Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
playground games teased this sphinx riddle ,there are some dates whi knowss??
i dont see it
The first coordinates line up to the great pyramid of giza
Date is March 1st 2023 (1 day before next series starts)
Second coordinates are for ahrir Square, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Second date is 5th March 2023 (which is sunday)

I still dont see it

are you trying to fool me or something, if so mission accomplished
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Did anyone else get around to making a sticker car?

Also as we're half way through Feb and I'm running my sticker car just a quick reminder to PM me your Gamer tag and if I haven't already I'll put some of your vinyls on my sticker car and like them.
I got a few on my Creative Hub you could use, Including the GT logo
GamerTag: ShanicTheMeme
First coordinate is southwest of Cairo, near the Pyramid of Djoser and the Red Pyramid, but otherwise just an empty spot.

And the second coordinate is Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo.

IT does have the horizon logo in the second to last line and forza logo in the 6th
So something is going to happen on Wednesday of March 1st. But then we have something on the 5th which is a Sunday (the last row you've pointed out), though it's By (insert person here?) at 03+05+2023. What's also catching my attention is those large letterings , or am I just looking too deep into it? :lol:
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I've no idea who PTG Fluex is, but they're not Playground Games.
Definitely hinting towards fan-made now, Fluex is legible as one of the symbol sets in the image too.

Maybe they’re making a big EventLab course themed around Egypt, and as (presumably) a popular creator they’ve managed to secure a prize from Playground to give away.
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I hope they update the photomode and give us tod/weather control like TC2. Looking at those wallpaper makes me jealous that i can't get the perfect lighting and weather for my shots without waiting hours.
I miss the days of FH3. Back then, players were free to change the time and weather for the entire single player mode by using a blueprint bucket list.
I well remember creating several presets for taking photos - rain at midnight, cloudy skies before dawn, etc., and using those bucket lists as switches to change the weather and time in freeroam.
I miss the days of FH3. Back then, players were free to change the time and weather for the entire single player mode by using a blueprint bucket list.
I well remember creating several presets for taking photos - rain at midnight, cloudy skies before dawn, etc., and using those bucket lists as switches to change the weather and time in freeroam.
Afaik you can still do that in event lab, by just setting start and finish close by.
ME BEFORE THE WEEKLY PLAYLIST: I don't get why people were clamoring so hard to get this Galant back in the game

Plus I can't believe I'd gone this long without even touching the '02 RX-7, and yeah, Wings West-ing the daylights out of it and pushing it up to A-class was a blast. Plus I absolutely walked away with the Bola Ocho circuit race in the Trial clincher with the '02 Skyline and had my first real dominant multiplayer-mode win in ages. Maybe there's some life in this game yet -- and I haven't even gotten to try out the Sports 800 yet. (If only there was a certain late '60s Honda roadster to stage a showdown against...)
I had fun with the Trial today, too. When choosing the car, I couldn't remember if it was a road race or off-road, so I picked my B700 Mistubishi Mirage which is AWD, rally tires and rally suspension but otherwise a road racer. It worked perfect. I came in third in the first race at Stadium Circuit, and first at Bolo Ocho (I was running a safe second but on the last lap the leader made a mistake, cut a corner too tight and hit a building. Stopped him dead and gave me the lead and the win.) Even better our team completely swept the AI team.