It is also very weak and I use 100 SHO. If Forza had at the rumble effect happen sooner through the RPM band I would be extremely happy. What SHO are you using when you play with GT5? I use 60 anything higher than that feels bad IMO. @ Spag How can you not use you Fanatec wheel with GT5? I have G27 also and Fanatec feels WAY better. Remember when you play GT5 you can still use your controller while you use your wheel. You cannot do this on XBOX. I use my Fanatec and my DS3 when I play GT5.

Which is exactly how it is in real life....
Which is exactly how it is in real life....

In real life my steering wheel never rumbles, I drive a civic SI which obviously has Vtec. Still even when I am at High RPM I feel no type of sensation Both games don't feel real if you want to be technical. Still I rather have GT5 motor vibration makes driving on the straight great only with 60 SHO anything higher than that feels like over kill.
In real life my steering wheel never rumbles, I drive a civic SI which obviously has Vtec. Still even when I am at High RPM I feel no type of sensation Both games don't feel real if you want to be technical. Still I rather have GT5 motor vibration makes driving on the straight great only with 60 SHO anything higher than that feels like over kill.

GT5 adds in a lot of vibration and feedback that should not be present in steering.

Engine rumble (at low RPM for low torque cars) and low-speed suspension movements should not be routed via the steering, these are things that we feel through out body. Some titles (and GT is one) route them through the steering, others show them visually (both Forza and Shift do this).

PD do it I think because its 'exciting' and 'feels imersive', however it causes a number of issues, one being that it masks teh limited feedback the tyres are providing and it also (and this relates to low speed suspension) pulls the steering at highspeed which is what causes in part the issues with steering at the end of long straights.

In reality you can feel the engine via the steering on cars with high torque at high levels of load, and yes FM4 overdoes it slightly, but not to the degree and detriment that GT5 does.
In real life my steering wheel never rumbles, I drive a civic SI which obviously has Vtec. Still even when I am at High RPM I feel no type of sensation Both games don't feel real if you want to be technical. Still I rather have GT5 motor vibration makes driving on the straight great only with 60 SHO anything higher than that feels like over kill.

Well first of all, it's kind of car dependent. I've driven cars where at really high RPM's the whole car kind of vibrates, including the steering wheel. And also, if it's so unrealistic, why do you have it on at all?

Bottom line is, GT5 does way too much vibration and it feels terrible.
Of course it would never rumble in an Si, even with the K20, very flat torque curve and the lack of significant torque...j/k. Also, the small rising vibration up in the high end would be representative of the engine reaching the end of it's power curve, so it can be shifted by feel instead of watching the tach. I've raced my good share of tuned cars to know when to shift by the power sensation instead of taking it all the way to the red or the limiter. That said, I enjoy both approaches very much, but tactile feel, I'd give to FM at least in that respect
It's so unrealistic in the first place just because a pad is being used, that I really don't understand the point of squabbling about which is more realistic.
Whether the potentiometer- and switch-driven input circuit board you're holding in your hands has a pretty plastic/metal shell that resembles the steering wheel of a car, or a simple ergonomic mold with joysticks and buttons, you're still managing the same stream of input data, which is processed by the same physics engine.

The software is the game. A gaming wheel doesn't compensate for a bad physics engine, and a gamepad doesn't transform a good physics engine into Pole Position.
Whether the potentiometer- and switch-driven input circuit board you're holding in your hands has a pretty plastic/metal shell that resembles the steering wheel of a car, or a simple ergonomic mold with joysticks and buttons, you're still managing the same stream of input data, which is processed by the same physics engine.

The software is the game. A gaming wheel doesn't compensate for a bad physics engine, and a gamepad doesn't transform a good physics engine into Pole Position.

You are totally missing my point here. I completely agree with the bolded part. The point I am trying to get across is that to me, I don't see the point in a pad user wanting something extremely realistic, when the pad ruins the realism for them. Of course it doesn't change the physics of the game, but it changes the realism of the experience. Playing a realistic sim with a wheel and pedals, while still not super realistic, is 10x more realistic than playing the same sim with a pad. It's just common sense.
I agree with what you guys are saying, but still you can adjust the vibration feeling more in GT5 than Forza. Both feel great I just wish FM had more vibration through out the power band.
I agree with what you guys are saying, but still you can adjust the vibration feeling more in GT5 than Forza. Both feel great I just wish FM had more vibration through out the power band.

So you want it to be unrealistic?

First, you complain that FM4 has weak rumble...

Feels great to me, Forza only rumbles when you get to High RPM which is great but leaves so much more to desire It is also very weak and I use 100 SHO. If Forza had at the rumble effect happen sooner through the RPM band I would be extremely happy. What SHO are you using when you play with GT5? I use 60 anything higher than that feels bad IMO. @ Spag How can you not use you Fanatec wheel with GT5? I have G27 also and Fanatec feels WAY better. Remember when you play GT5 you can still use your controller while you use your wheel. You cannot do this on XBOX. I use my Fanatec and my DS3 when I play GT5.

And then you say that rumbling in the first place is unrealistic.

In real life my steering wheel never rumbles, I drive a civic SI which obviously has Vtec. Still even when I am at High RPM I feel no type of sensation Both games don't feel real if you want to be technical. Still I rather have GT5 motor vibration makes driving on the straight great only with 60 SHO anything higher than that feels like over kill.

So you want it to be unrealistic?

First, you complain that FM4 has weak rumble...

And then you say that rumbling in the first place is unrealistic.


Dude why are you trying so hard? First of all I said the rumble effect overall was not realistic in both games compared to reality. I just like the effect because it brings the game alive during driving. Second Yes the rumble is weak in FM4. It only comes on at high RPM and you can barely enjoy it, for the fact of as soon as it hits you have to shift. It's not that hard to understand, If the men at T10 can make the effect come in earlier I would be extremely happy. What is your problem?
Haha I have no problem. I'm just confused. I don't understand why you would rag on the rumble effect and then complain that FM4 doesn't do it enough at the same time.
Haha I have no problem. I'm just confused. I don't understand why you would rag on the rumble effect and then complain that FM4 doesn't do it enough at the same time.

Follow my post again I didn't come out raggin on anything until you said that's how it is in real life.
Which is exactly how it is in real life....
Still I didn't rag on either game all I said was it does not mimic the real life sensation. Again I like the sensation in both games I just want FM4 effects to come in earlier. 👍

Feels great to me, Forza only rumbles when you get to High RPM which is great but leaves so much more to desire It is also very weak and I use 100 SHO. If Forza had at the rumble effect happen sooner through the RPM band I would be extremely happy. What SHO are you using when you play with GT5? I use 60 anything higher than that feels bad IMO. @ Spag How can you not use you Fanatec wheel with GT5? I have G27 also and Fanatec feels WAY better. Remember when you play GT5 you can still use your controller while you use your wheel. You cannot do this on XBOX. I use my Fanatec and my DS3 when I play GT5.
Follow my post again I didn't come out raggin on anything until you said that's how it is in real life.

Still I didn't rag on either game all I said was it does not mimic the real life sensation. Again I like the sensation in both games I just want FM4 effects to come in earlier. 👍

That's ragging.

Anyways. I don't want to get into an argument. This is stupid. What you said made no sense to me, so I asked a question about it, that's all.
You are totally missing my point here. I completely agree with the bolded part. The point I am trying to get across is that to me, I don't see the point in a pad user wanting something extremely realistic, when the pad ruins the realism for them. Of course it doesn't change the physics of the game, but it changes the realism of the experience. Playing a realistic sim with a wheel and pedals, while still not super realistic, is 10x more realistic than playing the same sim with a pad. It's just common sense.
The realism of the experience? Personally I've never completely quashed the staring-at-a-flashing-electronic-box aspect of gaming, so my choice of controller or wheel comes down to precision, convenience, and reward, mostly. Do I need the extra control? Do I have a place to set up? Does the game make it worth my time? In the case of FM4 I'm out from the get-go with an incompatible wheel, but it's plenty good without one and it would fail the other criteria anyway.

So why do I want realism while playing with a gamepad? Because when I play a sim, I want cars that drive correctly. That's all.