I'm willing to bet the eventual, full release of Apex will see a lot of the typical F2P elements, such as a ridiculous grind to unlock the more coveted content (that can be circumvented by micro transactions, of course).
I think that's acceptable when the game is legitimately free. I mean, if it's the same setup as we've got now it's not even particularly grindy. You don't get anything for replaying races unless you're legitimately getting better, it's almost entirely skill capped instead of time capped. And even if you suck, you get the same stuff just a little later.
What have I missed? Better not be any cars. Only had time to put a few races in.
No, you'll get all the same cars. The cars unlock purely from how many medals you've earned. But there's two races that you can access, so that's six medals. But there's still more than enough medals in the current and future races to unlock all cars.
Confused how gold coins or medals are given out.
Came first in the Audi Oakley DTM car. But i didnt lead in the 1st lap... how can I? Bloody Volvo killed us. Didnt have driver difficultly at "above avg" but I got 2 gold coins!
So how it works is this.
You have four goals for each races, one
main and three
You have to clear the main one to get anything. Usually that means getting third. This gives you a certain amount of points towards what I'll call the
base score.
Each additional goal you complete will get you extra points towards your base score. The total of all these are what you'll see at the bottom of the first score screen after the race.
Then on the second screen you will be awarded additional points as a percentage of your base score. These come from your active assists and your drivatar difficulty. These are added to your base score to give your
final score.
You get medals at certain values of final score. You can see this graphically on the little bar at the bottom of the screen that fills up.
Basically, you get one medal for just finishing the race at all. You can get two medals on many races on very low difficulties with few to no additional goals and most assists on. Getting three is harder, you'll probably have to get at least a couple of additional goals and maybe turn some assists off or bump the difficulty a little.
Platinum is when you get the score to reach beyond the end of the bar, and it turns the three medals platinum coloured. It requires hitting all three additional goals, and you'll have to turn off most of the assists and use pretty high drivatar levels to get it. But it awards nothing that three medals doesn't, it's just for e-peen.
btw. gymkhanas or whatever the hell you call this at Rio sucks.
I love it, it's like Gran Turismo licenses on crack. I'm not even sure if it's possible to platinum without a wheel, I've had a couple of fairly clean runs and I'm not even close. Slow and controlled is the way.
Also, the Evo is way, way, way, WAY easier to drive than the floppy whale of an Impreza.