It's CPU-limited because it's extremely single core reliant. It doesn't scale particularly well beyond 6 physical cores. As a matter of fact, performance seemingly worsens the more cores are available to it. So that's something that needs addressing, though if I'm being blunt, I doubt that it will be.
The FSR 2.2 implementation is also actually terrible. The temporal ghosting artifacts are the worst I've ever seen in any game that uses FSR. I noticed it last night while doing a race on Homestead Miami (I hate this track, btw
) and the stars would smear across the screen whenever the camera would move — it's god awful and needs to be fixed. It's like, despite being 2.2, the game doesn't use its anti-ghosting logic.
I turned it off because I'd rather take the performance hit, which, like in FH5...the upscalers don't really do much of anything.
The latter rant has absolutely nothing to do with you, it's bad.
Another problem for the AA in this game is the lack of a shrapness slider. I really do miss the sharpness that msaa provides.
I also want a saturation/gamma slider in the game because it is lacking a bit of color (it's too warm and little dull) while the gamma is off by a notch or two.
They really need to port over the photo mode and the livery editor from FH5. These features seem archaic, after using the one in fh5.
I don't like this new garage. The one from the leaked build seemed perfect (and looked like an actual garage) and iirc had walkable interior and also seamless forzavista for all 4 cars. I would take the FH garage or even the last 3 FM garages over this one.
I really don't like the fact that resolutions seem to be lower for reflections that the rest of the game. Seeing the mirrors or even body reflections with jaggies annoys me a lot.
Why have they taken away the ability to turn on the car in forzavista, and by extension, in pits during the pre race menu.
Why can we rev cars during upgrades. The camera not being free sometimes really bugs me.
The option to qualify in featured multiplayer during practice should require a confirmation. I ended up accidentally entering qualifying on hard tires with 11 laps of fuel, while I meant to change the tires for the cars.
The game really can improve the car xp system (which I like) by adding manufacturer affinity (for faster xp), car level based xp multiplayer (universal) and a sponsor system that functions like the mod cards and challenges (like set lap under x or finish x or overtake x etc.). If all these could boost xp gains for each race and make getting to level 50, maybe 50% faster, the system will feel a lot better and quicker.
Online has been lovely with no complaints. Just wish there was a separate hoppers tab that was unranked. Mainly for the open track day lobbies.
This game could really use a few gimmick races like knockout, fuel management and autocross. These are still very racing based and would help with variety.
I really don't understand why each car division and each car pi level doesn't get its own builders cup championship.
I also think that completing a championship should enable you to complete it again with randomized tracks and weather/time.
Ai is nice after 2 laps. Wish the field spread wish not that high. Also they are too aggressive on lap 1.
Needs quite a few QoL features like saving between practice and race in the builders cup.
While i love doing hour long races with 24x time progression, Free play needs a lot more customizability. Weather changes and grid should be customizable to a much greater level. Along with ability to make your own championships and qualifying.
Sounds finally have bass now. I still wish we got an in game equalizer.
All in all, I find racing and the physics extremely enjoyable both online and offline. It's a shame that the rest of the game is undercooked. Feels like the kinda forgot about the 'game' part of the 'racing game'. Hope that they can keep the updates up like FH5 has during the last 7 months. Both in terms of features and content.
A road map could help T10 immensely, atleast for public Image.