Anyone know how the game determines a good pass and/or a perfect pass.
I have a few mods that pay when you make 6 good passes and one for 6 perfect passes but can't quite determine how the game wants me to pass to register these. IMO a perfect pass is one where no paint is traded and you do not disrupt the other cars racing line, or possibly when you manage to dive in a take the inside line in the corner cleanly taking the position. A good pass IMO would be any that swaps no paint or very very little paint.
Also would be good to know if you can register a second pass on the same car as in if you mange to lap them on a longer race or if somehow you loose the position and then take it back again?
I think it was Forza 4 where these first came about or maybe it was 3?
Anyway on there if you had collisions off you could drive through the center of the AI car and get perfect pass every time
It did not award a perfect pass though if the car was ever behind you so if you started up front, no matter if the AI blew by you off the start or if you lapped them 20 times no passes would be registered at all.
So I would like to know how the game is handling it now and see if these mods are worth keeping or if they should just be sold.
Thus far I have no problem getting the ones that require 2 or 3 good passes during a race but seems hard to get more than that. I had one that requires 6 on the last 3 races all 10-13 laps and most I managed was 4 in one race 3 in the others.