@TokoTurismo we payed Gold for playing online. I really doubt anyone payed Gold for the new cars. Anyway those without Gold can still get those cars either through AH or later (Forzathon Shop, Backstage...). You getting mad because you payed money for Gold is really not justified since non Gold members can get those too.
Beside I don't remember anyone complaining when they change it in FH4.
@WanganDream I know there are a lot of players that don't like the Playlist, but to hope they will abandon it is not realistic. You have any idea how many players wait for Thursday to play the game again? Even those that hate the game play it. In this form or changed it will stay. And the same goes for the free cars as a prize. They want us to play the game and I can't see where is the problem with that.
Not last. DLC only give you one option to get a car. Pay money. With free content you have other options too. And they are right. You don't need to do any Playlist, because it's correct.
Italy because I'm Italian. That and Ferrari (because I can't say Alfa 😢). Anyway if it comes to who grinds the most races I won't bother with it much. But I'm curious how will it turn out.