Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
  • 1,053,738 views you need a Rally X Subaru to have any chance of three-starring the Rally Monsters seasonal? Because every time I've attempted it there's been a 🤬 "rabbit" driveatar in on of those things.

Edit: Turns out it's doable with a) an expertly tuned Dakar 959 and 205 T16 FE, b) a whole bunch of skill/concentration, and c) a whole lot of luck with the location and timing of your overtakes of the other 10 AI. YMMV.
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Is it just me or are the Forzathon events so banal now that they're really not worth bothering with?

It's not just you, they've got very boring very quickly. I'd like to see new ones being introduced along with something like a leaderboard of contributors at the end (even if this does go against what Playground originally said) as the few that are available have become very predictable as they're always the same events that get selected.
I get Forzathon Points at every opportunity I can. I currently have over 3000. Not stopping until I can buy 50 super wheelspins (which cost 7500) on the spot.
Didn't they change that in an update?
In Forza Motorsport 7, which had numerous issues with getting Achievements to trigger.

In Forza Horizon 3 they've largely worked without a hitch (only 1-2 out of 500+ have been broken).
HZ 3 is not 4K I assume. But if Storm Island is coming soon to 4 then I guess I dont need to buy 3 as I am getting bored also.
FH3 does have a 4K update for Xbox One X. And it is Fortune Island, Storm Island was the expansion for FH2.
Thanks, I may have got it on a spin and sold it not knowing it's value.

Is there any way to get it other than the Auction House if so?
It may come up as a Forzathon shop car. Keep checking every week.
What is the forzathon car u get for buying the miura? Is it the aventador? Or not?
Like @CSLACR said, the Miura's Mastery gives you the Reventon FE. There is also the Maserati MC12 FE from the 300S and NISMO GT-R LM FE from the R390. Don't know if there are other FE's from Car Masteries.
Like @CSLACR said, the Miura's Mastery gives you the Reventon FE. There is also the Maserati MC12 FE from the 300S and NISMO GT-R LM FE from the R390. Don't know if there are other FE's from Car Masteries.

TVR Sagaris FE (from the regular Sagaris)
Mercedes SL65FE (from the 300SL)
Fred V & Grafix recently announced that they are stopping their duo collaboration project and are now going to do solo projects. Don't worry, they are still going to be on Hospital Records, just as separate music artists. "Auckland Sunrise" is now known as the last song the two worked on together, and that song was originally an unreleased song made by Fred V almost seven years ago.

Is it just me or are the Forzathon events so banal now that they're really not worth bothering with?

If you're referring to Forzathon Live - the events themselves were that, from about the third one I did.

I find the Forzathon Live events amusing more because of the social nonsense that occasionally goes on, than the goals themselves. I would like to see them make another pass on those events though, to make them more... interesting? Maybe have a leaderboard show up on the screen while you're doing a speed trap, for example, and give whoever is at the top some kind of reward on top of the stuff everyone gets for doing it?

Maybe have events that are impromptu "races" from the Forzathon start location, with random rulesets on top? And the winner gets a super wheelspin or something? They wouldn't even need to be proper routes - just pick a location on the map, and make it like a freeroam rush if you want.

Introduce crazy rules like you have to get an "Air" skill every 10 seconds or you're disqualified, or you can't touch any surface that isn't asphalt for more than 2 seconds, or you have to drift the entire way there, or your brakes don't work (so you have to use shifting and strategic use of the gas pedal), or you have to earn X number of skill points before crossing the finish line. You could even draw some combination of random rules each time.

The game's skill point system already looks out for so many different kinds of driving behaviour - they could be making use of it in interesting ways like this.

Or here's a weird one - a "race" where the game draws a large circle around a random driver, and everyone else needs to stay within the borders of that circle while doing the race (leaving it for 3 seconds DQs you or something). So you'd have this crazy situation where people are both clustered closely together in their cars, yet also trying to JUST nose ahead of each other at the finish line. And the driver controlling the circle can try to veer all over the place DQing their opponents.

Maybe not all of these are workable ideas, or have flaws I haven't considered - but I also came up with them in the span of about five minutes. Point is - so much more can be done with the Forzathon Live format!

PG could definitely spruce things up with Forzathon Live if they don't want to change the formula entirely.

I quite liking the disqualification idea. Maybe they could frame it like an F1 quali session and make it so only the top X number of contributors will advance to the next round, say 12 max for round 1, 8 for round 2, and 4 for round 3. Obviously, you only get the points for the rounds you're able to finish; and maybe give the top contributor bonus points. That should incentivise players to not AFK farm. You could also incorporate Freeroam Rush (like it or not, PG is enamoured with that concept) into this where it actually makes sense to want to arrive at the next round before everyone else.

That or instead of a cumulative points goal for PR stunts, make it so you need X number of 3-star scores to advance to the next round to encourage players to come prepared and get better at the game.

In all, make Forzathon Live challenges actual challenges instead of foregone conclusions.
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The only change I'd make to Forzathon live is adding in a few more locations. I'd hate a disqualification format because sometimes I just have really awful rounds, so I'd be a bit annoyed if I got kicked out of it in Round 1 even if I attempted to contribute, then have to wait another hour to earn more points.

They really should focus on the ranked multiplayer side of things, like why they don't have a traditional style lobby for team adventure. It takes an insanely long time to find a game and then even longer to get 12 people to agree to join, why must people agree if they already selected team adventure in the first place! The scoring system also needs a huge overhaul, if a team drops to 5 members because they slowest driver rage quits, they're almost guaranteed to win overall because it hands the full team of 6 a 600 point penalty.
Anyone having a problem of not having double FP after finishing a Forzathon? Do I need to set the Lake house as my current one?

For some reason, my purchase of the house reset so I just had to buy it again (for free still, which is nice).
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I think we should be cautious about bringing in a competition system to Forzathon Live.
Even in the current system, some players intentionally miss challenges that they are not good at. (It is remarkable in the drift zone)
Perhaps if they bring competition to Forzathon Live, some players will have the issue of abstaining from the challenge.
It is a common occurrence in online multiplayer of other games.

I'm worried about this.
So, you know the lovely Audi TTs, Ford Focuses etc. you're often put up against in a solo Anything Goes event? Well, turns out they're engine-swapped, and you can hear their new powerplant when driving next to one. Still doesn't explain their brutal rubberbanding or insane grip.

Ford Focus: 6.2L V8 or 5.8L DSC
Audi TT: 1.6L Turbo Rally
Ford Mustang: 8.4L V10
Ford Transit FE: Racing V12
Land Rover Defender SVR: 7.0L V12
Dodge Charger R/T '69: Hellcat V8 (not sure displacement)
I just spent the 10,000,000 credits to buy the Porsche Pink Pig and for fun jumped the Broadway Windmill Danger Sign. I got 917.2 feet in my 917/20. Sadly the distance disappeared from my screen before I could screencap it for posterity.
I think we should be cautious about bringing in a competition system to Forzathon Live.
Even in the current system, some players intentionally miss challenges that they are not good at. (It is remarkable in the drift zone)
Perhaps if they bring competition to Forzathon Live, some players will have the issue of abstaining from the challenge.
It is a common occurrence in online multiplayer of other games.

I'm worried about this.

The game should encourage players to play more actively, not AFK and get the same amount of points as players who are doing the challenges. If your current team can't complete the challenge then try harder next time. Like I said, "winning" a Forzathon Live doesn't need be a foregone conclusion. That gets boring very quickly.

I'd like to see Forzathon Live be more like an endgame MMO raid than a 5 minute snooze fest.

It's really, really strange for a racing game to not want players to be competitive in actual gameplay while very competitive elements, like the auction house pricing limit for example, exist in every other aspect of the game.
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