Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
The daily challenge was to buy a car in the auction house. I got the D-Type Jaguar, 22,000,000 credits in the Autoshow, for just 4M credits. It had all the skill perks still in it. Then I won the Auto Union in a wheelspin. So I'm knocking off the big ticket cars pretty quick here.
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Stupid question guys. How do I change my Forza Link selection?
Head to the My Festival menu at a Festival Site or Player House for the Forza Link menu, then on any of the phrases already listed, press Select to see all of your options to assign to Freeroam, Racing, Playground Games, Eliminator, and Arcade. The Exclamations tab has the largest group of phrases.
You know, it just occurred to me I should do a livery on the D-Type Jagular in honor of****-friday
Warning: NSFW
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It keeps telling me I need one more foot in this seasonal danger sign jump, and I’ve jumped 1300, then 1450 feet in a 1968 Dodge Dart.
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You say that as if the game wasn't mostly developed while COVID was flying around.

Don't you have falsehoods about Forza to peddle in the GT side of the forum?
To be fair, this is the most broken Horizon since, what, 2? But I agree that a lot of that is due to COVID-19 hampering the build. (Speaking of which, I hope the people at PG have been keeping themselves safe. The last thing I need is people dying trying to make me a game.) I trust PG to fix the problems that have cropped up. And the cars do drive well, so there's that to enjoy. I have barely scratched the surface of photography opportunities in the game, too. Despite the troubles, I'm genuinely enjoying the game.

If someone needs to revel in the small misfortunes of Horizon players to make themselves feel better about their own miserable life, well that's just SAAAAAAD 😢.
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Head to the My Festival menu at a Festival Site or Player House for the Forza Link menu, then on any of the phrases already listed, press Select to see all of your options to assign to Freeroam, Racing, Playground Games, Eliminator, and Arcade. The Exclamations tab has the largest group of phrases.
I tried this and unfortunately it only allows me to assign a phrase to two buttons for each of different game modes (Freeroam, Racing, Playground Games, etc.).
To be fair, this is the most broken Horizon since, what, 2? But I agree that a lot of that is due to COVID-19 hampering the build. (Speaking of which, I hope the people at PG have been keeping themselves safe. The last thing I need is people dying trying to make me a game.) I trust PG to fix the problems that have cropped up. And the cars do drive well, so there's that to enjoy. I have barely scratched the surface of photography opportunities in the game, too. Despite the troubles, I'm genuinely enjoying the game.

I don't doubt that the game is still broken in a few areas, but the thing is, it is still very much playable at its core. The online is a worry, yes, but that will be ironed out hopefully very soon, considering how on the ball Playground usually is. Most everything else is small things that can be ironed out with a patch.

If this was online being broken, and thus the only way to play the game, then absolutely, I would probably be in agreement in wanting the game to be fixed as soon as possible and asking for answers as to why it was shipped with so many problems. But that isn't really the problem here, more so that the online portion is incredibly finnicky, but most everything else is still playable.
I think this Trial event for this week is ment to be a 2 players vs 6 drivatars? Seems super hard, already had half a dozen failures and nothing even close to a win. But I’m not giving up just yet.

By the way, you can actually get the 2013 Audi R8 into A class! Equip the heaviest rims and also the ugliest Forza rear wing and the car is in A class. Can get a lot of other upgrades to unlock almost full tuning as well while still staying at A800. Here is the shopping list for the best parts while staying in A class: (I don’t remember how much it all costed, took the screenshot after I already bought the upgrade parts)


I did an initial test with it as well (just having the upgrades installed, the car not tuned yet) and I liked it more than the stock i8. The R8 seems to handle a lot better in the corners on the wet. Talking about the wet, I wonder what the effect would be to equip snow or off-road tires since all races seem to be in the wet.

I’ll make a tune for it tomorrow.

To be fair, this is the most broken Horizon since, what, 2? But I agree that a lot of that is due to COVID-19 hampering the build. (Speaking of which, I hope the people at PG have been keeping themselves safe. The last thing I need is people dying trying to make me a game.) I trust PG to fix the problems that have cropped up. And the cars do drive well, so there's that to enjoy. I have barely scratched the surface of photography opportunities in the game, too. Despite the troubles, I'm genuinely enjoying the game.

If someone needs to revel in the small misfortunes of Horizon players to make themselves feel better about GT, well that's just SAAAAAAD 😢.
Now to be honest, launching first with the deadline breathing on your neck and then fixing everything as it goes is a very Mexican trait! :rolleyes:
@breyzipp I was able to complete this event earlier today with three other players. If you need a teammate, I can join you in about an hour.
Thanks for the offer but bedtime soon, Euro zone here. 😅 But ok, then it’s not ment as a 2 vs 6 and just server connection issues that result in always just 1 other player showing up.

I’m sure tomorrow I’ll get it done just with randoms. Same for the Playground games, wasn’t able to get a session going there either. I hope PG fixes these online issues fast.
I don't doubt that the game is still broken in a few areas, but the thing is, it is still very much playable at its core. The online is a worry, yes, but that will be ironed out hopefully very soon, considering how on the ball Playground usually is. Most everything else is small things that can be ironed out with a patch.

If this was online being broken, and thus the only way to play the game, then absolutely, I would probably be in agreement in wanting the game to be fixed as soon as possible and asking for answers as to why it was shipped with so many problems. But that isn't really the problem here, more so that the online portion is incredibly finnicky, but most everything else is still playable.
You joking mate? Considering how on the ball they usually are? Is that sarcasm? FH4 has multiple major issues going back years which they never gave a toss about fixing or even acknowledging. You must not be very familiar with the game.

FH5 is a dumpster fire on release which makes Cyberpunk's launch look like a triumph.
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So, uh, is anyone else's car coming to a near stop when it hits water splashes/going through lakes on tracks and the AI just powers through them without losing any speed?
I'm not going to bother when you're trying to compare this game to another which was an actual tire fire on release to the point where it was lifted off a storefront because of its myriad of bugs and glitches.
You're funny. The part about Playground Games being on the ball was the funniest part. Thanks for the laughs.

So on the ball they don't bother to do the most cursory testing before release. Imagine shilling for these clowns.

They released the game with the same very very long loading times bug which has plagued FH4 since it came to Steam! Unfixed in FH5! On the ball he says. Wow.
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I think this Trial event for this week is ment to be a 2 players vs 6 drivatars? Seems super hard, already had half a dozen failures and nothing even close to a win. But I’m not giving up just yet.
2 v 6 Trials are usually advantageous to the team with only two drivers. The team of six can only score against two drivers, but the team of two can score against six drivers. Say the two drivers finish third and fourth. That means each driver scored 400 points for a total of 800. The first and second place drivers each score 200 plus 50 for the win. That's only 450. The other four drivers on the "winning" team score nothing. So the team of two wins 800-450. The numbers are in favor of the team with fewer drivers.

So on the ball they don't bother to do the most cursory testing before release. Imagine shilling for these clowns.

Oh no. Someone said something negative about Horizon on Reddit. Whatever shall we do?
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Stupid question guys. How do I change my Forza Link selection?
It's on the right hand side of the Online tab in the pause menu.

I amused myself for literally minutes earlier, "hustling" people in my Reliant by drag racing them down the festival strip then using the tune menu to download an S1 drag tune after a few runs... Which causes the thing to constantly tip over when I turn around because drag tyres have so much lateral grip. As if anyone's watching that thinking "yep, that's still a standard D100 Reliant", even if they can't hear the V8. I think I'm just delirious from this cold I've got. At least I hope it's a cold.
Oh no. Someone said something negative about Horizon on Reddit. Whatever shall we do?
The arcade mode is badly designed and they didn't test it properly, that's a fact. There are loads of serious problems with this game, not least the broken online mode - long delays persist from FH4, they are so 'on the ball' that they never bothered to fix that issue dating back a year, or the ranked mode points in FH4 which they deliberately broke, and then just removed ranked and custom adventures from FH5 altogether, but hey.. they are ON THE BALL so they will fix it all, even though all evidence is that they are LAZY and incompetent and always do the BARE MINIMUM they can get away with. Seeing their cheerleaders here, no wonder they do get away with it.

The PC version doesn't even hide the mouse pointer. You still can't skip the lengthy splash screens, the asinine story cutscenes etc. Can't turn the music off. Can't turn the speech off. Game is too dark at dusk and night compared to FH4. Cockpit view still too dark, issue dating back to FH3. The list goes on and on.

The leaderboards are overflowing with cheats and hacked times on FH4 PR stunts, dating back years. FH5 is worse, now the rivals leaderboards are hacked to a degree never seen before too. Why would anyone think they would fix this when they never have before? Unless it impacts sales they don't care.

Oh I nearly forgot. These 'on the ball' developers have never developed decent AI which still cheats with magic nitrous boosts on straights and rams you out of checkpoints etc. deliberately, or brake checks you on straights etc. The worst AI in any racing game. Been like it for years. In FH5 the only difference is it's even more broken.
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I think I'll stop playing until a few more fixes are in. It's epic in scope, and I'm sure will be exceptionally fun once a few more things are worked out, but it's not quite ready. For now, my XBox's hard drive has four other Horizons, two Forzas, Dirt Rally, WRC 8, and The Art of Rally. And I stopped playing Forgotten City when H5 came out.
This game has made me appreciate the value of a big car list. I love the fact that you can go from a 2015 Ford Falcon GT to a Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 to a 2018 Renault Megane to a BMW 2002 Turbo to a Saleen S1. There are soo many different experiences to be had and with the wide variety of tuning options, you can make just about anything you like. All facets of car culture are represented and you can enjoy it all without any restrictions. No other game comes close.
I think having Trials lock behind hall of fame seem help make the mode filled with better players.

Manage to win last week and this week Trial on first try, used to take me hours to get decent team back in FH4.