I think you're reading way too much into this. I don't think many people here, if anybody, agree with the idea that Turn 10 should stop supporting multiplayer. Just that those of us who don't use it should be supported by a better and more complete singleplayer campaign than the one we got at launch. The number of likes for those posts possibly reflects that many of us are in the same position and to refer to them as "anti multiplayer" "virtual high fives" seems a bit on the defensive side to me.
I fully agree the single player should be much better than it is and you will generally find me supporting and liking many of the ideas put forward on the single player side of things even if I personally want to do as little racing against the AI as I possibly can. I just don't see why some people try to make a case for single player features by putting multiplayer down, implying it's just for some weird minority and the devs need to "see the light" or whatever instead of just discussing the ways single player can/should be improved... Although I suppose there are only so many times the community can cry out for incredibly obvious single player features like custom offline championships and hand-selected AI grids and be totally ignored before they give up and turn their frustration elsewhere.
A little defensive I guess, but multiplayer in FM8 needs work too, and if someone chose to try to make that case by putting down single player and hunting for some confirmation bias statistic to suggest people don't care about single player content, I think single player people would be defensive in that case too... and probably bury them under a mountain of poos, so I dunno why it should be celebrated when it's the other way around.
If someone posts that "every racing game has dull as a doorknob singleplayer" I doubt many people are going to agree, opinion or not.
Not agreeing is fine, but I think there's a difference between not agreeing and snarkily accusing someone of being deliberately toxic.
I also don't see how "singleplayer is boring" seems any more rude, judgemental or unreasonable than saying "multiplayer is just idiot rammers" or (so far yet to be used in this thread, but used elsewhere on this forum) "esports sweat douchebags."
If you don’t want to go by achievement stats, that’s fine. Fortunately, there’s proof elsewhere showing what people would rather do first:
Doing something first is much different than "only the minority ever touch multiplayer, focus on single player" though. I think you will find even the people who bought the game mostly for multiplayer probably did some single player first to get some money built up, get used to the physics, level some cars up, and so on, and that has been the case for basically every racing game that offers both.
These are some sick cars
I hope TA cars get their own division, along with the V8 Supercars. The SCV12 needs to go to factory race cars, and the Huracan Evo GT3 (which is in FH5) should take its place in Forza GT.
The Mazda RT24p is a Dpi, and the monza is an IMSA GT racecar.
The hendrick 2nd and penske 3rd seem to be NASCAR Cup caps.
Also waiting for the AM valkyrie to drop.
Would be kinda cool to see the TA Camaro and Mustang turn out be TA2 cars, as they would offer a pretty different driving experience, and I think the game could use some more "ladder" style race cars. Might have a better chance of them getting broken off into their own class if they were all just TA cars though.
The DPi Mazda would be interesting, and I really hope we get the Caddy DPi too so we can have the trio.
If the Monza is a DeKon Monza I will be very happy, such awesome cars and they were actually very prominent and successful but rarely show up in games for some reason. The only non-mod DeKon Monza I can think of offhand is in RaceRoom.