Not worth discussing in this forum.
For you, no.
When you already said exactly that in the past I would have thought you would have gotten the hint by now that people in this forum are far less likely to put up with someone who once, say,
posted a falsified interview and then blamed everyone else in the thread because the fact it was fake "distracted" everyone from the point you were trying to prove with it.
Probably colored your image quite a bit with the ones in this forum who hadn't had the pleasure of discourse with you before.
I have been called with an evident flaming intentions,
That's because panes of glass are less transparent than your reasoning for posting in the Forza 5 forum; the same as when you posted in the Forza 4 forum before that.
I have explained my point again, just in case, and I have given some hints to start if anyone wanted to learn more about what is a public domain topic that could affect the FM6 development.
No, what you did was object to being called out on a specific topic that you repeatedly assert is akin common sense, then did a fantastic job proving that it was right to call you out in the first place when you proceeded to "prove" the original assertion with 3 links that do nothing to directly support what you keep saying. And, again, one of those links was nothing more a
Google search that nonetheless manged to contain sources from game developers that don't support your point.
What you're doing is a bit like telling someone in Miami that Polaris is the North Star, then giving them a star chart and telling them to make their way to Denver.
I didn't know Zer0 was that influential that without posting in this thread before, you thought of his username to single out.
My advice to you,
aside from the obvious, is that perhaps you should
think about why I specifically named Zer0 regarding the sentiment of weather and night racing's implausibility in Forza 6 before you foolishly comment about something to the effect of "he hasn't posted about it in this specific thread before so he couldn't have said anything about it elsewhere.
To wit, I thought of his username to single out because he is
by far the most outspoken on what Turn 10 apparently won't be able to accomplish with the next game despite seemingly never playing the game they did make; just like Griffith 500 is by far the most outspoken on what PD needs to do to improve GT car sounds, just like Tenacious D is by far the most outspoken about Standard Cars, just like I'm by far the most outspoken about the problems with duplicate cars.
It is interesting though his response to your reply is him giving excuses for T10 on why they might not be able to achieve certain stuff at 1080p 60FPS.
More interesting than that false charge about my post (since, you know, I explained why his supporting evidence wasn't directly related to what he claimed) is how you've come into the thread clearly not reading any of the links he actually posted to defend him over something he has had plenty of times to provide more tangible proof of in the past.
Maybe he should say Turn 10 have no excuses compared to what they deliver on their platform compared to rival platform games given both consoles cost the same to buy and they had their chief architect influence the Xbox One Architecture from the start.
And if he was to say that regarding Forza 6, rather than feeding everyone a line about how it can't be done because *vaguely related internet links*, I would agree with him entirely.
The key here that you missed is that
he's not saying that.
@Zer0 I find it a bit ironic that you obsess over the fact that T10 MIGHT not be able to get weather at its intended 1080/60fps yet you haven't as much as raised an eyebrow at GT for having weather and not being able to achieve 1080p/60fps. In this case, what does it matter, if they have no experience? worst case is, is that it'll turn out like Gran Turismo. If you seem ok with them doing it, than you should be fine in this case.
That's because PD
totally mastered 60 fps 1080p in weather, yo.