Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
The run up to the release of Forza Motosport has been a bit of a **** show tbh
Excuse Me What GIF by Naughty Dog

Let me guess, it's opposite day?

Influencers and streamers have had a diastrous consequence on gaming.

Best example is this video.

I was about to type something witty, but then I realized it's BlackPanthaa we're talking about. Standard 10-minute ad-placement with clickbait garbage title when the only things of substance can be summed up in a forum post - something Famine has done, saving me minutes of lifetime I really didn't want wasted.


You aren't missing out on any important opinions. One week until the embargo lift isn't that long to wait.

On a semi-unrelated note, I'm upgrading to fiber optic internet, and the day my address gets switched over will roughly coincide with FM's release. Exciting days ahead.
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How can an enthusiast say this? Yes the lowest common denominator don't notice these things, but are we them? They should get the details right! The R32 looks so out of place in a modern racing game, it's like PS2 era when low budget racing games were the norm and some of the car models looked like kit cars. This is Microsoft's AAA racing sim where a HUGE push is on presentation and mind blowing visuals, and you have an R32 Skyline (a very legendary car) that looks like a it had an allergic reaction and is now deformed
Because not all of us are 'enthusiasts' for the same reasons. The odd inaccurate car model is just not a big deal to me. I'm far more interested in the actual structure of the game and and how good the upgrading/tuning is, how good the AI is, what kind of race options I have and all those kinds of things.

It'd be nice if they fixed this, but it's not gonna stop me from enjoying the game one bit. And because of that, it is impossible for me to drum up any actual outrage over.
Colt :boggled: i sais impartial racing youtubers. Nit a guy paid by Microsoft to take fun of people
I didn't say he was impartial. He's pretty much the opposite. Just that they're the only two channels besides SuperGT that I know of right now.
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So far the only other ones I've heard about are HokiHoshi and Colt Eastwood. The latter is not what I'd term a good racing YouTuber though.

Yeah colt isn’t going to give a balanced take on the game, just gush about it no matter what
There aren’t many YouTubers who specialize in FM type semi-sim content. Most are either playing PC sims or arcade games, from what I’ve seen.

The best choices would probably be GT7 specialists at this point, but they are also a risk.

SuperGT has the credentials as a huge Forza Motorsport fan for years, at least until he got more serious a couple of years ago, switched to a wheel and got into real life racing.

But because FM7 has been EOL for a while Microsoft brought this on themselves.
How can an enthusiast say this? Yes the lowest common denominator don't notice these things, but are we them? They should get the details right! The R32 looks so out of place in a modern racing game, it's like PS2 era when low budget racing games were the norm and some of the car models looked like kit cars. This is Microsoft's AAA racing sim where a HUGE push is on presentation and mind blowing visuals, and you have an R32 Skyline (a very legendary car) that looks like a it had an allergic reaction and is now deformed

I'm an enthusiast.

I don't care that much.

Having the mental equivalent of a cat-hissing allergic reaction to a slightly off-model car in a video game isn't just peak nerd nonsense, it's a precious waste of your time. Yes, they should get this right. But what, precisely, can you do about it?
I play Assetto Corsa and its litany of amateur mods, older arcade games, and older Gran Turismo titles. There's millions of little details I could waste my time pointing out and dress a list of everything they got wrong. At the end of the day, I'll have done nothing but dressed a list of every little detail they got wrong.

Reminds me of gun inaccuracy guys in the firearm community. People who spend ages poring over every frame of every movie or video game to be able to say, "Guns don't work that way, such and such should not have happened." 15 years of this nonsense, ever since I got into the hobby. Every fandom and every interest group has its insufferable nerds. I really have no interest in becoming that again, and I strongly suggest you let it go, too. All it achieves is making you unhappy while the people that should have gotten this right absolutely aren't going to go, "Yes we're sorry, Nerd Squad, we'll redo the models right away."

For crying out loud.
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Also I’ve seen a few people comparing these slightly inaccurate but detailed models with a proper interior and sounds to the awful GT5 standard cars which were really low resolution and didn’t even come with an interior. Thus is obviously ludicrous.
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There aren’t many YouTubers who specialize in FM type semi-sim content. Most are either playing PC sims or arcade games, from what I’ve seen.

The best choices would probably be GT7 specialists at this point, but they are also a risk.

SuperGT has the credentials as a huge Forza Motorsport fan for years, at least until he got more serious a couple of years ago, switched to a wheel and got into real life racing.

But because FM7 has been EOL for a while Microsoft brought this on themselves.

SuperGT was an obvious choice, AR12_Nick got one too, so no surprise there. I would have liked to see Rory Alexander get one, although I suspect him primarily being a GT streamer may have played its part, but he's going gangbusters with his sub count, and his engagement seems much higher than even some of the more established streamers (regularly gets 1k+ views/likes on live streams)
Also I’ve seen a few people comparing these slightly inaccurate but detailed models with a proper interior and sounds to the awful GT5 standard cars which were really low resolution and didn’t even come with an interior. Thus is obviously ludicrous.

Hindsight is 20/20 of course, and I agree with you, but plenty of people appreciated said awful models being included because it meant more cars, or cars they had in GT4, or simply their favorite cars being available.

At the end of the day, it's all relative. It's "common knowledge" that GT4 is the franchise's best entry, but that doesn't diminish the fact there are tons of people who love GT5 and GT6 and probably consider either or both their favorite games, and a not insignificant reason is the car list. So why should Forza be any different in principle?
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Also I’ve seen a few people comparing these slightly inaccurate but detailed models with a proper interior and sounds to the awful GT5 standard cars which were really low resolution and didn’t even come with an interior. Thus is obviously ludicrous.

Even the comparisons with the GT7 Evo V are ambiguous at best, it's like, mate, that's not even the same car
There aren’t many YouTubers who specialize in FM type semi-sim content. Most are either playing PC sims or arcade games, from what I’ve seen.
I thought about JakeXVX and Roflwaffle but Jake is more of a news guy and doesn't appear to specialise in in depth content, while Rofl doesn't have the equipment to play the game as he has only a low end PC according to his channel. They're both members here as are AttaxJohnson and PJTierney whose takes I feel would be quite interesting were either of them interested in playing the game. PJ works for a rival publisher though.
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Also, while it's on my mind, let me dive into nerd mode for five seconds.

From goo-net, a Japanese online car specs database. Evolution VI RS. Complete with specs and photos, showing the same type of front bumper/grille/headlights as the one featured in the game.


Same site, LanEvo VI GSR.


From goo-net's used car market, an Evo VI GSR with the front bumper showcased on the RS.


(great site if you want JDM specs and MSRP pricing in yen, by the way.)

Just in case anyone's still thinking about the front end. If it wasn't straight up an option to have either bumper on the Evo VI, it is at the very least not inconceivable to fit an RS front bumper onto a GSR. I'm also not discounting the minor modeling issues; I seem to recall the C-pillar is not quite at the right angle. But, really? That's it? Is that it?

I forgot who was it that made the comparison with the low-quality traffic car models in Euro Truck, but whoever it was had a damn good point. This isn't that bad. It's not that level of complete dissonance with the rest of the game's visual fidelity. Poor showcase, poor choice for the marketing? Yeah, perhaps, but at this point, 90% of the game's marketing has been unimpressive. So what?

I find it amusing that once again, it's a yellow Evo that's making everyone lose their damn minds. An Evo VI instead of a V this time around, but still.
Honestly I gotta be honest I hated the standard vs Premiums done by GT now Im starting to appreciate them a lot due certain cars that will never make their way into racing games ever again.

I mean I know they looked crap but I still enjoyed racing them.

Forza Motorsports models tend to be a mix of 360, One and now Series X. Many got upgraded over time some got discarded.

i think revisiting models will only be costly. In the future it has to be done again and again due to advances in graphic technology.
Even the comparisons with the GT7 Evo V are ambiguous at best, it's like, mate, that's not even the same car
There is differences between the evo v and vl but they look quite simular at the front,
However the forza model dosen’t look good and that the point of the camparsion, but if its not big deal for some then fine, but go behind and defend the model is not either the right way to go either, people have right to complain about it considering how turn 10 marketing this game,
"Which looks quite flat"

Maybe I've been playing games for too long but looks fine to me.
Time of day and weather settings change how a game looks and the graphics can look better under certain conditions, Forza isn't alone in this.

Criticism of the older models is fair enough, given it's meant to be a reboot / fresh start, but a smaller number would have been greeted with some criticism too. We don't know what the budget was, how small the team was, and the effect covid had.
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Out of everything, I'm most confused why the Evo was the colour that it was; that wasn't a factory colour and they've abstained from showing modified cars (visual or otherwise) in the other track reveal trailers. Its either weird lighting making white or silver look weird, or some bizarre 'wink wink nudge nudge' to that dumb yellow Evo meme, only it isn't even close.
There is differences between the evo v and vl but they look quite simular at the front,
However the forza model dosen’t look good and that the point of the camparsion, but if its not big deal for some then fine, but go behind and defend the model is not either the right way to go either, people have right to complain about it considering how turn 10 marketing this game,

Honestly, people will complain about anything, regardless of what happens. It was never about having the "right" to complain and always about whether the complaints are justified and coming from a reasonable place.
After seeing how everyone felt about Forza Horizon 5 or NFS Unbound, and then having played these games myself, all I got from the experience was "User reviews were a mistake, all everyone wants is their comfort zone." As cynical as that's making me sound, I'm now back to the position of needing to try it to have an informed opinion.

Out of everything, I'm most confused why the Evo was the colour that it was; that wasn't a factory colour and they've abstained from showing modified cars (visual or otherwise) in the other track reveal trailers. Its either weird lighting making white or silver look weird, or some bizarre 'wink wink nudge nudge' to that dumb yellow Evo meme, only it isn't even close.

Was Dandelion Yellow not a factory option on the Evo 6? Or did it come on the Evo 7+?
There is differences between the evo v and vl but they look quite simular at the front,
However the forza model dosen’t look good and that the point of the camparsion, but if its not big deal for some then fine, but go behind and defend the model is not either the right way to go either, people have right to complain about it considering how turn 10 marketing this game,
There possibly is, but everyone saying that has yet to show it side by side with the actual vehicle they should be comparing to.

The choice of colour of the car was terrible, they really screwed up on the marketing on that front, but the model itself isn't worth the controversy it's lead to, with a lot of it arguments in bad faith.
actual fans of the franchise(which wouldn't include SuperGT) have to say about it.
Why wouldn't SuperGT be a fan of Forza? Go sort his videos by "oldest" and you would see he's been playing FM for a very long time, way before he ever uploaded a GT video. If his name is causing you to misunderstand, it's not SuperGranTurismo or something, it comes from the japanese racing series Super GT.
Seeing this iRacing trailer of the Porsche 963 with Daytona, Sebring, and Road Atlanta makes me hope for exactly that! I would really like to see Turn10 announcing some kind of roadmap with their plas for post-release track additions.

Tbh i wouldnt be hopeful in roadmaps, probally will be following the same style of annouciament as Horizon

Influencers and streamers have had a diastrous consequence on gaming.

Best example is this video.
That guys a goon, 1.5 million subs but mostly kids I would assume going off his content

I KNEW he would do this sooner after the fact T10 had rejected him to the prevew (alongside a few others)
He is doing this as revenge, abusing of his position as """"influencer"""" to try create a boycott moviment to the game
So which good racing youtubers received the code? Super gt, and who else?
So far the only other ones I've heard about are HokiHoshi and Colt Eastwood. The latter is not what I'd term a good racing YouTuber though.
I know that Jakexvx, that is known by make Forza Horizon videos, had also recived a code (at end of video)

Finally they got rid of that yellow filter, looks good!
It wasnt a filter on first place, just a random time of day they had setup
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That guys a goon, 1.5 million subs but mostly kids I would assume going off his content

No one from turn10 tweeted that, just click bait

He wasn't saying they literally did, just that they might as well be doing that, the way they're handling this game. Turn 10 never change, they've been doing this since the FM5 release after all, another game which launched in an unfinished state and didn't live up to the early promises (final graphics were a downgrade from all the preview footage). They always over-promise and under-deliver and it is only right that they get called out on it.
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i am a photographer and believe me it was a warmer setting in the white balance
Cant go with someone that has more camera experience than me, so i wont counter point

in other news this trailer shows they had updated the tracks, they are using the new logo instead of the older one, they added the flamingo pink paint that have now in parts of the track, and the trackside follows the new NASCAR trackside that is used there, just with Forza logos instead (by obvius reasons)

Captura de tela 2023-09-04 124613.png
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