Forza Motorsport 2 Official !!

  • Thread starter _aj
This is a really good game. I'm not sure who is dissappointed with the demo. If person is disappointed with it, I would think for sure that the person wasn't a fan of the first game and isn't a fan of racing sims.

Judging this game on graphics on alone makes no sense.

I agree that the graphics are not mind blowing. They are good, not "too great". But that's ok, I don't really care. I'm one of those people whos favorite racing game for the past 2 years has been Live For Speed. I like my graphics, but I also like my gameplay. As far as I'm concerned, this is going to be a good game judging by the demo. They seem to have evolved in that car control/feeling grip thing that good racing sims like LFS has over the first Forza, so that's a good thing. I like the rumble, the oversteering, how each car handles. I also like the sounds, and the car and track lineup looks top notch.

I think I'm going to be spending most of my summer playing this game. 👍

I have only one annoyance. They should include a HP/Kmh combo for units for us canadians. I don't want to be forced to use kW instead of HP if I want to have KM/h.
Before the race starts go to the Hud option and then just scroll down, so you can change Metric to English or any other options for stuff like for the power of the car and the speed.
Is there going to be a WPR this week?

Do we need one? I've seen and heard enough about this game now (probably too much). It's nice to have some surprises for the final release.

I too am impressed with the demo. There is a noticable improvement in the car physics from Forza 1, much of it probably thanks to the frame rate increase well as the physics update increase. So smooth now and brings the cars to life! The weight of the cars is now more accurate and fishtailing is possible. Going from the DC5R to the Mustang was very impressive in how you could really feel the differences in the two cars even though their performance is similar.

Normally I stick with the lower class cars and don't really enjoy the race cars because they seem more arcade like with their immense grip and acceleration, etc. However, in this demo I'm really enjoying the R2 class. The feeling of ripping up through the gears with the close ratio transmission combined with the awesome sound is very satisfying. Good job on that one Turn 10!

This demo makes me think the game is finally wheel worthy, but the Microsoft wheel is not quality enough for the high price tag. Would really love some DFP support!

Nice to see Che pop in and say hello. I wasn't expecting that!

Roll on May 29!!! I'll be taking the day off thank you.
thanks mclaren.god i love the nurb!!!

what do mean by"we can hold a wpr...etc" like we update everyweek with what's happened in our carreer etc?

we should all enter that comp in the pitpass, but i don't have a camera. MY only time in the maserati is 52.660 only did one race with it, been drifting the f1 and m3 lol:D
Normally I stick with the lower class cars and don't really enjoy the race cars because they seem more arcade like with their immense grip and acceleration, etc.

I usually do the same thing. For some reason, I find more enjoyment out of working a B-class car to death than anything else. Granted, A-class races are usually the most fun, but the slower you go, usually the more heated the races will be...

...It should be fun racing with ya'all later this month. I plan on doing the same crazy car creations I did in Forza 1...
same, first will be the hachi, followed by the redsun's.

then i'll go on to make my agentorange/dorimon's s15 then i'll start making some new design's:D
Personally the demo didn't bowl me over. It's good, but just a bit too close to arcade for me. Power sliding cars is just too easy. You can even do it with the R2 class race cars. Engine noise is okay (better than Forza where often the other cars were louder than your own - now you can change that in the options) but some sounded a bit whinny. The F430 seemed a little asthmatic. And the SLR's rear wing still doesn't pop up. And the race cars didn't seem quite right proportionally, particularly the Zonda. Oh, and the reflections of trackside objects are still displayed at a different frame rate to the rest of the game. The trees and sky are reflected well though. And maybe the drivers could be better animated (I think GT:HD has the best animated drivers)
Still it is fun and I will enjoy it until PGR4/GT5 comes out.
lol, your complaining about the demo being to slidy/arcadey then you state you will enjoy it until pgr4 comes. just a bit ironic, im not attacking you or anything, just stating lol
what do mean by"we can hold a wpr...etc" like we update everyweek with what's happened in our carreer etc?
WRS, Weekly Race Series, there's one held for Gran Turismo on this site. I'd be more up for actual races rather than time trials.
That would be pretty cool! I've always wanted to do it for GT4, but I have neither the time, nor the patience.
The demo is fun, but I wasn't entirely blown away. It seemed as though some cars (specifically the Ferrari 550M) were just too easy to control, aids off. I could easily maintain control through slides and lost traction.

Visually, it's good, not the best of the best, but it's running 720p @ 60fps with damage and a nice sized car grid is awesome. The sound is also pretty darn impressive, I dig it.

The only other minor gripe I have is the replay camera's and the fact that I can't map out all of my control's on the wheel (I don't own the wheel, but my buddy does, and I really desperately wnated to change them).

Other than that, seems like a top notch title, not leaps and bounds ahead of the first Forza, seems fairly comparable, as do most sequels in racing sims, but that is definately not a bad thing in this case.
I'd definately be up for time trials or tournaments. With a tournament though, we would have to have brackets of some sort since we can only have 8 people race at a time. Say we do a time trial to determine which bracket you are put in? And if there are more than 8 people in each bracket, we could have different times when bracket A would race, then bracket B, etc...
I'd definately be up for time trials or tournaments. With a tournament though, we would have to have brackets of some sort since we can only have 8 people race at a time. Say we do a time trial to determine which bracket you are put in? And if there are more than 8 people in each bracket, we could have different times when bracket A would race, then bracket B, etc...

I think the best way for that to work would be to submit qualifying times. Then divide the times into groups of eight so the field is mostly even. Let the winner of each race go on to the final race.
You'd have to see how popular it is, if you can get a lot of people joining in then you could do it like you say, have a couple of different divisions based on qualifying times. What I was thinking of is instead of a knockout competition (which we can do and would be fun, but it'd leave some people out for long periods of the competition) was just have a series of races held at different times over the week, so if you can't make one race, there's a couple of races at different times and have a league table of sorts. If there's enough intrest you could then have even more races divided by both time, and where you fit division wise. Just a thought anyway.
Umm, so when the game comes out. There'd be a thread about this right? Coz I am totally in. :)

Although I havent raced online much, and because I am from India, there'd be some lag too, but I'd like not to be kicked off pleasel.. The lag settles down after a bit. Trust me! :D
i'd join, but mabe instead of ordering the groups by qualifying, we could order it by where abouts in the world they live, eg australia and newzealand together. That way people won't have to be up till ungodley hours waiting to race.
I just had a go at this and damn I don't like trying to modulate the brakes with a controller. I know you have to be smooth with the brakes but after about 30 mins I just gave up and turned the abs back on although then you tend to get a bit overconfident and the abs can't save you. I suppose thats realistic but it just makes it a bit of a pita with the default controler config for me, iono maybe if i could use the second analog stick instead of the triggers for brake and accel I would feel more comfortable.

Also it seems that you dont get much warning when the car is going to start breaking traction and some cars just seem to want to constantly fishtale like the sagaris. I swear I never managed to get that car around a corner cleanly no matter how light I was with the throttle, surely it can't be that bad to drive in real life?
lol, i put the triggers in the top 'joints' of my finger and hold the top bit of my finger(with the fingernail)to about a 40-60degree angle to the second bit. i hold it over the triggers like a roof over a house(the trigger being the house, finger being the roof). for me as soon as i feel the tip of my finger hit the trigger enclosure bit i know i am at the very limit for braking(exactly lol). works the same for forza1 aswell, i'll try and make a pic in a min to show what i mean, and were my finger hit's. it also works for accelerating of the line aswell.

were that second line is(it's the bottom of your finger;)) is were i stop, when it hit's that bit the arrow is pointing at, my finger is probably more horrozontal(the second 'part') but that's the basic idea anyway. Hope that helps some people:)
The only other minor gripe I have is the replay camera's and the fact that I can't map out all of my control's on the wheel (I don't own the wheel, but my buddy does, and I really desperately wnated to change them).
According to Che, it'll all be "fully unlocked" in the final game, which is a relief since the replays suck more in the demo than in the first.

Umm, so when the game comes out. There'd be a thread about this right? Coz I am totally in. :)

Although I havent raced online much, and because I am from India, there'd be some lag too, but I'd like not to be kicked off pleasel.. The lag settles down after a bit. Trust me! :D

Don't worry. I'm sure we'll have something everyone can get in on.
Would somebody want to make a leaderboard thread for the demo? I'd like to have a little fun submitting race times of each car.