Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
I was disappointed with some of the inaccuracies in the cars themselves. Why don't the Ferrari California's taillights work?

I don't think FM3 has side or headlights working in any of the cars?

If you mean Brake Lights, they're correct in the demo and set very low. The top tail lights are for side lights (not sure what you call them in the US - normal low light/night time lights).

GT5P has the top lights as brake lights. Not sure if this is some early or country spec or just a mistake on PD's part. Not seen it brought up here. Maybe someone knows?

Played the demo last night for a good, hmm lets say 5 min, before my xbox froze and crapped out on me, again, for the second time. The really annoying thing however is how it died on me the first time when FM2 was just about to be released, and now right when FM3 is around the corner. Sometimes life can be very, very cruel. Overall polish of the game was very good to my surprise, and the sound was off the wall good.

I had one die right before the FM2 release, and most recently one failed around a month ago...Bought a new one that time.

I'm also a little concerned with how difficult it is to get oversteer in this demo, but we'll see I guess. I think the 911 sticks so much from downforce and the slicks., not to mention being RR it has all that weight pushing on the rear tires to begin with. You really do feel the the Mini get light and the rear end step out through that fast section.
I found the free roam last night by accident. Not only can you access the free roam time trials I guess you can also access the drift event. I have not tried it yet. More info can be found here.
Select your car > Select your color > Select your Assists and Difficulty > Push "Y" for the Leaderboards > Push "A" to Start Race. Ta-da!

or hit right on your D pad to access the drift.

I wonder if the drag racing events are hiding in there somewhere?
No, sidelights aren't turn signals.

Sidelights are the lowest setting of your "main" lights. You'd put them on if it was a dark day for example.
Well, a side light to me sounds like the light on the side of a car; turn signal.

The word he's looking for is a tail lamp.
Sounds like a side marker here in the states. Some side markers can be turn signals, and some are static. Generally the side markers in the back, on the side of the car are static, and front side markers will also do double duty as turn signals.
Side lights = low power headlamp (lower power even than dipped headlights) + taillights illuminated. It's essentially the first setting of your lights (side lights -> dipped -> main beam). They're supposed to be used in twilit conditions, though UK law accidentally makes using them specifically illegal (just one of those weird, legal oddities).

Some cars have separate running lights instead of sidelit headlights - the MINI being a prime example.
Im just hoping that I can change the button layout so i can use the clutch on the Y button. And Im sure that the under-steer issue will be gone if your able to choose your tires....
Parking lights is what you all are describing I think.

Im just hoping that I can change the button layout so i can use the clutch on the Y button. And Im sure that the under-steer issue will be gone if your able to choose your tires....

I don't know about the tires, they are probably using the stock tires. Forza doesn't allow you to go below the default ones like GT with N level tires.
Well, a side light to me sounds like the light on the side of a car; turn signal.

The word he's looking for is a tail lamp.

No its side lights front and back. In england side lights are low level light or first stage before your headlights. When someone says put your sidelights on, both front and back lights are on, the front are low power small bulbs. I've worked in garages most of my life and side lights is a term we use and is common for everyone, maybe some say tail lights too I'm not sure. I never use it or hear it day to day. Stop and tail bulbs are sold here though.

Do US have front side lights or small front lights. What do you call the front lights before headlights in the US?

Side lights is just a term meaning front and back all in one, taillight is better though, although saying taillights are not working would mean the front sidelights are on but the back are not.

Anyway, my point is someone was saying the taillights don't work on the california. I was asking do all other cars have their sidelights/taillights working in FM2/3? If not then why single out one car, why not say non of the cars taillights work in FM3. I'm sure FM3 doesn't have working taillights on all the cars, just brake lights. Can someone correct me. I don't own FM2/3 and not aware you can turn the taillights on.

GT5P has the taillight as the brake light but as far as I know the brake lights are lower down on each side and not where you'd expect them.
If you mean Brake Lights, they're correct in the demo and set very low. The top tail lights are for side lights (not sure what you call them in the US - normal low light/night time lights).

I stand corrected. In Prologue, the California's top set of lights are lit when braking, and the bottom set isn't used.

Still, I'm finding that the car models lack the level of detail you see in games like DiRT 2, NFS: Shift, and GT5P. It's definitely an improvement over FM2, though. The cars in that game looked terrible and had bad aliasing issues.
The side lights are low powered lights usually located in the main light clusters at the side of the cluster. The indicators are the indicators regardless of them being on the side of the car or not.
I don't know about the tires, they are probably using the stock tires. Forza doesn't allow you to go below the default ones like GT with N level tires.

Yeah, but you never know if they will change it in FM3, besides just add crazy power to anything and it will be sliding around the bend in no time:sly:
I stand corrected. In Prologue, the California's top set of lights are lit when braking, and the bottom set isn't used.

Still, I'm finding that the car models lack the level of detail you see in games like DiRT 2, NFS: Shift, and GT5P. It's definitely an improvement over FM2, though. The cars in that game looked terrible and had bad aliasing issues.

If you said the top brake lights aren't working we could've avoided the whole sidelight issue.;)

I guessed you were on about prologue and every cali I've seen has the brake lights low down and one on the boot lid (US is Trunk :)).

Maybe early on the brake lights were at the top or a country spec and thats why PD put them there or they messed up.
the side-lights for us in the states would be what we call running lights most likely. your taillights and front side markers.
I was wondering if I was the only one doing that. :lol:

It is a lot of fun, though the "first" corner going up the hill is a bit tricky.
Stock Demo Shots:








Someone from GameSpot is playing FM3 on my friends list, which must mean one thing:

GameSpot's review is not too far away.


@ godzilla_GTR: Thanks for the comment.
So does the Forza demo blow away Shift? I'm about to finally download the F3 demo, just curious.
I wouldn't say blow away but you won't be disappointed.
Erm.... well... ;)

Eh, for what it's worth, here are my initial impressions.

The graphics are surprisingly kind of... uninspiring. Bland. The sterile white look of the menu system that MS has adopted is in full swing. The garage is completely blank except for your cars. Oh well, it seems to be all the rage these days. In Prologue, you have superb looking models which are a little too perfect and have a hint of unrealness about them. But the F3 demo almost shouts at you that it's a computer game you're looking at. After the glory of Prologue, it's a little disconcerting. While I haven't looked at all the cars up close, the models and graphics are more polished than in Forza 2, although I'm puzzled that they look even more CG in F3.

The track looks like something right out of Half Life 2 as well. Once again, the CG look is apparent. The water looks excellent, everything is well textured... sort of. The rocks around the track look kind of like a movie set made of almost convincing styrofoam. Watching replays is odd. Nothing even hints at you looking at real cars going around an environment that's "there," save for occasional moments. Everything looks plastic, including the cars. When those instances of realness come, they're fleeting, and then the rumble strips will look slapped on with a paintbrush, or the trees will look like stage props, or the mountansides will resemble inflated tarps. The same dysfunctional foam rubber looking spectators are there from F2, gyrating and flailing in a whirlpool of random emotions. I haven't seen the shadows of cars fade completely to black like they did in FM2 and Ferrari Challenge, which is nice. The sun has an overly golden cast to it, but that adds a cozy effect which is much better than having too much blue, which makes everything look like a yucky video.

Racing is... different. The forcefeedback from the MS wheel is pretty well narfed; it's not bad, but communication is iffy. The physics are... Forza, but different. It feels rather gene-spliced with some Enthusia or rFactor, and from what I've experienced with rFactor, I don't care for either one. Especially with Enthusia, thanks to the almost absent tire sounds, I didn't just feel disconnected from the car, I felt like I was pumped full of novocaine.

Oh, and speaking of tire sounds, the awful truck tire growls are back in full force, which was something I grew to absolutely LOATHE in Forza 2. In their infinite "wisdom," Turn 10 took a Buick and ran it on low tires in order to capture those hideous sounds. WHY! Forza 1's sounds were perfectly fine. I just... don't understand people, especially the deaf nitwits who insist that tires don't squeal. ZOMG... 👎

Anyway, the effect of racing isn't exactly disconnected, but it's problematic. First of all, the driver views once again blow. I haven't found a cockpit view which satisfied me yet, and Turn 10 didn't let me down with this one. Bad driver views combined with rather odd Forza physics and those throat clenching tire sounds make for a rather haphazard experience, if you're used to Prologue or GTR Evo. Driving doesn't feel natural to me. I'm fishing around turns just like I was in Ferrari Challenge, and taking them badly. Because of this, I'm having problems pushing the lowly Cooper up to catch the Dodge Charger... or is it a Challenger? Whatever it is, it's a bit much of a challenge. I'm racing with everything off but anti-lock brakes, and the hardest difficulty, and am having problems doing better than consistent tail chasing second. Oh, and those anti-lock brakes? Forget it, the lightest touch on the pedal can have the wheels seizing up.

It doesn't help that the bots are utter tards. They limp around turns and clog them, and as much as I hate to grind through the pack, I'm finding my own inner murderer emerging. Much as I did with GTR Evo, I'm plowing through the pack sometimes with ruthless intent. I really miss Prologue...

The collision dynamics aren't what I expect from Live For Speed or Codemasters, but they are very good. I did the usual torture test and plowed headlong into the pack, and it was much like I experienced in Forza 2, a decent somewhat lifelike pounding, grinding, bouncing with a few parts flying. The demo doesn't seem to have anything more than the Forza 2 damage build, or actually less than that. At least in the case of my one head on with the Dodge, it didn't kill my car and was able to limp around the track at about half mast. I suspect the full game to be more punishing.

The ambient techno is very good, and a HUGE step up from the terrible drug casualty frat boy drek that had me killing music entirely in Forza 2. For some bizarre reason, Turn 10 hasn't figured out how to have music off during races, and on during replays. Microsoft has a bad case of the WTH-were-they-thinking. As for replays, they're okay on the one track, but nothing I'd miss for not saving. Once again, fixed camera behavior which never changes from lap to lap. And what's up with only having two lap races, at least with the Cooper??

I'm beginning to have second thoughts about FW3 and Shift now...
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