Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
SUVs are anathema to me in the real world so I'm not thrilled with their inclusion in Forza 3 - still there's always the inclusion of Alfa Romeo to look forward to :)
Because it offers more of a challenge to do it effectively. Racing a track car on a track isn't difficult because it's been designed to do it. As I've said before, I play games to be entertained, and having a element like SUV's in a game brings forth a new element in which to play around with. It just adds more playability.

I'd actually argue that an SUV would be easier to drive at its limit than a dedicated race car. :P Unless its a badly designed SUV, it should have a subtle curve to its grip curve, where as the grip curve of a race car is usually sharp and hard (because that allows for greater maximum grip). So in that sense the SUV should be easier to drive at its limit... its just its "limit" is slow by virtue of the fact its chassis and suspension is not designed to corner nor transition quickly, meaning you have to nurse it rather than pushing it.

But if you wanna drive them, go for it ;) I'm not gonna stand in your way, I just dont wanna touch them.

Oh, that BMW X5 that went around the Nordshleife (from what I've read) was basically a heavily lowered and overpowered thing. Its not like they do that regularly, I'd liken it to an experiment in seeing how fast they can make an elephant go around a track :P
I like the inclusion of SUVs in the game, because it offers something different. I enjoy driving difficult to handle cars. The pickup races in GT4 were probably the best part in that game.
Should be a lot of fun driving the Range Rover etc around the The Ring.

I just need a Fanatec wheel as I just can't contemplate using a joypad like the Forza 2 guys are.

At the moment I could buy 3 G25's for the price of one Fanatec 911 S, and the one Fanatec wheel comes with the standard pedals which are worse than the G25 for a hundred notes.

Adding Clubsport pedals, I could buy 5 G25's for the price.
Ewww, SUVs, I hate them on the road and hate them even more in racing games :P They should all be sent out into the middle of no where, where they belong.

Isn´t Australia full off that :P

Seriously it´s a market decision... It´s mentioned that americans like SUV for unknown reasons. I don´t know if there is any other country where they are so popular. For the only reason they are big or why??

SUVs aren´t fun to drive. If you want cars that is hard to drive and fun there is tons of american muscle cars of the old school that is incredibly fun... For us guys do you really rather have SUVs then old camaros, corvettes, ford GTs etc?

I am sure there is Microsoft or someone that demanded SUVs based on some demographics poll on how many in US has such cars or something. Just like Simbin is putting muscle cars in their games at demands from Atari. But that is at least the right american cars. Camaro in STCC is superbly fun to race.

That it doesn´t have off road tracks well most of the cars here totally suck off road they aren´t really good at anything except for safety at expense of others. They are driven in the city so midnight club LA perhaps but not here. And again it´s the muscle cars in LA that is fun to drive ;)

Thank good Forza 3 is also going to have some classic group with older race cars. That actually fit right in the concept since they have crappy brakes, rock hard tires, hardly any suspension to speak about and what not so a lot of improvement to be made. The engine is generally quite good on older race cars :)

But well 400 cars is way to many anyway so it doesn´t really hurt it that much. But again it depends on how they count the car models.
Should be a lot of fun driving the Range Rover etc around the The Ring.

I just need a Fanatec wheel as I just can't contemplate using a joypad like the Forza 2 guys are.

At the moment I could buy 3 G25's for the price of one Fanatec 911 S, and the one Fanatec wheel comes with the standard pedals which are worse than the G25 for a hundred notes.

Adding Clubsport pedals, I could buy 5 G25's for the price.

I already have a G25 so i have ordered the Fanatec wheel and will use it with the G25 pedals.
I already have a G25 so i have ordered the Fanatec wheel and will use it with the G25 pedals.

I've had a G25 for a while so I could do that, but buying the dongle, shifters, and clubsport paddle shifters to at least match the cheaper G25 paddle shifters works out quite expensive. Is the G25 pedal adapter at extra cost?

Let us know how you go on in the steering wheel section geordie.👍
clubsport paddle shifters aren´t they included in the Turbo S package like the RS? I run without them preferr it that way :)

Yes you're right, I think. Pedal adapter is included too.

So all the different packages have the same metal paddle shifters?
I've had a G25 for a while so I could do that, but buying the dongle, shifters, and clubsport paddle shifters to at least match the cheaper G25 paddle shifters works out quite expensive. Is the G25 pedal adapter at extra cost?

Let us know how you go on in the steering wheel section geordie.👍

The adapter for the G25 pedals is included with the wheel.
The paddle shifters also come with the wheel.
The only extra that i have ordered is the dongle which you need to use the wheel with the PS3 and the PC it costs 50 euro.
I will post on the forum when i get the wheel which i expect to receive at the end of september.
Total cost for the wheel and dongle is 239 euro.
Converted to pounds is about £206
50 Bucks for a dongle? That sure is overpriced...

Yes it is not cheap but it is the only wheel made that works with all the platforms.
Also it is the only decent wheel that works with the 360.
I had the official MS wheel and it is made of plastic and feels like it will break to easily.
The Fanatec wheels are getting good reports and if they work with the 360 as good or better than the G25 works with the PS3 i will be happy.
Yeah i know all that but i find it quite a rip-off, if they would at least ship the wheel with that dongle (note that there cant be a lot of technical stuff in there).
It´s electronics in there ;). If they would ship it with the wheel the wheel would be more expensive. You can´t have the cake and eat it you know :).

But yes for some it´s to expensive I am sure even Fanatec realizes that. As they say only 0,05 % of all Forza 3 buyers will get that wheel so it´s a bit of a limited edition lol.
I dont understand why the dongle is so expensive... you can buy a whole wireless mouse or keyboard or 16gb USB drive for less :P

To be honest I'd rather something wired that doesn't require a dongle. At the end of the day, I have to plug it into the power anyway, so there will be cords hanging out, its no real issue to have an extra cord that runs to my PC/console. All the wireless mice I've used have a touch of lag compared to my wired ones, so I'm not too trusting of this wireless business :P
We have super SUV's now with V12 Turbo tractors motors!!! I was once on my bike on a big straight road and about 50-100 ft in front was a big SUV, not sure the model though it could have been a VW/Audi. Beside it was a noisy Civic, they decided to race and the SUV smoked the Civic, it was quite funny to see this huge thing fly at a rate of speed that just did not seem possible!!

I quite like the idea of SUV's as I find it interesting to modify them and compete againts Sports cars.

In GT4, for a laugh I bough that Chrysler PT Cruiser and found it quite fun to tune and then go off and challenge other cars. Of course I could only go soo far with it before I had to buy a more competitve car to make further progress in the game. My fondess memory was the motor, as for the BHP it had, it was very strong with a really flexible engine.


The latest Audi Q7 V12 TDI is 493bhp and 738 lbs of torque!!!
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We have super SUV's now with V12 Turbo tractors motors!!! I was once on my bike on a big straight road and about 50-100 ft in front was a big SUV, not sure the model though it could have been a VW/Audi. Beside it was a noisy Civic, they decided to race and the SUV smoked the Civic, it was quite funny to see this huge thing fly at a rate of speed that just did not seem possible!!

I quite like the idea of SUV's as I find it interesting to modify them and compete againts Sports cars.

In GT4, for a laugh I bough that Chrysler PT Cruiser and found it quite fun to tune and then go off and challenge other cars. Of course I could only go soo far with it before I had to buy a more competitve car to make further progress in the game. My fondess memory was the motor, as for the BHP it had, it was very strong with a really flexible engine.


The latest Audi Q7 V12 TDI is 493bhp and 738 lbs of torque!!!
Yeah, the truck we use to tow our race car is pretty powerful too. Its a beast, when we dont have the trailer attached we'll sometimes give it a thrashing, it can take off from the lights pretty damn fast :P But that doesn't in any way shape of form make it a "race" vehicle, its high, its heavy and it can't corner for ****. It'd probably roll if we pushed it hard on a track. ;)

That said, I'm not a fan of most street cars in racing games either :P I normally just like a couple of street cars to remind me why actual race cars are so much more fun. Unless I can modify the street cars until they are basically race cars anyway.
That's what makes Forza fun though, you can take a street car and make it a race car.

I'm just the opposite of you though, I can't stand racing race cars and I want street cars in a game. That's one reason GT sort of lost it's appeal to me once I got into the more advanced race series. They all typically required some sort of race car.
It's a shame there's no off road tracks in Forza 3, not that that will hamper my enjoyment of the game but when I saw the picture of that Range Rover the first thing I though was how great it would be to tune and paint that and have it looning about off road.

I still don't mind SUV's in the game, it's variety and as long as too much focus isn't paid to them with maybe only a hanfdfull of events requiring them then so what.
I prefer to race street cars too. Race cars can be fun, but after a while they all start to feel the same with a slight exception to the classics.
I prefer to race street cars too. Race cars can be fun, but after a while they all start to feel the same.

You need to race a variety of race cars for it to be fun ;) I agree touring cars can all feel a bit similar to each other after a while, but then you have open wheelers which are insanely fun and challenging.

I'd much rather T10 wasted their time including some open wheelers instead of wasting their time with SUVs. Open wheelers are way more "fun with physics" than SUVs, SUV physics are easy compared to open wheelers. Light, stiff suspension, incredibly quick transitions, insanely fast and grippy, it really tests out the quality of a physics engine.
open wheelers that are not relying on aerodynamical grip yes. Like those Skip Barbers without rear wings. formula mazdas, formula bmws simply have to much aerodynamical grip to be really challenging. Then I rather take SUVs lol.

But I mean if you would race nordschliefe in an ariel Atom or a Cayenne I surely know what I would pick 100 times out of 100.
The Cayenne Turbo S is faster than the Q7 by a big way.
open wheelers that are not relying on aerodynamical grip yes. Like those Skip Barbers without rear wings. formula mazdas, formula bmws simply have to much aerodynamical grip to be really challenging. Then I rather take SUVs lol.

But I mean if you would race nordschliefe in an ariel Atom or a Cayenne I surely know what I would pick 100 times out of 100.

I'm gonna have to say I disagree :P

Even with a lot of aerodynamics the open wheelers are hard to drive at their limit, its just their limit is much higher. If you play GTR evo or Race 07 or LFS and race with a F3000 or (in LFS) an FV8 or even FOX, you might initially "feel" the car is easy to drive, but as soon as you get online you realise you have to push so much harder to be competitive.

You have to brake incredibly late to be competitive, and if you miss the braking point by even a metre or two you end up carrying way too much speed into the corner or losing car lengths if you brake too early. In a big heavy street car, you have much more flexibility with your braking zone. Brake a little bit late and you can usually still save it and you'll only be going slightly too fast anyway (opposed to the open wheeler which you are going far too fast even if you missed it by only a meter). If you brake early in a big heavy street car, you just compensate by not braking as hard and you wont lose much speed at all.

The same goes for cornering. Because most open wheelers are extremely light, low moment of inertia and hard suspension, transitions are extremely fast and its far more difficult to save the car if you push too hard. You can see this if you watch F1, when you see a driver lose it slightly in the corner, they lose heaps of time trying to save it and have to react incredibly fast to save it. A big lumbering street car has slow transitions because of the nature of its large moment of inertia (read: large and heavy) and the suspension is usually more forgiving. So when you lose it in a corner, its not an instant "snap", but a gradual thing that you have quite a long time to save.

If you enjoy driving SUVs more than open wheelers then fine, I'm not going to argue with your personal preference ;) if you like it you like it, I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise. But due to the physics of SUVs, I'd say they are far easier to simulate than open wheelers, if you want to have "fun with physics", put open wheelers in... due to the nature of how they drive, any flaws in the physics engine will be clear. Where as the SUVs, any flaws in the physics engine will be hidden by the large moment of inertia, slow transitions and more forgiving grip vs slip angle curves.
Have you seen me arguing for SUVs in this thread earlier lol. every car is hard to drive on the limit it´s the same 2 seconds no matter what car that differ from the top drivers. It´s always 2 seconds no matter what sim lol. But it´s a lot easier to go around a FBMW since you have to work much harder to get out of control in that one :).

But as mentioned I preferr formula cars that rely more on mechanical rather then aerodynamical grip.