- 2,748
- Italy
- Yellohead
- Clydeyellow
The light is one aspect. General work flow is broken with the decal editor especially. It's cumbersome and menu laden with a controller, but with KB&Mouse, it becomes an exercise in frustration. Turn 10 should take a good hard look at the tools they use in Photoshop, and how that program uses short cuts and on screen layout. The way it is now, one has to tab way too much. And that's even on a controller. Not to mention that none of the placement options exist outside a menu.
I want to say, it would be better if Turn 10 used AutoCAD as inspiration for the livery editors work flow... But I doubt many people used AutoCAD, or would know what I mean.
I'm afraid an onscreen layout would worsen the situation for controller users, tho... And with controller uses being the vast majority of Xbox players, I doubt they'd go that way (I'm not even going to consider the possibility of a dual interface).