Forza Motorsport 2 Official !!

  • Thread starter _aj
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Okay. Here is another Forza 2 player; I played GDC build(or older) just a bit, on Seoul Motor Show 2007. Well as you know, Seoul is in Korea.

As Forza 2 booth was installed on GM Daewoo(Daewoo is a Korean car manufacturer, which is a subsidiary of General Motors) to promote Daewoo's new G2X(Korea retail version of Opel GT and Saturn Sky), I could only play with Opel Speedster. Sorry for not driving teh Porsche 911 Turbo

Alright, before debating with graphic, let's start with menu screen. It's evolved. It looks better and more comfortable.



Look at the last pic. Below that photo you can see X button picture, and on the right side of X, you can see Korean word 고급 옵션. It's 'Advanced Option'. When you push X on that screen...

You can see these detailed controller option. As Forza 2 fully support MSFF wheel, this is a good news.

And the gameplay. It was great. As I said, overall interface is pretty much comfortable. In the middle of March, Che said via WPR that rumble feature of pad has been finalized, and it means that GDC build, which is a February one, does not have finalized rumble. I could easily feel that(that booth was using pad, not MSFF wheel). But still it was very fun to play. Also, I dunno if it was just my illusion, but it seemed like pad control became more detailed compared to PGR3 or Forza 1.

Then now, let's talk about graphic.

It rocks.

Well, as you know, it's not something groundbreaking as PGR3 already established high standard for next-gen racers; but it's certainly more steps forward. Especially, Nurburgring got a huge retouch. Now it's accurate AFAIK, it looks green, and it's detailed. If you actually drove Nur with this build of Forza 2, I think that you will be amazed.

Looking at crack on the road on Sebring, freakin' much peoples filling around Nissan Speedway,(Yes, Turn 10 did not announce at least one track Nissan Speedway is an oval track like Daytona), and bright sunlight of Nurburgring, I was amazed.


Also, damage model has been improved. You can even see a frag of windows flying around. If you see this crash actually, you would be amazed.

Then how could I take this dramatic moment? Now there is one useful feature added to replay. ■ button is no more 'end replay' button. It stops replay first. And when you keep pushing it, the replay runs frame per frame.


Photomode is now more comfortable with bigger menus.


Also, in Free run, there are no spectators. When you compete with other human or AI racers, there are teh bunch of spectators.

Sorry, as I could drive Opel Speedster on arcade mode, that's all what I can tell. But if you have some curiousity on Forza 2, ask me; I'll do my best to answer your question.

BTW, two U class car is TVR Cerbera Speed 12 and Chrysler ME-4-12. And Koenigsegg CC8S was freakin' fast in number.
Thanks for the info Drift God. It looks better and better every day! I think PD will really have it's hands full this time around. :)
Did anyone else read the Turn 10 Pitpass Report volume 41???
Holy crap that paint editor is absolutely awesome now. 4,100 vinyls per car and completely customizable. I love the ability to paint the wheels, calipers, set transparency to vinyls, and move a group of vinyls around at the same time. Then you can save each group into a file and use them on different cars. Its really like they combined every single vinyl or paint editor from every game and added it into this one and made it even better. With this customization and a great imagination it looks like there is NOTHING we cant make now. This was easily the best pitpass if your into the paint editor as much as I am. The graphics look like they are also getting even better and more polished. They said they are still working on the wheels so I imagine those will look even better too when the game comes out.
Now I just wish we could get a confirmed release date. Still dont know if its the 15th or 29th for the US.
I'm not up to date with all the Forza 2 stuff, so if anyone could answer these few questions, thanks!

Does it have Bugatti Veyron?
Does it have a Ferrari FXX (or F50-GT or something like that)?
It's supposed to come in May right?
Does it have 12 car grids?
I'm not up to date with all the Forza 2 stuff, so if anyone could answer these few questions, thanks!

Does it have Bugatti Veyron? No
Does it have a Ferrari FXX (or F50-GT or something like that)? No
It's supposed to come in May right? Yes
Does it have 12 car grids? Went down to 8.
Nice update! Nurburgring looks realistic.

Its exactly what I was thinking. If the bar was set by GT4, this would seem to have matched it, and included a lot of the prettier effects and looks from PGR3 (despite the unrealistic nature of that edition of the 'Ring).

My eagerness is growing. This may be the first time I buy a racing wheel for a console, the $150 will seem justified with stuff like this... I may need to look into building a custom rig... (lol)
HOLY CRAP for the first that I have ever seen..... Eb actually changed the ship date BACK in time. This is great news!!!!! It was the 29th and now it is actually now the 15th!!!!!! :) :dopey: EB Ship date 5/15/07 This is a very very good sign that it truly could come out on the 15th now.
I will be looking to take a day off work for this game, anyway good to hear you’re pleased Camaro about the date, but I just hope the UK date will get pushed forward.
I will be looking to take a day off work for this game, anyway good to hear you’re pleased Camaro about the date, but I just hope the UK date will get pushed forward.
If Forza 2 truly comes out on the 15th then I might be taking 2 weeks off work PAID because its the same week the Halo 3 beta comes out. Plus Heather also took a week off for the 15th of May in case Forza 2 comes out that week. I have a feeling I wont get much sleep at all that week between those 2 games if F2 really comes out on that date. đź‘Ť đź‘Ť
I can see now that I'll be using the trade section a lot, due to the amounts of different cars you can buy. I suppose they'll have all of the decals the seller put on them too, so it'll be a challenge to find a nice one! In TDU I spent most of my time in trade, too, so I'll probably be trading more than racing. :lol:
If Forza is to come out on the 15th May, then if a demo was to be made available on Xbox Live it would have to surface when in the next few weeks to build up a bit moe hype before the actual release. Game stores are notoriously unreliable when it comes to release dates so I don't think we should freak out until there is a more official annoucement. (Hopefully its soon).
Demo has already been confirmed for April, I would guess late April since most demos come out closer to release.

G.T- Yes, paintjobs will be a part of the car you sell at auction, also you have the choice of locking the paintjob to the car which means you cant use it to make copies which makes the car more valuable (game-wise:) )

I'm looking forward to painting many cars with this highly powerful paint tool.

Nuburgring LOOKS nice so far, but I'll be impressed when the track drives properly. I'm already encouraged as I see they have corrected the rumble strips back to the proper size from the launch ramps of the original Forza.

Camaro- 2 weeks?! You're insane!
As awesome as all of the screenshots for F2 look, I hate the way the wheels look. Am I the only person who feels this way?
As awesome as all of the screenshots for F2 look, I hate the way the wheels look. Am I the only person who feels this way?

Right next to ya mate. That's the first thing i noticed and ever see in the screens. So far, i think GT4HD's wheels are the best i've seen.
Well, when I see the screens for F2, and I see those wheels, to me it looks like a quite lazy way of doing a wheel blur. I mean, every wheel pretty much looks the same, aside from color.other than that though, the graphics seem very good. That just irks me though.
They did say not too long ago that the wheels were still being worked on. It was also mentioned in this thread not too long ago as well.
Well I just gave my boss the heads up that I will be taking a couple weeks off next month paid. So hopefully the Forza 2 release date stays at May 15th. Looks like I will be off work starting May 15th then returning on the 29th. Or something like that. :P
Edit: Memorial day is the 28th so I might not be returning until the 29th.
Thats correct. They are still applying the finishing touches to the wheels. Also keep in mind that pics of wheels in GT4 can look crappy too if the shutter speed of the camera isnt set correctly in the motion pics. All the best wheel pics in GT4 were still photos from the photo shoot. I even had an entire GT4 thread just for wheels. :sly:

Well, I said nothing about GT4, and RedOak was talking about GTHD. Reguardless, you are comparing a last gen game to a next gen game. Also, the wheels arent going to look a whole lot different if the game is coming out on may 15th, as that is just over a month from now, what more could they possibly get done in that amount of time...anyway, I still wish that I had a 360 so i could buy this game...
Hey Adam can we expect to see some more of your awesome Forza paint jobs?
Well I just gave my boss the heads up that I will be taking a couple weeks off next month paid. So hopefully the Forza 2 release date stays at May 15th. Looks like I will be off work starting May 15th then returning on the 29th. Or something like that. :P
Edit: Memorial day is the 28th so I might not be returning until the 29th.

you better hope it doesn't come out on the 31st like most sites and shops(in my region anyway) are saying...

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