Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
The 650S Spyder's roof is...still up.

Didn't know McLaren made invisible roofs.

Just about all the convertibles have their windows down except for the 650S.

Odd that is.

Does that car have a roof to put on while in the garage? I'm wondering if it's that the cars modeled without actual roofs, in game as well as Forzavista, that have their windows down.

What about the Aventador J when you take the roof off?
Okay, fair enough PG, I guess I did miss Mitsubishi after all. Feels nice to virtually drive my own car (well, as close to it as it'll get, I guess) around England...

Has to be said though, the taxi missions are terribly boring. I'm glad we can't replicate the offroad one, it's easily the most terrible car I've ever driven.
Has to be said though, the taxi missions are terribly boring. I'm glad we can't replicate the offroad one, it's easily the most terrible car I've ever driven.

The V12 swapped road version wasn't much better either. It had surprisingly little grip with full on racing slicks.

And the last mission just dragged on and on and on and on and on. By the time the actual timed portion started, I'd already forgotten the 3 star requirement. :indiff:

I wanted to attach the tires for this drag race to the Austin FX4. Wider drag tires than Nova FE are very cool.

Tip of "The Big One": There is not only one way to Edinburgh. Let's use the highway.
Yeah, very easy to 3 star it when you follow to route to the motorway, go down it until you cut off-road to the airstrip and follow the road into Edinburgh from there.

Is the drag tune in the taxi missions possible to achieve? I upgraded an Austin a while back and it doesn’t seem to have anything near the level of power in that one particular mission.
Championships with community created routes is a fantastic idea.

They were soliciting the community for routes in a stream weeks ago, saying they were going to do this. Sounds like it might become a regular thing.

I like it too. Gives people new routes to drive instead of existing ones, and a rewards-based reason to drive them.

I think it'd be cool if PG turned the best community routes into actual new events on the map, and maybe even added the finishing touches of stands, barriers etc. that players don't have access to. Surely that stuff is just drag and drop in their dev tools. Name the event after the player who made it (or otherwise immortalize their name on the event placard), and maybe give them some super-exclusive character cosmetic or something for being chosen. Make it something really visible like a jacket that glows different colours or something.

It'd be a little awkward because user-made routes share starting points, but you could just put two event icons next to each other on the actual map. It's not like the map isn't already cluttered to hell in places right?
Not sure I see the appeal of a drag championship, especially in PvP. You'd spend more time in the loading screens than in the actual races.
I'm looking forward to grabbing the 280 SL and Levante. Both are cars I was disappointed to see left out at launch. Too bad the other two reward cars are Hot Wheels. So sick of seeing custom creations flooding these games left and right. :yuck:
It'd be a little awkward because user-made routes share starting points, but you could just put two event icons next to each other on the actual map. It's not like the map isn't already cluttered to hell in places right?

Ooor, they could just give us a route select option that is less tucked away at the starting points. But it would be messy...

I'm looking forward to grabbing the 280 SL and Levante. Both are cars I was disappointed to see left out at launch. Too bad the other two reward cars are Hot Wheels. So sick of seeing custom creations flooding these games left and right. :yuck:

I would usually agree, but the Rip Rod is too bae for me to do that.
I'm looking forward to grabbing the 280 SL and Levante. Both are cars I was disappointed to see left out at launch. Too bad the other two reward cars are Hot Wheels. So sick of seeing custom creations flooding these games left and right. :yuck:

While all the Hot Wheels cars all started out as diecast cars, all four that we have in Horizon have been turned into real vehicles, I just hope they fixed the Rip Rod so it has more than one gear....
While all the Hot Wheels cars all started out as diecast cars, all four that we have in Horizon have been turned into real vehicles, I just hope they fixed the Rip Rod so it has more than one gear....

I don't care whether they have materialized in the real world or not. The styling and philosophy going in such cars just don't appeal to me. Above all, they give me that nagging feeling we could have seen "missing" production cars instead. Again, getting the 280 SL and Levante is great and better late than never, but what about all the other cool road cars not seen since FM7, or FH3 for that matter?
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While all the Hot Wheels cars all started out as diecast cars, all four that we have in Horizon have been turned into real vehicles, I just hope they fixed the Rip Rod so it has more than one gear....
The gearbox of the Rip Rod is a CVT in real life. There's only one adaptative gear.