Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs, GTA 5... a lot more than you and I are not aware of. These are just off the top of my head.
Great, how much is the regular Xlive annual membership? And what kind of bare minimum internet do you need to get all the content updates in one piece?
I have a 1 MB/sec broadband "shared" connection. Yep, I'm ancient.
It is sad, consoles are still lagging behind. The year is 2014, and we still have consoles with majority of games being at 30 fps.
You're right, console price tags would soar rather high with all those goodies. I think I'm generally losing interest in gaming.... and just not interested in dishing out so much cash to re-spark my interest.
I'm about to touch my mid-30s. Hmm.... gaming doesn't excite me like it used to back in the 90s. Oh those wonderful years filled with SNES, PS2 and PC madness.
Uhh.. sorry for deviating from topic!