Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Well, another positive note for the multiplayer from SuperGT:
I am really happy to see Super GT videos
A thing that he talked that i do agree is that spec lobbies should have fixed setups

it kinda annooys me that someone takes 2 secs of me even if we drive the same only beacuse he knows mess with setups better than me, those drivers should go to Open lobbies, not to spec racing when the idea is everyone be as closest as possible
I'm back to the game tonight, I'm not sure if it makes a difference or not, but the only changes I made were going back to controller, steering back to Normal, and shifting back to Manual instead of M+C.

I'm once again getting a steady 72 FPS at Hakone in freeplay instead of the crazy 50-70 mess I had last weekend.

Huh. I hope it stays that way.

Welcome to live service games. "Post-launch content is bonus content" is outdated philosophy for better or for worse. The rationale is to release what you can now, add to it repeatedly over time, changing the meaning of what the "base game" has. This is actually very important, because it is explicitly not DLC content (which would be more like what you describe as "bonus content") that you can choose to have or not have.
I know, its been so difficult to come up with a more comprehensive career mode at launch. Its not like the last game was released in 2017... It has taken 6 years (SIX YEARS) to come up with a career mode at launch that has:
  • Fewer events than before
  • Fewer championships than before
  • ZERO Motorsport races.

Also there are 500 cars in this game. How many can be driven in the career mode currently (I'd love to know). If you took out the "Open" tour events it would be even fewer. And those only apply to German cars currently. Because again they're holding back the career mode events to bolster GaaS.

Everyone seems to be treating this as another 2/3 year cycle game rushed out. It's not, they've had SIX years to design this career mode. Yes I know they wouldn't know every car and every track being included, but they've known most of them for long enough to be able to tweak things around based on an overall plan.

Honestly it would be piss easy to come up with a more expansive career mode at launch. The career mode feels like it was chucked together in the last couple of months and ignored for the other 5 and a half years.

What's disappointing is the handling feels really good to me. I like the addition of practice and I actually like the levelling up (albeit It needs tweaking for duplicate cars).

There is a LOT I love about this game. All the core stuff feels much improved. But, as with GT7, there is piss poor utilisation of what is available (in terms of cars especially).

I do think FM23 will be substantially improved and expanded on though (much more than GT7 has been). If nothing else than for Game Pass and the need to keep the game relevant. Look how much they continue to do with FH5.

And a general question I've asked before, does anyone know what happens to the Featured single player events - are they being added to the Career mode afterwards or do they just disappear? If they must persist in holding back half the career mode to add in GaaS post launch, which they absolutely have done in my opinion, I hope they at least let us play those events for longer than 4 weeks.

I don't mean to be negative, I really do like a lot about this game, but it's just so frustrating to see another lacklustre (in my opinion) career mode when it could so easily have been avoided.

Can anyone tell me WHY we can't have a career mode that has 200/300 events in it anymore? AND have GaaS on top of that?
Can anyone tell me WHY we can't have a career mode that has 200/300 events in it anymore? AND have GaaS on top of that?

I hate to repeat myself, but... Because it's not the business model anymore.

And again. Begrudging acceptance is where I'm at now. I'm kind of surprised people are still complaining about this like it's a new problem.

That's it, that's all I'm trying to get at. It sucks, but, like... It's been like this for years.
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Proof ?

Here we go again with lasercan eye balls upgrades Cyberpunk style 😅
Have you played in other games that actually have laser scanned it like iRacing? it's too wide, the corners are banked far too much, the transitions between the corners and straights are way too abrupt, etc.

My main gripes.

1. The leveling system, of course.
2. The lighting when you're not on a track. Things like the car dealer, the upgrade menu, the paint booth, and the main "forza vista" area are either far too dark, or do something asinine like make the car sit half in a shadow so you can't see all the details in the vista area.
3. Inability to size down wheels and the removal of things like wheel offset and a tire compound with lettering. Hot hatches with 20" wheels look silly on rubberband sidewalls when you're meant to be racing these things.






Congratulations to T10 for not breaking the game's multiplayer. I'm talking to you PG. 🤣
That was the first thing i noticed in the MP races. There is no stutter or lag, even the aussis looked smooth.
GT7 mp is a broken lagfest as soon ps4 and ps5 get mixed.
If the console numbers are the same as Steam, then, my biggest fears are becoming reality
Game had the peak of 4500 from thuesday to today, similar to avg of FH5 today (5000), BUT

Horizon 5 had the peak of 81k and have the Very Positive classifcation of 88% of 130k, while Motorsport has a Mixed 44% of 827
Even with problems, at Launch, Horizon 5 had a good rating at start

Also, checking Steam DB owner estimations, have only from playtracker out of 4

FH5 has 1.61 M as Today
FM has only 7.3k....

I hope just the console people and gamepass money can keep game afloat...
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I am really happy to see Super GT videos
A thing that he talked that i do agree is that spec lobbies should have fixed setups

it kinda annooys me that someone takes 2 secs of me even if we drive the same only beacuse he knows mess with setups better than me, those drivers should go to Open lobbies, not to spec racing when the idea is everyone be as closest as possible
Currently messing with multiplayer, and that is also my biggest gripe at the moment. While the racing is closer than it would likely be in open racing, the fact that someone can make a massive gain on tuning, while very much earned, does seem to go against the idea of the featured modes.
What am I supposed to be looking at here? Because the only "well then..." I'm seeing is an image dump without the slightest bit of context.
Look at the red circle in the first image and than look at the other pictures. Everybody is quick to point out outdated or wrong track details in Forza and praise those other games how they are "always accurate and up to date". But they are never praising when Forza does it better than those games which is why posted well then.
If the console numbers are the same as Steam, then, my biggest fears are becoming reality
Game had the peak of 4500 from thuesday to today, similar to avg of FH5 today (5000), BUT

Horizon 5 had the peak of 81k and have the Very Positive classifcation of 88% of 130k, while Motorsport has a Mixed 44% of 827
Even with problems, at Launch, Horizon 5 had a good rating at start

Also, checking Steam DB owner estimations, have only from playtracker out of 4

FH5 has 1.61 M as Today
FM has only 7.3k....

I hope just the console people and gamepass money can keep game afloat...
I wouldn't put a whole of concern into Steam numbers. FH5 having a peak of 81K & currently 12k in the last 24 hours shows the vast, vast majority is on Xbox whether console or PC when you take reports of the game reaching 20 million players in its first year.
And again. Begrudging acceptance is where I'm at now. I'm kind of surprised people are still complaining about this like it's a new problem.

That's it, that's all I'm trying to get at. It sucks, but, like... It's been like this for years.
A problem that's existed for years is still a problem, not everyone wants to accept things the way they are when things could be better.

Live-service models aren't going away anytime soon, but that doesn't mean we can't make them better for the consumer. Just accepting the problem and moving on is NOT going to make the problem go away or at least make it sting less.
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And a general question I've asked before, does anyone know what happens to the Featured single player events - are they being added to the Career mode afterwards or do they just disappear? If they must persist in holding back half the career mode to add in GaaS post launch, which they absolutely have done in my opinion, I hope they at least let us play those events for longer than 4 weeks.

I believe they've said that these featured events would stick around for two months after they unlock.

Which is still baffling, why do they have to leave at all? Especially the ones which feature racing cars in a racing game!

My question is, the spotlight cars for these events, I can't find them in the car list to buy. Do they not appear in the game until the featured event opened?

I was hoping I could use the AFK method to get ahead a few car xp levels for the upcoming series (so I can install the parts to dial out the chronic understeer from the first race) but I can't even see which cars are eligible...

For the Built to Race with the KTM GT2, I imagine like everything else it's going to handle like crap, but at least I can work on some setups.

Like the Prototype event, do I have to use that Ginetta, or will I be able to use any LMP1 car?

Some of the game design choices are really strange...
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I saw some that maneged get the Honda TCR to beat with setup but its sad that they had not made all cars with similar peformance

I was using the Lynk & Co, got it to level 50 and then decided to try the Golf finally and realised how many races I could have been winning.
A problem that's existed for years is still a problem, not everyone wants to accept things the way they are when things could be better.

Live-service models aren't going away anytime soon, but that doesn't mean we can't make them better for the consumer. Just accepting the problem and moving on is NOT going to make the problem go away or at least make it sting less.

It's all well and good to say "things could be better, we can make it better" but you, me, and most people here are still consumers with next to zero power to change any of that. Unless you're saying you know something to address this?
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Means you know what to do to address it, then?
In the case of Forza Motorsport 8 and other racing games like it, it's a simple solution that I've been saying. Add an amazing career mode length full of variety just as racing games in the past have done. It doesn't have to be the same kind of career mode, make it different, but keep the length and variety in-tact. Don't do the bare-minimum! Then, continue that momentum with new events and challenges added over the course of months like they been doing except double the amount and make the events permanent.

I can even specify how I would've laid out a career mode using the style of career that FM8/23 has if you want.
In the case of Forza Motorsport 8 and other racing games like it, it's a simple solution that I've been saying. Add an amazing career mode length full of variety just as racing games in the past have done. It doesn't have to be the same kind of career mode, make it different, but keep the length and variety in-tact. Don't do the bare-minimum! Then, continue that momentum with new events and challenges added over the course of months like they been doing except double the amount and make the events permanent.

I can even specify how I would've laid out a career mode using the style of career that FM8/23 has if you want.

Awesome. I'm sure you've got plenty of great ideas. Let me know when you replace Chris Esaki so we can see your ideas being implemented.
but you, me, and most people here are still consumers with next to zero power to change any of that.
We have more power to change things than you think, I've learned that from another user on this site. Criticizing the games and calling developers out can actually make things happen sometimes.

Awesome. I'm sure you've got plenty of great ideas. Let me know when you replace Chris Esaki so we can see your ideas being implemented.
Okay, be that way. Just don't be surprised if more people bring these topics up again.
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It's all well and good to say "things could be better, we can make it better" but you, me, and most people here are still consumers with next to zero power to change any of that. Unless you're saying you know something to address this?
I'd give us a bit more credit than that. T10 have shown in the past that they will make changes over time. For example, FM7 had multiple changes to the Drivatar system, so it's not unreasonable to think that if enough people voice complaints about the current AI, T10 will address it much sooner than later. IIRC, the first Drivatar update came in FM7's second month.

It's part of the reason I'm willing to give the game time, personally.
  • What on earth did they do to the Essenza's sound? I've already complained about this...but seriously, what in the 🤬 happened there? Fix it.
  • 787B sound. No. Just no. Absolutely not. Niet. Nah. Nope. Negative.
The sound of the Sauber has also been ruined, and I thought it was the best sounding car in FM7.

The C7R has also gotten a downgrade from FM7, which was itself a massive downgrade from FM6.

I know we have a lot of cars and I understand that sometimes some sounds need to be cut out or used for another car that is "close enough" I guess, but I hate it when it results in a previously great sounding car getting worse, and especially when they are some of my favorite cars ever. Would be less annoying if they downgraded the cars that didn't sound good anyways.

The 787b is pretty lame too, and the Essenza was... I dunno okay but boring kinda, but I haven't tried in FH5 to know how it's supposed to sound for comparison.
I am really happy to see Super GT videos
A thing that he talked that i do agree is that spec lobbies should have fixed setups

it kinda annooys me that someone takes 2 secs of me even if we drive the same only beacuse he knows mess with setups better than me, those drivers should go to Open lobbies, not to spec racing when the idea is everyone be as closest as possible
True "spec racing" would be everyone in the same car... Kind of another racing word that T10 uses seemingly without actually knowing what it means, like "homologation" or "league." From what we see so far in the multiplayer, the "spec" series aren't very well balanced so even if tunes were fixed it would still be pretty unbalanced.

Tuning is also a major scapegoat though as well. I know you are probably exaggerating a bit to make a point, but unless you are doing something very wrong (like high downforce at Le Mans or your gears are totally screwed or something), tunes aren't going to make 2 seconds of difference, and tuning is still pretty Forza-like, so the biggest time savers are the easiest changes to make, like aero.

I think the issue with fixed tunes would be that it wouldn't work out for people on wheels really. Depending on the type of car, tuning changes can be pretty critical and because people have very different hardware it would be tough to get things right and make everyone happy. Not sure how GT manages it really...

Congratulations to T10 for not breaking the game's multiplayer. I'm talking to you PG. 🤣
Yeah I dunno about that, off the top of my head so far I have experienced:
  • Full on crashes to dashboard, a few times
  • Getting stuck on "syncing entitlements" when I click on Featured Multiplayer, a few times
  • Getting stuck trying to select a car after joining a lobby, many times (usually when joining featured multiplayer with friends though)
  • Getting stuck in a black screen while trying to load the pre-race grid, a few times
  • Pre-race screen with the grid getting stuck on 0:01 in the countdown, a few times
  • Failures to update the event schedule, meaning I need to restart the game, several times
  • Fuel calculator breaking and saying any amount of fuel will only get "0 laps" despite changes, many, many times
  • Fuel calculator spazzing out mid-race, telling me I have 157 laps of fuel one lap, then 26 laps of fuel the next lap and so on, twice
  • The mini leaderboard messing up, displaying practice/qualifying lap times completely wrong, many times
  • Driver list showing wrong times and drivers in the wrong spots after qualifying laps, many times
  • People can't see my livery but I can, a few times
  • I can't see my livery, but other people can see it, a few times
  • Someone in the lobby has working gas/brake but no working steering, quits and everything works fine after that, twice
  • Certain people in the lobby can't see each other, three times
  • Cars in pitlane loading on top of each other just like FM7, many, many times (although I don't care, it's funny)
  • And my personal favorite, when loading into practice this happened (although again, funny so I don't care):
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At the Builders Cup when you levelling up your Car...
The max is 50
My question is do you need all those 50 Levels to Upgrate your Car to compete in the Race???
Some races have 600 PI max so how is that system going???
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I may be one of the few, but I actually like what they've done with the career mode.

  • I'm finding most series get me leveling a car up around lvl20, I do enjoy the moderate progression, feels nice to fix the demons of a car slowly race by race
  • While the option for longer races would have been nice, I find the practice+race structure, as well as the longer length of default race lengths mean I'm not reaching for this option as much as I thought.
  • I feel the amount of races available strikes a good balance at the moment, I get that some people have more time and have exhausted all the races, however with a job and family I'm progressing through it about as fast as I can and still have loads to get through. I certainly don't feel overwhelmed by the amount of content
  • I do think that it was a deliberate decision to only have a few tours available at launch, as they want people to gravitate towards the multiplayer, which is excellent. GT Sport obviously did this in a much more extreme way, and GT7 does the same with the even more limited (compared to FM) cafe menu. I don't mind this, if T10 plays their cards right, the amount of tours will steadily increase as time goes on, which should keep both the SP and MP fresh over time.
  • As I've been progressing through the tours, I'm finding the AI to get much better over time, the last few tours I've done have been excellent, nice clean racing, and the front of the pack providing a challenge without feeling like aliens. Maybe some of this is me getting used to the AI behaviour and knowing when to give them space, but whatever the case I haven't had any rage inducing moments in the last couple of days play.

At the Builders Cup when you levelling up your Car...
The max is 50
My question is do you need all those 50 Levels to Upgrate your Car to compete in the Race???
Some races have 600 PI max so how is that system going???

No, but as pointed out by some, you may get frustrated by not being able to put a wide-body kit on a car until I think level 45 or so
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I bought the game yesterday but couldn't play until today due to the download time, which was really slow. Anyway, I have a lot of good things to say.

-No legendary dealership for cars with stupidly high prices
-The events aren't arranged in a stupid "world map"
-Championships aren't too long, but they aren't too short either
-No 2 lap races
-Physics are good and the cars behave predictably
-No Scapes
-No GT Auto
-No random factoids about things which don't relate to cars
-No crappy music which doesn't reflect the mood
-No Brand Central
-No "Museum" or "Channel" sections
-Fantastic car list with a lot of new, current and legendary vehicles
-AI aren't as pathetic as GT7's. Some do act strangely but that makes the racing more fun for me
-No rolling starts where the leader is 40 seconds ahead before you've started
-You can paint your car any colour you like before buying it
-Car sound quality is better than GT7
-You can adjust fuel load before the start of the race - something you can't do in GT7
-Track atmosphere is better than GT7, with plenty of spectators, tents, helicopters, blimps, etc
-You can earn money in free play
-Dynamic time and weather is available for every track
-Consistent penalties
-Car points aren't as problematic as I thought they would be
-Australian cars
-No microtranscations
-No fake concept cars
-No stupid class structure
-Not all gearboxes act the same way
-No dirt racing of any description
-No whimsical animations or corny sound effects
-Menus aren't a pain to navigate
-Free play modes are SEPARATE from career mode events
-Cars are really cheap
-Track selection is small but none of them are utter garbage
-No cafe or menu books to complete

Finally, a racing game that focuses on cars and racing without trying to be all things to all enthusiasts. Forza Motorsport knows what it is and doesn't have a host of stupid, superfluous features that are completely useless to the core gameplay. The car points system is the only thing that I'd consider questionable, but I wouldn't call it a deal breaker. Especially when you compare it to some of the awful design choices in GT7... And I haven't even got to the post-launch support. Gran Turismo 7 will need to a LOT to bring me back, probably more than they could reasonably be expected to do. Forza Motorsport has a lot of the modern cars that I want to drive, and a few legendary cars that GT7 STILL doesn't have. I'm going to stick with this game for a while.
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-Car sound quality is better than GT7
-Not all gearboxes act the same way

I try not to get too bogged down in comparisons with GT, as I haven't spent a huge amount of time in GT7, but I do agree with your list, especially these, many people seem to ignore how samey (is that a word) sounding every car is, I watch a lot of Rory Alexander on YT as I love the guy, but the sound in roof cam does my head in, every car sounds almost exactly the same, why PD don't just use the same output they have in cockpit view is a mystery to me, as while that still has some issues, it's 200% better than the outside view.

The other thing that keeps me from enjoying GT7 is the views, I can't get along with roof cam, it's too high for me, why they can't have the option of hood cam like in Forza again I don't know, and while bumper cam is ok, it feels so dated to use. Cockpit cam sure looks great, but it just obscures too much of the view, especially in many of the race cars where the wheel rotation gets in the way of your windscreen.

With that all said, I do love both, and I'll continue to play both now and in the future