Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
How can they manage that when it's just a simple "print screen and save" function. I mean christ, if a linux-based OS can save everything to a portable HD, then a MS-created OS playing a MS game should be able to output a jpg to a USB drive.

Not sure the MS politics behind it but I have heard they don't want non official USB devices used in the Xbox or something. I really don't know for sure except turn 10 said they really tried hard to get that function but never panned out.
Not sure the MS politics behind it but I have heard they don't want non official USB devices used in the Xbox or something. I really don't know for sure except turn 10 said they really tried hard to get that function but never panned out.

As far as stupid reasons go, that one's right up there.

That's like the fat kid not offering other people caek, not because he wants it for himself, but because nobody buys that brand of caek.

Honestly, MS seems to be hell bent on redefining stupidity.
Wouldn't you need to pay for xbox live to export photos though? They say its some security hole so no USB use. If you need Live then USB would compromise paying for it but I don't know if non gold members can?

If the 360 can generate these images before exporting, why is compression being blamed?

Here's a 570kb 458 from T10 site. 2nd pic is 90kb. 3rd pic is 150kb. Notice its red and thats the most difficult but no problems here. A 300kb would be great. The user photos I've seen suggest its more than compression or the game is using some strange method. The user photos so far look pretty mangled up.

I've yet to see a capture card pic showing the render quality of the alleged photo mode before exporting. But if the 360 can do it without it being at T10's studio why not render a 600kb pic then save a 90-150 kb or 300kb version almost a carbon copy?

Anyway, a 600kb pic should be no problem considering the amount of MB the videos take up(50MB=50,000kb). If 600kb pic is such a problem then why not allow to upload just a few at a time? It's like being in 1995.



Reading more into it, it seems the "official" reason is "Security".

Yet you can play music and I think videos from a USB flash drive? I don't see how its a security hole to view images within a game or to at least have write-only capabilities.
Just wanted to say that I tried the demo and I LOVED it. This game is going to be amazing.

I bought into the FM2 hype from my racing friends but didn't like FM2's handling and physics as well as the handling with the MS wheel when I compared it to playing GT4 with a DFP. But I did like all the customizations with real brand names and of course the livery design and auction house aspect.

Also, the online was very good. Even how all your friends have times posted at each even in Career mode, stuff like that are great details that I wish other console racers have.

My favourite feature is the on screen telemetry, that stuff is insane.

But anyways, there was a lot of things to like about FM2, but I didn't like the lack of weight to the cars which resulted in a lot of needless sliding because the tires lost grip too easily. And for me that's the meat and potatoes of any sim racer...the physics and how accurately the cars handle.

Keep in mind that I'm disappointed with how Prologue handles as well, it has it's physics issues too. But I found it more playable because of the DFP, and the FFB feels great in Prologue.

In FM3 my beef with the physics have been addressed and then some. Although it feels to me that the tires seem high grip and not stock tires, and the suspension seems a tad too stiff (like in FM2 the cars don't seem to roll too much visually), the game's physics are on par with PC racing sim physics. Absolutely incredible. You can almost feel the slight unresponsiveness of cars that have tires with high sidewalls in comparison to cars with larger rims.

That sort of detail is just mindblowing and something I did not expect on consoles at this stage.

So yeah, loving it and I'll definitely look at getting a Fanatec wheel for this. It'll be worth the cost since I'll use it also for GT5.
I've been reading a bit, and they still have not included USB transfer to the photo mode? Man.. they really do want everyone to get xbox live but i would have to go to a lot of trouble to get it..
I've been reading a bit, and they still have not included USB transfer to the photo mode? Man.. they really do want everyone to get xbox live but i would have to go to a lot of trouble to get it..

i need to have usb transffer for photo mode because im not going to move just to get broadband to get xbl.

also, i took over 4,000 pictures in gt4. correct me if i'm wrong, but, you cant download until you upload and you can only have so many pictures uploaded at a time. this doesnt sound effecient to me.
insideSimRacing review

Thanks for the heads up.

One can tell the SRT folks haven't been really into Forza. e.g. you don't spend money on upgrades, you spend time on setups after having maxed out the PI. Come one guys "I put so many upgrades on my car and the red dude still beats me." Yepp, sound's like Forza to me.

Also they reacted like they've never seen Forza2 physical damage handling. Aggressive (edit:) down shifting, over reving the engine causing damage? We had that - ages ago. What about the subtle changes? Catching dirt on the tires, camber getting offset by contact, damaged splitter affecting handling? It's a SIM after all, have those effects been included?

No doubt Forza3 will appeal to a broad audience and no doubt it will be good. After all it's Microsoft and the grown ups amongst us know that Microsoft does get some things perfectly right and Forza 3 is the flagship title, well one of them anyway.

I don't know. Either I feel Forza3 got too much praise, or praise for all the wrong reasons.
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Been playing the demo for the last couple of weeks, and have to say the handling is far better than FM2. Much better feel of the road.
One of the things that I disliked with FM2 was a lack of input of what your tires where doing with the road surface. the feeling was way to smooth,
because of that lack of feeling, you would react to late to the loss of grip. The replays, at least from the demo are much better, less of annoying bumper cam,
full view of the cars at the start of race. One thing I have been using a lot in FM2 is the livery editor to make race liverys & looking forward to the improvements in FM3. has some links to youtube of all the cars & tracks in the game & some good reviews.

Just to say thanks for all the info on this thread.
I'm going to do it! Gonna buy me a 360 and preorder tomorrow. FM3 doesnt have to be perfect for me to like it. Shame about my G25 though.. thats a real kick in the soft stuff
Anyway thanks dudes, and thank you gtplanet.
Just to say thanks for all the info on this thread.
I'm going to do it! Gonna buy me a 360 and preorder tomorrow. FM3 doesnt have to be perfect for me to like it. Shame about my G25 though.. thats a real kick in the soft stuff
Anyway thanks dudes, and thank you gtplanet.

Sweet, more commission.

*goes to count his pennies*
The complaints I'm reading in this thread are really specific nitpicking [...] I'll just use a gamepad for the game like I did with Forza 2
allright, Forza 2's physic was maybe not that good... but the gameplay out of it was great. Forza 3's physic might be superior, I get bored of the demo in 10 min, probably because of the ridiculously high steering assistance which doesn't let me drive and is just KILLING the gameplay. Maybe it'll be configurable, but who knows?
in fact, I tried Forza 3 and Shift on a row, then bought Shift and loving it. See, I don't think I'm "nitpicking"
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well, i have played F3 full game(reviewer version), it looks very good and promising, it's an improvement over F2,online will be fun. I will say only one thing, there are lots of compromises due to high res. car customization and all 1000 layer per side of car.
Richard Burns Rally is fantastic, no rally game has even come close yet IMO (which is unfortunate).
After watching that video, I think I'm more interested in Richard Burns Rally than Forza 3.
It's an amazing game but it's also brutally tough. If you're in the mood for an unparalleled Rally experience and are willing to invest the time it takes to be good at it, RBR fits the bill. When you get it down, it's incredibility rewarding.
allright, Forza 2's physic was maybe not that good... but the gameplay out of it was great. Forza 3's physic might be superior, I get bored of the demo in 10 min, probably because of the ridiculously high steering assistance which doesn't let me drive and is just KILLING the gameplay. Maybe it'll be configurable, but who knows?
in fact, I tried Forza 3 and Shift on a row, then bought Shift and loving it. See, I don't think I'm "nitpicking"

I understand what you mean. You're basically saying that you tried out the demo and didn't like the "feeling" of the steering/control. The same happened to me when I played the Shift demo on PC. I just didn't like the feeling of the steering, even with my steering wheel (G25) and even after some tweaking.
2 quick questions, sorry if they are off topic but I am assuming this is the logical place for them. My 360 crapped out on me (for the second time) and I was planning on getting the Arcade Version for $199.

Question 1: Can I take my old hard drive and use it one the new Arcade Version 360 that I am going to buy since it doesn't come with one?

Question 2: Regarding T10's promo for the release of their first downloadable car pack when the game launches, is that only available on the first day, or will that be available at any time afterwards.

Thanks in advance.
Played the demo today (currently have live silver, had to wait a few days until it became available to me). It is utterly brilliant. Without experiencing the customisation or any other circuits or faster cars or online racing or anything else, I am very impressed and will be buying the game and Gold live.