Forza Motorsport 7: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Whatever you do, don't go to Suzuka East in A-Class. :lol:
That GTO can catch you on some tracks, but there's just some where I'm still at least 1-2 seconds behind. I'm still tuning new cars to see which I like the best, but I'm going to eventually go back to that GTO and fine tune it, it definitely has potential. I really want to make my 300C fast, that's my next endeavor.
That GTO can catch you on some tracks, but there's just some where I'm still at least 1-2 seconds behind. I'm still tuning new cars to see which I like the best, but I'm going to eventually go back to that GTO and fine tune it, it definitely has potential. I really want to make my 300C fast, that's my next endeavor.

I've built a few cars to mess around, but none of them have the balance of that NSX. I also gave the Lotus 340R a try for fun and that thing is like a roll of duct tape, I don't think I'll ever use it that much as it's really OP around the smaller tracks. I'm fine tuning an ATS-V right now that might not be too bad for the faster tracks.

That's the beauty of having 700+ cars, you can use pretty much anything you like.
Speaking of which, I had a hard enough time just getting tied with @-Fred- with my Mitsubishi GTO.. No way I'm catching your time in that car :lol:

That was the first time using that car lol. I’m trying to get a nice assortment of A class cars that I haven’t driven for the ABC’S lobby. I’ll be in and out with B and C cars this weekend.
That was the first time using that car lol. I’m trying to get a nice assortment of A class cars that I haven’t driven for the ABC’S lobby. I’ll be in and out with B and C cars this weekend.
Yeah same here, I'm currently making A-class tunes out of the lower class vehicles. It's fun taking some of these cars way out of their class and see how they perform. After I get a 2-3 dozen I'll probably move on to B-Class.
I was merely stating a fact, the issue of Racing in TV was simply how I found out about it. A New Track Record time was set in real life at Spa. I thought that there are racers here that would find that fact of interest. Maybe somebody would like to take the Renault Formula 1 car out and try to beat Raikonens time. I don't think that I am 'dirtying the thread' by putting that on here. I'm sorry if you are offended
Picked it up on PC last night, been playing most of the day.

I had some serious lag issues in career, every 2-3 seconds it would stutter.

I had to go into MSI afterburner and lock my core clock speed down, it's smooth as butter now hovering around 90fps.

My initial impressions being just level 3 is this game is very good looking. Physics aren't terrible, and it's working well with my wheel.
I'm still learning what these loot boxes are, what mods to apply where but seriously enjoying Forza 7.
I don't see where alot of these negative reviews on the MS store are coming from, it's good fun!
I don't see where alot of these negative reviews on the MS store are coming from, it's good fun!
I think a lot of those reviews come from the initial release of the game, which had it's issues. To T10's credit, they've worked at it, put in a lot of fixes, and the latest update has really turned this into FM7.5. It's a much better game now than it was 10 months ago.
I was merely stating a fact, the issue of Racing in TV was simply how I found out about it. A New Track Record time was set in real life at Spa. I thought that there are racers here that would find that fact of interest. Maybe somebody would like to take the Renault Formula 1 car out and try to beat Raikonens time. I don't think that I am 'dirtying the thread' by putting that on here.
I was merely stating the fact that your post (in it's original form) really did not have any relevance to Forza Motorsport 7.

If you had put "Maybe somebody would like to take the Renault Formula 1 car out and try to beat Raikonens time." in there somewhere I would agree that the post would have had some relevance.

I'm sorry if you are offended
I was not. :dopey:

But let's put this ball dead, and move on. ;)👍
I'm in love with Forza 7 now. Number one it's the ability to save custom races, one of the best things within these updates for me. Only critique there is i hope T10 will update the amount of characters we can put in the name of each saved race file. I had to be creative with a few since the words were too long and couldn't fit. Number 2 I'm now for some reason into tuning cars probably from the drift suspension upgrade but I find myself tuning a lot of the oddballs like Meyers manx, Toyota ARTIC trucks and old school compact cars. It's crazy. Third is now with test drive I find myself doing one on one races against many cars that are competitors in real life while tuning on the fly. I'll pick a track based on how the cars would handle said track then pick a car to tune say a 2016 Ford gt350R then pit it against like a BMW m4 GTS while tuning it. It's too fun, this game is almost there just a few more kinks they have to fix.
I'm still learning what these loot boxes are, what mods to apply where but seriously enjoying Forza 7.

Apply whichever ones already match your assist levels for super-easy extra credits. Also, try not to use them unless Career race distances are Long (or Extra Long): it's almost a waste then, if you're buying any mods.

I don't see where alot of these negative reviews on the MS store are coming from, it's good fun!

@Populuxe Cowboy touched on the likely reason: from around launch time. The crates, the 100-ish locked cars, the (at the time) limited-use VIP bonuses; it all blended with an interview where Turn 10 stated microtransactions would be coming in a future update.

Since then, however, the team's pulled a 180 on the last bit, and slowly is reversing everything else too. However, misinformation is hard to fix; there's still people out there that insist FM7 has microtransactions.
Anyone else having trouble connecting to Leagues? I've been trying all day with no luck. I've tried completely shutting down the XBox a couple times and restarting but it's not working.
I'm curious, is there an achievement for completing a series on Long/Extra Long?

I don’t think so, I’ve completed most of Forza 7 on long/extra long. Not primarily for credits but just so theres enough time to catch the speed cheating unbeatable AI (which luckily are ‘t great during the corners)

Edit: Only for showcase events
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Is the new leagues bugged? I didn’t get my reward (driver gear) from last week and I did participate then. And when I started leagues it first couldn’t connect, on the second try it worked.
I'm having a really hard time trying to get the "Hard Drive" achievement. No matter what car or tune I use, I just can't win against the people online! I was so darn close in one race, but of course luck wasn't on my side and ended up crashing...

Oh, and did I also mentioned how much I despise the "Simulation" steering?