- In the last these got added with content updates and DLC releases so I have a feeling that that game's DLC cycle has come to an end.
Not necessarily - it just means that there won't be any car added via Forzathon in the next three months, which is hardly surprising.
Although it's fair to assume that we may see the infamous "leaked cars" in a "Gone Gold" announcement or in FM7 DLC, or that they may be part of the FH4 car list, or even that the files were just added in anticipation of a licensing deal that never came through (as is the case for the Toyota Sports 800, at least for the moment), I wouldn't discount the possibility of an "eleventh hour" pack hitting the Store next Tuesday on that basis alone.
The possibility of a last minute DLC featuring some of the leaked cars would also explain why no new Porsche racecar with a significant "woah" factor was announced - if they were waiting until the last possible moment to add the 917 to FH3, they wouldn't place it in the FM7 carlist. Although the possibility that there may not be any such car in FM7's day one car list is also very real.
I'd also say it's too early to say FH3 is down for the count. The overlap between the Horizon and Motorsport user bases has shrunk quite a lot since the FH1 era, and PG has become a much more independent studio, which means that they can probably keep their game afloat without T10's help. And if PG is willing to invest the time and resources to bring their game up to the new 4k standards via a patch, then it stands to reason to think they may want to keep interest alive for a while still. Again, it's basically certain that no new assets will be added after the launch of FM7, but I think there's no rush to smother Horizon's flame just now.
A September DLC would be unusual - IIRC, it'd be the first in the Xbox One era (other than the FnF pack for FH2) - FM7 will officially release in October, almost a full month later, thus giving players time to actually get some use out of it if. Which is why I'm saying I'd be surprised, but not shocked, to see a 917 or a Bugatti 57 driving through the Maroondah Rainforest on fm.net's homepage come Tuesday.
(But if I had to bet, I'd say those cars are our day one car pack, or will feature in one of the early DLCs. In which case, oh boy, whoever goofed and released that debug version
really ruined T10/PG's plans!)
Anyways, anybody up to recreate that livery with the Forza-proper "Mobli1" logo?