Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Is Deluxe add on worth of buying?
It contains VIP, Car Pass and some car packs.
Cost €33
Wait until all of the cars are revealed and then make the call.

For most players, the true appeal was to play 5 days early but that’s no longer relevant.

Personally I don’t think it’s worth the cost; I only have it myself because I got it “for free” with Microsoft Rewards points and I wanted to play 5 days early.
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Some fool has been downloading and using my Countach tune... 😲
It shouldn't be that hard to fix, you would think. Just remove the wall and adjust the AI control to go through the whole thing.
If it's not that hard to fix, then there may be some good reason they haven't, tho - and I definitely don't care to find out.
Is Deluxe add on worth of buying?
It contains VIP, Car Pass and some car packs.
Cost €33
Buy it from Iceland and it's like £18 I believe. Don't waste more money.

Edit - £21, it went up since launch:

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Played around with refresh rates again tonight, tried to record a vid but made a rookie mistake and recorded using game bar the system settings while I talked in game like an idiot.

Anywho, what I found out may help some people. So turns out the fps cap in multiplayer has a couple of rules

  • If your refresh rate is in multiples of 60hz, you will be clamped to 60fps.
  • if your refresh rate is not in multiples of 60hz (165hz as an example) your fps will be capped to half your refresh rate.

From the refresh rates I tried
120hz => 60fps
144hz => 72fps
157hz => 78fps
165hz => 82fps

If windows control panel only lets you choose from a limited selection of refresh rates, you may be able to customise them in your graphics driver control panel.

If you have an AMD GPU you can create custom resolutions (including refresh rate) from the adrenaline software I think it's under Games->Display. Once you create the custom resolution you still have to enable it in the windows settings.

Would be interesting to hear anyone on like a 240hz monitor manages to achieve, maybe by setting a refresh rate to 235 or something.
I have now uploaded a D400 tune and what seemed to be an actually quite fast and fun to drive C500 tune for the Abarth (cutback73).

Waiting to see if anyone bites :P:D
What tracks have you run the C500 tune at?
I'll give it a go 🤙

@sirjim73 I can't find the C500 tune?
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Forza Motorsport Update 4.1 Release Notes – January 30, 2024​


We recently shared some of the improvements we’re working on for Forza Motorsport Update 5, scheduled to be released in February. In the meantime, this hotfix alleviates the following issue:

Version Number:

  • Xbox Series X|S: 1.526.5483.0
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 1.526.5483.0
  • Steam: 1.526.5483.0
Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • This hotfix alleviates crashes in certain scenarios on Daytona.
970MB on Win Store
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So, after I heard about the upcoming update 5, I decided to install the new AMD drivers (24.1.1) that bring fluid frame rates to the cards in the 6000 range (6600, 6650, etc.) to see how they perform.

Now, on PC you can opt for one of the dynamic render quality presets (low, medium, high, and ultra) and just leave every other setting in auto. Ultra and high are meant for 4K and 1440p, respectively, and medium and low for 1080p for graphic cards in the mid-low range.

For my specs, the dynamic render quality ("DRQ") sets at medium, but while the performance in fps is acceptable, the visuals are not. The image looks upscaled and track details are lost, specially at distance. Not unlike the performance mode in the Series S.

So, I changed the DRQ to high, willing to accept the fps hit in exchange for better visuals... and while some areas improved (lighting, shadows, reflections) in the overall it still just didn't look like native 1080p.

I looked into Digital Foundry's recommended settings, and checked other YouTube videos, web articles here and there, and even Reddit, of all places, where finally I got a clue.

The setting that I had to change to get clearer and more detailed graphics was the resolution scale to up to 140%-150%, and then work all other settings to regain some fps. The easiest way for that is getting back to medium DRQ, turn off ray tracing and motion blur, for more clarity.

Long story short, if you have a midrange card for 1080p, regardless of Nvidia/AMD upscaling technologies, because I don't use them, you can try this for a "quality" mode:
-Dynamic render quality: Medium
-Resolution scale: 150%-140%
-Anisotropic filtering: 16X (if you like more detail on track over distance, otherwise, leave at auto which is 2x, the same for the consoles.)
-Ray tracing quality: off
-RTAO quality: low (because there is no off setting, but it does nothing with RT off.)
-Shadow quality: high/medium, your preference.
-Cubemap reflection: medium. It mostly has to do with the aliasing of said reflections, their resolution is fixed, according to many sources.
-Car model quality: high. But it's only applicable to the other cars because yours' is always at the maximum quality.
-Car livery quality: auto, which may be either low or medium, they look about the same. On track it doesn't matter, only in the podium cutscenes you can tell if it is at low/medium quality.
-Mirror quality: medium.
-Track texture quality: high, and at higher resolution/anisotropic filtering details will pop more (signage, fencing, vegetation, grass, etc.)
-Particle effects quality: auto or low, not much difference.
-Motion blur off, as mentioned.
-Lens flare quality: auto, it really only is noticeable when you are facing the sun.

For my CPU/GPU/memory/storage combo, this will get to 80 fps on the benchmark, but in game it ranges from mid 60s (in heavy traffic) to 90-100 fps when the traffic clears. And the graphics are clearer and quite good looking, especially in some night races, like the final Suzuka race of the JDM Legends tour.

While there can be some stutters here and there, here comes the new AMD drivers that I mentioned at the start of the post, and the fluid frame rates that do work and do away with any major stuttering, just at the expense of a bit of lag. While they are not real frames, IMO the graphic quality holds, and I expect to play on PC with that option on, moving forward.

Sorry for the long post...
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So, after I heard about the upcoming update 5, I decided to install the new AMD drivers (24.1.1) that bring fluid frame rates to the cards in the 6000 range (6600, 6650, etc.) to see how they perform.

Now, on PC you can opt for one of the dynamic render quality presets (low, medium, high, and ultra) and just leave every other setting in auto. Ultra and high are meant for 4K and 1440p, respectively, and medium and low for 1080p for graphic cards in the mid-low range.

For my specs, the dynamic render quality ("DRQ") sets at medium, but while the performance in fps is acceptable, the visuals are not. The image looks upscaled and track details are lost, specially at distance. Not unlike the performance mode in the Series S.

So, I changed the DRQ to high, willing to accept the fps hit in exchange for better visuals... and while some areas improved (lighting, shadows, reflections) in the overall it still just didn't look like native 1080p.

I looked into Digital Foundry's recommended settings, and checked other YouTube videos, web articles here and there, and even Reddit, of all places, where finally I got a clue.

The setting that I had to change to get clearer and more detailed graphics was the resolution scale to up to 140%-150%, and then work all other settings to regain some fps. The easiest way for that is getting back to medium DRQ, turn off ray tracing and motion blur, for more clarity.

Long story short, if you have a midrange card for 1080p, regardless of Nvidia/AMD upscaling technologies, because I don't use them, you can try this for a "quality" mode:
-Dynamic render quality: Medium
-Resolution scale: 150%-140%
-Anisotropic filtering: 16X (if you like more detail on track over distance, otherwise, leave at auto which is 2x, the same for the consoles.)
-Ray tracing quality: off
-RTAO quality: low (because there is no off setting, but it does nothing with RT off.)
-Shadow quality: high/medium, your preference.
-Cubemap reflection: medium. It mostly has to do with the aliasing of said reflections, their resolution is fixed, according to many sources.
-Car model quality: high. But it's only applicable to the other cars because yours' is always at the maximum quality.
-Car livery quality: auto, which may be either low or medium, they look about the same. On track it doesn't matter, only in the podium cutscenes you can tell if it is at low/medium quality.
-Mirror quality: medium.
-Track texture quality: high, and at higher resolution/anisotropic filtering details will pop more (signage, fencing, vegetation, grass, etc.)
-Particle effects quality: auto or low, not much difference.
-Motion blur off, as mentioned.
-Lens flare quality: auto, it really only is noticeable when you are facing the sun.

For my CPU/GPU/memory/storage combo, this will get to 80 fps on the benchmark, but in game it ranges from mid 60s (in heavy traffic) to 90-100 fps when the traffic clears. And the graphics are clearer and quite good looking, especially in some night races, like the final Suzuka race of the JDM Legends tour.

While there can be some stutters here and there, here comes the new AMD drivers that I mentioned at the start of the post, and the fluid frame rates that do work and do away with any major stuttering, just at the expense of a bit of lag. While they are not real frames, IMO the graphic quality holds, and I expect to play on PC with that option on, moving forward.

Sorry for the long post...

Never apologize for a long and detail post 😁

The Digital Foundry recommendations are a bit outdated, so take them with a grain of salt at this point, when they created that video, the dynamic optimization option and FSR/DLSS options were buggy, and was only recently fixed I think in update 3.

I'm curious what card you are running, I'm on a 6700XT, and have chosen a vastly different path to get a sharp image on my display, and considering you have resolution scale quite high, I wonder if some other options would work just as well (while providing better environment detail).

Since update 3, I have set DRQ to Ultra, Resolution Scale to Auto, other options similar to what you have detailed, and importantly set FSR to Quality, this for me has been working pretty well, but prior to Update 3 I instead turned off FSR and set Resolution Scale to 110%.

It's worth also mentioning that Resolution Scale and FSR/DLSS are mutually exclusive, so if you want to use them, you need to leave Resolution Scale to Auto, but at least now that those settings are working "as expected", you don't have to resort to resolution scale to fix problems.
Never apologize for a long and detail post 😁

The Digital Foundry recommendations are a bit outdated, so take them with a grain of salt at this point, when they created that video, the dynamic optimization option and FSR/DLSS options were buggy, and was only recently fixed I think in update 3.

I'm curious what card you are running, I'm on a 6700XT, and have chosen a vastly different path to get a sharp image on my display, and considering you have resolution scale quite high, I wonder if some other options would work just as well (while providing better environment detail).

Since update 3, I have set DRQ to Ultra, Resolution Scale to Auto, other options similar to what you have detailed, and importantly set FSR to Quality, this for me has been working pretty well, but prior to Update 3 I instead turned off FSR and set Resolution Scale to 110%.

It's worth also mentioning that Resolution Scale and FSR/DLSS are mutually exclusive, so if you want to use them, you need to leave Resolution Scale to Auto, but at least now that those settings are working "as expected", you don't have to resort to resolution scale to fix problems.
Thank you very much for your input. My card is a 6650 XT which has been great for 1080p gaming. Since it was my first build, I was rather cautious with the specs/budget and at the time I was considering the base 6600 or Nvidia's 3060, but then the 6650 XT dropped in price to about US$264 (which at the time was reasonable for my country since we pay a VAT of 16%), so I thought that the US$50 upgrade was worth it.

I will test your DRQ-Ultra, RS-Auto FSR-Quality setting and report back. :gtpflag:
I noticed last week that on Nvidia DRQ High and Ultra frame rate difference has doubled in Update 3/4 compared to launch. So while DRQ Ultra gives tessellation and improved ambient occlusion on the trackside stuff like grass, it's not worth losing twice as many fps (in my case I lose 8fps if I switch DRQ from High to Ultra).

I like the higher quality grass, but not enough to live with that big of a frame rate drop.

No idea if AMD has a similar performance change due to DRQ or not.
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All of the above detail speaks to me.

It tells me...
"This is why you console, smurf."
Oh, I've been on consoles for all my gaming life and still do with the latest (Series X), but then you get to a certain age when you feel an inexplicable itch that you need to scratch... So, you end up buying things you can't really afford, or taking trips/activities you never meant to, etc.

Trust me, building a gaming PC was the least irresponsible thing I could do under the circumstances... but once you get bit by that particular bug, well... you saw my post. I will continue to tweak and benchmark... I NeEd to BenCHmArk!!! :scared:

I will never claim that PC gaming is superior/more convenient than in consoles, but I'm happy I got to do it.
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Also if you're travelling for longer periods of time then a gaming laptop is MUCH easier to take along with you than a console :D
All of the above detail speaks to me.

It tells me...
"This is why you console, smurf."
I think if they released a thousand pound console then it would be awesome, but with the power you can get out of a high end PC it's just intoxicating. Consoles are for mass market aka your average gamer where I like to be at the cusp of technology if i can. Maybe we'll see PS5 pro and Xbox pro soon.
I think if they released a thousand pound console then it would be awesome, but with the power you can get out of a high end PC it's just intoxicating. Consoles are for mass market aka your average gamer where I like to be at the cusp of technology if i can. Maybe we'll see PS5 pro and Xbox pro soon.
Just buy a PC bro. PS5 Pro is not gonna be highend either.
Am I missing an option in the Free-Play settings for Multi-Class? I tried to do a long race at Daytona, but wanted it set to Forza GT, P1, & Proto-H. I selected Max Drivers for the latter groups to 5 & 4. Yet, when I load the race up, it seems intent on evening out the classes so I have around 7-8 in P1 & P-H.
Am I missing an option in the Free-Play settings for Multi-Class? I tried to do a long race at Daytona, but wanted it set to Forza GT, P1, & Proto-H. I selected Max Drivers for the latter groups to 5 & 4. Yet, when I load the race up, it seems intent on evening out the classes so I have around 7-8 in P1 & P-H.
I've had exactly the same issue. I enjoy Free Play races with the DPIs and LMDH cars, but a while ago In addition to that class set at 18 (minimum, maximum) I wanted to add 3 classes with each 2 cars (set to a minimum and maximum of 2 max drivers) to add the 911 GT3 R, Audi R8 LMS and the C8.R. But then when I loaded it, each of the 4 classes had 6 cars in them.

Having said that, I've had some really nice long free play races recently with the 488 GTE and also with the DPIs on Daytona and other IMSA tracks. And watching the Daytona 24 last weekend makes me realise how much this game needs the Porsche 963 and other LMDH cars.
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Do you share feeling that it is difficult to make good screenshots in this game?
Not enough tools to make them, and, graphics aren't helping too...

What do you think about this two for example?

