Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
They need to do something about this falsely-advertised, 🤬 AI. It doesn't matter the difficulty, it drives no different than it ever has.

If I'm PIT maneuvered once more, just once more...I'm going to turn a race into an all out destruction derby. It makes no sense.

Am I upset at the moment? You better believe I am.
Well this is going to play hell in Rivals....

Restrictor Plates do not seem to be a universal modification.

Screenshot 2023-10-09 195256.png

2005 Ford GT, 2013 Viper SRT, and more do not have restrictor plates to lower horsepower.

So much for the game being broken.

YouTuber going to YouTuber.
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The newest driver is from mid September. I would check version numbers and it updates fairly regularly.

I'm fairly surprised that the AI is being calculated for penalties. That's a nice feature that we don't even have in Sims. And should quite frankly. They shoot the AI right out into Eaglerock too.
The GTX cars are pretty fun on the ovals though.
Version is 528.49. There isn't anywhere to check for updates.
Each car in this lineup is driveable in the game, which I think is pretty neat.
I saw it live when happened (SuperCars have a legal youtube stream, you just need to be a member on their youtube channel)

I had noted that all of those cars are really in the new FM
I saw it live when happened (SuperCars have a legal youtube stream, you just need to be a member on their youtube channel)

I had noted that all of those cars are really in the new FM
The BA Falcon, VN Commodore, VE Commodore and VK Commodore aren't in the game.
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Since I had a terrible time these last two weeks I decided to move to New Zealand and treat myself to some FM. First off I'm going to get the negatives out of the way.

I really, really do not like the car levelling in its current form. First off, the game forced me to auto-upgrade my civic when I really wanted to do that myself, but then come to find out there's almost nothing I can do with it that I actually want to do. My strategy since FM4 has always been to throw on weight reductions and aero instead of adding power, so imagine my surprise when aero is locked to level 12 and weight reductions are locked to level 20! This system either needs a heavy rework or it needs to be replaced with FM4's brand affinity, or some other new idea of some sort. Chris told us it would help us get to know our cars but all it's doing is making it so I can't upgrade mine the way I would want to...I wouldn't mind it so much if all upgrades were available at once but cost different CP amounts, so you could just pick what you wanted but still have to work your way up to bigger things.

The game is incredibly bland looking, I'll get that out of the way right now. Something must be terribly bugged with the game or something because I refuse to believe it's that colorless. Tons of the cars just look really off too, like the Agera RS just has dark blue where an exposed carbon fiber weave would be? I also had a go with the livery editor and then quickly decided not to use it at all because for some reason it seems like they've removed the ability to zoom in and out with advanced camera controls? Plus...the environment that I tried painting in just wasn't very great at all. The game is just generally missing tons of QOL features and features in general that have existed in previous games or were added to FH4-FH5 in post-launch updates.

Obligatory line of text that conveys my displeasure at the TVR Sagaris not being in this video game.

The one standout thing to me from my limited playtime though were the physics, I really do quite like the physics. It never did feel too understeery or ridiculously oversteery like FM6 did (somehow FM6 did both of those at the same time). They just feel pretty satisfying to drive and it even made me appreciate FWD cars more (yes I chose the civic).

Don't really have enough time in the game to talk about the AI and whether it's good or not, I'll have a go at it tomorrow if I get some time.
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Well, finally played a bunch! Initial impressions:

  • The online system with rotating events is fun. Having practice servers is great, just wish qualifying was its own separate session with everyone on track as well.
  • Physics feel good, force feedback doesn't. Need to look into the latter more in the settings.
  • Visuals are very inconsistent. When the game looks great it looks great, but then you load the next track and everything is so drab and boring.
  • Related to the visuals, PC performance is very disappointing. I don't see anything in the game to justify this level of performance and hopefully they can improve it with patches.
  • Builder's Cup seems kinda eh, didn't do many races but I don't see the fun in it, much was said about the AI but it seems terrible.

Overall, I was mostly interested in the online system and it delivered - I also like that the payouts for it are quite generous. If they can fix the performance on PC I will play a lot of it most likely.
They need to do something about this falsely-advertised, 🤬 AI. It doesn't matter the difficulty, it drives no different than it ever has.

If I'm PIT maneuvered once more, just once more...I'm going to turn a race into an all out destruction derby. It makes no sense.

Am I upset at the moment? You better believe I am.
It is also that the AI is always the same. Every single race you have the pack being total dumb amateurs and then after a few turns, the 3 or 4 top cars build a gap and that's it. no matter what difficulty you set the AI to. In real life, it can happen in a race yes that there builds a gap, but not every ****ing time. Often it is just fights, battles between the top drivers. Another thing, if you close down a gap on hardest mode it can take awhile, it is hard to do so you think the guy is pretty good at racing but once you make a move (a legal one, no pushing or anything), they all of a sudden turn into total amateurs.
But a positive thing: I can complete all events without upgrading the car. I like to keep my cars stock to feel the actual manufacturers build and its limitations. In FM7 you could not even enter a race, it forced you to upgrade. Now you can. That's great.
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I also had a go with the livery editor and then quickly decided not to use it at all because for some reason it seems like they've removed the ability to zoom in and out with advanced camera controls? Plus...the environment that I tried painting in just wasn't very great at all. The game is just generally missing tons of QOL features and features in general that have existed in previous games or were added to FH4-FH5 in post-launch updates.
Yeah I have no clue why it's like this. It feels like they didn't cooperate with PGG at all and they made FM entirely on their own. Everything PGG has improved since FM7 was just completely left out. Is it even feasible for them to update the game afterwards to add them? I have no clue. Like for example, one thing that I know would be tough is the much better ultrawide support in FH5. FH5's ultrawide support isn't a 10/10 but at least the stuff I would interact with the most supports the resolutions. FM7 feels the opposite where it's ONLY the gameplay, not even photo mode which is absolutely the most mind boggling ommission from PGG's improvements.
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Changing to 60fps made a ton of difference in the way the game looks now. What was bland and colorless before now really pops. I ran some Builder's Cup races and one was at Watkins Glen that transitioned from light rain at the start to a steady rain by the end. I really don't like racing in the rain but the effects were really good. As the rain got heavier water started getting kicked up by the cars in front until the track was totally soaked.

I think the AI strength is messed up. 8 levels doesn't really cut it. There's too much of a gap just between two numbers. On 5 I can win fairly easily. On 6 I can get to the top four or so but can't catch the front runners. There needs to be a sliding scale from maybe 60 to 120 to determine AI strength.

One thing I've noticed on a wheel is that they have done a good job in relating the feel of tire slip. I can feel immediately when I'm starting to lose grip in a corner or have stepped over the edge.

When you want to increase your payout by going from Club rules to the next level which I can't think of the name of right now, one of the rules is that you introduce fuel usage. But where do you go to change your own fuel level?
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I know 20 tracks is not alot, but im soo happy that every track features dynamic tod and weather. It looks soo good and changes the whole track for me every time i play.

Seeing the conditions change has been a great visual improvement. I think one of the races early on where the Nur. GP circuit starts out in the fog, and then slowly clears out with the sun coming through towards the end is a big standout for me. That and the wet Catalunya race where you see the track side lights off T1 glowing through the rain and onto the cars as well.
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want to like this game a lot more. featured multiplayer is one of the best additions to the franchise no doubt, there are actual attempts of clean racing here and there and i do enjoy the fuel and tire management aspects of it. playing with a wheel also feels great (after doing some tweaks on my end).

but man, for every positive there's like 10 gripes and its annoying. i got my first softlock around 15 minutes into my first play session because the game forgot to load an audio cue, the game's visuals jump from dead gorgeous to PS3 era racing game constantly, cars have had their paint colors screwed up inbetween titles, QOL updates that have been in the past couple of games are not here, and the AI is terrible i don't even wanna bother with single player.

seems like most of my enjoyment is gonna come from playing with a few friends until we decide to drop the game in like a week or two, so disappointing.
They need to do something about this falsely-advertised, 🤬 AI. It doesn't matter the difficulty, it drives no different than it ever has.

If I'm PIT maneuvered once more, just once more...I'm going to turn a race into an all out destruction derby. It makes no sense.

Am I upset at the moment? You better believe I am.

Agreed. I also call bs on their claim that there’s no artificial assistance in the AI, they said there’s no rubberbanding or speeding up of them but there blatantly is. AI just randomly find 4 seconds a lap midway through a race or just randomly drive into a wall or something.
Played it for an hour or so this morning.

First initial impression isn’t great unfortunately.

I think it’s a bit too twitchy on a controller - not tried it on a wheel yet.

The AI is not very sophisticated.

Trackside detail looks great, but the tracks not so much.

The image is somehow very soft which makes it kinda hard to make out track details in the distance.

The cars look OK at best.

Overall the visuals are very inconsistent.

Not tried the online yet.

I expected more because of the reboot nature of it, the huge amount of time they took and the marketing.

Will certainly play it more and give updated thoughts on it should they change.

Bring on the poo emojis ;)
After posting a video yesterday about some optimized graphics settings, then promptly deleting the post after realizing it wasn't all it seems, I've come up with some very useful insights around a couple of the settings.

Dynamic Render Quality
A lot is talked about this setting, in that it basically corresponds to some screen resolution presets, however I also noticed it has a direct impact on world quality. I tested in Suzuka, with this set to Low, the grass turns flat, with some very minimal 3d detail, but bumping this up gives you the 3d grass models. This was the most obvious thing, but I'm sure there are other tradeoffs you get, and as far as I can tell, there's no additional slider that would pertain to this kind of detail

Resolution Scale
This is an absolute must to set, in my testing, even setting Dynamic Render Quality to Ultra, everything was still very soft, however setting this to 100% basically sharpened everything up.

Brightness in the Video Calibration tab
The video I was referring to suggested bringing this down to 0.2, it doesn't solve the gamma issue, but it does go some ways to correct the colour palette, so I would definitely recommend playing around with this setting to find something that works for you.

So after some messing around, I'm very happy with these results, the image quality is great, very sharp, and performance at least on my GPU is a good bit over 60, often hovering around 80fps.

The most important settings I felt to get right were Dynamic Render Quality, Resolution Scale and DLSS/FSR set to Quality


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    Forza Motorsport 10_10_2023 8_34_07 pm.png
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Has anyone discovered any new customisation? There’s quite a few decent new wheels and I saw that @willbsn13 found a new Silvia S15 wide body on Reddit.
With the new leveling system, it's kinda hard to see if any cars have new parts :haha

I did see that the Ford GT 2017 has a nice widebody now.

I think for the most part it's stuff from FH4/FH5, if that car is in this game (RIP E92 M3, M4, Huracan base etc. etc)
They need to do something about this falsely-advertised, 🤬 AI. It doesn't matter the difficulty, it drives no different than it ever has.
I think it's actually worse than the FH5 AI in terms of how "hitty" it is, but their pace is definitely faster than any previous Forza game and you don't have the silly rubber banding of FH5. You can defend your lead ahead of them, and what works when doing that is similar to what you'd have to do against a human - position inside the driving line on corner approach then take a shallower line under braking. Most of the time, the AI will stay behind you and not hit you if you do that.

Overall, the AI falls way short of the hype of the live stream, but IMO it is nonetheless a clear improvement on past Forza games. I'm able to enjoy the tour series on max difficulty starting from 12th whereas unbeatable in previous games has generally been very easy for me, though unbeatable in FH5 can be fast for some races, but it's a fake pace. The FM AI often still has a small number of places on a track where it's obviously bad, e.g. braking in a flat out bend. If they improve it to fix those errors, it will be extremely fast.

An example of the AI working well, I went into the MX5 series with a level 1 car, so my upgrade options were limited. I blasted from 12th to 1st in the first straight, as my car had worse tyres but more power compared to the AI. It was then a genuine battle lap after lap to keep the 2nd place AI behind me, as I pulled away a bit on each straight, but it threatened to overtake me on every corner if I didn't defend properly. I can honestly say I've never experienced races like this in any previous Forza game. This was max AI difficulty. (My driver level is bugged, I think it might have happened when I restarted a tour series).

laguna seca mx5 diff 8.jpg

Played it for an hour or so this morning.

First initial impression isn’t great unfortunately.


I expected more because of the reboot nature of it, the huge amount of time they took and the marketing.

Will certainly play it more and give updated thoughts on it should they change.
Give it more time. I refunded the game on Steam I was so unhappy with it, but then I bought it again, and have become happy with it. It needs a lot of work, and is nowhere near matching the hype, but it's an acceptable product (a clear product of the "minimum viable product" approach to getting a game out of the door), and distinctly better than FM7. The only element I truly hate now is the stupid car levelling system. I don't care if some people like it, I can't believe that a large proportion of the player base is going to like having to spend hours levelling up each individual car before they can use it properly (only 7% of players have currently levelled a car to level 50). Yes you can have the game level a car up for you while you do something else, but even that gets really tedious after a car or two.

Another thing I'll add is everyone should try the first person cameras in FM. I've always preferred chase cam in Forza, but there seems to be something different about FM's physics that makes everything feel so much better with a first person camera.
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Finally got to play today, being a standard edition via game pass user.

Had a lot of fun playing the Qualifier Series in Multiplayer. Can definitely see myself sinking a lot more time into the online portion of FM than prior iterations.

I really hope Public Meet-Ups will return at some point for MP. I think they'd be an excellent way to break up all the racing events with something more laid back. (considering Meet-Ups are a thing in Private MP, I hope it's sooner rather than later!)
Has anyone discovered any new customisation? There’s quite a few decent new wheels and I saw that @willbsn13 found a new Silvia S15 wide body on Reddit.
Looking at just the rear wings (which could miss some non-wing parts or include cars that only have changed wings), these cars have options that weren't present in FH5:
  • 1982 Porsche 930 Turbo
  • 1987 Ferrari F40
  • 1997 BMW E36 M3
  • 1997 Mazda RX-7 (two new)
  • 1998 Toyota Supra RZ
  • 1973 Pontiac Trans Am
  • 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X
  • 2010 Ferrari 458
  • 1992 Bugatti EB110
  • 2013 Subaru BRZ (two new)
  • 2015 BMW i8 (haven't checked, could just be the AC parts that FH5 gained)
  • 1993 Renault Clio Williams
  • 2015 Subaru WRX STI
  • 2015 Lexus RC F
  • 2015 Jaguar XKR-S GT
  • 2016 Mazda MX-5
  • 2016 Acura NSX
  • 2016 Ford Shelby GT350R
  • 2016 Mercedes-AMG C63 S
  • 2017 Mercedes-AMG GT R
  • 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
  • 2018 BMW M5 (two new, possibly also AC?)
  • 2018 Aston Martin Vantage
  • 2018 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE
  • 2019 Ferrari Pista
  • 2021 Aston Martin Valhalla
  • 2021 Rimac Nevera
  • 2021 Mercedes-AMG ONE
These could be mistakes in the way I've checked, or really basic stuff like new Forza Aero, but it's what I'm seeing.

EDIT: Likewise, widebodies that I think are not in FH5:
  • 1997 BMW E36 M3 (two)
  • 2005 BMW E46 M3
  • 1997 Mazda RX-7 (two)
  • 2000 Nissan Silvia S15 Spec R (two)
  • 1993 Ford Mustang Cobra R
  • 2010 Ferrari 458
  • 2015 Jaguar F-Type
  • 2015 Subaru WRX STI
  • 2015 Lexus RC F
  • 2016 Mazda MX-5 (the bugged one I think?)
  • 2016 Acura NSX
  • 2016 Ford GT (already seen)
  • 2016 Ford Shelby GT350R
  • 2016 Mercedes-AMG C63 S
  • 2016 Audi R8 V10 Plus
  • 2016 Dodge Viper ACR
  • 2017 Nissan GT-R
  • 2017 Mercedes-AMG GT R
  • 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 (not 1LE this time)
  • 2018 BMW M5
  • 2018 Porsche 911 GT3 RS (specifically 2018/991.2)
  • 2018 Aston Martin Vantage
  • 2019 Ferrari 488 Pista
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I started to do free play events with the E-type last night, it's too weak for its Vintage Le Mans SC
division, so it's fun getting it closer to its full potential and the field changing over time.
They need to add another 67 Corvette to the game, just so they can put it in this division too,
hell they should add a 'Road to Le Mans' event.
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I really hope Public Meet-Ups will return at some point for MP. I think they'd be an excellent way to break up all the racing events with something more laid back. (considering Meet-Ups are a thing in Private MP, I hope it's sooner rather than later!)
They would also make for a less boring way to level up a car than just grinding by yourself.

We ran one tonight in our group, and while the leveling system is still awful and I'm already tired of it, it was definitely better than just playing test drive or random free play races because the AI is so terrible.
There are progression saving issues on Xbox Series X!

I just played the final race of Super Sedans at Spa, did the practice laps and the race, I even clicked afterwards on “next in the series“ which brought me back to the career menu screen. But then I quit the game. Now when I log back in a few hours later, I need to redo the Spa race from Super Sedans again. But my BMW M4 did keep the car levels it got during that race I lost.
Any update about custom racing? Is it possible to build a grid of Group A touring cars, build a grid of 24 cars to GT4-spec, etc ?
For as much as people (quite rightly) complained against the lacklustre career in GT7, I'm of a mind to give Turn10 the same feedback.

How are you going to launch a racing game, with no events to use race cars in?

It's like if in the next call of duty, they added a bunch of new guns, but no ammo for them.

Sure, you can use them in multiplayer, but at the moment for single player - they are useless

I don't think it's asking too much to have events for racing cars in a racing game...
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