Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
Not that I care about reviews but I am not surprised with how great the views are. Just look at everything this game has. Turn 10 has truly listened to the community and has given us pretty much everything we want all in 1 racing game.

The 8 lane drag strip and free roam is going to be a lot of fun in the Benchmark High Speed Ring. People will be hanging out in there for a very long time. I just simply cant wait for this game. Most of my time will be in the Storefront creating liveries. Forza 3 will easily consume the rest of 2009 for me and probably a majority of 2010.. :)
Forza may not have nailed the car details as far as graphics go, and didn't add more than 8 cars, but they nailed everything else. The content in this game goes beyond any racing game I have played to date. It's just going to be a flat out amazing game.
Forza may not have nailed the car details as far as graphics go, and didn't add more than 8 cars, but they nailed everything else. The content in this game goes beyond any racing game I have played to date. It's just going to be a flat out amazing game.
I agree Forza has and always will be a step behind in the graphics department compared to GT but seriously, I will take all this incredible content and gameplay over graphics anyday. And I get to actually play the game instead of waiting year after year. Plus keep in mind this game only took them 2 years to develop. Beyond impressive for a 2 year game. The part that helps is the livery editor. This allows them to release half the cars because we can make the rest. Especially since we can swap engines, drive trains, and just about everything else can be customized.
Oh heck yeah. Wait till you see my ZR1. I am going to have a factory ZR1 (I love OEM), and then I am going to have a ZR1 that is built to kill. I am moist just thinking about it.
I will be busy in with my Storefront for a very long time. I loved the auction house in F2 but this is even better than that because its a store for each individual person. You can put liveries, custom car settings, drift settings, pics, and videos in there. Just amazing!! When F2 came out I was creating and selling designs for a month straight. This will help save a lot of time. Now instead of going to the AH with each car, I can just put them in my Storefront and people can buy them at any time. Even when I am not playing. :) You can even set the amount you want in there for unlimited or a specific amount for collector editions.
Lucky for me, Heather will be sitting side by side on her own 360 building her own designs for her storefront. Cant wait!!
I HATE you and everyone else who has a woman that plays games WITH THEM :(
I actually got her started with GT3 and NFS: Hot Pursuit 2. I made a couple hybrids in GT3 that handled very well. After playing both games she pretty much became a gamer and we have been gaming ever since. Both on our own consoles and HDTVS. Oh yeah the other game I got her started with was ATV Offroad Fury 2. Those 3 games got her hooked on gaming especially racing games. Never hurts to try.
Guys, what are the wheel options for this game? I'm sure I could trudge through this thread and find something about it but 11 people are viewing this thread, and I'm sure one of you knows.

Also I couldn't possibly use my older Logitech and somehow adapt it, could I?
Zrow, you basically have 2 options. There is the Microsoft wheel, which is generally regarded to be not as good as the G25 (I have no preference between them myself), but is said to feel much better than it did for Forza 2. Note the MS wheel has no clutch or h-pattern shifter.

Or there is the pricey Fanatec 911 Turbo S found here. I believe these are the only two real wheels available for 360. Sad but true.

Edit... There's also the Logitec Drive FX. I forgot about that. It doesn't have FFB though, just vibration.
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i wouldn't call the microsoft wireless wheel a "real" wheel, my personal definition of a real wheel must be 900* rotation. I can live without the clutch and h-pattern shifter, but if it's not 900* it's not real. (unless we're talking about race cars with short ratio steering racks). :ouch:

I'm waiting for my G25 to fail so i can find a reason to spend the money on the FANATEC. I hate that the G25 won't work with my Xbox, will be playing forza3 with a controller :indiff:
The MS Wheel isn't the best, but it's night and day better than using a controller.

It is.. It's not ideal, but it's not useless.

i wouldn't call the microsoft wireless wheel a "real" wheel, my personal definition of a real wheel must be 900* rotation. I can live without the clutch and h-pattern shifter, but if it's not 900* it's not real. (unless we're talking about race cars with short ratio steering racks).

I honestly prefer the shorter rotation, it makes for much quicker steering, which at times is great for me.. It's not real world accurate by a long chalk, but it's a game we are playing, not real life, all cars have different locks, so unless it accurately set the rotation per car and had the exact same steering ratio's etc it's always a compromise.. But if you 'prefer' more rotation for control, that's fine, I just don't like sawing away with big movements when driving in the game.

10.0 - G4
10.0 -
10.0 - Xboxygen
9.5 - Team xbox
9.5 - Gamer365 (Hungarian)
9.4 - IGN UK
9.4 - IGN US
9.3 - 360 Achievements
9.0 -
9.0 - Gamespy
8.5 -
8.0 - Eurogamer France

10.0 - G4
10.0 -
10.0 - Xboxygen
9.5 - Team xbox
9.5 - Gamer365 (Hungarian)
9.4 - IGN UK
9.4 - IGN US
9.3 - 360 Achievements
9.0 -
9.0 - Gamespy
8.5 -
8.0 - Eurogamer France

It's actually 5/5 from G4 which incidentally the same rating they gave for SHIFT. Still, a pretty good score across the board but that's to be expected. From the 7/10 score given by Gamereactor:

"Turn 10 has also managed to create a silky smooth graphics that are updated with sixty frames per second. Most racing games have actually a photo update of thirty frames per second, and you notice the difference. It flows quite phenomenal in Forza 3, but the smooth image patch is unfortunately at the expense of other graphic effects. The graphics are in fact very static and lifeless. I crashes with other cars there will be no smoke or sparks spectacular effects, all that happens is that the shiny shiny texture to the opponent's car will be replaced with a slightly dirtier texture. It looks fake and strange. Driving over the gravel makes no dust clouds, burnt rubber stock does not smoke, and the result is that it feels almost like running a bit lifeless bilsimulator simulator!"
Never even heard of Gamereactor. Horrible grammar too. "Turn 10 has also managed to create a silky smooth graphics that are updated"

So, Otago, what would keep you from getting these cars? Piracy? Buying used (on a new game, like aspect8 said, you'll save no more than $20). Surely you don't just think its some bad marketing ploy. I doubt developers even consider sales of used games to impact their own profits.

Edit: Nevermind. No internet. Gotcha. Not Turn10s fault.
Actually, they do. Developers and publishers would love for peope to not bu sed copies. The used games market is huge, and if 20 people buy a game then 10 sell it someone used thats 30 sales, but the developers and publishers only get money on the 20 new sales. The impact is pretty big and over the last year or so a few developers and publishers have been trying to find ways to prevent people from buying the games used. Offering free DLC and special car codes etc is all to encourage people to buy the game new.
Never even heard of Gamereactor. Horrible grammar too. "Turn 10 has also managed to create a silky smooth graphics that are updated"


It's translated from Norwegian. It's one of the more credible sites around, more so than IGN, actually. Their Swedish sister site gave SHIFT 8/10 (not by the same reviewer).

Here's a interesting quote from IGN UK Review (9.4/10):

"While stopping just shy of the out-and-out realism of GTR and Gran Turismo, it's still well beyond its many peers and the drive is at once satisfying, instinctive and thrilling. Admittedly it takes its time to shine - at the lower end of the power spectrum, the stable handling neuters many of the cars and comes close to muting their various characteristics, but as the horses pile up under the bonnet the game begins to bare its teeth."
It's translated from Norwegian. It's one of the more credible sites around, more so than IGN, actually.

Here's a interesting quote from IGN UK Review (9.4/10):

"While stopping just shy of the out-and-out realism of GTR and Gran Turismo, it's still well beyond its many peers and the drive is at once satisfying, instinctive and thrilling. Admittedly it takes its time to shine - at the lower end of the power spectrum, the stable handling neuters many of the cars and comes close to muting their various characteristics, but as the horses pile up under the bonnet the game begins to bare its teeth."

After reading the site (I am Norwegian), I am sorry, but that is no where near as credible as IGN, or most gaming sites. The entire site is poorly laid out, and horrible grammar, and it appears as though it's run by some random gamers.
I just hope the DLC will not have a time limit. I won't be surprised if it's reserved for Gold members; in fact I'm sure it will

The DLC does not have a time limit. Those 10 cars are available anytime you purchase a new copy.
Thanks Psycho:

A late one...

1UP : A-

I like this conclusion from TeamXbox (9.5)

Forza Motorsport 3 may display graphics so beautiful it makes your eyes bleed. It may be so scalable from accessible to hardcore that everyone from your grandma to Michael Schumacher could enjoy it. It may have super-slick presentation values and an unparalleled love for all things car-related, but it somehow falls short of feeling like a classic. It’s exactly the sum of its parts, which is not something to slam when you think how great the parts are. Everything about this game is great, no doubt, from the leveling system to the ability to buy user-created vinyls, to the quick upgrade system. And despite a few flaws, Forza Motorsport 3 is still jam-packed with awesomeness.

Looks like they nailed the hardcore sim fans AND casual crowd as planned, and successfully. Nice. Maybe my wife will actually want to try it,. :)
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It's translated from Norwegian. It's one of the more credible sites around, more so than IGN, actually. Their Swedish sister site gave SHIFT 8/10 (not by the same reviewer).

Here's a interesting quote from IGN UK Review (9.4/10):

"While stopping just shy of the out-and-out realism of GTR and Gran Turismo, it's still well beyond its many peers and the drive is at once satisfying, instinctive and thrilling. Admittedly it takes its time to shine - at the lower end of the power spectrum, the stable handling neuters many of the cars and comes close to muting their various characteristics, but as the horses pile up under the bonnet the game begins to bare its teeth."

It's actually 5/5 from G4 which incidentally the same rating they gave for SHIFT. Still, a pretty good score across the board but that's to be expected. From the 7/10 score given by Gamereactor:

"Turn 10 has also managed to create a silky smooth graphics that are updated with sixty frames per second. Most racing games have actually a photo update of thirty frames per second, and you notice the difference. It flows quite phenomenal in Forza 3, but the smooth image patch is unfortunately at the expense of other graphic effects. The graphics are in fact very static and lifeless. I crashes with other cars there will be no smoke or sparks spectacular effects, all that happens is that the shiny shiny texture to the opponent's car will be replaced with a slightly dirtier texture. It looks fake and strange. Driving over the gravel makes no dust clouds, burnt rubber stock does not smoke, and the result is that it feels almost like running a bit lifeless bilsimulator simulator!"

Well done for finding and quoting the two worst paragraphs I have read about the game. I guarantee that I were to go do that in the GT5 forum when the review hit I would get crucified. I guess it provides some balance to the other people quoting the glowing conclusions though.

Also, let me quote the opening sentence from the Game Reactor review that gave Forza a 7/10.

In my eyes the Gran Turismo series destroyed as much of the racing genre as it has helped.

Clearly this guy is not on the same page as the rest of us.
IMO 1up closing statements say it the best...

"Forza 3 upholds the franchise's tradition of excellence, but also plays it a little too safe; it irons out the previous game's clunky interface and sports a minor visual upgrade, but the gameplay feels strikingly similar to its predecessor. Still, Forza 3 is a very good racing sim in a handsome package that can proudly proclaim itself as the best and most polished currently available, but it's the excellent integration and extent of its online features that make it a stand out game. Driving, tuning and creating within a living community breathes essential life to a game genre that can occasionally be a bit too stuffy for its own good."

While that may sound somewhat negative it really is not. I think some of the other reviewers fell into the gushingly positive mindset that comes with most high profile game and really did not point out some essential, albeit minimal, flaws. FM3 is a very refined FM2 with a metric ton of great features. But even playing the demo I can tell it still has not shaken some of FM2's flaws... such as the overall staleness of the graphics and the gameplay experience itself. GT also suffers from this as well but IMO to a lesser degree. GT has more visual "pop" but grinding for cars gets old. Anyways lookin forward to picking this up come launch day.