Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
Based on the video description, the next LET'S GO!!! will show new cars and even a Showcase event. This gets more interesting by the minute.
Was that 'show the full car list' or 'start to go through the full car list'? I don't think they'd just drop the full list this early.
He did say "start to," so I'd imagine this Tuesday they're going to go through some highlights and stuff and maybe even the cover car. The fact that the YouTube description says "several new cars" is promising, but there's a number of ways that could be interpreted so I don't want to get my hopes up too high. Indeed, if these previous episodes of Let's Go are any indication of what's to come, PG has set a high bar for themselves this week.

I think the new cars we've already seen are pretty amazing as it is. I mean, they've already revealed that the Taycan, Project ONE, new Bronco, new LR Defender, Jaguar XJR15, and GR Supra are in the game at launch. Talk about a list of hot cars right now, and we're only at 100 cars revealed so far! But again, that also sets a pretty high bar here on Tuesday.
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I hope I won't waste too much time on introducing new cars whose next streams are already known.
I'm looking forward to new cars that we haven't seen yet more than the "new" cars that have already been revealed in trailers and screenshots.

However, given their very cordial relationship with Ford, perhaps one of the three known new Bronco (2022 Bronco, Bronco R, Ultra4 Bronco) models will be introduced.
These were displayed on Woodward during the dream cruise
Could be similar to what was done with FH4 (I think), where a group of cars is highlighted every week until launch.
Was that 'show the full car list' or 'start to go through the full car list'? I don't think they'd just drop the full list this early.
Kind of reminds me of the Forza Garage series where Turn 10 Studios / Playground Games reveal some cars per week as the game gets closer to launch. This happened for Forza Horizon 2, Forza Motorsport 6, Forza Horizon 3 and Forza Motorsport 7.
Dunno if I will enjoy 5 as much as it has alot less tarmac yet a bigger map, unless someone knows better? oh would love too put the cars in manual myself and not go from 3rd too reverse in a couple of clicks , so annoying lol
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Dunno if I will enjoy 5 as much as it has alot less tarmac yet a bigger map, unless someone knows better?
Do you have a source for this? Looks like plenty of tarmac to me. They even have a tarmac only festival.

oh would love too put the cars in manual myself and not go from 3rd too reverse in a couple of clicks , so annoying lol
Which cars can't you switch "too" manual? I thought they all had that option.
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Do you have a source for this? Looks like plenty of tarmac to me. They even have a tarmac only festival.

Which cars can't you switch "too" manual? I thought they all had that option.
Them all, when i click from 1st down it goes too reverse and if say in 3rd n click twice quickly im in reverse, catches me out so often racing, gets frustrating using a TM 300rs.
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Them all, when i click from 1st down it goes too reverse and if say in 3rd n click twice quickly im in reverse, catches me out so often racing, gets frustrating using a TM 300rs.
I don't have one of those wheels. Anyone else have this problem?
Never had such problem in any race game or sim in which i shift manually in the last 8 years. Yea would be nice to have neutral but tbh i dont care much.
Got neutral now, fiddling with ingame settings, have too press a button for neutral, if you switch down gears quickly it puts me in reverse, which is where i dont wanna be if im racing lol, the mount of times I've screwed up a race because instead o being in first gear im in reverse
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Did you change to manual with clutch?
No, dunno why' it works the way it does but it was using my horn the 1st time trying to get it work as well as putting car in neutral, too many commands for a wheel that don't have that many buttons too configure
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No, dunno why' it works the way it does but it was using my horn the 1st time trying to get it work as well as putting car in neutral, too many commands for a wheel that don't have that many buttons too configure
Sounds like a configuration problem with the button bindings for your particular wheel than a design fault with the game itself then. If so it's not something that'd affect a lot of people as far as I can see.

Thanks for sharing that it's fixable, though.
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Congrats @ManteoMax !! Very well deserved. 100% made for the role :)

Now about that car list....:D;)

Well deserved indeed! Man, since the move to this franchise back in 2015, Forza has gotten more cooler and stronger with the fanbase than ever before. Sure there are mistakes here and there, but the dev (i.e. T10 and PG) now take the time to improve those mistakes to create better products.

Compared to GT, which has become a shadow of its formal self, Forza continues to grow more and more each passing day, month and year based on feedback alone. I don't care what any naysayer say about these guys, I have such mad respect for both companies. I hope they never change like PD and the other devs did.

Now that that's off of my chest, HUGE props to Max and again, very well deserved. It must feel REAL good to be selected as community manager at T10 after discovering Forza back in 2010! That is crazy, yet soooo awesome!! 👏
Thanks! I'm coming on at a great time because the studios - and I think Xbox Gaming - are moving in a positive direction not only for game development but also with the community teams that bridge the players and developers. My part will be all about more active engagement and improving the feedback loop that includes wishlists, opinions, bug reports, etc so we all have an enjoyable Forza experience.
Thanks! I'm coming on at a great time because the studios - and I think Xbox Gaming - are moving in a positive direction not only for game development but also with the community teams that bridge the players and developers. My part will be all about more active engagement and improving the feedback loop that includes wishlists, opinions, bug reports, etc so we all have an enjoyable Forza experience.
Massive congratulations! And you are right, what we’ve seen from Turn10 and Playground over the last 2 years or so is fantastic. Active engagement with the base every 2 weeks after Horizon 5’s announcement, Chris Esaki’s fantastic Forza Monthly appearances on the next Motorsport title etc. Such a contrast with the info drought we’ve seen after a couple of E3’s.

Enjoy this wonderful step in your career, you‘ve earned it. You know what the player base wants and I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job :cheers:
Supposedly they're unveiling the cover car (or cars?) on today's stream, at least according to Kate Yeager a few minutes ago on the Xbox Gamescon stream.
Thanks! I'm coming on at a great time because the studios - and I think Xbox Gaming - are moving in a positive direction not only for game development but also with the community teams that bridge the players and developers. My part will be all about more active engagement and improving the feedback loop that includes wishlists, opinions, bug reports, etc so we all have an enjoyable Forza experience.
Congratulations on the new position! Good luck and have a good time!
Thanks! I'm coming on at a great time because the studios - and I think Xbox Gaming - are moving in a positive direction not only for game development but also with the community teams that bridge the players and developers. My part will be all about more active engagement and improving the feedback loop that includes wishlists, opinions, bug reports, etc so we all have an enjoyable Forza experience.
So now we know who to yell at when minor things are wrong :P. Congrats on the position and good luck!!!


The latest Tweets from Ken Block.
In this image, it looks like the rear bumper of his WRX has a Forza Horizon sticker on it again. (And the CSR2 sticker is nowhere to be seen.)

If this image is not too old, we may not lose Hoonigan's car.
Referring to the Merc as the AMG-One rather than the Project One, so I guess that we'll be getting the full-on production car. And the Bronco Badlands looks sick.
just saying amg-one for short didnt realize it was gonna be a production model as amg-one my bad.
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just saying amg-one for short didnt realize it was gonna be a production model as amg-one my bad.

guess it was just a preview until the actual show
It's honestly a fairly small detail, won't be a big deal if it's the production car or not.

Also I'm getting a good feeling regarding the soundtrack, even though we only heard snippets of 4 songs.

Edit: The Ford Hot Rod has some big off-road tires equipped. As an off-road enthusiast in Horizon, that is very exciting.
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