Speaking of Forza not being serious, I'm glad it's not serious. Heck I'm glad it's not trying hard to be a sim racer, as we have enough of those already, so why turn forza into one as well?
I want Forza to be fun, something I won't get bored or frustrated with during my time of playing. I prefer the physics to be in between sim/arcade like FH3 at least, because in the end I'm playing a video game where I drive cars I will never get behind the wheel of in real life (though for some, hopefully some day).
Don't get me wrong, I get that some of you want FM7 to be this hardcore racer like PCARS 2 or any other sim racer. But please, please try to think about others who may not want something that's sim-based and may not express it. Like I said, there's already enough of those, but that doesn't mean I don't plan to get pCARS2 in the future though, cuz I'm still getting it.