Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
The funny thing is, if you replace with and FM with GT5 you get the same thing that happens here.

I'm guessing you've played it then so you actually know, maybe you'd like to give us a major insight into the game then?


I thought this thread was supposed to be about Forza news, not comparing it to other games or whatnot. It's starting to get a bit ridiculous.

I haven't played it no.

I have made educated guess's after watching numerous videos and looking at some of the times people did at the Le Mans challenge event and It just looks like it has the same physics and the lap times support this as they are way to fast to be possible in real life.

We will see after the demo tomorrow anyway, Hopefully I'm wrong but unfortunately I have a feeling I'm going to be right.

In the end I'm still going to buy the game,

Play the game,

Enjoy the game and Probably buy the next Forza so what's the problem?

I'm mearly stating my opinions on the physics of the game as I do on all games.
On a silver membership can you buy DLC like the 458 Italia for instance?

I bought a car pack for forza 2 without dlc and it worked. I couldn't receive gift cars on forza 2 without gold though. So probably to get gifts for vip membership you will have to get gold.

What I want to read about is how the Fanatec Turbo S wheel is like with the game, I'm sorry but I can't take the MS 240 degree wheel seriously and its more like 180 left and right. I keep thinking to buy the Turbo S then decide not to. It's the games first 900 degree wheel and I'm not sure if its feedback strength or rotation is going to work right. If the cars are near full lock at 90 with the Turbo S then I won't buy one. I don't think there's many Turbo wheels been sent out yet so might have wait a while.

I wouldn't hold my breath for it... Still not a single video with proper 900 degree linear support showed. :( Turbo S 900 degree support is way too uncertain for me to buy it now.

I mean, if I were working for Fanatec and wanted to advertise the wheel I would record 2 videos:

1) One where I would race on a course with tight hairpins.
2) Second where I would drift on 900 degrees.

= looks realistic = sales.

No such videos = no sale for me.
Forzas physics are average at best its just at the time that both forzas came out there was really no competition out there (at least not on console) that were trying to make a realistic game.

And some of us say their physics are average or better.

probably still unchanged in FM3 despite what T10 say.

So what you are saying is that they lied? Does PD lie in your eyes?

I will still buy the game but I know it just wont be where I want it to be in the physics department as cars will still be able to pull unrealistic speeds around corners and damn right stupid lap times like in forza 2.

And in my opinion, it will probably exceed where I want it to be with physics. The physics behind the tire deformation alone and how it affects handling is huge...on top of what was already good physics from FM2.

I know the concept scares you and everyone over at that another game is better than FM which is why they always badmouth every racing game unless its quiet clearly arcade.

Same can be said for everyone on GT forums about GT.

the physics just wont be there.

I am freakin' glad that is not a fact, otherwise I wouldn't be dropping $80 for the game. Whew.

On a silver membership can you buy DLC like the 458 Italia for instance?

Yes. However, with Silver, you are not able to play against others online (as you are probably aware), and you cannot participate in any of the auction house features (buying/selling cars). At least that is how it is in FM2.
This may sound a bit daft, but can this thread be kept on topic by just talking about relevant news to FM3? Maybe we need another thread for comparisons between different racing sims as it seems to be getting out of hand in here.
I haven't played it no.

I have made educated guess's after watching numerous videos and looking at some of the times people did at the Le Mans challenge event and It just looks like it has the same physics and the lap times support this as they are way to fast to be possible in real life.

We will see after the demo tomorrow anyway, Hopefully I'm wrong but unfortunately I have a feeling I'm going to be right.

In the end I'm still going to buy the game,

Play the game,

Enjoy the game and Probably buy the next Forza so what's the problem?

I'm mearly stating my opinions on the physics of the game as I do on all games.

Actually I don't mean to embarrass you, however you educated guess is ridiculous. I competed and won the AXF 24 Le Mans Forza 3 event and I can tell you and already have once in this thread that the physics are much better then the two previous installments. After playing the game for 24 hours straight the difference are more significant then you could ever think.

For the future, you should realize you cant make an educated guess if dont have a clue in general.
Actually I don't mean to embarrass you, however you educated guess is ridiculous. I competed and won the AXF 24 Le Mans Forza 3 event and I can tell you and already have once in this thread that the physics are much better then the two previous installments. After playing the game for 24 hours straight the difference are more significant then you could ever think.

For the future, you should realize you cant make an educated guess if dont have a clue in general.

And what times were you pulling in the R8 ROAD CAR then?

If I remember it was something close to the GT2 times that the REAL cars got at Le Mans this year.

The physics may be better, But from where I stand they still have the same flaws, Therefor I'm still not satisfied.

I'm not knocking your performance or what you say as you did exceptionally well it's just from my point of view it still has the same problems as the previous two installments just as GT5:P has some really weird low speed handling.

EDIT: After the demo tomorrow if the physics are as realistic as you say they are and the times not ridiculous I assure you I will take back everything I have ever said about the physics been wrong, However just looking at the videos already shows me that the problems are still there.
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Hey guys, since I normally frequent the GT5 forum and don't want to get them all uppity, does anyone know the name of the song used in the F3 458 tribute video? Specifically the part from :50 onwards. I enjoy it much more than the GT5 one, but everyone else disagrees so I can't seem to get any help.
And what times were you pulling in the R8 ROAD CAR then?

If I remember it was something close to the GT2 times that the REAL cars got at Le Mans this year.

The physics may be better, But from where I stand they still have the same flaws, Therefor I'm still not satisfied.

I'm not knocking your performance or what you say as you did exceptionally well it's just from my point of view it still has the same problems as the previous two installments just as GT5:P has some really weird low speed handling.

EDIT: After the demo tomorrow if the physics are as realistic as you say they are and the times not ridiculous I assure you I will take back everything I have ever said about the physics been wrong, However just looking at the videos already shows me that the problems are still there.

The lap times in Forza games as usually always been quite off, but honestly, it's not like GT hasn't quite kept itself from being guilty.
This may sound a bit daft, but can this thread be kept on topic by just talking about relevant news to FM3? Maybe we need another thread for comparisons between different racing sims as it seems to be getting out of hand in here.

No more comparison threads, it turns into a huge GT Fanboy fest and all it is is flaming and non-sense.
TGM Tiddy: are the laptimes the main rating of the physics for you? So if the car drives unrealistic, but laptime is close then it's realistic?

How about comparing the actual feel of the car on the limit and over the limit in game, to the feel and behaviour of the real car. That says a whole lot more about physics to me.

For example, you can't see if laptimes are realistic in live for speed game, but it doesn't mean that physics suck.
I believe it was asked in the past and it was deemed that there wasn't enough interest in Forza 3 yet to make it's own sub forum. I believe with the game only a month away there should be sufficient interest now. Granted it would have to be policed heavily, I mean look at how many GT fanboy trolls we have wandering into this thread alone. A whole forum might be worse.
Hey guys, since I normally frequent the GT5 forum and don't want to get them all uppity, does anyone know the name of the song used in the F3 458 tribute video? Specifically the part from :50 onwards. I enjoy it much more than the GT5 one, but everyone else disagrees so I can't seem to get any help.

I know the start only sorry. Mistabishi - Talk Me Down.

It's off the same album that Polyphony Digital used for their 458 tribute funnily enough. Has Ferrari gave them some music to choose from? Can't see them both choosing bits from this obscure album.

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Did I quote you? No, I didn't. :rolleyes:

It was me who did quote you.

Seriously, get some cereals, good for brain. You said Forza 2 lap times are far off, I said I can't see this as a clear fact. This matter has no connection to any quotes order
Go back and look what you typed.

"Didn't mention anything like this."

Where in your head does that sound anything like this?
"I said I can't see this as a clear fact."

Might want to have some cereal yourself. :rolleyes:
Go back and look what you typed.

"Didn't mention anything like this."

Where in your head does that sound anything like this?
"I said I can't see this as a clear fact."

Might want to have some cereal yourself. :rolleyes:

So looks like you can't provide any ground for your statement.