Forza Motorsport Single-Player Mode Revealed: Car Leveling, Car Points, Online Saves, & More

  • Thread starter Famine
I think it’s sad that a Forza game will have a exclusive MX-5 Cup while the current Gran Turismo game doesn’t..

It seems overall that FM will have much more events than than GT7, a game with over 1 year of post-launch support.
That’s the kind of events I would like to have in GT7, a game that says is about celebrating car culture, events that go into specific eras, specific sorts of cars and not just World Touring Cars or Clubman Cups.
Sure there are also some events like „Silvia Sisters“ etc., but often it’s just about PP or Nationality or Year, and then you have a bunch of totally different cars in the Grid, which can be fun too, but that’s not what I understand under „celebrating car culture“.
Theres one thing that people dont mention and its a basic stuff and easy to understand...

GT7 you can have those cups, you can configure your own races with cars from your garage, you can tunne individual cars and paint them and you have a complete personalised field in the category you whant and need against A.I.
Or you can design your own lobby and make an online competition with your friends or strangers...

Its up to players to add content using the library of the game...

the kind of people that whant specific stuff dont realise that its impossible to have all kind of races thats why some games have tools like GT7 have so people fill those gaps...

Making a offline focused campaign and forgetting the rest its a good way to kill a game... and thats what happen in previous FM.

PD realised and evolved cause online and people that really like to race are the ones that compete, make private leagues and keep games alive i mean the community make game endure...

Gt also have VR which is a blast and the real next gen experience...

I will off course play FM at release but i think people dont realise that companys have to make models for their games so they last and keep people enganged.
Treating a game like this that its a sport meant to compete and focus on a single player campaign that people will complete and forget about it and jump to other single player experience its not a good business model nowdays.

Lets see how it will go theres a lot of offer in the market for people that really love to race and GT7 have a lot of private leagues in each country.., have a solid online official Rank system and competitions.
If FM achieve half of that its a sucess.
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GT7 you can have those cups, you can configure your own races with cars from your garage, you can tunne individual cars and paint them and you have a complete personalised field in the category you whant and need against A.I.
Or you can design your own lobby and make an online competition with your friends or strangers...

Its up to players to add content using the library of the game...

the kind of people that whant specific stuff dont realise that its impossible to have all kind of races thats why some games have tools like GT7 have so people fill those gaps...


I will off course play FM at realease but i think people dont realise that companys have to make models for their games so they last and keep people enganged.
Treating a game like this that its a sport meant to compete and focus on a single player campaign that people will complete and forget about it and jump to other single player experience its not a good business model nowdays.

Lets see how it will go theres a lot of offer in the market for people that really love to race a GT7 have a lot of private leagues in each country.., have a solid online official Rank system and competitions.
If FM achieve half of that its a sucess.

I don't disagree with the usefulness of custom races and I especially believe that as many racing games as possible should let you mess with the options and build your own racing events and whatnot... But not everyone is that creatively minded, or willing to spend the time to - quite literally - make their own fun. Custom races should complement what the base game already has to offer... not replace lackluster vanilla content. It really SHOULDN'T be a necessity for players to build their own events, that sort of thing should be optional.

As far as GT was concerned, GT7 not having Miata(/MX-5/Eunos Roadster)-specific events is egregious because that sort of thing has been there for a long...








...long time. So when something you've come to expect is suddenly missing for no particular reason, there is cause for concern.

I'm not going to pretend I know the exact specifics and I could be wrong, but I think making new racing events sounds a little less complicated than adding new cars or tracks. Licensing for cars and tracks is one thing... the actual racing events you play is another.
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So the degradation of marketing strategies caught me by surprise,
I can't remember a time where Forza, or most devs for that matter, didn't drip feed content like this. It's honestly felt like decade(s), at least for the games that I have followed. Can't recall a single one that would throw everything on the table way before the game comes out. This marketing strategy is quite literally nothing new. Before the digital age came around, they would do the same with magazines as well for games that were far down the pipeline.
That FM4 presentation is 20 minutes long and goes over several key features but there were still many features left to cover until release
Oh so they had a focus on certain aspects of the game and talked about it over the allotted time frame? How bizarre! I wonder if they announced before hand exactly what they were going to be talking about? 🤔

You said a whole lot to try to justify some of the very odd takes you have, but I don't think that's neither here nor there.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think their point was as much about responsibilities of being an adult, but more just that as adults we usually lose our child-like sense of wonder and become kinda jaded where fewer and fewer things amaze us.

I think that's a big part of why there are all these "racing games suck now!" complaints. Nothing can give people that sense of discovery and wonder that they had back when they fired up Gran Turismo 2 for the first time and saw cars they had never heard of before or got to race at tracks they had never seen or learned about what camber does.

By now, all of us have worked our way up from racing hatchbacks to LMP1s, we have all been world champions, we have all avenged the death of our fathers by beating the guy that wrecked him, we have all seen and got to drive so many obscure cars from Spada Codatroncas to Renault Espace F1s, we have driven rally monsters on the scariest roads in the world and raced technological marvels at the newest state of the art facilities... No amount of grinding XP bars, new currencies, annoying pep-talks from unconvincing voice actors pretending to be your personal engineer, or goofy straight-to-DVD-tier cliche stories are really going to bring that wonder and excitement back...

...Which leaves just the racing, so you would think people would care about it right? But it's often the last part many people talk about, instead arguing about which soundtrack was better, whether or not a car model is inaccurate, whether the trees are high quality enough, whether the menu for the career mode was pretty enough, whether it needs the newest Lamborghini, how the game gave them a Ferrari before they think they deserve it (even though they don't have to use it), or whatever.
I would agree with this sentiment, if I didn't know people my age who can easily put 100's, even 1000's of hours into 1 game, even racing games. My friend can easily slap 500 hours into every Horizon game, its impressive.

I actually agree with the last part - my least enjoyable part of a racing game, is doing the racing :lol: Especially if its GT7 because every race was cat and mouse and it was garbage.
The one thing it would have going for it now is event quantity.
iirc not all events were unlocked/playable from the start so i'm not sure where complaints of 'choice being taken away' even come from? esaki pretty much described builders cup as a mix of 3/4 with an rpg twist and that sounds right up my alley imo
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think their point was as much about responsibilities of being an adult, but more just that as adults we usually lose our child-like sense of wonder and become kinda jaded where fewer and fewer things amaze us.

I think that's a big part of why there are all these "racing games suck now!" complaints. Nothing can give people that sense of discovery and wonder that they had back when they fired up Gran Turismo 2 for the first time and saw cars they had never heard of before or got to race at tracks they had never seen or learned about what camber does.

By now, all of us have worked our way up from racing hatchbacks to LMP1s, we have all been world champions, we have all avenged the death of our fathers by beating the guy that wrecked him, we have all seen and got to drive so many obscure cars from Spada Codatroncas to Renault Espace F1s, we have driven rally monsters on the scariest roads in the world and raced technological marvels at the newest state of the art facilities... No amount of grinding XP bars, new currencies, annoying pep-talks from unconvincing voice actors pretending to be your personal engineer, or goofy straight-to-DVD-tier cliche stories are really going to bring that wonder and excitement back...

...Which leaves just the racing, so you would think people would care about it right? But it's often the last part many people talk about, instead arguing about which soundtrack was better, whether or not a car model is inaccurate, whether the trees are high quality enough, whether the menu for the career mode was pretty enough, whether it needs the newest Lamborghini, how the game gave them a Ferrari before they think they deserve it (even though they don't have to use it), or whatever.

I was about to say "Yep that's the point I was trying to make" just from the first sentence. Then I read the rest of this post. If I can get personal for five seconds: holy pits this is VERY real to me, and pretty much the reason why I make a point to enjoy the racing for what it is, faults and all whenever there's any. This stuff is still fun to me, damn it. It still matters.

Anyway, genuinely good response. Thank you.
iirc not all events were unlocked/playable from the start so i'm not sure where complaints of 'choice being taken away' even come from? esaki pretty much described builders cup as a mix of 3/4 with an rpg twist and that sounds right up my alley imo
Same here, I love the sound of it. I just meant in terms of what Forza Motorsport 4s career mode would offer, the only thing is quantity. The new game sounds much more my cup of tea.
Hot take: Forza Motorsport 4 career mode has aged poorly.
And why would that be?

Is this the Forza version of "Just give me Gran Turismo 4 again just with modern cars?"

Y'all know this was never, ever, going to happen, right?
Well no, I'm well aware that PD are more interested in exploiting their fanbase than actually delivering a well designed title.

Not sure what that has to do with Turn 10 though.
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You’d think vehicle customisation would be in that list.

I’m sure the game will have a livery editor but there’s been zero mention of one so far.
After all this time you would think they would change something or be excited to explain some of the differences of an updated livery editor but nothing…. That’s one of the features that got me into FM… the ability to customize your car was the best…. Seems like they don’t even care about to much… GT7 livery editor is better than FM in my opinion… I figured they would make the editor a lot better but after seeing we still have to keep the stock exhaust after upgrading it… all my hopes went down….
I'd argue, in this instance, that the first pair of pictures, one is carefully selected/curated picture from the team, potentially with additional effects or adjustments in post, likely using the in-game photo mode tools, to achieve a certain look. The second picture looks like someone just lazily took a quick in-game screenshot. The second pair and beyond that, yes, there are certain minor graphical details that would be expected with more modern hardware. In either of these shots, the games look alright, but not on a level of GT7. Looks more like the PC sims. GT7s lighting/reflections/color/paint etc are just.. crazy how good it looks. Typically genre leading and often a technical showpiece for games in general. Always has been. Having said all that, I personally don't need the game to look like the best thing ever, but when they've been brewing this latest release for many many years now, I'd expected something a bit more than average.
I don't disagree with the usefulness of custom races and I especially believe that as many racing games as possible should let you mess with the options and build your own racing events and whatnot... But not everyone is that creatively minded, or willing to spend the time to - quite literally - make their own fun. Custom races should complement what the base game already has to offer... not replace lackluster vanilla content. It really SHOULDN'T be a necessity for players to build their own events, that sort of thing should be optional.

As far as GT was concerned, GT7 not having Miata(/MX-5/Eunos Roadster)-specific events is egregious because that sort of thing has been there for a long...








...long time. So when something you've come to expect is suddenly missing for no particular reason, there is cause for concern.

I'm not going to pretend I know the exact specifics and I could be wrong, but I think making new racing events sounds a little less complicated than adding new cars or tracks. Licensing for cars and tracks is one thing... the actual racing events you play is another.
Trying to be optimistic about GT7s Events & Custom Race mode, I'd like to think they are putting a bit more effort into it than we are expecting perhaps, not unlike the car sale stuff.

Apparently a large segment of people wanted to be able to sell cars. Just push a button on the screen and get some credits. Polyphony said the feature would happen. After many months of people complaining that, omg.. its just a button, why is it taking so long, we learn that they at least put some effort into the feature and added a new interface for it and a sort've market system etc etc. So more than just a single button.

I'd like to think they are doing the same with Events/Custom Races or perhaps other details. They thought, we can just keep spending all this time creating events and someone will probably still cry about how they don't have like.. a Toyota Tundra World Championship or some bs. So maybe instead of making a million events, we should put that time/budget into a really robust Custom Race mode where people can create whatever freak shows they want. Hopefully they are working on an update for it, seeing what people are asking for, and then thinking.. Okay, but what can we do on top of that? What cool way can this be done? What elements are the players not thinking about that we can add?

The real issue with Polyphony: Lack of communication. If they aren't working on it than they should say so and then I don't have to get my hopes up. If they are, then they should let us know or maybe give an update on the progress every couple months. Am I going to have a hissy fit and cry about it on the forums if they don't do what I want? Not really. I'll write a post saying I'm disappointed and move on with my life. Maybe the next game will have it. Whatever.

A man can dream.

Edit: Sorry, to keep this point somewhat on topic, I'd say Forza has always had a pretty standard set of events. I'm probably the wrong person to talk about it because I didn't particularly care for it. I want to race the types of cars I want to race. I don't really want to be railroaded through a series of events from slow to fast. I don't care about GT3 cars or Le Mans prototypes etc.
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I'd argue, in this instance, that the first pair of pictures, one is carefully selected/curated picture from the team, potentially with additional effects or adjustments in post, likely using the in-game photo mode tools, to achieve a certain look. The second picture looks like someone just lazily took a quick in-game screenshot.
I wouldn't call @turk1993 a lazy photographer and I'm not sure what you could do to the FM7 shot to make it look more like FM2023's. The trailer may be heavily bullshotted but it's pretty much all we have to go on until further gameplay footage is released/revealed.
GT7s lighting is just.. crazy how good it looks. Having said all that, I personally don't need the game to look like the best thing ever, but when they've been brewing this latest release for many many years now, I'd expected something a bit more than average.
It'd be nice if all games could match GT7's lighting and shaders fidelity but the post I was replying to suggested to me that they thought there was next to no advancement at all.
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Theres one thing that people dont mention and its a basic stuff and easy to understand...

GT7 you can have those cups, you can configure your own races with cars from your garage, you can tunne individual cars and paint them and you have a complete personalised field in the category you whant and need against A.I.
Or you can design your own lobby and make an online competition with your friends or strangers...

Its up to players to add content using the library of the game...

the kind of people that whant specific stuff dont realise that its impossible to have all kind of races thats why some games have tools like GT7 have so people fill those gaps...

Making a offline focused campaign and forgetting the rest its a good way to kill a game... and thats what happen in previous FM.

PD realised and evolved cause online and people that really like to race are the ones that compete, make private leagues and keep games alive i mean the community make game endure...

Gt also have VR which is a blast and the real next gen experience...

I will off course play FM at release but i think people dont realise that companys have to make models for their games so they last and keep people enganged.
Treating a game like this that its a sport meant to compete and focus on a single player campaign that people will complete and forget about it and jump to other single player experience its not a good business model nowdays.

Lets see how it will go theres a lot of offer in the market for people that really love to race and GT7 have a lot of private leagues in each country.., have a solid online official Rank system and competitions.
If FM achieve half of that its a sucess.
Sorry but no, i don’t think so, I can’t do all this stuff. First it lacks the feeling of a challenge someone else (the game) created, then it lacks the feeling of progression (trough a campaign or money that I earn and I could buy stuff with), third it costs me a lot of credits to get to a point where I can put some Ferrari 250 GTOs against Shelby Daytonas or other combinations. To earn that money, I have to grind a lot, which again isn’t that fun because there’s interesting and fun events missing with which I could do that, that’s kind of a catch 22 situation. And at last the AI and payouts are not giving me the same feel and reward in custom races than with developer created events.
I know we all need to do the best out of what we have, and I try to do that myself, but objectively the single player content is just that, lacking, that is undeniable for me.
Comparing to GT Sport, we have, with a more diverse car roster in GT7, a much less diverse table of events, and that is not really understandable for me.
So far if I watch the last gameplay sequence I'm not impressed, the pictures you choose aren't representatives of the games.

What I mean is this Forza is specific to next generation consoles, FM7 was for Xbox One (old gen), and between the two games, well yeah it's a bit better, but come on, even F1 2023 is making a biggest graphic improvement in one year with a 2022 games than this Forza for 5 years ?

The gameplay sequence was okay but I'm less impress than the first time at maple valley
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If Forza doesn’t have a option for Custom race… I will be seriously disappointed… I know many of you love the single player experience… that’s cool and respectable… For me to make my own custom races grid with my own cars and liveries in GT7 is simply amazing… other than racing in leagues this is one of the best options anyone can have in a racing game in my opinion. GT7 custom race setting are not perfect and is missing some important things but still to make your own grid is just so much fun! You also add Forza has 24 car grid!!! Things could get real spicy! I am praying we can create our own grids using our own cars…. The only problem I see with that is the grinding your going to have to do to get the proper upgrades for each car… that’s gonna be work!!
You’d think vehicle customisation would be in that list.

I’m sure the game will have a livery editor but there’s been zero mention of one so far.
Well I'm guessing it's in, as they mentioned the drivatars will pull in friends cars and their liveries, but I'm with you - you'd think it would get a mention regardless. It's a brill system. It possibly has seen the least changes, due to the very short development window lol...

Well I'm guessing it's in, as they mentioned the drivatars will pull in friends cars and their liveries, but I'm with you - you'd think it would get a mention regardless. It's a brill system. It possibly has seen the least changes, due to the very short development window lol...

I seriously don’t think the livery editor got any better… with that long delay I figured they would of amped up the editor… again after not seeing the exhaust physically change when picking a sports or race exhaust… I wouldn’t be shocked if we get the same editor we had in previous FM… I’m praying we can paint the calipers and don’t have to have red calipers on all our upgraded cars with brakes. 🤞
I seriously don’t think the livery editor got any better… with that long delay I figured they would of amped up the editor… again after not seeing the exhaust physically change when picking a sports or race exhaust… I wouldn’t be shocked if we get the same editor we had in previous FM… I’m praying we can paint the calipers and don’t have to have red calipers on all our upgraded cars with brakes. 🤞

Painting brake calipers and different parts of your rims is already possible in FH5, don't see why that wouldn't return in FM8. All I want for the livery editor is .SVG file upload or something similar... so I can go back to my bygone era of actually using Photoshop to make a car livery. (Oh, NR2003, how I miss you sometimes.)
I wouldn't call @turk1993 a lazy photographer and I'm not sure what you could do to the FM7 shot to make it look more like FM2023's. The trailer may be heavily bullshotted but it's pretty much all we have to go on until further gameplay footage is released/revealed.

It'd be nice if all games could match GT7's lighting and shaders fidelity but the post I was replying to suggested to me that they thought there was next to no advancement at all.
Well I meant no offense to this @turk1993 fellow. If that shot is a "good" Forza 7 shot, then damn that looks pretty bland lol Which is exactly how I feel about most of the Forza games. With the cars at least, they've all had this flat, plastic-y toy, video game 3D car asset look to me. Which, side note, the cars in Hot Wheels Unleashed look incredible lol They look like photo realistic little Hot Wheels cars.

For the picture, I meant more so that the shot doesn't try to replicate the type of cars racing, a number of vehicles on screen, and the time of day (sunset) so it seemed like it was low effort. That being said, I have no memory if FM7 has day/night on Laguna Seca. And I don't know if this shot was even intended to replicate the picture.

I haven't played the latest Horizon-whatever number since it came out but I remember it looking pretty good. So why isn't that tech and talent being shared with their fellow Forza studio 🤷‍♂️
Painting brake calipers and different parts of your rims is already possible in FH5, don't see why that wouldn't return in FM8. All I want for the livery editor is .SVG file upload or something similar... so I can go back to my bygone era of actually using Photoshop to make a car livery. (Oh, NR2003, how I miss you sometimes.)
Ok that’s great to hear because it’s been a while since we could paint our calipers in a FM game!
Well I meant no offense to this @turk1993 fellow. If that shot is a "good" Forza 7 shot, then damn that looks pretty bland lol Which is exactly how I feel about most of the Forza games. With the cars at least, they've all had this flat, plastic-y toy, video game 3D car asset look to me. Which, side note, the cars in Hot Wheels Unleashed look incredible lol They look like photo realistic little Hot Wheels cars.

For the picture, I meant more so that the shot doesn't try to replicate the type of cars racing, a number of vehicles on screen, and the time of day (sunset) so it seemed like it was low effort. That being said, I have no memory if FM7 has day/night on Laguna Seca. And I don't know if this shot was even intended to replicate the picture.

I haven't played the latest Horizon-whatever number since it came out but I remember it looking pretty good. So why isn't that tech and talent being shared with their fellow Forza studio 🤷‍♂️
Those are all from the pc version maxed out, and thats the closest tod you can have in FM7 that matches those FM2023 shots. But even compared to GT7 in photomode where it gets heavily enhanced those FM2023 promo shots look better in every way. The only problem is we don't know yet if those are actually gameplay quality renders (maxed out pc version) or if they are specially enhanced marketing shots. Its also possible that they are gonna improve it even more compared to those promo shots, everything is possible.





So far if I watch the last gameplay sequence I'm not impressed, the pictures you choose aren't representatives of the games.

What I mean is this Forza is specific to next generation consoles, FM7 was for Xbox One (old gen), and between the two games, well yeah it's a bit better, but come on, even F1 2023 is making a biggest graphic improvement in one year with a 2022 games than this Forza for 5 years ?

The gameplay sequence was okay but I'm less impress than the first time at maple valley
The latest footage looked unimpressive because of 3 things.
  • All the previous footage before this was all from the pc maxed out version which will look significantly better
  • The track itself is in Africa so the track itself is visually not that appealing compared to other tracks like Maple Valley
  • Its not final build and it was missing lots of effects and had some iq issues which hopefully for console players it will get fixed till launch



Well I meant no offense to this @turk1993 fellow. If that shot is a "good" Forza 7 shot, then damn that looks pretty bland lol Which is exactly how I feel about most of the Forza games. With the cars at least, they've all had this flat, plastic-y toy, video game 3D car asset look to me. Which, side note, the cars in Hot Wheels Unleashed look incredible lol They look like photo realistic little Hot Wheels cars.

For the picture, I meant more so that the shot doesn't try to replicate the type of cars racing, a number of vehicles on screen, and the time of day (sunset) so it seemed like it was low effort. That being said, I have no memory if FM7 has day/night on Laguna Seca. And I don't know if this shot was even intended to replicate the picture.

I haven't played the latest Horizon-whatever number since it came out but I remember it looking pretty good. So why isn't that tech and talent being shared with their fellow Forza studio 🤷‍♂️
It's not that its a bad photo, or a good one, it's dialing back the photomode settings in order to get the most 1:1 representation you can get, making sure to not blow out the photo with the settings chosen. Anything in game will look better, even more so, what you can actually produce with the photomode will always look better as well if you have the artistic flare. You're just a few clicks away from the other Forza photomode forums, and that will easily show you what a good Forza shot could look like. Even from @turk1993 himself.
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When I was looking at the shots in comparison I was looking more at the environment and trackside detail instead of zeroing in on the car models.

If the new FM shots are in any way representative of the final game then the developers haven't been sitting on their hands since FM7.
That's true to some degree, but they're taking away specifically what made Forza Motorsport 4 the highlight of the series as regarded by many. Choice.

You now have at least 2 currencies, one for buying cars, another for buying parts. Parts that unlock in a specific order as you level up your car (the same order for every car), meaning you'll tune cars in a specific order as you need to make your car faster progressing through each tour. And you unlock each event after completing the previous one, so no going your own way there either.

It's massively dumbed down IMO. I have no interest in this right now.

IMO (and granted it won't be everyones), if you can't come up with something better than Forza Motorsport 4, replicate Forza Motorsport 4. If you can come up with something better, do that. Don't do crap for the sake of it.
It is most likely that Turn 10 can’t legally get away with making a better game. Publicly traded companies and projects funded by publicly traded companies are not working for the customer. They are working for the shareholders. They are beholden to the shareholders. The first question on the non game playing shareholders mind is what are you doing to monetize this game? It sucks but it is what it is.

Both games are owned by the console manufacturers. PD used to have major autonomy. I don’t know how far that goes today… ultimately they answer to the man and it seems like countless things in GT7 are ruined so PD can have a better chance of getting cash from people buying credits.

Let me go pick from one of 4 races to grind from… makes a lot of sense!
Those are all from the pc version maxed out, and thats the closest tod you can have in FM7 that matches those FM2023 shots. But even compared to GT7 in photomode where it gets heavily enhanced those FM2023 promo shots look better in every way. The only problem is we don't know yet if those are actually gameplay quality renders (maxed out pc version) or if they are specially enhanced marketing shots. Its also possible that they are gonna improve it even more compared to those promo shots, everything is possible.





The latest footage looked unimpressive because of 3 things.
  • All the previous footage before this was all from the pc maxed out version which will look significantly better
  • The track itself is in Africa so the track itself is visually not that appealing compared to other tracks like Maple Valley
  • Its not final build and it was missing lots of effects and had some iq issues which hopefully for console players it will get fixed till launch



Game will not look like these bullshots or cinemantics even on PC. It is like GT7 scapes.
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Car models will still be behind gran turismo, specially when we talk about older models what forza has been keep recycling for years, they have not put time and rescanning them like pd has and it shows really much in many models, tracks and enviroments forza has the upper hand, but with dont know if pd hold some of that back to be able to handle vr, tracks still looks great for the most part through, just not quite as detailed as forza motorsport
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For single play mode , I would say one key stone is the freedeem to play and dive : you may like to play with different brand cars , every car you may like to adjust the elements&parameters, Just tweak here and there. So are the tracks, different conditions like weather systems, wet/dry/rain/snow. Sunny or windy etc.

As I know , ACC is a good example on single player.


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