Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
This is the WORST update since the game launch.
I mean I wouldn't say that, have you forgotten about Extreme E??

Looking at whats in the update in totality, it's a little more than we usually get, but considering it's the 10 Year Anniversary - was expecting a lot more than just this..

  • Horizon Story
  • 4 Cars from FH4 and 1 Forza Edition
  • Radio Station (with only 15 songs)
  • New Event Lab props
  • New ADV Wheels
  • Midnight Battles (but no new cars, just using existing cars in the game)
If you are going to have an update of only cars from FH4 - you better make sure it's more than just 4 of them. Should have been at least 10 cars (for 10 years of Horizon Playground, come on it was right there!) with maybe 1 New-to-Forza car. But yeah they missed the mark here IMO.
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This is the second worst FH5 update yet, and they made it the anniversary one.

Leave it to PG to drop the ball even more than I thought it was possible lmao.
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Please PGG, I beg for a morsel of new rules for EventLab's Rules of Play for the half a dozen of us actually using it. New props are nice (and probably appeal to a larger audience) but there's only so much you can do with the current rules, especially when how you set gravity is limited and the variables for completed skill chains haven't actually been accessible since launch...

Nice little meme from the FH subreddit.
You'll have to wait for the patch notes for that on tuesday
Here’s a look at some of the most notable changes that you can look forward to:

  • We’ve fixed an issue with EventLab props disappearing after publishing Blueprints with a high-prop count. Creators will need to edit and republish those Blueprints to ensure the number of props is in line with the budget limitation displayed on-screen, which is now functioning as intended.
  • We’re making improvements to how the Club Tag is surfaced for players, so it more reliably shows in-game beside their Gamertag. This change only affects players who are present in a Club.
  • We’ve calmed the intense camera shake that could occur while driving since the release of the Series 10 Update.
  • Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels has received physics improvements for certain cars that could detach from the magnet at high-speed.
  • ASL and BSL cinematics have been added to the Hot Wheels Horizon Story.
  • We’ve fixed an issue with force-feedback load sensitivity that caused the steering wheel to pull to the right.
  • Compatibility has been added for the Logitech G Pro Steering Wheel.
  • An issue where there was little to no sound for cars introduced in the Horizon Road Trip update for some players has been fixed.
  • On PC, we’ve fixed incorrect instances of the “Drivers are wrong” error message being displayed. Also, terrain deformation should now work as intended for AMD GPU users.
  • An issue that caused black pixels to appear on-screen for players with TAA enabled has been fixed.
As always, the full list of fixes and improvements will be shared in our release notes once the update is available to download next week. We’re listening closely to your Forza Horizon 5 feedback as new fixes are introduced in each series update. Here’s where you can stay up to date on the issues that we’re currently investigating.
Now that was… underwhelming.

I like the ”content besides the cars” in this update with the new radio station and the story. Personally i dont care about the new rims and event lab props but its a good thing its there for the people that enjoy it.

What I absolutely miss are 2 things we usually get in every other series update so i‘m totally confused about this one :
  • no new to franchise cars?
  • no new clothing items?

If we would have gotten for each Horizon cover car an FE version and no new to franchise cars, I would still be disappointed. Now we only get the FH1 Viper FE? I mean, how hard is it to copy/paste existing cars into an FE car? Massive disappointment, they actually managed to make the 10 Year anniversary update the WORSE of all FH5 series updates so far in regards to new cars, probably even the worse of both FH4 and FH5 together. I still cannot grasp it, I makes no sense at all…

As for the clothing items, I would have expected some anniversary clothes or emotes as well. Not that I would really need or want then, but I 100% expected them. Aah well today I also picked up one Doritos bag of unhealthy junk food for the FH5 code, I guess this will forever become the anniversary clothing meme in my mind. 😅
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Now that was… underwhelming.

I like the ”content besides the cars” in this update with the new radio station and the story. Personally i dont care about the new rims and event lab props but its a good thing its there for the people that enjoy it.

What I absolutely miss are 2 things we usually get in every other series update so i‘m totally confused about this one :
  • no new to franchise cars?
  • no new clothing items?

If we would have gotten for each Horizon cover car an FE version and no new to franchise cars, I would still be disappointed. Now we only get the FH1 Viper FE? I mean, how hard is it to copy/paste existing cars into an FE car? Massive disappointment, they actually managed to make the 10 Year anniversary update the WORSE of all FH5 series updates so far in regards to new cars, probably even the worse of both FH4 and FH5 together. I still cannot grasp it, I makes no sense at all…

As for the clothing items, I would have expected some anniversary clothes or emotes as well. Not that I would really need or want then, but I 100% expected them. Aah well today I also picked up one Doritos bag of unhealthy junk food for the FH5 code, I guess this will forever become the anniversary clothing meme in my mind. 😅
A Honda T-shirt 🤣
Fortunately for the ¡Let's Go! team, it wasn't a team up with SLAPTrain or that tease could've been more painful.
Dunno, would be nice to get more trains on the map... ;)

Anyway, we already got a slap in the face with the Anniversary update.
the soundtrack for horizon mixtapeView attachment 1198263
They added some good songs. They had to add skrillex for 2012 dubstep from FH1. I was hoping for Fred V & Grafix Sunrise and glad it’s in here since it’s ****ing awesome and not even on the official FH4 Hospital Records soundtrack they sell on iTunes.
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GrRrR! I'm So MaD! ThIs WoUlD InDeEd Be ThE wOrSe UpDaTe EVER! :banghead::mad::banghead::mad:
Mad 90 Day Fiance GIF by TLC

I'm not really disappointed nor blown away. My expectations were neutral the whole way through the stream. Could it have been better? Well, define "better" without getting salty for one. ;) But is it the worse update ever? No. Not by a long shot. That would be very exaggerated thinking ala Youtube comments. I'm practically in the same place as @L8 Apex, so I will take what the devs give me since they always give me a reason to return back to the festival. Besides, I want that beautiful 10th Anni Viper FE so bad!
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I'd wait to see what the next paid expansion brings before making any rash promises to ditch the franchise altogether. The next game is rumoured to be Series consoles and PC only anyway so it's likely to be based around the new engine.
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I for one am actually looking forward to experiencing the Horizon Story. Horizon 1 was a pivotal game in my younger years, so experiencing a new take on the opening ten years later is going to be a special trip down memory lane.
I like it.

There's a story playing on the old stuff, cars playing on the old stuff, and a playlist playing on the old stuff. It's like any other Series update, but instead of Extreme E or Rami's Racing History, the theme is 10 years of Forza Horizon.

I guess it's just not met expectation of what a 10AE should be, but I don't really know what that is; 25AE of Gran Turismo got you some in-game money and three free cars (one in a unique livery), and that seems... less. Did people expect it to have lots of 10AE clothing items and liveries, and some new-new cars - or more AE/FE versions of cars?
I like it.

There's a story playing on the old stuff, cars playing on the old stuff, and a playlist playing on the old stuff. It's like any other Series update, but instead of Extreme E or Rami's Racing History, the theme is 10 years of Forza Horizon.

I guess it's just not met expectation of what a 10AE should be, but I don't really know what that is; 25AE of Gran Turismo got you some in-game money and three free cars (one in a unique livery), and that seems... less. Did people expect it to have lots of 10AE clothing items and liveries, and some new-new cars - or more AE/FE versions of cars?
I was expecting something more akin to what Bungie did in Destiny 2 for their 30th anniversary (free content for all with a variety of items available via a new playlist + paid DLC introducing a new endgame dungeon with returning favorites from Destiny 1 including an exotic), but that's comparing a looter shooter to a racing game so take that with a grain of salt.
I guess it's just not met expectation of what a 10AE should be, but I don't really know what that is; 25AE of Gran Turismo got you some in-game money and three free cars (one in a unique livery), and that seems... less. Did people expect it to have lots of 10AE clothing items and liveries, and some new-new cars - or more AE/FE versions of cars?
I don't know, maybe just a t-shirt and a hat, mixed in with a brand new car or something.

I'm okay with the story and the throwback to past titles, but aside from the 599XX and the Viper, none of the other returning cars have a special significance to the franchise, and that's what I find a bit... dissapointing I guess.
aside from the 599XX and the Viper, none of the other returning cars have a special significance to the franchise
There is an element of foot-shooting there, but what returning cars would have special significant? The cover cars are all already there - I guess if they're doing a Viper AE they could have done Huracan, Centenario, and Senna AE (and AMG One/Bronco AE) maybe.