In case you weren't aware, GT3 had a massive regulations change in 2019, and all older cars were de-homologated. I do wonder if post-2019 GT3 cars are harder to license, maybe due to ACC?
Huh? No there wasn't, and several pre-2019 cars are still homologated. Some like the Bentley aren't really running because the manufacturer support ended, and some have been replaced by a newer model like the 488, but some are still running like the Lexus and Acura/Honda NSX. Evo kits sometimes refresh homologation dates, and significant re-engineering always needs to be re-homologated (like Lexus in 2017 and Nissan in... 2018? I think it was) as far as I know.
Will the liveries from Forza Horizon 5 and Forza Motorsport 7 be importable into Forza Motorsport 2023? I'm quite fond of my super cute Catporeon design I made in Forza Horizon 5. I use the meow horn with it. 🐱
This is a question I'd really like to see them answer sooner rather than later, so we can get ready for the move. I have a ton of vinyls made but should probably re-organize some of them into groups if we can carry them over.
The fact they haven't told us would normally make me assume we can't but... they haven't said anything about the paint shop at all that I can remember, so there's some hope that it will be addressed when (if?) they talk about the paint stuff.
Tunes I doubt we will see transfer over though, with all the physics updates most of them would be pretty useless anyways I think.
As much i like (and use) eventslab, i dont think that, as it is, would fit well for motorsport
As i said before, a GT6-like track creation tool would be better for Motorsport than FH5´s EventLab
Agree here. In a casual screw around game like Horizon, all the flaws and stuff in the EventLab tracks where things aren't smooth or aligned perfectly aren't as much of a big deal, but in a game like FM8 those details would be much more problematic, particularly when you add in damage.
Also I think performance would be a big concern. Yeah sure FM8 won't have the problem that FH5 has where some older consoles can use it and framerate is awful on XB1 for some of the tracks, but with new physics with lots more calculations and all the other graphical stuff, I'm not sure how it would handle people building entire cities and stacking tons of layers trying to smooth out transitions and a bunch of new lights and all that stuff we see regularly in FH5 EventLab things.