Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
It's a shame how much responsibility for balancing is foisted upon the player, as an escape from complications of the whole PI system and breadth of vehicles.

I completed the championship you're talking about with the 911 GT1 from the FP shop and had no trouble with the wet roads or AI. This is not to brag! Because instead, I had a bitch of a time trying to outpace the AI in the other two championships. The more notable of the two was the dirt racing one. All else equal, it was virtually impossible with my B500 E30 M3 and a piece of cake with a bone stock Volvo 850R. No dirt tires needed, just different input for AI selection.
I had the exact same experience. No problem with the street race but major problems with the dirt until I decided to try the Volvo. It even warned me in one of the races that maybe the Volvo wasn't the right car which I ignored and beat the ai handily.
I really wish D and C class would cycle through online racing, feels like PG forgets those classes exist sometimes.
Me too. It takes a bit moore skill to set up a good D or C-class tune and driving is closer to realistic than
just hammering away in some overpowered rockets in S-classes
The last couple of times I’ve loaded the game up I’ve lost practically all controller control, it barely steers left or right so basically impossible to go round corners, the screen flickers like crazy when look around with the camera view..first time I uninstalled the game then reinstalled and it was fine for a few days, just loaded it up again now and the same has happened..x-box controller on PC and it works fine with other games including FH4 so it’s not the controller at fault, anyone any ideas as I really don’t want to go through the uninstall malarkey again
  • Want to do the daily… server down.
  • come back a few hours later to do the daily… massive graphical glitches during the race start, see video below. That is the XSX in graphics mode.
* want to collect a gift car…. Game stuck in black screen while loading the car. Had to kill the game.

I’ve shut it down, enough for today. What a mess…

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Oddly enough, I had a glitch with the Trial. After each race it would spawn my beside a tree and then in a random field. I would "miss a checkpoint" at the start of the race and be reset, during the final sprint at 8% completion, lol.

We still one, but it struck me as odd.
Maybe the devs can program some headlights for the next patch.


It's good news that they have acknowledged the issue and are working on the speedy delivery of a hotfix, but the question still stands: how could they ship an update that apparently nuked everybody's game on the Series? That must be a pretty serious lapse in whatever quality control procedures PGG and Microsoft have.

On the one hand: It is inexcusable that the problems are getting to this point.

On the other: Considering the spread of systems that FH5 was designed for, probably hard to get a good idea on what will get fixed and what gets ****ed up. FWIW, I haven't had many issues even after the latest update, aside from the longer loading times and a crash back to the dashboard after mass deleting Rivals notifications, and I am playing on Series S.
Considering the spread of systems that FH5 was designed for, probably hard to get a good idea on what will get fixed and what gets ****ed up. FWIW, I haven't had many issues even after the latest update, aside from the longer loading times and a crash back to the dashboard after mass deleting Rivals notifications, and I am playing on Series S.
That's also true. And with 10 million people playing the game, it's statistically pretty likely that some glitches and bugs may escape the dragnet of testing. I certainly don't envy the position of PGG, which is ultimately playing whack-a-mole with a variety of hard-to-reproduce bugs and has to issue patches that may plug a hole on a platform just to tear a much larger one somewhere else - ultimately they are doing a decent job of it, and it's not like the game got to the point of being absolutely unplayable even with the save screen freeze bug.

But in this case the update caused issues (specifically, the ones they acknowledged) to what apparently is a vast majority of players on the Series X. What are the chances of something that affects six or seven players in ten going unnoticed during QC?
Of course, it's also possible that the "apparent" vast majority is in reality a vocal minority, and that the people who are reporting the game works better after the patch are equally distributed amongst the various platforms. Go figure!
That's also true. And with 10 million people playing the game, it's statistically pretty likely that some glitches and bugs may escape the dragnet of testing. I certainly don't envy the position of PGG, which is ultimately playing whack-a-mole with a variety of hard-to-reproduce bugs and has to issue patches that may plug a hole on a platform just to tear a much larger one somewhere else - ultimately they are doing a decent job of it, and it's not like the game got to the point of being absolutely unplayable even with the save screen freeze bug.

Yeah. I get the feeling that the 10 million plus playerbase - and probably the fact that most of the studio is still working from home, is making a big issue even bigger, and PG is simply trying to plug holes as best they can.

But in this case the update caused issues (specifically, the ones they acknowledged) to what apparently is a vast majority of players on the Series X. What are the chances of something that affects six or seven players in ten going unnoticed during QC?

I guess we'll never know. QA is an enclosed environment more or less, and who knows what happens when you put a patch out to a player base? It's still worrying that it's happening to a major system, and a large one at that, so it needs to be squashed quick.

Still, at least PG is trying to fix it as fast as they can. Evidently not fast enough for the Reddit types and the like, but it is what it is.
Still waiting for the fanboys in this thread to prove me wrong regarding the game being an absolute mess.

There's a lot of stuff in this game that isn't working correctly right now, not to mention the occasional map glitches and poor draw distance in performance mode. It's FM7 levels of broken.

Even DJS agrees with my statement, judging by how he made his frustration public. That is a guy who loves the franchise from his heart, not someone who gets all worked out if you tickle the game.

Meanwhile I actually want to enjoy the game, as that's what I've been playing lately, but can't, when it gets stuck in a save loop 2 out of 3 times I build a car and save it. Microsoft did us Series X users dirty.

Or maybe Microsoft doesn't care, as 99% of the game's 10+ million players don't even scratch its surface and will keep parroting how it's the best Horizon ever.

It can be. Could've been. Right now, though, it isn't. Not even close.
Still waiting for the fanboys in this thread to prove me wrong regarding the game being an absolute mess.
It is a mess. There's no doubt about that by this point. But it's being fixed as fast as it can, which is all that can really be done by this point.

Or maybe Microsoft doesn't care, as 99% of the game's 10+ million players don't even scratch its surface and will keep parroting how it's the best Horizon ever.
...there's the old HyperSpeeder we're used to. Everything's a conspiracy theory when it comes to Microsoft.
Still waiting for the fanboys in this thread to prove me wrong regarding the game being an absolute mess.
A fanboy here!🤣
I can easily prove that the game is not an absolute mess. You see, it works perfectly fine on the One consoles. That's about the absolute state.
For the other thing. It may not be the best Horizon on the Series consoles, but it certainly is on the One ones, imo.

Jokes apart I feel your frustration. I would be mad too.
Still waiting for the fanboys in this thread to prove me wrong regarding the game being an absolute mess.
Here I come to throw a curveball, as a FH1 fanboy and FH2-FH4 critic that is falling in love with this game in spite of its considerable issues, playing on PC instead of an Xbox.

It's not the best Horizon ever yet. FH1 still holds that crown for now, so long as there are the issues impacting my solo experience. However, no past FH title can compete with the new handling physics or map in my book. Driving unmodified stock vehicles has never been more rewarding. The driving is better than the racing -- competing with the AI isn't great and everything online is screwed up, but man, the driving experience is pretty close to spot on. 👍

I don't doubt FH5 will be the best Horizon ever for me. It really needs work, though. Not like I expect much better from a modern Western AAA game out of the gate, to be biased. :P The market allowed this to become standard.
Even DJS agrees with my statement, judging by how he made his frustration public. That is a guy who loves the franchise from his heart, not someone who gets all worked out if you tickle the game.

I guess DJS is a fanboy too as he still thinks the game is astonishing despite its issues and isn't just here to bash it.

Meanwhile I actually want to enjoy the game, as that's what I've been playing lately, but can't, when it gets stuck in a save loop 2 out of 3 times I build a car and save it. Microsoft did us Series X users dirty.

Or maybe Microsoft doesn't care, as 99% of the game's 10+ million players don't even scratch its surface and will keep parroting how it's the best Horizon ever.

Tell me you haven't read the thread without telling me you haven't read the thread...

Good news:
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So now I'm also getting infinite saves.
Finishing a race... Painting a car... Buying a car.
Hope they fix this soon.

I'm off to (probably) piss myself off trying Rims racing hahaha
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I'm getting the infinite load times quite often as well on the Series S. Given that it didn't take long from the announcement to the first bug fixes update, I'll just wait for the next update. I already have over 150 hours played and have all but about 15 of the vehicles, so even with the game most likely not being nearly to the best state that it will be eventually I have gotten a lot out of it and had fun for the most part.
Here I come to throw a curveball, as a FH1 fanboy and FH2-FH4 critic that is falling in love with this game in spite of its considerable issues, playing on PC instead of an Xbox.

It's not the best Horizon ever yet. FH1 still holds that crown for now, so long as there are the issues impacting my solo experience. However, no past FH title can compete with the new handling physics or map in my book. Driving unmodified stock vehicles has never been more rewarding. The driving is better than the racing -- competing with the AI isn't great and everything online is screwed up, but man, the driving experience is pretty close to spot on. 👍

I don't doubt FH5 will be the best Horizon ever for me. It really needs work, though. Not like I expect much better from a modern Western AAA game out of the gate, to be biased. :P The market allowed this to become standard.
Aha! I didn’t know you also preferred to drive cars in stock form… :cheers:

I thought I was about the only person that preferred to take in the cars as much as possible as they are in real life. If that means a crappy slowpoke 3-speed transmission, so be it. :D

For me I think FH5 is already the best game in the series but my honeymoon enthousiasm is already gone, for both FH2 and FH3 it lasted a lot longer. Maybe it’s a bit of series fatigue and 90% of the cars being the same same. I don’t think the bugs are the main reason even though they contribute to the lack of interest to play.