Acta, non verba - I'm far more interested in reading the changelog for the patch that's supposedly coming in a week than a more apologetic community note.
And after all, there's not much to be said about bugs - they already have a list of known issues, they just need to open a can of bug spray and go to town. I don't think we're going to see significant adjustments to the gameplay loop until 2024; if anything, because they'll want to make sure how to recalibrate the most criticized aspects of the game (i.e. the career mode) so that they won't have to do it again.
A new Forza game and memory leak issues, name a more iconic duo...
The game shipped with several rather significant issues with LOD culling and memory leaks; not to mention that there is a rather significant numbers of PC players that can't launch the game at all despite their PC meeting the minimum requirements for the game. There's no way all that made it past MS's certification, let alone QA.
I'm starting to suspect the apparent indecision about the car list, which was amended several times - probably up to the launch of the game - may have played a role in this chaotic launch. Forza Motorsport has apparently
"gone gold" the same day preloading started. If they borked up the gold master, they would've had maybe two weeks to figure it out and ship out a comprehensive day one patch.
Of course, it's also very likely T10 just delayed the announcement of the game going gold, and they just don't have sufficient QA procedures. But even for somebody who has very little faith in T10, such a level of sheer negligence seems unlikely.