I did not know that, regarding the controller mapping. I'll have to try to that, thank you. I probably won't use the clutch, at least for now. I have enough to get used to, haha (besides just the physics and controller, there's a whole bunch of game knowledge I lack - what builds a good car for the class, or even what cars are good period). If I can map the shifting to A-X and the E-brake to the RB, I'll be happy with that.
Of course, I'm going to give it time to mesh. I started re-using a controller only a few months ago, after using the steering wheel for a long time. It's definitely a difficult transition. The triggers on the XBOne controller do seem good, but they're a bit softer than I'd like. I'm sure the more delicate touch will come with experience.
I did set the deadzones to 0 for the steering, gas and brake. It did help the responsiveness (for the steering especially), but it still doesn't seem very good on the XBOne vs. PC. Though it doesn't seem particularly great on either. I suppose I'm just going to have to live with it for a while longer and see how I feel later.
Thanks again for the tips.