Forza Motorsport 5 |OT| Where dreams are Realised

  • Thread starter phillgt2002
I've just moved back into my own place after some extensive remodelling and have switched to a 42" TV and decent amplifier/speakers combo. Although the larger screen size emphasises the jaggies more (especially in the distance) it's a lot easier to see the arrows on the track (yes, I use braking line).

The sound is another matter; it;s a lot more crisper and more detailed and I can hear trackside objects whizz past ajd corner tape rumbling a lot more clearly. I had the same sound setup when I was playing FM4 ast year and I'm still convinced that 5 is a noticeable improvement.
How much of a noticeable improvement is it? Would you say as distinct as FM3 to 4 or even more so? The vids on the internet aren't a clear indicator and I've only experienced it twice myself. Sound wasn't that loud at the time (volume control).

A good sound set up can really add the wow factor in your sim experience.
I can't even remember FM3 :lol:

The 4 to 5 difference is noticeable enough for me to post about it. I think I would be able to tell the games apart with my eyes closed.
I read somewhere about folks complaining about how the exhaust backfire looks and sounds this time around. Thoughts?

FM3 wasn't bad audio-wise. Just the fact that your engine's audio wouldn't change after upgrades was a big tick off.
I have no opinions on the exhaust backfire, just commenting on general environmental effects in this release that go a long way to enhancing the gameplay in my opinion.

One place FM5 fails in regards to engine sounds is where it simply jumps from one note to another with a pause in between. I'm guessing this is due to a lack of samples at particular pitches but it doesn't do much for immersion. It's a relatively infrequent occurrence though.
Hmm, I noticed that in the vids too.

Heck, there are folks out there who are saying FM4 engines sound better. More rugged and detailed.

How much more powerful is the X1's hardware really?
Hmm, I noticed that in the vids too.

Heck, there are folks out there who are saying FM4 engines sound better. More rugged and detailed.

How much more powerful is the X1's hardware really?
The problem is that all of your criticisms of FM5's audio have been based upon other people's opinions which you're asking us to somehow disprove with our own opinions. I can't do this since it's impossible. As before when this subject has come up I can only suggest you try it out for yourself and make your own tests as nothing we do or say on these threads will convince you whether FM5 sound is better or not.

All I can say is that Forza 4's sound doesn't seem to have any equivalent to the doppler sound in games like GT5, FM5 or PGR4 so its far away cars just sound quiter, not further away. Also going under bridges in 4 seems to miss that extra layer of realism added by the rush of air caused by trackside objects (such as the statues on the Georges Bridge in Prague) rushing past your ears that can be easily detected on 5 with a good sound setup or headphones.

Having listened to YouTube videos the rushing sounds are still there but are lost in the compression. This is everything to do with how well the software has been programmed so I don't think it's an indication either way of how powerful the new console is. It's not like FM2 showed off the 360's full capability after all.
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Not levelling critiscms at F5.. just asking for an opinion, hopefully without touching any sensitive spots. Neither am I looking for any convincing here. Just speculating.

F4's doppler is very good, and is quite audible. So is the sound of distance poles, trackside objects and overhead bridges. And I do agree, cars going further away could have sounded better.

Anyhow, discussion's over. I wouldn't want to touch any more sensitive spots.
I've played each game in the Forza series on a standalone 6.1 system (read: not some "Home Theater In A Box" set), with 110-watts per channel, acoustically tuned to my living room. Forza 5 blows away anything heard in any previous Forza before it.
FM5's biggest sound issue is the catch-all master volume compared to 4's individual sliders for engine, ambient and tyres. If they added this to 5 you could easily distinguish the engines. It's my only actual gripe with the game.
Oh boyy... so the engines have taken more of a Horizon approach..? Blending in with the environment, rather than standing out.

BTW, FM4 had sliders for engine and tyres only, not ambient.
Oh boyy... so the engines have taken more of a Horizon approach..? Blending in with the environment, rather than standing out.
No, they still stand out, just in a realistic way. FM4 put too much gain on engine notes to make them sound more visceral. FM5 does a much better job reproducing an accurate note and the audio separation is leaps and bounds better.
No, they still stand out, just in a realistic way. FM4 put too much gain on engine notes to make them sound more visceral. FM5 does a much better job reproducing an accurate note and the audio separation is leaps and bounds better.
This. I loved Forza 4's engine sounds but it was more of a tribute than an accurate re-creation of each car.