Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
I mean you can do the same drifts in Live For Speed if you configure your wheel that badly. I could put a video next week if you really want to (I'm getting my G25 this WE)
ever see a real car with that steer lock and only 90° on each side ? I don't. Configure the wheel 900° and the driving will probably look different (though we'll have to wait till the end of october to know)
Yes, thats why I said something was wrong in my previous posts, either something with the physics or maybe controller input but for drifting to be like that something is not correct. I only posted the LFS, GT5P and real life videos to show the difference of how it should be to people that didn't understand what I was talking about.

That discussion was done and buried until we get more info and hands on time.
Looks awesome. I wish I had a Xbox 360. :(

They're quite cheap now, although if its just one game I suppose its too expensive. I've got Forza 3 LE on preorder and getting a Jasper unit soon.

There's at least 3 games I want to check out but I won't be paying £40/50 for xbox live each year. It's a shame that once my 1 month Gold membership runs out I can't check out peoples auctions and paintjobs or do my own etc with some basic online function.

Che confirmed that dedicated servers were for party hopper type races, not the private type races.

Ah, thanks.
they could've just have had a blank one and just let you put the numbers you like. I know it's something pretty silly to whine about but I still find it looks weird without any :-/.

You could make your own custom plates in FM3 if you want. You could do it in FM2 as well.
They're quite cheap now, although if its just one game I suppose its too expensive. I've got Forza 3 LE on preorder and getting a Jasper unit soon.

I think its worth it, but im kinda in the opposite corner with getting a PS3 as soon as GT5 comes out PLUS ill have a slim one :)
Well, I can have some input on this whole topic now, spent a little time at PAX playing it.

It feels quite a bit like Forza 2, just better. However, I was on the V3 build which didn't have some of the final tweaks. I took the Lotus Evora out with the all the assists off except ABS, and while it felt pretty good, it was hard to tell with the wheel setup. The XBOX 360 wheels, the 270 degree one, is a joke in my opinion. Almost no resistance, no feel to the pedals, and little feedback. As for game play, the AI seems fairly good, but I did find one of them had managed to roll themselves upside down, which while cool looking, was a little over the top.

As for the drifting... in the build I played most of the cars seemed to be on rails. The guys there with the game also commented on some of the cars being a bit to grippy in this build, such as the 911 GT3 being almost impossible to get sideways. Hopefully the final version of the game has some tweaks in that area.

But at the moment, I am looking more forward to Need for Speed: Shift.
Well, I can have some input on this whole topic now, spent a little time at PAX playing it.

It feels quite a bit like Forza 2, just better. However, I was on the V3 build which didn't have some of the final tweaks. I took the Lotus Evora out with the all the assists off except ABS, and while it felt pretty good, it was hard to tell with the wheel setup. The XBOX 360 wheels, the 270 degree one, is a joke in my opinion. Almost no resistance, no feel to the pedals, and little feedback. As for game play, the AI seems fairly good, but I did find one of them had managed to roll themselves upside down, which while cool looking, was a little over the top.

As for the drifting... in the build I played most of the cars seemed to be on rails. The guys there with the game also commented on some of the cars being a bit to grippy in this build, such as the 911 GT3 being almost impossible to get sideways. Hopefully the final version of the game has some tweaks in that area.

But at the moment, I am looking more forward to Need for Speed: Shift.
That's quite surprising. The GT3 had all traction assists off as well?
That's quite surprising. The GT3 had all traction assists off as well?

Yes. I had a hell of a time getting the Evora to step out using traditional MR entry and drifting techniques too. Ones I developed in real life, not in some GT game. It could very well come down to the trial they had people playing just had godly good tires on that street cars would never normally have.

Sounds like better tires were equipped... but I could be wrong. The Porsche definitely should have been easy to fishtail. Is there still that kind of floaty sense that FM2 had? If you saw any damage, how was it? All the videos I have seen have been too dark or too short to analyze the damage properly. Also how many cars did you drive? Could you tell the difference between each? In other words did each have its own character? Thanks.
I only had time to drive the Evora. However, I watched several other people play. Each car seemed to have its own feel and what not, espcially the old Mustang 500 they had. The downside though is most people played with most of the aids on, so it was hard to tell, as all they had to do was brake soon enough to not go off the track and then mash the gas and steering. The R8 seemed extremely easy to drive like a jack-ass, after watching some kid manhandle it and still smoke the AI, on easy.

As for the floaty feel, one could say that it is there. I didn't feel very connect, but I was blaming it more on the pedal and steering feel that the cheap XBOX wheel provides than the game. But it is true I had trouble getting the feel of what the car was doing. I wasn't horribly impressed with what I played, and at the moment, I'm more excited for Need for Speed Shift, to be honest.
I think what may make Shift actually have good physics is that good old simbin coding. GTR2 really had the feel of the connection of the connection to the road. Hopefully since its made by the same people Shift carries over that sense. To be honest GT5 has the same problem (to a degree).
Yes you can´t get the right connection unless you have solid peripherals in between. No matter if it´s the horrendous gamepad or crappy wheels :) But I wonder did the steering feel linear? I don´t even know if the MS FFB wheel is linear in itself but anyway would be nice to hear it´s more linear then in Forza 2...

There is competent developers behind Shift so yes if they truly does make a sim I have high hope for that one as well. Bigger then for Forza 3 but EA and Need 4 speed franchise I wonder how far they will be allowed to move in the sim direction?

Since the key word nowadays among game developers is "not to penalize the player by challenging him" lol
You could make your own custom plates in FM3 if you want. You could do it in FM2 as well.

Yup, and with the new livery editor including a vinyl group editor and the ability to put them up for download, making/sharing plates will be easier than ever, which is nice. 👍
Well, I can have some input on this whole topic now, spent a little time at PAX playing it.

It feels quite a bit like Forza 2, just better. However, I was on the V3 build which didn't have some of the final tweaks. I took the Lotus Evora out with the all the assists off except ABS, and while it felt pretty good, it was hard to tell with the wheel setup. The XBOX 360 wheels, the 270 degree one, is a joke in my opinion. Almost no resistance, no feel to the pedals, and little feedback. As for game play, the AI seems fairly good, but I did find one of them had managed to roll themselves upside down, which while cool looking, was a little over the top.

As for the drifting... in the build I played most of the cars seemed to be on rails. The guys there with the game also commented on some of the cars being a bit to grippy in this build, such as the 911 GT3 being almost impossible to get sideways. Hopefully the final version of the game has some tweaks in that area.

But at the moment, I am looking more forward to Need for Speed: Shift.

Bugger. There's no way I can stretch to a Fanatec at the moment and I was hoping the feel from the x360 wheel would be drastically improved. Should never have got that G25....
You don't put one on in the livery editor? That's what I've always done. I had a European and a blue Michigan plate template and I just changed around the letters and numbers.

My bad, never played Forza so I wouldn't know. I just bought FM2 on Ebay so I can practice livery stuff :-)
Though it seems to me as a waste of "layers" they should just have a simple system in place for that so you just need to edit a text box to make it easy.
I am glad they let us use a livery editor for the plates. There is no way they would have my plate:


That is the plate that I have on my personal car, so I made it in the game as well.
As for the drifting... in the build I played most of the cars seemed to be on rails. The guys there with the game also commented on some of the cars being a bit to grippy in this build, such as the 911 GT3 being almost impossible to get sideways. Hopefully the final version of the game has some tweaks in that area.

Thats a little concerning, I noticed in a video posted a while ago of a guy that could actually drive in FM3, he had the Porsche GT2 (997) in a race with no assists and he was mashing the throttle mid corner and everywhere without a hint of oversteer.

*EDIT Couple new gameplay videos
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Thats a little concerning, I noticed in a video posted a while ago of a guy that could actually drive in FM3, he had the Porsche GT2 (997) in a race with no assists and he was mashing the throttle mid corner and everywhere without a hint of oversteer.

*EDIT Couple new gameplay videos



well I guess a 911 understeer if you don't drive it right; for now I don't take it as a flaw, especially considering how easy it was to put RWD cars sideways in Forza 2, which frankly wasn't a strong point
I'm not expecting too much about NFS Shift; make a challenger a sim never rewarded (Enthusia, Richard Burns Rally)... though they made it anyway ;)

KSaiyu > use your G25 on PC (where the heart of true sim still lies, imho). It's a very good wheel, and a bargain above that

paskowitz > to be honest GT5P have others problems ;) though I will not argue that point on that forum
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Wow, you're making the game sound absolutely terrible.

Who, me? It isn't terrible at all. Just in the version build I played, things didn't seem quite right.

well I guess a 911 understeer if you don't drive it right; for now I don't take it as a flaw, especially considering how easy it was to put RWD cars sideways in Forza 2, which frankly wasn't a strong point
I'm not expecting too much about NFS Shift; make a challenger a sim never rewarded (Enthusia, Richard Burns Rally)... though they made it anyway ;)

KSaiyu > use your G25 on PC (where the heart of true sim still lies, imho). It's a very good wheel, and a bargain above that

A 911 will understeer if you drive it wrong. However, overwhelming the rear tires when you have a few hundred horsepower isn't very hard, regardless. And MR and RR cars are notoriously easy to get sideways at entry with a little throttle off.

Like I said in my initial post, this is the V. 3 build. Things could very well change a bit by the final product.
However, overwhelming the rear tires when you have a few hundred horsepower isn't very hard, regardless. And MR and RR cars are notoriously easy to get sideways at entry with a little throttle off
well, not THAT much. Overwhelming the rear tires is not easy when the car is setup to understeer and the front tires give up when you drive like most people do. Yes, in Forza 2 the RWD cars lack understeer, it's probably just a setup to make them more fun, but it's there
I could do the raw math about causing the back end of a car to lose traction, but I won't bother. Having something dialed to more understeer just makes it more likely to push and then be unmanageable when the back end breaks lose. An alignment cannot defeat physics, just change how forces are loaded a bit.

A question, Nigo - Have you ever driven a remotely powerful RWD car?
You could do raw math to calculate when the FW loose traction, and then you'll discover it'll happen more often than you think
well, you have your opinion, I have mine everyone's happy
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paskowitz > to be honest GT5P have others problems ;) though I will not argue that point on that forum

Oh, I am aware. The list is a mile long. But for some reason I can't stop playing GT5p and for some reason it still feels great.