Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
The only way to get the ZR-1 and a select few other cars including the Aston Martin DBS is to become a VIP community member. You get free VIP membership with the LE copy of Forza 3, I don't believe it's been announced if/how you can become aVIP member other than buying the LE copy of the game. As for buying the cars via auction house, if you don't have access to them in your game, you can't buy them off another player.
Well that is a load of crap! I'm sorry but that is just a rip off! So they're making people spend an extra $10 to own a couple of more cars and if they don't then they won't ever had any way of getting these "special" cars? Anybody else see a problem with that besides me?
Well that is a load of crap! I'm sorry but that is just a rip off! So they're making people spend an extra $10 to own a couple of more cars and if they don't then they won't ever had any way of getting these "special" cars? Anybody else see a problem with that besides me?

Isn't that pretty much the same situation as releasing car packs as DLC? It's price prohibitive content as such.
Isn't that pretty much the same situation as releasing car packs as DLC? It's price prohibitive content as such.

I think it's a little different because the ZR1 is done. It can be put in the game. DLCs are usually cars/tracks/map packs/levels/etc. that aren't done by the game's release date so they throw it out at a later time. Another thing with DLC is you usually get more cars for less money. For them to make people spend an extra $10 dollars to get a couple more cars is ridiculous, in my opinion. I was really looking forward to driving the ZR1 but I don't know about spending an extra $10 just to be able to.
VIP is nice if you plan on using the storefront.

Turn10 community manager said that vip members will be getting free stuff from storefront picked by turn10, stuff for which you otherwise would have to pay for with ingame credits.

Stock car sound

2009 Volkswagen Scirocco GT
Car of the Day 10.9.2009






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Nice! One thing I love about the Forza series is the sound. Turn 10 did an awesome job in the sound department amongst other things. Love how they have just a plain looking car for people to go crazy with the livery editor. October 27th can't come soon enough!
Do stock cars really sound like that? Sounds amazingly like a tank and a helli crossed together... And I have listened to tank engines for three years... :(
100 Kb Jpegs, so huge compressions, which makes the pics pretty blurry and it seems that you cant move the camera further away, so shots like T10 released them to show off the tracks and the interiors of the cars arent possible.

EDIT: Btw, the sound of that NASCAR is really pretty close to the original, maybe a bit too rough around the higher RPMs, but this could be the video quality.
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The complaints I'm reading in this thread are really specific nitpicking. If I wanted to nitpick, I'm sure I could find over 100 flaws with Gran Turismo 4, Forza Motorsport and Forza Motorsport 2, and I'm sure the same will be with FM3 and full version of GT5.

The only things that are "downsides" about Forza Motorsport 3 are the following:

#1. The only good steering wheel choice is a $350+ Fanatec set.

#2. Only 8 cars on the track (rather than 12 or 16).

Those are the two things that bother me and I can live with them just fine. I'll just use a gamepad for the game like I did with Forza 2 and that'll be that.
The complaints I'm reading in this thread are really specific nitpicking. If I wanted to nitpick, I'm sure I could find over 100 flaws with Gran Turismo 4, Forza Motorsport and Forza Motorsport 2, and I'm sure the same will be with FM3 and full version of GT5.

The only things that are "downsides" about Forza Motorsport 3 are the following:

#1. The only good steering wheel choice is a $350+ Fanatec set.

#2. Only 8 cars on the track (rather than 12 or 16).

Those are the two things that bother me and I can live with them just fine. I'll just use a gamepad for the game like I did with Forza 2 and that'll be that.

No, They are only the downsides that you can see with the game, Other people may see many others.
No, They are only the downsides that you can see with the game, Other people may see many others.

No, because other people don't care about those many other issues too. I don't actually mind the MS Wheel. It gets the job done (and it's cheap). Ultimately, if you had to choose between one of these games, you have to compare the differing philosophies. Both have their downsides, but both also offer compelling arguements as well.
Well that is a load of crap! I'm sorry but that is just a rip off! So they're making people spend an extra $10 to own a couple of more cars and if they don't then they won't ever had any way of getting these "special" cars? Anybody else see a problem with that besides me?
You do realize the extra $10 isn't just for 5 cars.
You get 5 sports cars, 5 more cars tuned & painted by Turn10 (hints say BLJK members did the tuning 👍), a 2GB USB, key chain, as well as the VIP Membership & FM3 Theme.
Add these together, and I'm pretty sure it'd exceed more than $10 by some margin

Besides, if it's anything like FM2, the special cars will come out as DLC eventually.
Not the mode per se (although some angles are unavailable to shoot from) but the actual transferring to the website is compromised due to the bandwidth.

100 Kb Jpegs, so huge compressions, which makes the pics pretty blurry and it seems that you cant move the camera further away, so shots like T10 released them to show off the tracks and the interiors of the cars arent possible.


Got a link/source for that?

I mean, I can understand their worry, but surely there's alternates to just gimping the whole thing. Maybe, I dunno, savable to a USB, and $1 from every F3 purchase goes to keeping imageshack working?

And sure, PD must suspect that their upcoming game with graphics that good, a Photomode (hopefully) more refined than GT4s and outputting in 1080p...combined with a worldwide release WILL cause the internet to crash.

But hey at least it will be a good looking global DOS.
And sure, PD must suspect that their upcoming game with graphics that good, a Photomode (hopefully) more refined than GT4s and outputting in 1080p...combined with a worldwide release WILL cause the internet to crash.

KY already said we will see atleast 8 megapixel upto maybe 20 megapixel photomode pics. Seems odd FM3 would put such a damper on their photo output. I do remember Turn 10 said they really tried to get a USB output but wasn't successful (MS).
KY already said we will see atleast 8 megapixel upto maybe 20 megapixel photomode pics. Seems odd FM3 would put such a damper on their photo output. I do remember Turn 10 said they really tried to get a USB output but wasn't successful (MS).

WTF! no USB either? how are we supposed to get the uncompressed one off the box?

LOL at 20 megapixel that would be sick, how big is that in terms of resolution?

Got a link/source for that?

I mean, I can understand their worry, but surely there's alternates to just gimping the whole thing. Maybe, I dunno, savable to a USB, and $1 from every F3 purchase goes to keeping imageshack working?

And sure, PD must suspect that their upcoming game with graphics that good, a Photomode (hopefully) more refined than GT4s and outputting in 1080p...combined with a worldwide release WILL cause the internet to crash.

But hey at least it will be a good looking global DOS.

It's from reading the neogaf thread (Che is a regular poster). Unfortunately it comes from not being able to use a USB for photo storage.
Shame that XBL subscription fees go straight to some guy's wallet. Otherwise we may have been able to pay for a little bit of image hosting. As if a 25MB limit couldn't be given for all XBL gold members at the least. That would probably cost less than the bandwidth it costs Microsoft to run the servers for rac-. Oh wait, peer to peer subscription based service...that's right. :dunce:
KY already said we will see atleast 8 megapixel upto maybe 20 megapixel photomode pics. Seems odd FM3 would put such a damper on their photo output. I do remember Turn 10 said they really tried to get a USB output but wasn't successful (MS).
How can they manage that when it's just a simple "print screen and save" function. I mean christ, if a linux-based OS can save everything to a portable HD, then a MS-created OS playing a MS game should be able to output a jpg to a USB drive.
WTF! no USB either? how are we supposed to get the uncompressed one off the box?

LOL at 20 megapixel that would be sick, how big is that in terms of resolution?
5MP = 2500x1900 (roughly) pixels
Not uncommon to see 2MB images.
20MP = 5120 x 3840 pixels
Not uncommon to see >5MB pics.

For comparison, this:

is 110kb, so it's a bit bigger and more detailed than what F3 can output.

800 x 533 pixels, which is, surprisingly, under half the size (1280*720 pixels) of what you should see on your screen while playing F3.

Bloody hell. They've managed to give us a photo mode that's WORSE than actual gameplay.