Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
bandicam 2019-06-10 06-06-37-763.png

Eh, seeing players flip their lids over this is worth the price it’ll cost. 👍

Well not me anyways. :sly:

But to be serious, I figured after FH3’s HW expansion that it would be obvious that the Horizon series is where Forza players go to cut loose, clearly the flame hoops, loop the loops, turbo pads and that absurd mountain loop didn’t get that message across clear enough. :P

Roll on the 13th and I hope that a Lego car becomes a new meta for online adventures. :D
Eh, seeing players flip their lids over this is worth the price it’ll cost. 👍

Well not me anyways. :sly:

But to be serious, I figured after FH3’s HW expansion that it would be obvious that the Horizon series is where Forza players go to cut loose, clearly the flame hoops, loop the loops, turbo pads and that absurd mountain loop didn’t get that message across clear enough. :P

Roll on the 13th and I hope that a Lego car becomes a new meta for online adventures. :D

If anything, at least Playground gave people reason to have absolutely epic **** fits.
Im more interested in the map to be honest, wich looks like some of the parts are from Forza Horizon 3. The airplane part looked good tho with the jumps and boost. But don't feel the lego cars but whatever, i wil just play it and finish it.
This was to be expected, but also part of what ruins it. The two universes are simply too different to not feel gimmicky alongside each other.

I agree. If done right, the Lego world could be a lot of fun to explore (like a whole new game, as the rumors had said). But driving/seeing "real" cars in the Lego world, and especially vice versa, will kind of ruin it. I'm a bit bummed if I'm honest, but hopefully it will be totally awesome as I've already paid for it with the pre-order.
Nah I'm ok with this.

I expect them to embrace the ridiculous.

Last time it was Hot Wheels, this time Lego, I expect Horizon 5 will have.... Minecraft. I mean no need for license fees amirite?

btw. expect a slew of Speed Champions - Horizon lego sets at your local K-Marts etc.
Nah I'm ok with this.

I expect them to embrace the ridiculous.

Last time it was Hot Wheels, this time Lego, I expect Horizon 5 will have.... Minecraft. I mean no need for license fees amirite?

btw. expect a slew of Speed Champions - Horizon lego sets at your local K-Marts etc.
I want them to do Lego in FH5 again and add to the concept with an car, track and house builder. Ok, the house part isn't needed, but being able to build your own cars would be incredible.
I have an actual LEGO store not far from my house. Resisting the temptation to visit it and get acquainted with the Senna already is proving to be rather difficult.
There's a Bricks and Minifigs store by my work. Maybe stop by after ;)
I have an actual LEGO store not far from my house. Resisting the temptation to visit it and get acquainted with the Senna already is proving to be rather difficult.

I mentioned in the other thread that I looked at Lego's site to see what kind of car kits they have. A few are tempting, but then I saw an Apollo 11 moon lander kit and am even more tempted. Also, Legos have gotten a lot more expensive since my childhood.

Also, while looking at how people are taking the news of the expansion I wondered how much has to do with the "suspension of disbelief." I suspect those who already see the Horizon games as departing from reality for fun and some silliness see Lego somewhere between acceptable to very cool. Those who take the game more seriously, however, seem to be bothered by it.

Anyway, for something pseudo-Horizon 4 and non-Lego related, when I was returning home yesterday I passed a house which has free-roam chickens, which are often in the road. For a brief second I had a "Oh, they'll get out of the way no matter what" thought, then remembered no, not in real life.
Anyway, for something pseudo-Horizon 4 and non-Lego related, when I was returning home yesterday I passed a house which has free-roam chickens, which are often in the road. For a brief second I had a "Oh, they'll get out of the way no matter what" thought, then remembered no, not in real life.
They would, but not as fast as they do in Horizon :)

Also, my pre-load is complete. Now to play the waiting game.
Also, while looking at how people are taking the news of the expansion I wondered how much has to do with the "suspension of disbelief." I suspect those who already see the Horizon games as departing from reality for fun and some silliness see Lego somewhere between acceptable to very cool. Those who take the game more seriously, however, seem to be bothered by it.

Exactly this. So many people take Horizon as a "serious" racing game and throw fits when something like this comes around and also dismiss the points people make about jumping off of cliffs with no damage, etc.

90% of these people are talking out of their butts, in an attempt to rally people behind them and they also tend to be newer players. Granted, there are a few veterans as well, but they are people that were on the fence to begin with from what I have observed over on the official forum.

All this talk of never playing again or never buying another Forza is just empty threats in most cases and the same people will be making the same claim when the next Forza installment does something they do not like.
Exactly this. So many people take Horizon as a "serious" racing game and throw fits when something like this comes around and also dismiss the points people make about jumping off of cliffs with no damage, etc.

I really get the sense that at least in enthusiast circles like here, they desperately want Horizon to be much more of a sim game then it is now - and I don't think it needs to be. Things are real enough already - it's nice to have the ability to maybe cut loose a bit more so then now.

I think the people who are hesitant about the pack just based on what it actually plays like, I think they have merit to their hesitation. (I know I certainly do, because the same thing happened with the Hot Wheels expansion where the idea is cool, but some things that were problems were really due to the way the Forza engine handles things, and it was magnified within the confines of the Hot Wheels expansion. Then again, I haven't played the LEGO expansion yet, but that's my worry)

The vast, vast majority of complaints though basically run the gamut from complaining about how it isn't realistic (When Horizon isn't trying to be super serious) to a bunch of hyperbolic statements about the state of the franchise. I have a feeling about what said hyperbole stems from (Mainly, the fact that arguably since the Car Pass ended, and maybe even earlier, Playground hasn't exactly instilled a lot of confidence into players) but that certainly doesn't excuse or allow for some of the absolutely mind-numbing stuff I have seen being posted on these forums for the past week, but especially the past few days. And I'm sure most other channels are even worse.
I may end up having issues with how the expansion based on it's actual merits as a game, but the "realism" aspect of it is a total nothingburger for me.

As long as the racing is fun and feels good, I couldn't give a **** less if I start seeing the odd LEGO Mini Cooper in races on the mainland. People are too precious about treating this non-sim game like it exists in some sort of grounded reality, when it literally never did.
I'm actually looking forward to the LEGO expansion.

Haven't touched FH4 in like 3 months now. Gonna be great to have something refreshing to do.
I think all pretenses of realism were thrown out with FH3's "we used thousands of tons of plastic to build a life size Hot Wheels track just off the coast of Queensland and somehow kept it a complete secret until just now, pretty neat eh boss?" I mean, c'mon now.
I think all pretenses of realism were thrown out with FH3's "we used thousands of tons of plastic to build a life size Hot Wheels track just off the coast of Queensland and somehow kept it a complete secret until just now, pretty neat eh boss?" I mean, c'mon now.

And who even paid for it? Ticket sales to the festival? What does it cost to basically buy unrestricted access to the entire continent of Australia, let alone an adjacent island to build a Hot Wheels course on? How did the residents of Surfer's Paradise feel about the municipality making that deal? Did they use the money to build a new public library?

The Horizon Festival is clearly run by some bored trillionaire with deep political connections. And he's probably a member of the New World Order or Templars or something.
And the Lego map turns out to be pretty good.

Who would've known we'd get a permanent racetrack in Forza Horizon with a Lego expansion?

Now, making a little house out of Lego parts? How old does Playground think we are? :D

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